View Full Version : ioBanana - Support (up to v20)
07-26-2003, 12:30 AM
I am having a problem with IRC search. Search from the FTP client works fine. However, !sitesearch reveals this: status: 1 --- result: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
Any ideas?
DarkAnjel: Have you tried to run your eggdrop in -nt mode ?
!sitesearch needs it.
07-26-2003, 02:05 AM
Harm - that enables sitesearch to work, however it has the added effect of keeping the eggdrop.exe window open (due to the nohide-terminal switch, obviously :p) Is there a workaround or a way to hide the window in the OS?
08-06-2003, 06:30 AM
iobanana uses Quote Site FREE,
but :
site free
500 'SITE FREE': Command not understood
i use ioftpd 4.9.4u, ioa 0.7.8, iobanana 15c
any solution on this ?
08-06-2003, 07:04 AM
Hi !
i use ioftpd 4.9.4u, ioa 0.7.8, iobanana 15c on windows 2000 SP4 US
My problem is only with a bot (windrop 1.6.15).
When i launch it, he crash after he have attempt to login to ioFTPD or ... he said that (in partyline) :
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] ioSS 21 by Mouton: Attempting to connect to FTP...
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] error error | E: Error connecting!
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] error error | E: Error disconnecting!
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] ioSS: FTP connection failed - Error disconnecting!
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] dzs-mod: LOGIN received
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] dzs-mod: LOGOUT received
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] error error | E: Not connected!
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] ioFTPD joined #Sanctuary.
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] -ioFTPD (ioFTPD@ Welcome to #sanctuary type !testhelp for basic help.
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] error error | E: Bad connection name "-1"
[13:34] <ioFTPD> [13:34] ioSS 21 by Mouton: Attempting to connect to FTP...
DCC session closed
I have created new user, and also used ioFTPD as login/pass but isn't work (just work by ftp client).
Else ... i don't have problem currently for use this scripts by flashfxp (d/l, u/l and fxp)
Anybody have this problem ?
08-08-2003, 10:44 PM
Lathieza: read instructions in ioBanana.tcl or readme.txt about free.msg
08-08-2003, 10:46 PM
Bhaal: enable debug and verbose in ioss.tcl and see why your user (sitebot) can't connect.
also read faq.txt about that.
08-10-2003, 04:23 PM
Is it possible to customize races output in iobanana ?
will it be possible in the futur if it is not ?
08-10-2003, 04:36 PM
Of course it is, you just have to change the announce(MSGTYPE) variables in the dzsbot-mod.tcl and there you go ;)
08-10-2003, 04:41 PM
i wasnt speaking of irc announces.
But of the info listed when u enter a folder so on the ftp but not the announces at all and also is it possible to customize :
[12.0% Incomplete with 3F]
[Complete]-10_Tracks-Slow Rock-44 KHz@192 KBit-2003-[LK]
racestats.*.msg files and zipscript.msg ;)
08-14-2003, 06:56 AM
Great work!
A quick question though:
Whats the syntax to manually run the imdb-info and sfv-checker from the command line?
08-15-2003, 10:32 AM
enable debug in ioBanana.ini and u'll see the parameters sent to ioBanana.exe on each execution...
ioBanana.exe imdb real_file crc vfs_file
ioBanana.exe zscheck real_file crc vfs_file
Originally posted by jontelofot
Great work!
A quick question though:
Whats the syntax to manually run the imdb-info and sfv-checker from the command line?
i'm geting this error when i try to upload something
resolvePath 4: Error opening file '..\etc\admin.vfs'
resolvePath 4: Error opening file '..\etc\default.vfs'
what to do
i can list all dirs in ftp
when i make folder i get this msg and .sfv & .nfo are the only files that are uploaded.
tnx jeza
08-26-2003, 07:32 AM
The value of io_path in ioBanana.ini isn't correct. Fix it.
09-18-2003, 02:05 AM
Since I upgraded to v17p (from 16) the way ioBanana handles movie genre symlinks has changed, and I'm wondering if it's a "feature" or a bug...
For example: A movie with the imdb-info "Thriller Drama Mystery" now only is linked from the Thriller genre-dir, and not also from Drama nor Mystery like in v16...
I also have a suggestion regarding the mp3 artist symlinks. Wouldn't it be better to have all numerical releases in one folder, say
instead of
Edit: removed release name
09-18-2003, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by jontelofot
Since I upgraded to v17p (from 16) the way ioBanana handles movie genre symlinks has changed, and I'm wondering if it's a "feature" or a bug...
For example: A movie with the imdb-info "Thriller Drama Mystery" now only is linked from the Thriller genre-dir, and not also from Drama nor Mystery like in v16...
I also have a suggestion regarding the mp3 artist symlinks. Wouldn't it be better to have all numerical releases in one folder, say
instead of
I agree :)
09-18-2003, 09:34 AM
The movie genre is on purpose.
I saw imdb classify comedy movies in "Comedy Drama Horror"...
I doubt you want to see that movie while searching for a horror movie to watch this weekend.
And since 1st of the list is the 'main genre', that's what i now use to classify the movie.
As for the numbers, good idea.
09-22-2003, 06:58 PM
226-Missing ioBanana.ini settings: 'textfiles','cleanse_0bytes_files'. Please check that all those are correctly defined in your ini file.
any suggestions?
09-22-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by nastea
226-Missing ioBanana.ini settings: 'textfiles','cleanse_0bytes_files'. Please check that all those are correctly defined in your ini file.
any suggestions?
Yes, don't use the pirated version... seeing as you had just registered on the ioFTPD forums today, I'd bet you are using the pirated version. Which does _NOT_ work. heh
cant get the !bw command to work
i got no resoults
[BW] Up: @kBps - Dn: @kBps - Total: @kBps
10-06-2003, 03:31 PM
that's when ur sitebot isn't connected to ftp. see party-line and faq.txt
[22:36] debug | -> rc=" "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="quote"
[22:36] debug | ---> NOOP
[22:36] debug | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext="NOOP command successful."
-> state="quote_sent"
[22:36] debug control | C: 200 NOOP command successful.
[22:36] debug | -> rc=" "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="quote"
[22:36] debug | ---> SITE WHO
[22:36] debug | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext=" 2 Users Logged In"
-> state="quote_sent"
[22:36] debug control | C: 200- 2 Users Logged In
[22:36] debug control | C: 200-.--------------------------------------------
[22:36] debug control | C: 200-| User Group Tag Action
[22:36] debug control | C: 200-|-----------+-----------+--------+-----------
[22:36] debug control | C: 200-| sitebot | jP | -|- | IDLE for 0
m 0 s |
[22:36] debug control | C: 200-| jeza | jP | pimpek | UL: /movie
s/Other/Die.Lig at 6 kb/s |
[22:36] debug control | C: 200-|-----------+-----------+------------------+-
[22:36] debug control | C: 200-| Total upload: 6.3K/s | Total down
load: 0.0K/s |
[22:36] debug control | C: 200-'--------------------------------+-----------
[22:36] debug control | C: 200 Command successful.
10-06-2003, 08:16 PM
You should try to read that .txt file that came with ioBanana... readme it's called.
tells u what NOT do to with your ioftpd msg files.
10-17-2003, 08:39 PM
is it possible to run iobannana on a Shell via Eggdrop, or have i to use Windrop as i have it with DZBOT to do?
10-19-2003, 09:10 PM
Small problem with SITE RANK command.
site rank AllDn neoxed
200-neoxed user not found.
