View Full Version : Harm's scripts
- [FILLED] Site Casino ?
- ioBanana - Announces & Features (up to v20)
- [Fixed] !free not working
- ioBanana - Support (up to v20)
- [Fixed] debug and racestats
- [Fixed] ioBanana using eggdrop on linux ?
- [Request] Users Top of all servers on irc
- Any one can help me with a little tcl prob
- [Fixed] Weird irc announces
- [Fixed] eggdrop ftp connection problems
- ioBanana news
- ioBanana - Fixes (up to v20)
- [Fixed] !BNC issue
- [Fixed] vfs issues
- [Fixed] wrong paths in ioBanana.ini
- problem with IoBanana v18
- [FILLED] pretime announce
- [Fixed] dzsbot-mod.tcl question !
- [Fixed] !sitebotfree section
- [Fixed] ioBanana v18c error
- [Fixed] Group Info
- [Fixed] How to disable the sorted symlinks ?
- [Fixed] Login timeout
- [Fixed] files being deleted
- Login problems
- How to have NTFS Junctions instead of symlinks ?
- Weird error messages in the partyline
- stransfer prob
- ioBanana + precheck probs
- iobanana 18D sitebot probs
- [Fixed] the sitebot can't login
- [Fixed] ioBanana ranks system not working over time!
- Readd script
- [Fixed] installation problems
- [Fixed] windrop dies on !imdb
- Login problem when there are many dirs in root
- The sitebot can't connect
- ioBanana error on !trials & !passed
- ioSymlinksUpdater
- !sitebw/!siteleechers and more stopped working!
- !sitefree all Problems on private Paths and raiding dirs
- [Fixed] !speed irc announce not working correctly
- [Fixed] NO incomplete dir in the parent dir
- [Fixed] font problem
- [Fixed] Howto use ioBanana message files ?
- daystats uploaders and downloaders
- iobanana and network hdd's
- [Fixed] the spider is spamming my eggy and ioFTPD logs...
- mp3SortDb problem
- [REQ] NTFS junctions with mp3SortDb ?
- The sitebot isn't connected to the site
- [Fixed] ioBMonitor: missing dlls
- Using ioBanana SITE NEW and ioZS as a zipscript
- [Fixed] ioBMonitor doesn't display anything
- [Fixed] Tcl scripts conflict
- [Fixed] sorted mp3 symlinks problem
- [Fixed] SITE NEW ?
- When I do !rules it sends on dcc how can i change?
- [FILLED] VBR support
- ioB19 SiteBot Login Error
- [Fixed] using ioA 1.0.0+ with ioBanana
- [Fixed] !bw not working
- [Fixed] files suddenly get .bad
- [FILLED] per section announce types
- [Fixed] cant get irc !commands to work !
- [Fixed] using colors in the announce skin
- ioTrial + ioBanana v19
- Ioftpd crashing. 5.5.6r
- [Fixed] the sitebot won't start
- [Fixed] installation problem
- [Fixed] ioB zs bug on APPE
- [Fixed] ioA request tag and other weird questions
- One thing sry
- Post your ioBanana skins !
- [Fixed] !commands sometimes not working
- [Fixed] !bw not working
- ioB - no command working
- ioBanana Eggdrop Help..
- ioVOTE
- [Fixed] pb with !getnfo
- [Fixed] nfo announces
- [REQ] customizable dir permissions for complete/incomplete dirs
- [Fixed] ioBanana not working
- ioBanana Sorting MP3/Movies Question.
- problem with !statsup
- how to change !speed output ?
- ioBanana v20 preview
- eggdrop announcing problem
- iobanana colortable ?
- [Fixed] ioBanana SITE CLOSE
- !getnfo doesn't work :(
- [FILLED] Some Announce in another channel
- announce pretime
- Any ETA for ioBanana v20 ?
- [Fixed] !commands not working
- Unexplained crash
- [Fixed] "strip_dirs" doesn't work
- [Fixed] ioB v19 with 5.8.4
- announce over multiple channels
- [Fixed] nuke does not work correctly.. ;o(
- [Fixed] Is there "restart" command that works with latest ioFTPD ?
- [Partially fixed] Remote sitebot problems
- [Fixed] site request (ioA) announce problem
- [Fixed] weird sfv situation
- [Fixed] rank / statsup commands and a ... slight exaggeration
- [Fixed] pretimecheck on new release
- [Fixed] Quota is not resetted when new month start
- [Fixed] Announces problems ...
- [Req] ioBanana Blowfish support
- [Fixed] Race symlinks not working
- [Fixed] Is it possible to announce the nfo only once ?
- [Fixed] The sitebot isn't connected
- [Fixed] !request announce problem
- [Fixed] ioShareDb or ioTrial ?
