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Pages : [1] 2

  1. [FILLED] Site Casino ?
  2. ioBanana - Announces & Features (up to v20)
  3. [Fixed] !free not working
  4. ioBanana - Support (up to v20)
  5. [Fixed] debug and racestats
  6. [Fixed] ioBanana using eggdrop on linux ?
  7. [Request] Users Top of all servers on irc
  8. Any one can help me with a little tcl prob
  9. [Fixed] Weird irc announces
  10. [Fixed] eggdrop ftp connection problems
  11. ioBanana news
  12. ioBanana - Fixes (up to v20)
  13. [Fixed] !BNC issue
  14. [Fixed] vfs issues
  15. [Fixed] wrong paths in ioBanana.ini
  16. problem with IoBanana v18
  17. [FILLED] pretime announce
  18. [Fixed] dzsbot-mod.tcl question !
  19. [Fixed] !sitebotfree section
  20. [Fixed] ioBanana v18c error
  21. [Fixed] Group Info
  22. [Fixed] How to disable the sorted symlinks ?
  23. [Fixed] Login timeout
  24. [Fixed] files being deleted
  25. Login problems
  26. How to have NTFS Junctions instead of symlinks ?
  27. Weird error messages in the partyline
  28. stransfer prob
  29. ioBanana + precheck probs
  30. iobanana 18D sitebot probs
  31. [Fixed] the sitebot can't login
  32. [Fixed] ioBanana ranks system not working over time!
  33. Readd script
  34. [Fixed] installation problems
  35. [Fixed] windrop dies on !imdb
  36. Login problem when there are many dirs in root
  37. The sitebot can't connect
  38. ioBanana error on !trials & !passed
  39. ioSymlinksUpdater
  40. !sitebw/!siteleechers and more stopped working!
  41. !sitefree all Problems on private Paths and raiding dirs
  42. [Fixed] !speed irc announce not working correctly
  43. [Fixed] NO incomplete dir in the parent dir
  44. [Fixed] font problem
  45. [Fixed] Howto use ioBanana message files ?
  46. daystats uploaders and downloaders
  47. iobanana and network hdd's
  48. [Fixed] the spider is spamming my eggy and ioFTPD logs...
  49. mp3SortDb problem
  50. [REQ] NTFS junctions with mp3SortDb ?
  51. The sitebot isn't connected to the site
  52. [Fixed] ioBMonitor: missing dlls
  53. Using ioBanana SITE NEW and ioZS as a zipscript
  54. [Fixed] ioBMonitor doesn't display anything
  55. [Fixed] Tcl scripts conflict
  56. [Fixed] sorted mp3 symlinks problem
  57. [Fixed] SITE NEW ?
  58. When I do !rules it sends on dcc how can i change?
  59. [FILLED] VBR support
  60. ioB19 SiteBot Login Error
  61. [Fixed] using ioA 1.0.0+ with ioBanana
  62. [Fixed] !bw not working
  63. [Fixed] files suddenly get .bad
  64. [FILLED] per section announce types
  65. [Fixed] cant get irc !commands to work !
  66. [Fixed] using colors in the announce skin
  67. ioTrial + ioBanana v19
  68. Ioftpd crashing. 5.5.6r
  69. [Fixed] the sitebot won't start
  70. [Fixed] installation problem
  71. [Fixed] ioB zs bug on APPE
  72. [Fixed] ioA request tag and other weird questions
  73. One thing sry
  74. Post your ioBanana skins !
  75. [Fixed] !commands sometimes not working
  76. [Fixed] !bw not working
  77. ioB - no command working
  78. ioBanana Eggdrop Help..
  79. ioVOTE
  80. [Fixed] pb with !getnfo
  81. [Fixed] nfo announces
  82. [REQ] customizable dir permissions for complete/incomplete dirs
  83. [Fixed] ioBanana not working
  84. ioBanana Sorting MP3/Movies Question.