200 Command Successful.
site rank AllDn neoxed
200 Command Successful.
site rank AllDn neoxed
200-neoxed@SiteOps is #1 with 307.8 MB
200 Command Successful.
site rank AllDn neoxed
200-neoxed user not found.
200 Command Successful.
site rank AllDn neoxed
200-neoxed@SiteOps is #1 with 307.8 MB
200 Command Successful.
Then in the ioBanana_err.txt file.
03-10-19 20:07:57 resolveNameToUid: Username not found.
03-10-19 20:08:00 resolveNameToUid: Username not found.
Anyone else experiencing this?
11-01-2003, 09:20 PM
Having some trouble with resume, ioBanana renames all broken uploads to .bad, that makes resuming uploads impossible
11-01-2003, 11:58 PM
Well, just disable the zipscript if you don't want bad files to be renamed to .bad
There's an exclusion setting for the zs.
11-02-2003, 05:29 AM
i want the zipscript, but it does it on all kind of filez, not only .zip / .rar
This started to happend after i installed version 18d
11-04-2003, 12:16 AM
is there anyway to stop iobananna renaming rar files to .bad when there been aborted. its fine to rename them as bad when there completed uploading it and its bad, but when it renames after abort its pretty annoying to start uploading a new file again
11-04-2003, 08:35 AM
How about removing the .bad urself before u resume it ?
You could just remove the OnUploadFailed event, that should work.
11-04-2003, 07:14 PM
ok sure, but you could first add something that will sound an alarm to wake up in the middle of the night to get outta bed to do this?
You could just remove the OnUploadFailed event, that should work
tried that, doesn't stop it
11-05-2003, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by MidKnight
ok sure, but you could first add something that will sound an alarm to wake up in the middle of the night to get outta bed to do this?
tried that, doesn't stop it
Worked fine for me, just remove the line or comment it, and rehash.
11-05-2003, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by MidKnight
tried that, doesn't stop it Yes it does. If no script is called when the upload fails, it's impossible for the file to be renamed.
11-08-2003, 02:55 AM
Hmmm...something odd with dupechecking....
03-11-08 00:38:46 dupecheck 1: Error creating file ''
03-11-08 00:42:13 dupecheck 1: Error creating file ''
03-11-08 00:45:43 dupecheck 1: Error creating file ''
03-11-08 00:49:15 dupecheck 1: Error creating file ''
03-11-08 00:52:24 dupecheck 1: Error creating file ''
FlashFXP Error:
227 Entering Passive Mode (xx,xx,xx,xx,5,121)
PORT xx,xx,xx,xx,5,121
200 PORT command successful.
STOR tcr-revolutions1rp.r45
dupecheck 1: Error creating file ''
No idea...
This error message appears when the 'transferlog' setting in ioBanana.ini is not set.
hello, i'm a newbie here. I have a problem with site new.
here is my sitenew display:
the subdir CD1, CD2 is displayed, why?
the following is the section in iobanana.ini:
strip_dirs=cd1 cd2 cd3 cd4 cd5 disc1 disc2 disc3 dvd1 dvd2 dvd3 sample samples vobsub vobsubs sub subtitle subtitles subs subpack codec covers
excluded_dirs_sitenew=/!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___
I want sitenew not display the subdir but the release name only, someone can give a suggestion?
11-20-2003, 02:46 PM
I have this in my ioBanana.ini.....
excluded_dirs_latest=/!ioftpd /_pre
skipdirs=cd1 cd2 cd3 cd4 cd5 disc1 disc2 disc3 .....
this works very good!!!!
but this did not work....
The pre for ioA081 works perfekly and so announce the bot the Pre in mirc, but the [LatestPre]-[...] did no work.
in my ioftpd.ini I hav this.....
pre = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe pre
pre = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe pre
Why does it work ????
Can everyone help me!
11-20-2003, 04:51 PM
debug=1 in .ini
retry a pre
see what's displayed in ffxp status window about symlinks / latest pre
11-20-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by sCry
I want sitenew not display the subdir but the release name only, someone can give a suggestion?
Might help if you say which version your using...
Since in ioBanana v19-FREE, _ALL_ excluded_dirs options do not work, they only work in the regged version.
change to V19 registered version. but problem remained, a release shows n lines in sitenew if there were n subdirs.
I'm sure no other one has the problem.
ioFTPD 5.3.5r + ioBanana 19 + ioA 0.8.1
11-21-2003, 09:03 AM
i cant find an error....
SITE PRE SVCD test.pre.01
200-Current dir is D:\ioFTPD\scripts
200-# of arguments: 4
200-[0] = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe
200-[1] = pre
200-[2] = SVCD
200-[3] = test.pre.01
200-Value found...
200-ioBanana Process Time: 0 ms
200-exit: 0
Current dir is D:\ioFTPD\scripts
# of arguments: 7
[0] = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe
[1] = age
[2] = uinfo
[3] = SITE
[4] = PRE
[5] = SVCD
[6] = test.pre.01
ioBanana Process Time: 0 ms
exit: 0
200- test.pre.01
200- succesfully pred to
200- /SVCD/test.pre.01
200 Command successful.
I've just checked, the [LatestPre] symlinks are created when ioBanana is called by ioA with the 'imdbpre' parameter.
Thus, you need a .nfo file in the release you're trying to pre if you want a symlink.
11-21-2003, 10:31 AM
make sure you have imdbpre correctly set in ioA.cfg to call ioBanana.exe on pre.
11-21-2003, 11:16 AM
ok i find the error..
this stand in my io.cfg
Execute_on_Pre_Path=c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.exe imdbpre
and this is wrong
es must stay this
Execute_on_Pre_Path=d:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.exe imdbpre
"c:\" can not work
11-29-2003, 04:10 PM
Two small questions...
In the racestats message:
226-| Race Stats |
226-| -- Users -- | | | | |
226-| #01 someguy @ SiteOps | 009 F | 119 MB | 10252 KB/s | 62.5% |
226-| #02 neoxed @ SiteOps | 005 F | 72 MB | 9444 KB/s | 37.5% |
226-| -- Groups -- | | | | |
226-| #01 SiteOps | 014 F | 191 MB | 9933 KB/s | 100.0% |
226-| Totals | 014 F | 191 MB | 235 KB/s | 100.0% |
226-| Race Duration: 13 mins 48 secs | Race Completion: 014 of 014 F = 100% |
226-| Dir Creation: 03-11-29 13:46:36 | Last Dir Update: 03-11-29 14:00:24 |
Why is Total speed so much lower, wouldn't it just be an average between the racers?
And secondly, for the STATS announce...
STATS: "/Apps/Some.Release-Blah" "GroupsStats:"
STATS: "/Apps/Some.Release-Blah" "UsersStats:"
Could you the ability to customize the GroupStats and UsersStats part in a message file
Since I would like to change it from GroupStats to GroupTop etc..
As you can see, in this case, race duration is '13 mins 48 secs'. This is calculated using the difference between current time (on release complete) and dir creation time.
Then, total speed is calculated using the size of the whole release divided by this time.
(191 * 1024) / (13*60 + 48) = 235 kB/s
Users speeds are calculated using their upload speeds stored in the .ioFTPD.banana file.
Thus, when the dir is created a long time before the files are uploaded, you have such racestats.
PS: 'UserStats:' and 'GroupStats:' messages are hardcoded.
11-29-2003, 07:41 PM
Ah alright, that makes sense.
Originally posted by Harm
PS: 'UserStats:' and 'GroupStats:' messages are hardcoded.
Yah, thats why I asking if there could be an option in an upcoming version to change them. :)
ioB v19
doesn't allow this dir:
In your case, the correct regular expression is:
PS: you might want to edit your post to remove the release name.