- [Fixed] Newdate announce via ioB 2 hours too late
- [Fixed] How do I change the welcome notice ?
- [Fixed] How to configure the max available space for !free all
- Can I use ioBanana when logs are disabled ?
- [Fixed] banned dir on STOR
- [Fixed] problem with !trial function of ioBanana v19
- [Fixed] !imdb problem
- url announce bug
- [Fixed] problems with !trials
- [Fixed] does ioB announce logins/logouts ?
- [Fixed] full path announce on !who
- [Fixed] weird irc announces for wipe when ioA.cfg hasn't been edited
- [Fixed] some questions about the client cache and the debug mode
- [Fixed] dir cache not refreshing sometimes using fat32
- [Fixed] can't resolve ?
- [Fixed] changes again, update needed
- ioBanana v20rc1
- [Fixed] ioA.cfg cookies and irc announces
- [Fixed] login problem with ioBanana
- [Fixed] !sitebotfree problems
- [Fixed] troubles with the http package (sitebot)
- [Fixed] ioBanana v20rc1 config help
- [Fixed] zscheckzip 1/2: error opening file ''
- [Fixed] !speed and !bw not working
- [Fixed] Crash on .nfo upload
- [Fixed] pretimes problem
- [Fixed] incomplete symlinks left behind after upload complete
- Requested features
- on_release_complete unzip
- [Fixed] ioBanana and !free space cmd
- [Fixed] lag announce with ioBananav20rc1
- [Fixed] strange thing happened with sitebot
- [Old] Vampire bold skin v6
- [Debug] ioBananaCrash*.dmp ?
- [Fixed] fat32 drives are no longer supported
- [Fixed] Race stats aren't written to .ioFTPD.message
- [Fixed] Error on eggdrop partyline! help
- [Fixed] imdb 5 error
- ioBanana is timebombed!
- [Fixed] upgrading from v20rc1 to rc2
- Installation Help
- [Fixed] "Another day is ended" announce 1 hour late
- [Fixed] latest and race symlinks do not support spaces (they do in v20+)
- [Fixed] no reply on !speed/!bw
- [Fixed] message files, skins and announces
- [Fixed] ioBanana.exe eats 100% cpu time
- [Fixed] ioBanana v20 rc2 and fat32
- [Fixed] problems with DICE command
- What's the average delay to get a reply on !bw ?
- [Fixed] 226-Failed... Can't resolve host for
- [Fixed] howto add binds to ioBanana.tcl
- [Fixed] the bot can't find stderr
- [Fixed] started all over but big problem
- [Fixed] ioB v20rc3, ioA and announcing PRE
- [Fixed] Scheduler event 'Day_Stats' returned error
- [Fixed] RC2 ->RC3 upgrade question
- Invite problem with rc3
- [Req] %username cookie for zipscript.msg
- [Fixed] early timebomb
- [Fixed] weird irc announces on halfway/complete
- [Fixed] wrong section in PRE announces
- [Req] SFV lock
- [Fixed] stransfer + spider/iosortmp3db
- [Filled] sorted by group
- [Question] 0 byte files
- [Fixed] Shared user account, users are unable to download
- [Fixed] Blowfish isn't working properly in v20pre1
- [Fixed] Sitebot Crashed ...
- [Fixed] how to disable an irc !command
- [Fixed] ban problem
- [Fixed] how to use ioShareDb ?
- ioBanana.tcl: timeout of control connection
- [Fixed] Problem with
- Problem with incomplete symlinks ...
- [Filled] ioBanana X sections
- [Filled] free space and speedlimits
- [Fixed] free.msg ?
- [Fixed] problem when creating directories
- [Fixed] ftp open
- [Filled] extra feature for ioB if possible...
- [Fixed] .nfo problem + incomplete dirs
- [Fixed] how to change output of !who
- how to announce logovote in adminchan only?
- No announces at all
- [Fixed] speedlimiter during races
- Bug reports as i see them
- [Fixed] curl.exe ?
- [Fixed] !free error (v20pre4)
- [Fixed] No IMDB OutPut in IRC
- [Fixed] latest symlinks aint working
- Prob with site new
- Problems with !free
- [Fixed] ioBananav20pre6 x Sections
- [Fixed] Nuke output
- [Fixed] No announce when using 0day releases
- ioBanana Templates?
- IoFTPD.ioBanana.v20.pre7-GORE
- [Fixed] readme.txt -> ioBanana.html
- [Fixed] pre7 not announcing anymore
- [Fixed] plot in imdb.nfo
- [Fixed] !quota, symlinks and colors in ioBananav20pre7
- [Fixed] Custom irc commands
- !imdb and !google not working here
- [Fixed] Problems installing ioBanana
- [Fixed] Read the comments in ioBanana.tcl
- [Fixed] SITE NEW and RMD
- [Fixed] Some problems with the new features
- [Fixed] how can I exclude dirs from announces ?