  85. problem with !statsup
  86. how to change !speed output ?
  87. ioBanana v20 preview
  88. eggdrop announcing problem
  89. iobanana colortable ?
  90. [Fixed] ioBanana SITE CLOSE
  91. !getnfo doesn't work :(
  92. [FILLED] Some Announce in another channel
  93. announce pretime
  94. Any ETA for ioBanana v20 ?
  95. [Fixed] !commands not working
  96. Unexplained crash
  97. [Fixed] "strip_dirs" doesn't work
  98. [Fixed] ioB v19 with 5.8.4
  99. announce over multiple channels
  100. [Fixed] nuke does not work correctly.. ;o(
  101. [Fixed] Is there "restart" command that works with latest ioFTPD ?
  102. [Partially fixed] Remote sitebot problems
  103. [Fixed] site request (ioA) announce problem
  104. [Fixed] weird sfv situation
  105. [Fixed] rank / statsup commands and a ... slight exaggeration
  106. [Fixed] pretimecheck on new release
  107. [Fixed] Quota is not resetted when new month start
  108. [Fixed] Announces problems ...
  109. [Req] ioBanana Blowfish support
  110. [Fixed] Race symlinks not working
  111. [Fixed] Is it possible to announce the nfo only once ?
  112. [Fixed] The sitebot isn't connected
  113. [Fixed] !request announce problem
  114. [Fixed] ioShareDb or ioTrial ?
  115. [Fixed] Newdate announce via ioB 2 hours too late
  116. [Fixed] How do I change the welcome notice ?
  117. [Fixed] How to configure the max available space for !free all
  118. Can I use ioBanana when logs are disabled ?
  119. [Fixed] banned dir on STOR
  120. [Fixed] problem with !trial function of ioBanana v19
  121. [Fixed] !imdb problem
  122. url announce bug
  123. [Fixed] problems with !trials
  124. [Fixed] does ioB announce logins/logouts ?
  125. [Fixed] full path announce on !who
  126. [Fixed] weird irc announces for wipe when ioA.cfg hasn't been edited
  127. [Fixed] some questions about the client cache and the debug mode
  128. [Fixed] dir cache not refreshing sometimes using fat32
  129. [Fixed] can't resolve www.imdb.com ?
  130. [Fixed] imdb.com changes again, update needed
  131. ioBanana v20rc1
  132. [Fixed] ioA.cfg cookies and irc announces
  133. [Fixed] login problem with ioBanana
  134. [Fixed] !sitebotfree problems
  135. [Fixed] troubles with the http package (sitebot)
  136. [Fixed] ioBanana v20rc1 config help
  137. [Fixed] zscheckzip 1/2: error opening file ''
  138. [Fixed] !speed and !bw not working
  139. [Fixed] Crash on .nfo upload
  140. [Fixed] pretimes problem
  141. [Fixed] incomplete symlinks left behind after upload complete
  142. Requested features
  143. on_release_complete unzip
  144. [Fixed] ioBanana and !free space cmd
  145. [Fixed] lag announce with ioBananav20rc1
  146. [Fixed] strange thing happened with sitebot
  147. [Old] Vampire bold skin v6
  148. [Debug] ioBananaCrash*.dmp ?
  149. [Fixed] fat32 drives are no longer supported
  150. [Fixed] Race stats aren't written to .ioFTPD.message
  151. [Fixed] Error on eggdrop partyline! help
  152. [Fixed] imdb 5 error
  153. ioBanana is timebombed!
  154. [Fixed] upgrading from v20rc1 to rc2
  155. Installation Help
  156. [Fixed] "Another day is ended" announce 1 hour late
  157. [Fixed] latest and race symlinks do not support spaces (they do in v20+)
  158. [Fixed] no reply on !speed/!bw
  159. [Fixed] message files, skins and announces
  160. [Fixed] ioBanana.exe eats 100% cpu time
  161. [Fixed] ioBanana v20 rc2 and fat32
  162. [Fixed] problems with DICE command
  163. What's the average delay to get a reply on !bw ?
  164. [Fixed] 226-Failed... Can't resolve host for german.imdb.com.