Originally posted by Harm
In your case, the correct regular expression is:
Thx a lot .. it works good!
i hate regexpr .. they are very powerful but so undermining for me :( !!
12-11-2003, 05:45 AM
hi, i have two questions about chanannounce.
Using ioFTPD 5.3.9r, ioBanana v.19, ioA v.8.1
1. Is it possible to send a single announce , for instance the "complete" announce, to a second channel?
2. i have set the extract_nfo_zip= option to 1. But the unzipped NFOs are not announced in chan. The NFO announce is only working for seperately uploaded NFOs. Is this a misconfiguration in my setup, or does ioBanana not announce the extracted NFOs?
1. Unless you know tcl, you can't send only one type of announce to another channel.
2. At the moment, you can only announce urls from zipped nfos.
12-11-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Harm
1. Unless you know tcl, you can't send only one type of announce to another channel.
2. At the moment, you can only announce urls from zipped nfos.
to 1: Ok i expected this. Maybe someone is able to write a hack for ioBanana to make this possible? Or i will have to do it myself ;)
to 2. I'm wondering if it would be that hard to announce the zipped NFO if you alredy can read the Link inside this NFO. Would be great if you could add support for zipped NFOs in future release.
Thanks for answering.
I got this on irc when i wipe something:
<BotNick> -XXXX- [Appz-US] - Admin@2 wiped %path/%release MB (18 files, 250 dirs)
The numbers are not at the good place (i think only 18 is ath the good place.
Here's the wipe announce of my skin used in iobanana:
"-$ioss(sitename)- \[%section\] - [b]%user[b]@%group wiped %pwd/[b]%wiped[b] %size MB ([b]%files[b] files, [b]%dirs[b] dirs)"
Can someone tell me what's wrong. I'm using ioA WIPE command. With ioBanana included WIPE command, it makes me Operation successful and does nothing.
Config: ioFTPD 5.3.9r + ioA1.0.2 + ioBanana v19 (registered)
12-15-2003, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Mr_X
I got this on irc when i wipe something:
<BotNick> -XXXX- [Appz-US] - Admin@2 wiped %path/%release MB (18 files, 250 dirs)
The numbers are not at the good place (i think only 18 is ath the good place. U need the right ioA log lines in ioA.cfg (see upper in this thread for ioA 1.x lines)
12-26-2003, 12:25 PM
i use ioFTPD5.3.9u + iobanana19 + ioA104
when i use this trigger in the site.chnnel. bot says under..
<@beast00> !free all
<@bot> [FREE SPACE]
<@bot> Total : 0.00mb/1200.00gb
<@beast00> !free DVD-R
---------> not reply from bot...
in the skin.
set ioss(t_free_header) "\[FREE SPACE\]" ;# No cookie available
set ioss(t_free_body) "%areas has [b]%freespace[b] free" ;# Available cookies: %ares %freespace
set ioss(t_free_footer) "Total : %totalfree/%totalspace" ;# Available cookies: %totalfree %totalspace
# For !free <section>
set ioss(t_free_area) "\[%area\] + has [b]%freespace[b] free" ;# Available cookies: %area %freespace
set ioss(t_free_area_invalid) "\[%area\] - not a valid section" ;# Available cookies: %area
on partyline, bot doesn't tell me anything.
how do i do to solve it? thx. evey1.
happy new year~! :p
12-26-2003, 02:56 PM
u need to create free.msg in text/ftp
12-26-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by rAWfOX
u need to create free.msg in text/ftp
i already make free.msg.
like this.
[Free: %.[free($path)(mega)]MB]-[sitename]
but don't working.
anyway thank u.
You need the SITE FREE ftp command too.
If you haven't created it yet, open the readme, there are explanations there.
12-26-2003, 06:10 PM
ahhhh..sorry..Harm and thank you very much.
i already solved it.
ur' right. i missed free = !.. in [scripts]
thank you.
Harm, here's my iob v19 problem (clean install of iobanana.tcl)
when i start ioftpd.exe, then eggdrop and bot joins channel and i do !bw or !up sitebot gives me nothing :( so i telnet bot and repeat !bw and then he says in partyline:
[20:02] 200- ___________ ________
200- _______\_ _/__\ /________
200- ° \ / | | | _ /
200- ruz | /\ | | | |
200-| zpr / SiTEOPS | idle 00:00:18 | %: |
200-| tagline | since 00:00:20 | p: / |
and nothing else (there are other users too). NOW, i do .rehash in partyline and after that !bw, !up etc are working just fine.
besides that other announces are ok.
used: ioftpd 5.2.15r (same probably with 5.3.9r), windrop 1.6.13 and .15
interesting thing is i havent noticed that odd thing with iob v18d, it worked fine.
12-30-2003, 11:56 AM
How I make to make to appear last the 5 releases when access a directory?
I used the command %[execute(EXEC..\scripts\ioBanana.exe)(sitenew 5 DiVX) ]
inside of ioftpd.message (suggested in the canal) in the directory and functioned perfectly to less of one thing...:(
Bot was crazzy and started to order messages missed until stopping of time..
Exists some another form to reach the objective:confused:
01-01-2004, 05:07 PM
just set up iobanana for the first time, just the v19 and the latest ioftpd.. all the commands seem to be in order but the bot doesnt show when someone logs in or logs out in the channel it only shows in telnet... [13:13] dzs-mod: LOGOUT received
[13:13] dzs-mod: LOGIN received
also was wonderin does the getnfo work in the v19 free? when i try it it says it find the nfo but doesnt send or anything, just wonderin whats up with that.
and every few minutes it does...
[13:55] Checking Free Space...
[13:55] Checking Free Space...
[13:55] Checking Free Space...
[13:55] Checking Free Space...
[13:55] Checking Free Space...
[13:55] Checking Free Space...
[13:55] Checking Free Space...
[13:55] Checking Free Space...
is this normal? thanks
Everything is normal.
- It doesn't announce login/logout in channel.
- It checks free space every few minutes.
- You have to add 'loadmodule transfer' to your eggdrop.conf for !getnfo and !rules.
01-02-2004, 12:46 AM
when the site receives an nfo it seems to show double or is this how it should?
[09:38] 06<15bot06> -:: 3NFO ::- New NFO uploaded in Mp3/SOMEDIR-GRP (somedir.nfo). Do "`getnfo 4" to receive it.
[09:38] 06<15bot06> -:: 3NFO ::- New NFO uploaded in Mp3/SOMEDIR-GRP/somedir.nfo (bobby). Do "`getnfo none" to receive it.
Edit: removed release name
Can you paste some NFO: lines from your ioFTPD.log ?
01-02-2004, 11:07 AM
01-01-2004 21:35:56 NFO: "/Mp3/SOMEDIR-GRP/" "3" "somedir.nfo"
01-01-2004 21:35:56 NFO: "/Mp3/SOMEDIR-GRP/somedir.nfo" "none" "user" "group" "D:/TheRibShack/Mp3/SOMEDIR-GRP"
01-01-2004 21:38:14 NFO: "/Mp3/SOMEDIR2-GRP/" "4" "somedir2.nfo"
01-01-2004 21:38:14 NFO: "/Mp3/SOMEDIR2-GRP/somedir2.nfo" "none" "user" "group" "D:/TheRibShack/Mp3/SOMEDIR2-GRP"
Edit: removed releases names
01-02-2004, 02:30 PM
one more question, which scripts/programs do i need so that everything that is available on iobanan19 FREE to work properly..
i have iobanna19 FREE + newest ioFTPD + newest ioA .. do i need other files or am i all set with these 3?