- [Not fixed] the sitebot can't connect to the site
- [Fixed] ioBanana login timeout
- [Old] problems configuring ioBanana
- ioBv20 shows WIPE activity also 4 hidden dirs.
- mp3sortdb.exe + no id3tag files.
- [Fixed] Weird paths in announces
- [Prob] I got a problem with ioBanana v20
- ioBANANA zipscript.. bug??
- !bw
- SFV File Problem
- [Fixed] No !bw with v19
- CRC/Rescan problem
- [Fixed] Using brackets in *.skin files
- !BNC - ioBanana v20
- 2 problems (search & request)
- [Fixed] halfway & complete errors
- !bnc problem
- [Fixed] ioBanana spider
- [Fixed] Auto-nuke error
- MP3 Sorting
- halfway/complete announce ???
- [Fixed] Missing ioBanana.ini settings
- [Fixed] Symlinks not removed after delete ?
- [Fixed] msg !invite
- ioBanana v19 cant find quota ppl
- [Fixed] exclude dirs from making .bad files ?
- [Fixed] ioBanana v20 not posting race results
- latest in wrong folder
- iobanana and mysql
- [Fixed] Pretimes DB format
- [Fixed] sysop pm...
- ioBanana_err.txt
- site new stopped being up2date
- [Fixed] ioBanana v20 zipscript prob
- iobanana.exe
- [Fixed] Pre announces in separate chans ?
- resolveNameToUid / resolveNameToGid
- [Fixed] Not connected!
- [Request] stand alone !trial/!quota
- [Fixed] IRC Commands
- Freespace
- [Fixed] tclhash.c/688
- Trial/quota sections.
- [Fixed] site uptime problem
- [Old] no current_dirs.log ?
- incomplete dirs - zipscript issue?
- [Request] rescan new option idea
- Dupe Engine
- Windrop Help :s
- [Fixed] Grou
- [Partially fixed] ioAUTONUKE.itcl
- [Fixed] on_release_complete
- ioBanana some errors
- [Fixed] 226-Zip: File is Bad!
- [Fixed] ioBanana login error!
- No IMBD OutPut
- [Fixed] pretime, type ?
- [Fixed] sfv check problem help a banana n00b :)
- [Fixed] Low diskspace warning?
- [Fixed] Problem with !bw !who !bnc (iobanana) and SSL
- [Filled] site nuke from site chan
- no roulette mit version 20
- [Fixed] upload .jpg
- [REQUEST] irc traffic cmd
- [Fixed] HideRun.exe - Where to find it?
- Announcement problem????
- ioBananav20 - Some questions
- Complete but not complete...
- approved doesnt create Approved by ... dir
- [Fixed] Problem connecting FTP
- [Fixed] problem with .missing files
- [Fixed] !who problems
- Spider problem.
- [Fixed] redirecting invite msg to admin_chan
- [Old][Fixed] Colors for different sections
- [Fixed] SFV overwriting
- [Fixed] Nukes not announced on chan
- pretimes fails
- site cid info <nr> crashes site
- Problem with weekstats
- [Fixed] %tagline cookie
- [Fixed] wipe announce looks wired
- weird announces
- [Fixed] windrop can't read ioFTPD.log
- [Fixed] how can i disable trial and quota ?
- [Fixed] Exceed Max Download
- [Fixed] free space
- Windrop crashing on blowfish cmds
- [Filled] case insensitive dupechecker
- sitebot Erros...
- iobanana 20 problem
- INCOMPLETE dir problem...
- INCOMPLETE dir problem....
- [Fixed] ioBv20 IMDB error
- [Fixed] zipscript.msg
- [Request] IRC requests
- [Fixed] problem on config
- [Filled] add cookie and mod skin
- [Fixed] Some Section, DiR, Login Problems
- About pretimes checking....
- [Wont] Very Newbie Question!
- [Fixed] !free all problems
- skipping problem
- prob login in to ftp
- [Fixed] announce spam at complete announce
- .skin help :)
- [Filled] Limit nr. of racers and grps in BOT ANNOUNCE
- [Fixed] Another problem with !free and !bnc
- [Fixed] Site new/ircbot reports physical path Not virtual ftp path?
- [Fixed] Race
- [Request] SSL !bnc check
- No IMDB info with uloaded movies
- Top 10 uploaders +v
- iobanana: 100% Cpu load on when uploading .zip
- [Fixed] Problem with !google
- [Fixed] Unable to download
- denypost with custom .vfs
- [Wont] ioBanana 20 turn off the transfer logging and still have a working sitebot?