  165. [Fixed] howto add binds to ioBanana.tcl
  166. [Fixed] the bot can't find stderr
  167. [Fixed] started all over but big problem
  168. [Fixed] ioB v20rc3, ioA and announcing PRE
  169. [Fixed] Scheduler event 'Day_Stats' returned error
  170. [Fixed] RC2 ->RC3 upgrade question
  171. Invite problem with rc3
  172. [Req] %username cookie for zipscript.msg
  173. [Fixed] early timebomb
  174. [Fixed] weird irc announces on halfway/complete
  175. [Fixed] wrong section in PRE announces
  176. [Req] SFV lock
  177. [Fixed] stransfer + spider/iosortmp3db
  178. [Filled] sorted by group
  179. [Question] 0 byte files
  180. [Fixed] Shared user account, users are unable to download
  181. [Fixed] Blowfish isn't working properly in v20pre1
  182. [Fixed] Sitebot Crashed ...
  183. [Fixed] how to disable an irc !command
  184. [Fixed] ban problem
  185. [Fixed] how to use ioShareDb ?
  186. ioBanana.tcl: timeout of control connection
  187. [Fixed] Problem with Vampire.skin
  188. Problem with incomplete symlinks ...
  189. [Filled] ioBanana X sections
  190. [Filled] free space and speedlimits
  191. [Fixed] free.msg ?
  192. [Fixed] problem when creating directories
  193. [Fixed] ftp open
  194. [Filled] extra feature for ioB if possible...
  195. [Fixed] .nfo problem + incomplete dirs
  196. [Fixed] how to change output of !who
  197. how to announce logovote in adminchan only?
  198. No announces at all
  199. [Fixed] speedlimiter during races
  200. Bug reports as i see them
  201. [Fixed] curl.exe ?
  202. [Fixed] !free error (v20pre4)
  203. [Fixed] No IMDB OutPut in IRC
  204. [Fixed] latest symlinks aint working
  205. Prob with site new
  206. Problems with !free
  207. [Fixed] ioBananav20pre6 x Sections
  208. [Fixed] Nuke output
  209. [Fixed] No announce when using 0day releases
  210. ioBanana Templates?
  211. IoFTPD.ioBanana.v20.pre7-GORE
  212. [Fixed] readme.txt -> ioBanana.html
  213. [Fixed] pre7 not announcing anymore
  214. [Fixed] plot in imdb.nfo
  215. [Fixed] !quota, symlinks and colors in ioBananav20pre7
  216. [Fixed] Custom irc commands
  217. !imdb and !google not working here
  218. [Fixed] Problems installing ioBanana
  219. [Fixed] Read the comments in ioBanana.tcl
  220. [Fixed] SITE NEW and RMD
  221. [Fixed] Some problems with the new features
  222. [Fixed] how can I exclude dirs from announces ?
  223. [Not fixed] the sitebot can't connect to the site
  224. [Fixed] ioBanana login timeout
  225. [Old] problems configuring ioBanana
  226. ioBv20 shows WIPE activity also 4 hidden dirs.
  227. mp3sortdb.exe + no id3tag files.
  228. [Fixed] Weird paths in announces
  229. [Prob] I got a problem with ioBanana v20
  230. ioBANANA zipscript.. bug??
  231. !bw
  232. SFV File Problem
  233. [Fixed] No !bw with v19
  234. CRC/Rescan problem
  235. [Fixed] Using brackets in *.skin files
  236. !BNC - ioBanana v20
  237. 2 problems (search & request)
  238. [Fixed] halfway & complete errors
  239. !bnc problem
  240. [Fixed] ioBanana spider
  241. [Fixed] Auto-nuke error
  242. MP3 Sorting
  243. halfway/complete announce ???