It looks like you are using another script that logs nfo files.
Do you have nfourl.itcl or anything else that do that ?
01-02-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by bobby89
this is all i have in there..
;OnUploadError =
;OnUploadComplete = TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
OnUploadComplete = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe upload
OnDownloadError = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe uploadfailed
;OnDownloadComplete =
iobanana.exe uploadfail in OnDownloadError event?
01-02-2004, 05:25 PM
JoeBAR thats how it says in the readme file
and Harm yea i did seem to have nfourl in there too, removed it and now all is well, thanks
bobby89: ioBanana doesn't use the OnDownloadError event.
You should have OnUploadError = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe uploadfailed
I have a question.
I wish to add name of uploader to site new command, but whats the syntax??
I try %username %user %owner and many more, but it didn't work.
Thx for help.
01-08-2004, 10:53 AM
There no such cookies for site new.
Since multiple ppl upload rls (usually) it wouldn't make any sense to show one of them, or even all of them (10-15 nicks on one site new line wouldn't look that good).
Thats true, but owner (=creator) of release homedir is only one, and thats the name i wish to be shown. Just for info.
And next thing, is there some cookie for showing age of release? Not date and time of upload, but how long its on FTP.
01-08-2004, 11:16 AM
doesn't the default msg file show %age ?
Originally posted by Mouton
doesn't the default msg file show %age ?
no default sitenew.body.msg looks this way
? #%02pos ? %10date ? %8time ? %-42.42release ?
and %age doesn't work to me
01-08-2004, 11:26 AM
ah, ok. i was probably thinking pretimes...
so the answer is no.
01-08-2004, 04:59 PM
isn't there a options to activate bot message LOGIN announcments and LOGOUT ?
like in ioBanana.tcl
set disable(NEWDIR) 0
set disable(DELDIR) 0
and so on....
or where can I get another script that does that and don't conflict with iobanana ?
any way to stop the idle time out?? the sitebot keeps getting logged out after 120 sec's and then the sitewho is useless again, including passed quota etc, the only current fix I can do is rehash the bot to connect, which is annoying
01-09-2004, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Ren
any way to stop the idle time out?? the sitebot keeps getting logged out after 120 sec's and then the sitewho is useless again, including passed quota etc, the only current fix I can do is rehash the bot to connect, which is annoying
Set the idle time out to 999999999, until darkone adds some sort of idle time out exemption.
01-09-2004, 11:44 AM
ioB tcl is supposed to send NOOP each 90 secs, unless u changed something u shouldn't have.
make sure your sitebot user got access to NOOP, and u can add a putlog "something" just before the NOOP is sent, to make sure the sitebot does indeed send NOOP. just CTRL-F NOOP in ioBanana.tcl and add a line just over it with:
putlog "Sending NOOP now!"
hmm i had tried to set ioss(imdb) 0 in iobanana.tcl and then loaded imdb.tcl from bounty, but windrop still gives me iob's imdb announce output.
weird thing is bot announces imdb from:
set announce(IMDB) (...)
and not from:
## For !imdb
set announce(IMDB2) (...)
when i unload iobanana.tcl from eggdrop.conf completely then imdb.tcl works.
hmm iobanana.tcl checked and found that
proc ftpe {} {
global ftpr ioss
if {[expr [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $ftpr] < 5} {return}
if {[lindex [::ftp::Quote $ioss(ftp) NOOP] 0] != "200"} {
if {$ioss(ftp) != -1} { ::ftp::Close $ioss(ftp) }
if {![ftp_login]} { putlog "ioSS: ERROR : could not connect" }
} else {
set ioss(idlestamp) 0
set ftpr [clock clicks -milliseconds]
is that 200 sec's and thats downloaded direct from the members section...
But, ive gone off that therory anyhow, as the sitebot is still online after setting the time out to 99999999, however once again it's stopped announcing bw and trial status, but still announce's new dir etc
done more checking, watching the bot on cmd's
everytime im doing the !bw command in the partyline you can see it start to do the "who" and can see the who'msg start, but then suddenly it disconnect's, im begging to wonder if it's telnet flooding but ive never had that problem b4
01-13-2004, 11:18 AM
hmmm testing latest-symlinks atm, but I have a problem. the script does create folders but these folders are no symlinks. seem to be normal folders instead. if you click them you are not redirected but enter a empty folder ...
what can I do against that?
k error found. thx 2 #iobanana ... paths with spaces
01-14-2004, 01:26 PM
why sometimes does the bot tell me !bw !uploaders and other commands to my telnet screen and not the mirc channel? when i restart the bot and do !bw he works fine, is this a common problem?
i just did a rehash of the bot and he gave me this error the first time i tryed !uploaders
[10:29] Tcl error [upalias]: can't read "ftp(state.control)": no such variable
but the second time it showed the uploader status to the mirc screen
01-15-2004, 08:24 PM
Can someone please let me know the Complete Mp3 Release for iobanana and all the cookies that can be used with it.
Thx Trip
01-16-2004, 01:53 PM
the command ?
What ?
zipscript.msg contains dirtags definitions, if that's what u asked...
if not, explain what u want better pls.
01-16-2004, 01:55 PM
Thx for the help... Got it fixed up nicely :)
01-16-2004, 02:45 PM
I have the same issue, intermittant posting.
Posts to the Window rather than the channel.
io5.5.6, ioB v19
01-18-2004, 08:38 AM
Does ioBanana keep a database of all nfo-files?
In other words: is there a way to see all the nfo-files that have been uploaded, so someone can do a !getnfo 381 to receive an info-file that was uploaded like 2 weeks ago?
(not sure if this is ioBanana-related)
Is there a way of setting *.nfo files to download free of charge?
(no credits needed for downloading *.nfo files)
1. It isn't a database but a logfile called 'nfos.log'.
2. No, that's why there's a command to show nfo files: SITE NFO.
01-18-2004, 11:12 AM
ok that should be enough, thanx a lot again Harm
01-21-2004, 12:25 PM
I have this problem with the dir checker:
if i have dir checker enabled and then i have some excluded dirs set, i still cant make these dirs and if i do, it hangs up and i have to reconnect to the site.
anyone having this problem?
01-24-2004, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Harm
your suppose to be able to write them manually into the config file.. so why should i use undupe!?
still doesnt work!
You can avoid dupechecking *in* some excluded dirs. You can define those dirs in ioBanana.ini.
BUT you can't exclude one dir (let's say "Sample") to be dupechecked using ioBanana.ini, you have to use SITE UNDUPE to do that.
Try to give more details next time.
01-24-2004, 08:21 PM
Just wondered if this was an ioFTPD problem, or a ioB problem.
On SFV upload the files are automatically owned by the default owner not the uploader, on WIN2k.
With the exact same config on WIN XP its random which files will be owned by.
-rw-r--r-- 0 abc Mau 478 Jan 24 22:49 somefile.sfv
-rw-r--r-- 0 abc Mau 3666944 Jan 25 01:10 somefile.r12
-rw-rw-rw- 0 DarkMatter Mau 0 Jan 24 22:49 somefile.r12.missing
-rw-r--r-- 0 DarkMatter SiTEOPS 1890 Jan 25 01:19 someotherfile.sfv
rw-rw-rw- 0 DarkMatter Mau 0 Jan 25 01:19 someotherfile.r01.missing
-rw-r--r-- 0 DarkMatter SiTEOPS 0 Jan 25 01:19 someotherfile.r02.missing
this is odd, as DarkMatter hasn't even got Mau in the group list!
Edit: changed file names
02-12-2004, 08:54 AM
I'm having a small problem with ioBanana:
I'm receiving the message:
553 You must upload the .sfv file first.
553 You must upload the .nfo file first.
But the archives .sfv and .nfo already are in the respective directory
Somebody knows what it can be happening?
02-12-2004, 06:32 PM
Resolved, I think!!!!!!!
With a help do Harm, of course...
Removed the line
.PATH=%[environment(PATH)] in ioFTPD.env
and everything came back to the normal one....:banana:
Thanks a lot, Harm, for the attention and, mainly, for the great patience with my bad english....
:D :D :D
03-15-2004, 09:48 PM
hey, I got some troubles with the built-in imdb script...
When I use the !imdb cmd I get the following error on the partyline:
Tcl error [imdb_proc]: can't read "location": no such variable
When using the debugger I get this error:
Tcl error [imdb_proc]: can't read "permission_result": no such variable
Is there a fix for this? My guess is it has smth to do with changing the database, but I could be completely wrong here :p
I am having trouble with iob enabled windrop on win2k server ... It refuses to remain persistent and crashes frequently ... the same package works on all other versions of windows OS's .. even normal win2k ... anyone have similar problems? and more importantly
04-17-2004, 08:31 AM
Have installed ioFTPD 5.8.5r & ioBanana 19
This Script seems to work, but if I Transfer a release the ioBanana_err.txt show me this:
04-04-17 01:04:48 debug: getBanana='0' valid='0' sfv='1' path='d:\ftp\Upload\xxx\' name='file xxx.m3u'
04-04-17 01:04:49 debug: getBanana='0' valid='0' sfv='1' path='d:\ftp\Upload\xxx\' name='file xxx.nfo'
any ideas whats wrong?
Yes ... nothing :D
Those are debug messages that are here only to debug when/if needed. They aren't generated by errors.
05-01-2004, 08:46 PM
Was wondering if u could explain the available cookies in the zipscript.msg for dir tags.. I want to customize dir tags output like this:
-[100%]--[All-Files-CRC-OK]--[37 of 37]--[729MB]--[SITENAME]-
(basically I'm stuck on the cookies for 'how many received' of 'how many expected')
-[INCOMPLETE]--[0 of 1 OK]--[++++++++++]--[0%]-
(same as Complete, and also how to create percentage bar?)
Also, I noticed no dir tag is created for 0% (when .sfv is upped but no files yet). Not sure if this is by design or flaw since the other zipscripts i've used create the .missing files and dirtag as soon as the .sfv is upped.
05-01-2004, 08:52 PM
p.s.: The sitebot shows this info so it's got to be built in, I just need to know how to insert that info to the dir tags. :\
<ioSitebot> -:: sfv ::- Received sfv for Uploads/craptest by PopWeasel@SiTEOPS. Expecting 2Files. 0Files already uploaded.
05-02-2004, 07:56 PM
If it's not in the default zipscript.msg, it doesn't exist.
There is no cookie for the number of expected files in there.
Neither for a 'progress bar'.
05-13-2004, 03:45 PM
Hello everyone, I'm having some problems with ioFTPD 5.8.4 + ioBanana19 + ioA 1.1.3.
The thing is that every time i try to upload any file, the sfv starts checking, and iobanana basicaly freezes, i timeout on the ftp and when reconnect my ghost stays and the problem repeats itself over and over..
Does anyone know what could be the problem?
05-13-2004, 05:23 PM
Are you sure ioBanana is freezing when you upload the sfv? Or can it be freezing when you upload the nfo? Because as of today there is a problem with ioBanana freezing on nfo uploads for movie relzs. Read more about that here:
05-13-2004, 05:41 PM
I did a test on zip files. However, sfv also freezes and it shows on my ftp client that it still uploads but in reality it doesnt, so basicaly it freezes also...
05-15-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Nitr0
I did a test on zip files. However, sfv also freezes and it shows on my ftp client that it still uploads but in reality it doesnt, so basicaly it freezes also...
The problem was that i commented out like this
and if you comment out (#) any line that is given there, iobanana will freezes... on sfv or on any uploaded file.
However, I'm expericieng new problem which freezes on upload of .nfo :(
Nitr0: the .nfo problem is mentioned in this thread and in another dedicated one. This problem is related to imdb info. It has been fixed and that's why there's a v20rc1 out.
Thanks for reporting that your problem with .zip files wasn't a bug but a configuration mistake.
UNiCHeF: I don't think it's a bug. I remember someone had the same problem and had a crappy vfs file. In your case, I would check ioFTPD.ini too.
zpr and freak007: that doesn't help me much. Give me more details or wait for a beta tester to experience this problem.
05-21-2004, 02:08 PM
2 things about ioBanana site new:
1. It takes 3 seconds to execute and print reply, any way the info can be cached somehow? I have:
%[execute(EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe sitenew)] my welcome msg to show latest dirs and it causes everyone to hang 3 secs on login. RaidenFTPD shows latest dirs on login by default and it does it much smoother.
2. On some relzes it shows full path including drive letter, any reason for why it does that sometimes and not just show virtual path?
1. it doesn't take 3 seconds if you rotate your ioFTPD.log daily.
2. v20rc1 isn't marked as stable ; use it at your own risks.
05-21-2004, 03:33 PM
Thanks for the tip.;)
200-Ã Ã
200- s i t e n e w
200-Ã -ioBanana Ã
200- ³ #01 ³ 06-11-2004 ³ 22:19:00 ³ /c:/ioftpd/site/Games/Thu....... > ³
200-Syntax: SITE NEW [#shown] [section]
200 Command successful.
bug? he always prints out full path @ halfway complett in chan too...
ioBrc2b used..
Indeed, user bug :D
readme.txt > step 8.
You MUST have a new empty line at the end of ALL your vfs files.
06-12-2004, 04:42 PM
site rank
200-Usage: SITE RANK <type> <user> [sections <sections#>]
200- SITE RANK <type> =<group> [sections <sections#>]
200- SITE RANK <type> #<x> [sections <sections#>]
200- <type>: AllUp,Alldn,MonthUp,MonthDn,WkUp,WkDn,DayUp,DayDn
200- sections: space-separated sections numbers to include or exclude (0-9)
200- sections definition MUST end with either !* or *
200- sections examples: "!0 !2 *" or "0 1 2 3 !*"
550 Command failed.
site rank allup test
200-test@Test is #6 with 0.0 KB
550 Command failed.
While playing around with v20-RC2b, I noticed some odd things with reply codes. Just in case no one had noticed. ;)
Confirmed, thanks for letting me know.
This is fixed (along with a few other reply codes).
v20rc3 will also have a better usage of !buffer.
I have just tested the custom message window name support and it works just fine. It will be in rc3 too.
06-13-2004, 11:18 PM
ioBanana 19 free adds "!buffer on" to end of output when doing SITE NFO. Is this a known bug? Any way to fix this? Please dont tell me to use latest version, I'm setting this up for a friend. :D Unless there's a newer free version he should be using. ;) Thanks. :)
06-14-2004, 01:19 AM
Doesn't do it for every nfo..weird.
06-27-2004, 11:13 PM
Doesn't this need to be added to readme.txt:
Step 5. Add those to your ioFTPD.ini:
rescan = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe rescan
rescanall = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe rescan all
Because at the end of Step 5. it says:
Also, remove rescan and rescanall from ioA.