  244. [Fixed] Missing ioBanana.ini settings
  245. [Fixed] Symlinks not removed after delete ?
  246. [Fixed] msg !invite
  247. ioBanana v19 cant find quota ppl
  248. [Fixed] exclude dirs from making .bad files ?
  249. [Fixed] ioBanana v20 not posting race results
  250. latest in wrong folder
  251. iobanana and mysql
  252. [Fixed] Pretimes DB format
  253. [Fixed] sysop pm...
  254. ioBanana_err.txt
  255. site new stopped being up2date
  256. [Fixed] ioBanana v20 zipscript prob
  257. iobanana.exe
  258. [Fixed] Pre announces in separate chans ?
  259. resolveNameToUid / resolveNameToGid
  260. [Fixed] Not connected!
  261. [Request] stand alone !trial/!quota
  262. [Fixed] IRC Commands
  263. Freespace
  264. [Fixed] tclhash.c/688
  265. Trial/quota sections.
  266. [Fixed] site uptime problem
  267. [Old] no current_dirs.log ?
  268. incomplete dirs - zipscript issue?
  269. [Request] rescan new option idea
  270. Dupe Engine
  271. Windrop Help :s
  272. [Fixed] Grou
  273. [Partially fixed] ioAUTONUKE.itcl
  274. [Fixed] on_release_complete
  275. ioBanana some errors
  276. [Fixed] 226-Zip: File is Bad!
  277. [Fixed] ioBanana login error!
  278. No IMBD OutPut
  279. [Fixed] pretime, type ?
  280. [Fixed] sfv check problem help a banana n00b :)
  281. [Fixed] Low diskspace warning?
  282. [Fixed] Problem with !bw !who !bnc (iobanana) and SSL
  283. [Filled] site nuke from site chan
  284. no roulette mit version 20
  285. [Fixed] upload .jpg
  286. [REQUEST] irc traffic cmd
  287. [Fixed] HideRun.exe - Where to find it?
  288. Announcement problem????
  289. ioBananav20 - Some questions
  290. Complete but not complete...
  291. approved doesnt create Approved by ... dir
  292. [Fixed] Problem connecting FTP
  293. [Fixed] problem with .missing files
  294. [Fixed] !who problems
  295. Spider problem.
  296. [Fixed] redirecting invite msg to admin_chan
  297. [Old][Fixed] Colors for different sections
  298. [Fixed] SFV overwriting
  299. [Fixed] Nukes not announced on chan
  300. pretimes fails
  301. site cid info <nr> crashes site
  302. Problem with weekstats
  303. [Fixed] %tagline cookie
  304. [Fixed] wipe announce looks wired
  305. weird announces
  306. [Fixed] windrop can't read ioFTPD.log
  307. [Fixed] how can i disable trial and quota ?
  308. [Fixed] Exceed Max Download
  309. [Fixed] free space
  310. Windrop crashing on blowfish cmds
  311. [Filled] case insensitive dupechecker
  312. sitebot Erros...
  313. iobanana 20 problem
  314. INCOMPLETE dir problem...
  315. INCOMPLETE dir problem....
  316. [Fixed] ioBv20 IMDB error
  317. [Fixed] zipscript.msg
  318. [Request] IRC requests
  319. [Fixed] problem on config
  320. [Filled] add cookie and mod skin
  321. [Fixed] Some Section, DiR, Login Problems
  322. [Fixed] bot announces REQUESTSC:REQUESTS//REQUESTSX
  323. About pretimes checking....
  324. [Wont] Very Newbie Question!
  325. [Fixed] !free all problems
  326. skipping problem
  327. prob login in to ftp
  328. [Fixed] announce spam at complete announce
  329. .skin help :)
  330. [Filled] Limit nr. of racers and grps in BOT ANNOUNCE
  331. [Fixed] Another problem with !free and !bnc
  332. [Fixed] Site new/ircbot reports physical path Not virtual ftp path?