I just noticed this and maybe it's why ioBanana rescanall never worked for me - on earlier version of ioBanana I had to uncomment the rescanall cmd for ioA to get that cmd to work. Anyways maybe posting here can help someone. Cheers. :)
Edit0: Ok I just noticed it works without rescanall if you do "site rescan all". hehe :p
Edit1: hmm, actually it looks like it does "site rescanall" every time you do "site rescan" .. so even when you just need to rescan one file like "site rescan our-relz.r19" it scans whole relz which uses cpu cycles of course. Is there supposed to be any differrence between rescan and rescanall? Thanks for any insights..
No, this doesn't need to be added to the readme because it's not how it works.
If you want to use ioA rescan/rescanall, don't use ioBanana rescan.
For ioBanana, SITE RESCAN rescans the whole dir and SITE RESCAN <file> rescans the specified file and displays current valid/bad files WITHOUT doing any crc-check on them if they were good. Your precious cpu cycles are safe :D
06-28-2004, 09:56 PM
Ok that was different from what I was used to with other scripts so thanks for clearing that up. :cool:
07-01-2004, 09:20 AM
Iv downloaded ioBanana 1.9...
Im useing a new version of ioFTPD...
And the latest version of ioA.
In the reademe for ioBanana beta versions, it says thats beta versions is timebombed. And i realy donôt wanna make this settings once again so i downloaded the older version 1.9.
In the readme it says....
Step 6. Change ioa.cfg:
Execute_on_Pre_Path=c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.exe imdbpre
also in ioa.cfg:
Log_New_Date="%vfs" "%area" "%desc" "%phys"
Log_PRE="%user" "%group" "%type" "%vfs" "%desc" "%mb" "%files" "%release"
Log_Give="%user" "%group" "%mb" "%target"
Log_Take="%user" "%group" "%mb" "%target"
Log_Wipe="%vfs" "%release" "%user" "%group" "%files" "%dirs" "%mb"
Log_Invite="%user" "%group" "%ircnick"
Log_Request="%user" "%group" "%request"
Log_Reqfilled="%user" "%group" "%request"
Log_Reqdel="%user" "%group" "%request"
Log_Nuke="%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%multi" "%size" "%reason"
Log_UnNuke="%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%multi" "%size" "%reason"
But i canôt find any of those vars/settings in ioa.cfg
what should i do?
Note: it's 19 not 1.9.
07-01-2004, 01:35 PM
One more question...
when i write
!bartbw in "the" IRC channel, i only get:
[21:40] <+bart> -:: bandwidth ::- Up: @kBps - Dn: @kBps - Total: @kBps
nothing else... Why?
The same on this
[21:48] <Cleaver> !bartleechers
[21:48] <+bart> -:: leechers ::-
[21:48] <+bart> -:: Total: 0@0kBps ::-
[21:48] <Cleaver> !bartuploaders
[21:49] <+bart> -:: uploaders ::-
[21:49] <+bart> -:: Total: 0@0kBps ::-
There is users online downloading and uploading..
sitebot user in io has flag 1
should i set 1M ??
!bartwho works.... and som other commands
Read the other posts in the thread i've pasted, it's there for a reason (a good one even).
07-01-2004, 03:10 PM
Thanx again. It worked...
I just forgot that i had ioFTPWHODLX.itcl installd and i did as it was writen in the post..
But now one problem remains...
I am master on my site and the bw command works.
But i get access denied when i use command "SITE WHO" via the ftp client.
I think i made something wrong first time i configed my server. I may have deleted something by mistake but i dunno what it was.
the only "who" i have in my ioFTPD.ini is:
who = @swho
who = *
Exept some swho...
07-11-2004, 05:17 AM
is it just me, or does ioBv20pre5 have problems with the MKD command? it just times out on me, had to go back to rc4
It seems to be just you :D
Could you define 'problems' in your case and give a bit more details.
07-11-2004, 05:30 AM
i don't really know how to define them, but when i make a dir, it just says "MKD Dirname" and then nothing happens, eventually the session times out, doesnt matter if you are transfering a dir, or making it manually, still times out.
07-11-2004, 02:26 PM
I have the same or similar problem with pre5, at first it makes the directory though, but when starting to transfer the first file (.sfv or .nfo) nothing happens.. it times out. Nothing is transfered, not even a 0 byte file is created. This started after replacing the iobanana.exe.
Are you absolutely sure you have read changelog.txt and upgraded correctly ? Because replacing ioBanana.exe has never been enough.
07-12-2004, 02:55 AM
i replaced everything except for the ioBanana.ini file when upgrading to pre5, do I have to re-edit that ini file over again?
The 'changelog.txt' file contains all the changes needed to upgrade.
07-28-2004, 10:16 PM
Nice job. :)
08-02-2004, 09:54 AM
I am using eggdrop v1.6.15+SSL
ioA 1.1.6+
I get the following:
âË»ioBanana 9 by Mouton & HarmâË» attempting to connect to FTP...
error error | E: Service not available!
BâË»] FTP connection failed
error error | E: Not connected!
âË»ioBanana 9 by Mouton & HarmâË» attempting to connect to FTP...
error error | E: Service not available!
BâË»] FTP connection failed
I have read the readme and I still cant get this working. I know its somethin stupid on my part. The bot actually worked once but after I killed the eggdrop and tried to restart it hasnt worked since and I have made no changes.
THe BotError.LOG says:
Mon Aug 2 10:45:45 2004
can not find channel named "0"
while executing
"close $s"
The sitebot account is valid cause I can login with it.
08-02-2004, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by intel
I am using eggdrop v1.6.15+SSL
ioA 1.1.6+
You mean ioBanana v20 right? ;)
Originally posted by intel
can not find channel named "0"
while executing
"close $s"
That would be a bug. I guess Harm made a small typo in ftp.tcl when he was editing it. ;) Open ftp.tcl in a text editor, find line 2428.
# close connection if not logged in
catch {close $s}
return -1
That should be ::ftp::Close or Close, since $s is the handle to a FTP connection and not a valid open channel (socket, file, etc.)
Replace with:
# close connection if not logged in
catch {Close $s}
return -1
08-02-2004, 01:45 PM
lol yea ioBanana v20
I appreciate the help and I'm getting closer. Now it seems to fail then make the connection then fail again.
*** [âË»ioBâË»] FTP connection failed
[15:04] [âË»ioBâË»] Checking Free Space...
[15:04] error error | E: Bad connection name "-1"
[15:04] âË»ioBanana 9 by Mouton & HarmâË» attempting to connect to FTP...
[15:04] [âË»dZS-modâË»] LOGOUT received
*** [âË»ioBâË»] FTP connection established - handle: 2
[15:04] error error | E: Service not available!
[15:04] error error | E: Not connected!
*** [âË»ioBâË»] FTP connection failed
[15:04] -NOTICE- *** Checking Ident
[15:04] [âË»dZS-modâË»] LOGOUT received
[15:04] [âË»dZS-modâË»] LOGIN received
[15:04] -NOTICE- *** Couldn't look up your hostname
[15:04] -NOTICE- *** Got Ident response
[15:04] error error | E: Not connected!
[15:04] âË»ioBanana 9 by Mouton & HarmâË» attempting to connect to FTP...
*** [âË»ioBâË»] FTP connection established - handle: 3
[15:05] [âË»ioBâË»] Checking Free Space...
[15:05] [âË»dZS-modâË»] LOGOUT received
[15:05] [âË»dZS-modâË»] LOGIN received
[15:05] Disconnected from
After it seems to make a connection then it disconnects from IRC server
and BotError.Log:
Mon Aug 2 14:39:54 2004
can't read "ftp(DummySock)": no such element in array
while executing
"close $ftp(DummySock)"
I tried doing this from scratch and same results. I rebooted and now it can not connect to FTP at all again. The BotError.log is the same.
09-24-2004, 06:43 PM
Can I edit the output of the [Latest]-[DIR-WHATEVER.RELEASE-GROU---] ?
Other then in iobanana.ini I mean.
09-24-2004, 06:54 PM
Yep. Here's mine:
09-26-2004, 12:37 PM
Yeah no but thats in the ini.
I mean to get like [Latest]-[dirname]-[releasename] eg.
11-10-2004, 02:47 PM
What i m doing wrong?
[21:44] error error | E: Not connected!
[21:44] ☻ioBanana 9 by Mouton & Harm☻ attempting to connect to FTP...
*** [☻ioB☻] FTP connection failed
[21:44] error error | E: Bad connection name "-1"
[21:44] ☻ioBanana 9 by Mouton & Harm☻ attempting to connect to FTP...
*** [☻ioB☻] FTP connection failed
11-16-2004, 10:56 AM
I've got a question Iobanana can put a file on a xxxx.bad if the file isn't in a SFV ?
In french : il est possible avedc iobanana lorsque qu'on upload un rar qui n'est pas dans le Sfv qui le mette en .bad, comme les autres Zipscript ?
I'm using the Free version of Iobanana
LoCaliSe: maybe in a future version.
ba_eas: it could be many many things.
First, check the hostname, port, username and password in ioBanana.tcl. Then make sure your firewall is correctly configured.
02-28-2005, 12:57 AM
i always find this err msg in my boterror.log
invalid command name "bgerror"
while invoking
"unknown bgerror expected integer but got "08" (looks like invalid octal number)"
i don't know why this always happens
today, i login to my windrop, and i find that the daystats function is called again and again, then i rehashed the windrop it stoped call the ioB:daystat(Today is monday here)
i had used the .tcl ioB:daystat to call the function, i got the err above again, i'd like to know how to fix this problem
iam useing the ioBanana v2
This is amazing because iirc ioBanana v20 (ioB2 is something completely different that you can't have yet) doesn't have this bug anymore. I'll need more details.
Could you update your board profile to show us that you really are a registered ioFTPD user.
03-18-2005, 09:19 AM
Site cid list - #0.....blahblah... its ok.
But when i type
Site cid info 0 - then i get replay "connection was lost", and server
doesnt respond until i restart it manually.
In ioFTPD.crash.log i see this :
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x77e419b5 (0x00000000)
0x00000001 0x00000024
Any idea?
Win2003, ioFTPD 585, iobanana 20
03-19-2005, 02:25 AM
A member in my site uploaded same files, but there are bad CRC, therefore i have deleted their files and asked for same member to upload again.
But the dupecheck has denied uploading.
Im inspecting dir_log and found that no updates made since manually deleting a bad CRC files! (Through ioFTPD of course:))
Does iobanana v20 update this log on delete dir and/or files or not??
Maybe im made mistake in .ini?
Thnx .
You're talking about files but you're checking the dir log, there's a little problem there :p
No, ioBanana doesn't update the transfer.log (that's where filenames are stored) on DELE. You have to undupe those files.
On a side note, I don't recommend using the file dupechecker. Dupechecking dirs, adding XDUPE support and denying resume / overwrite is usually enough (and faster).
03-19-2005, 04:40 AM
But dupecheck still denied uploading:
iobanana.ini :
# dupecheck #
# dupecheck_dirs enables dir duplicate check; doesn't allow dir creation if another
# folder with same name already exists on site (dir_log is used)
# dupecheck_files enables file duplicate check; doesn't allow file upload if another
# file with same name was uploaded previously (transferlog is used)
# excluded_dirs_dupe won't be checked for duplicates
# All banned_dir won't be allowed (MKD won't be allowed); use regular expressions; 1 line per banned dir
excluded_dirs_dupe= /Private_dir/
Fxp log:
MKD /Full_Member_Area/Some.Stuff.
[R] 553 'dir' not allowed > Duplicate found: '/Private_dir/For testing server/Some.Stuff.
But Private_dir is in excluded list!
What wrong?
edited by neoxed: no release names! read the forum rules.
03-19-2005, 08:53 AM
ehm, I'm positive you really meant to paste something like this (on a public forum), right? :
MKD /Full_Member_Area/Pictures.From.My.Familys.25th.Nude.Resort.Vacation-FLaSHeRS
right ?? :o
03-19-2005, 09:39 AM
Oh yes :))
But what about denied uploading and showing to everyone that there is hidden dir "Private_dir"?
And, more important, what about Site CID info # --> server crash?
I have checked all .ini files according to Harm's reccomendations, but.....
03-29-2005, 11:53 PM
How to disable creating .bad and .missing files during upload rar archives?
Those files preventing resume.
Help pls to resolve this issue.
You can't. If you don't want to know what files are bad, don't use a zipscript.
04-07-2005, 05:54 AM
well.. i got the same problem.
i do want to have a zipscript and yes, it should create .missing files etc.
but i really want to prevent it from creating .bad files if i stop uploading a file.
it should just leave the file as it is, so that i can resume later.
i removed "OnUploadError = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe uploadfailed"
from ioftpd.ini and restarted iopftpd.exe but it still creates the .bad files if i stop during the transfer.
something else that has to be done?
thanks a lot.. :)
Ok, let's try again: you can't !
What you need is some kind of sfv checker like FlashSFV (, not a zipscript.
04-10-2005, 12:01 PM
# transfer #
# To allow credits transfer over sites
# syntax: transfer_site=sitename|ip|port|username|password
# You can use an hostname for the IP field.
# Make sure that all those users can login from this IP.
# Enable debug (top of this file) if you have problems to see more info when the command is executed.
If i have 3 sites or more, How do I set transfer?
Is it right?
04-19-2005, 10:59 AM
Hello all :)
I have a strange problem with my ioB, alle the commands (!bw, !who, !search, etc) work fine, but the announce isnt working. eg. It doesnt announce any races at all. I first only had it on 1 host, but now i have it on two. I went over the ioB.tcl file about a dozen times and really cant make out a mistake in there anywhere :/
# Those are the dirs you have in the root of your site... bot will try to chdir to all of those dirs
# to check free space... those are case-sensitive... as everything in ioFTPD...
set ioBvar(arealist) "XVID REQ"
# For any of those areas, you can define a diff. announce channel...
# Default announce channel
set ioBvar(announcechannel) "#announcechannel" #Yes, ive spelled it correctly :)
# Announce channel for specific areas; comment to use default channel
# Create as many as you need; use same case for AREANAME as in arealist
# Note: Do NOT define the default channel as an area-specific channel too!
#set ioBvar(announce_games) "#ioBanana-games"
#set ioBvar(announce_AREANAME) "#channel-xyz"
# Stats sections (for trial/quota and such)
set ioBvar(sections) "1 2"
# Stats sections for specific channels (if not specified, section 0 is used)
#set ioBvar(section_#ioBanana) "1"
#set ioBvar(section_#channel) "2"
# 0 = pre are announced in the section channel (#site_mp3 for mp3 pre, etc.)
# 1 = all pre are announced in default channel
set ioBvar(pre_in_default) 1
# 1 = disable mp3 info after a pre
set ioBvar(skipmp3onpre) 0
# 1 = disable commands from undefined channels
set ioBvar(privchan) 0
There are three folders in the home dir of the sitebot user, XVID and REQ. If i change XVID to GAMES in the arealist, the bot gives me an error saying it cant cwd to /GAMES, wich of course isnt there. But this does tell me the bot is connected properly and is using the config. So what I cant figure out, is why it isnt announcing :/
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
04-19-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by wh1t3
So what I cant figure out, is why it isnt announcing :/
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Fixed. He has logging disabled.