  333. [Fixed] Race
  334. [Request] SSL !bnc check
  335. No IMDB info with uloaded movies
  336. Top 10 uploaders +v
  337. iobanana: 100% Cpu load on when uploading .zip
  338. [Fixed] Problem with !google
  339. [Fixed] Unable to download ioBananav20.zip
  340. denypost with custom .vfs
  341. [Wont] ioBanana 20 turn off the transfer logging and still have a working sitebot?
  342. Dont Want Announce Cd1, Cd2
  343. Assistance with the (modded) IRC !req command
  344. [Fixed] Site Undupe on a SQL DB
  345. [Fixed] !statsdn / statsup Problem
  346. on_release_complete
  347. [Fixed] ioAUTONUKE.itcl ErrrorInfo Question
  348. [Fixed] display in channel problems with repeating
  349. [Fixed] resolvePath 2: error opening file
  350. problems with !who & !bw
  351. Skins
  352. !bnc not working
  353. .files.bad
  354. [External] !credits
  355. [Fixed] is this setting for autonuke valid please?
  356. [Fixed] 2 Questions for ioBanana bot (log + msgfile)
  357. ioAUTONUKE and external drives
  358. [Fixed] where to customize 'info' dir
  359. [Closed] Does iobanana support relative paths in its .ini file?
  360. [Fixed] statsup & statsdn problem
  361. Files get lost on 'race' with 3 or more ppl
  362. [Fixed] ioBanana v19 and site who
  363. [Fixed] get rid of section folder in announce
  364. [Fixed] ioBanana v19 locks on nfo
  365. [Fixed] exclude folder from quota
  366. !BNC always says "DOWN"
  367. Symlinks updater error
  368. [Not fixed] ioB site dupe problem
  369. [Not Fixed] ioBanana v20 and halfway
  370. [Unconfirmed] ioBanana's sitenew doesn't work with win2003
  371. [Not Fixed] the sitebot's connection is refused
  372. [Fixed] ioB v20 + ioA.2.0.5
  373. [Fixed] windrop can't read ioFTPD.log (duplicate)
  374. [Fixed] daystats to include top downloaders
  375. [Not fixed] the sitebot is often disconnected
  376. iobanana wierd debug error
  377. [Fixed] ioBanana v20 download?
  378. [Request] site stransfer and !free for multiple sites
  379. [Fixed] reset the user stats for !quota
  380. [Unconfirmed] quota doesn't work
  381. iobV2 + rules
  382. windrop can't find a file thats there... anyone know whats wrong?
  383. [Fixed] ioB2, imdb announces and curl.exe
  384. [Latest] symlink does not work.
  385. [Fixed] ioB2 colours error
  386. [Investigating] ioB2 quota system
  387. [Fixed] ioB2 !approve command
  388. ioB2's sitebot tcl error msg
  389. [Fixed] ioB2 doesn't parse the NUKE reason
  390. [Investigating] .missing files not deleted on rescan
  391. Bug report - How to fix nuke of approved releases
  392. [Fixed] ioADDLEECH and leech slots
  393. [Request] a few suggestions for ioB2
  394. [Investigated] ioB2 errors on rescan
  395. [Fixed] broadcasted messages error
  396. [Fixed] MP3 autonuke error
  397. [Fixed] Approve doesn't work on autonuke
  398. [Fixed] Director imdb info
  399. ioB2 - FAQ
  400. Posting guidelines
  401. ioB2 - Fixes
  402. ioB2 - Changelog
  403. [Investigated] MKD problems
  404. [Fixed] !nuke and !request aren't working
  405. [Fixed] ioBanana v20 and msg !invite
  406. [Old] ioBananav20.zip for regged users
  407. [Investigated] Slow bot response on bw commands
  408. [Fixed] bad zip check
  409. [Investigated] VBR mp3s
  410. [Fixed] SITE RULES, SHOWBANANA, etc.
  411. [Investigated] ioautonuke configuration mistakes
  412. [REQ] Add !banned group
  413. [REQ]Users not able to download Status TAGS
  414. [Old] ioBanana v20 on STOR
  415. [GENERAL] Need to understand the way NEWDIR: works
  416. [Investigated] no announce at all
  417. [Investigated] file dupechecking ?
  418. [External] !inc problem
  419. [Fixed] !request, !requests and rules
  420. [Fixed] First tests and some (many) bugs in ioB2
  422. [Investigated] dvdrs keeps getting nuked
  423. [Investigated] the anuke feature
  424. !quota problem at irc
  425. [Investigated] configuration of !affils
  426. ioB2 requests/bugs/todo list
  427. [Investigated] warchive announces / autonuke / enhancements discussions
  428. [Old] ioBanana v20, windrop and ftp connection
  429. Quick questions
  430. [Fixed] who and swho
  431. [Investigated] Quota resets twice
  432. [Investigated] ioFTPD 5.8.6r and ioB2
  433. [Old] ioBanana v20's spider not working
  434. Does it matter? c:\ioftpd\scripts or .. \scripts
  435. unexplainable bot error
  436. [Old][Fixed] another bot error
  437. Spider - removing valid symlinks?
  438. [Fixed] site free won't work
  439. [Fixed] per section colours in ioB2
  440. [Fixed] !quotas announce
  441. [Fixed] corrupted ioFTPD.log
  442. iobanana.tcl invite in multiple chans
  443. moverls problem
  444. [Fixed] ioBvar(disable,SECTION) "ANNOUNCE" not working?
  445. [Old] ident and ip bans
  446. [Old] resolveNameToGid resolveUidToName
  447. [Old] ioBanana.v20 Wrong excluded_dirs_dupe syntax ???
  448. [Fixed] hide from site who
  449. [Fixed] Tcl error in line 211
  450. easy fix?
  451. Site new problem
  452. problems
  453. [Old] Is there a problem with ioBanana v20 and imdb ?
  454. [Old][Fixed] Problem with !req commands
  455. Autounraring of releases with ioB2
  456. [Fixed] All MP3's are BAD?
  457. Resuming completed files causes .bad file
  458. [old.v20] strange announcing behaviour in chan
  459. [Old] thousands of incomplete dirtags
  460. [Fixed] site close locked me out
  461. IObanana and free
  462. [Investigated] sfv checker fails on one .sfv file
  463. [Old] sitebot says upload 100% complete, but nothing is there
  464. Site new all messed up
  465. skin...
  466. [Old] ioB doesn't create incomplete dirs
  467. site moverls problem
  468. [Old] imdb error strong class='title'> (Unknown) -
  469. [Fixed] ioBv2 site nfo not working
  470. [Fixed] problem with autonuker..
  471. [mods] ioB 2.0 r1 and third-party scripts
  472. [Old] SFV not working
  473. iOB issues
  474. Request
  475. no cmds are working in ioB2rc1
  476. [Old][Fixed] ioBanana v20 announce issue
  477. [Old] problem changing dir ...
  478. !free command
  479. iob development dead ?
  480. some commands dont work
  481. upload problem
  482. One question about folder filtering
  483. [Old] ioBanana windrop errors
  484. [Fixed] where may I find ioBanana?
  485. how can i display this status bar??
  486. add site new to welcome message
  487. whats this message in log file??
  488. can't delete my own thread?
  489. install ioBanana with remote Bot?
  490. problem with announce
  491. Imdb
  492. [Question]question with sitebot
  493. site search problem from ioA
  494. [Fixed] "site blowfish" how to make this cmd work?
  495. [Fixed] ioB2.0 R1 Autonuke - Nuke Announce
  496. [Fixed] ioB announce problem
  497. [Fixed] Multiple incomplete tags
  498. Two questions
  499. ioB2 R1 PRE Event no Announce
  500. Problem with %speed var in halfway announce