04-20-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Harm
You can't. If you don't want to know what files are bad, don't use a zipscript.
Ok,i switched off a zipscript (in appropriate section in configuration file), but now a "latest" symlinks and site new list doesnt working ...
How to enable these events without zipscript?
Please explain what you've changed exactly. Also, could you define "not working" in your particular case ?
04-20-2005, 11:04 PM
I have deleted paths to dirs in "Zipscript" section .
When i say " latest symlinks does not work" - i mean that those symlinks does not created after new release.
And the same about site new and ongoing races.
SITE NEW won't work without the zipscript because it uses the COMPLETE events this one is logging.
"deleted paths" ? What do you mean exactly ? I was expecting excerpts of your config files or what the ftpd says (in the case of SITE NEW).
04-21-2005, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by Harm
SITE NEW won't work without the zipscript because it uses the COMPLETE events this one is logging.
"deleted paths" ? What do you mean exactly ? I was expecting excerpts of your config files or what the ftpd says (in the case of SITE NEW).
# zipscript #
# 'parent_stats 'displays global stats for multiple CDs races in the parent dir (if a .nfo is present there)
# Enable or disable racestats calculations after each file (unnecessary and time consuming!)
# 'min_halfway' = minimum number of files in release to announce halfway
# Define which %rank? cookies you want to have available in your bot's .skin USTATS-B and GSTATS-B (%rank1, %rank2, etc.)
# One line per stat (max 5); check SITE RANK usage for sections syntax
# Only define the stats you will use or loose precious CPU cycles!!
racestats_rank1=wkup sections
racestats_rank2=monthup sections
# Enable or disable 0-byte files checking; only enable if u get many 0-byte files on your site!
# Enable or disable bad files deletion
# For mp3 sorting, leave empty to disable
excluded_dirs_sortmp3=/!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___
# Sort movies by genre, rating and/or year; leave empty to disable
# Add_rating will prefix each symlink with "[rating]-" inside Year and Genre dirs
excluded_dirs_sortmovie=/!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___
# Extract file_id.diz and/or nfo files from zips; enable (1) or disable (0)
# Log (for irc announce) url found in .nfo files inside uploaded .zip
# List of all the allowed and banned nfo files that can be extracted from .zip files
# Create incomplete symlinks in parent dir ?
# For all 2_level_incomplete dirs, symlinks will be created in parent's parent folder (probably your section dir) instead of inside the release folder
2_level_incomplete=cd1 cd2 cd3 cd4 cd5 disc1 disc2 disc3 dvd1 dvd2 dvd3 vobsub vobsubs subtitle subtitles subs subpack codec
# Force a nfo or a sfv to be sent before anything else in specific dirs; nfo in parent dir is ok
# Files uploaded in any dir specified in excluded_dirs_force won't be checked (not case-sensitive)
excluded_dirs_force=cover covers
# force_sample_first = 1 means you won't be able to create any dir listed in force_sample_check if there is no sample subdir
# Be sure you only enable that in your movies dirs!
force_sample_check=cd1 cd2 cd3 cd4 cd5 disc1 disc2 disc3 dvd1 dvd2 dvd3 vobsub vobsubs subtitle subtitles subs subpack codec cover covers
force_dirs_sample=/svcd/ /divx/
# All files uploaded in those dirs, and all subdirs, will be automatically deleted on upload
# Excluded dirs (includes subdirs): those dirs won't be processed by the zipscript (sfv, zip, mp3, etc.)
# Execute a command when release is complete; available variables: %DIR% %DIRNAME% %SFV% %FIRSTFILE%
# Leave empty to disable
# Example 1: on_release_complete=md %DIR%\Extracted | start c:\ioFTPD\scripts\HideRun.exe c:\ioFTPD\scripts\unrar.exe x -y %FIRSTFILE% %DIR%\Extracted
# Example 2: on_release_complete=md c:\ioFTPD\site\Extracted\%DIRNAME% | start c:\ioFTPD\scripts\HideRun.exe c:\ioFTPD\scripts\unrar.exe x %FIRSTFILE% c:\ioFTPD\site\Extracted\%DIRNAME%
# Note: The command execution will freeze the ftp session of the last file uploader until the command execution is done, unless you use "start HideRun.exe" or something similar...
# Write file_id.diz to .ioFTPD.message
As you can see, the folder d:\my_folder\ isnt processed by zipscript. When i run site new command i see old list of releases, not a new i just uploaded into \my_folder\. In other words, the site new list doesnt updated. Also i cant see "latest" symlinks that link to same releases i just uploaded in my_folder\, although i havent removed this path in "latest" section in iobanana.ini.
Originally posted by Harm
SITE NEW won't work without the zipscript because it uses the COMPLETE events this one is logging.
And if I remember correctly, the latest symlink won't work for those dirs either. That's the meaning of "excluded".
04-24-2005, 11:21 PM
Thank you.
05-06-2005, 04:13 PM
Just one question:
After disabling zipscript for "test" directory,a dupecheck should still working for this directory?
05-09-2005, 06:36 PM
hello ppl ...
I m using ioFTPD 5.8.5r with ioBanana v20
and i cant get any imdb announce on nfo upload.
..the error i get is 226-Failed... Can't resolve host for
Any suggestions?
thanx in advance :)
EDIT: Fixed it :)
06-03-2005, 05:53 AM
Using ioBanana v20 / ioFTPD-beta-5-8-5r
Iam trying to figure out this !listapproved command.
When I pull a site approve foldername, a folder inside the approved release is infact created, approved by hukker,
when I then run the command !listapproved in channel, it gives me "Nothing is approved at the moment."
Ive tried looking for any settings conserning approvel but cant seem to find anything.
btw ioautonuke.itcl still nukes the folder which is approved, but if I
pull a site approved releasename as a command on the ftp and then try to nuke it gives me release is approved, not possible to nuke etc...
seems ioautonuke overrides the approved command, not sure :P
cause I really dont see an approved by setting in the ioautonuke where you can set the dirtag so it wont nuke.
let me know if you need some more info
1) The !listapproved command lists pending approved releases. This means that once the dir is created, the "Approved by x" subdir is created and it's removed from the list.
2) This autonuke problem is a bit odd. I don't have this behaviour here and I can't remember changing anything in the approval detection algorithm. Well, wait for next version :D
06-03-2005, 07:52 AM
hehe ok then ;) thx for quick reply, Ill switch to nXautonuke until you add that feature
07-24-2005, 05:59 AM
Any1 here that can help me to get the Foundation version of latest ioBanana?
07-26-2005, 11:50 AM
same also wants Found.ioBanana :)
08-03-2005, 09:41 AM
ioFTPD version: 5-8-5r
ioBanana version: 20
Iam haveing problems with the ioB zipscript :\ Not sure why but when uploading DVDr the INCOMPLETE folder shows 4.7% incomplete even after release is completly uploaded, this doesnt happen with smaller releases like DIVX.
Missing files arent deleted from the folder and I dont think the sfv is bad since this happends on every dvdr release.
Announce shows new dir, first file and sometimes if a racer joins it shows that aswell, but after that nothing, no halfway and complete announce...
After executing site rescan then the announce for complete pops up in chan...
Ive looked thrue vfs files everything is fine as it should be, it worked before I went off for vacation when I came back it was a mess :)
If anyone has a clue pls help
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