- Dont Want Announce Cd1, Cd2
- Assistance with the (modded) IRC !req command
- [Fixed] Site Undupe on a SQL DB
- [Fixed] !statsdn / statsup Problem
- on_release_complete
- [Fixed] ioAUTONUKE.itcl ErrrorInfo Question
- [Fixed] display in channel problems with repeating
- [Fixed] resolvePath 2: error opening file
- problems with !who & !bw
- Skins
- !bnc not working
- .files.bad
- [External] !credits
- [Fixed] is this setting for autonuke valid please?
- [Fixed] 2 Questions for ioBanana bot (log + msgfile)
- ioAUTONUKE and external drives
- [Fixed] where to customize 'info' dir
- [Closed] Does iobanana support relative paths in its .ini file?
- [Fixed] statsup & statsdn problem
- Files get lost on 'race' with 3 or more ppl
- [Fixed] ioBanana v19 and site who
- [Fixed] get rid of section folder in announce
- [Fixed] ioBanana v19 locks on nfo
- [Fixed] exclude folder from quota
- !BNC always says "DOWN"
- Symlinks updater error
- [Not fixed] ioB site dupe problem
- [Not Fixed] ioBanana v20 and halfway
- [Unconfirmed] ioBanana's sitenew doesn't work with win2003
- [Not Fixed] the sitebot's connection is refused
- [Fixed] ioB v20 + ioA.2.0.5
- [Fixed] windrop can't read ioFTPD.log (duplicate)
- [Fixed] daystats to include top downloaders
- [Not fixed] the sitebot is often disconnected
- iobanana wierd debug error
- [Fixed] ioBanana v20 download?
- [Request] site stransfer and !free for multiple sites
- [Fixed] reset the user stats for !quota
- [Unconfirmed] quota doesn't work
- iobV2 + rules
- windrop can't find a file thats there... anyone know whats wrong?
- [Fixed] ioB2, imdb announces and curl.exe
- [Latest] symlink does not work.
- [Fixed] ioB2 colours error
- [Investigating] ioB2 quota system
- [Fixed] ioB2 !approve command
- ioB2's sitebot tcl error msg
- [Fixed] ioB2 doesn't parse the NUKE reason
- [Investigating] .missing files not deleted on rescan
- Bug report - How to fix nuke of approved releases
- [Fixed] ioADDLEECH and leech slots
- [Request] a few suggestions for ioB2
- [Investigated] ioB2 errors on rescan
- [Fixed] broadcasted messages error
- [Fixed] MP3 autonuke error
- [Fixed] Approve doesn't work on autonuke
- [Fixed] Director imdb info
- ioB2 - FAQ
- Posting guidelines
- ioB2 - Fixes
- ioB2 - Changelog
- [Investigated] MKD problems
- [Fixed] !nuke and !request aren't working
- [Fixed] ioBanana v20 and msg !invite
- [Old] for regged users
- [Investigated] Slow bot response on bw commands
- [Fixed] bad zip check
- [Investigated] VBR mp3s
- [Investigated] ioautonuke configuration mistakes
- [REQ] Add !banned group
- [REQ]Users not able to download Status TAGS
- [Old] ioBanana v20 on STOR
- [GENERAL] Need to understand the way NEWDIR: works
- [Investigated] no announce at all
- [Investigated] file dupechecking ?
- [External] !inc problem
- [Fixed] !request, !requests and rules
- [Fixed] First tests and some (many) bugs in ioB2
- [Investigated] dvdrs keeps getting nuked
- [Investigated] the anuke feature
- !quota problem at irc
- [Investigated] configuration of !affils
- ioB2 requests/bugs/todo list
- [Investigated] warchive announces / autonuke / enhancements discussions
- [Old] ioBanana v20, windrop and ftp connection
- Quick questions
- [Fixed] who and swho
- [Investigated] Quota resets twice
- [Investigated] ioFTPD 5.8.6r and ioB2
- [Old] ioBanana v20's spider not working
- Does it matter? c:\ioftpd\scripts or .. \scripts
- unexplainable bot error
- [Old][Fixed] another bot error
- Spider - removing valid symlinks?
- [Fixed] site free won't work
- [Fixed] per section colours in ioB2
- [Fixed] !quotas announce
- [Fixed] corrupted ioFTPD.log
- iobanana.tcl invite in multiple chans
- moverls problem
- [Fixed] ioBvar(disable,SECTION) "ANNOUNCE" not working?
- [Old] ident and ip bans
- [Old] resolveNameToGid resolveUidToName
- [Old] ioBanana.v20 Wrong excluded_dirs_dupe syntax ???
- [Fixed] hide from site who
- [Fixed] Tcl error in line 211
- easy fix?
- Site new problem
- problems
- [Old] Is there a problem with ioBanana v20 and imdb ?
- [Old][Fixed] Problem with !req commands
- Autounraring of releases with ioB2
- [Fixed] All MP3's are BAD?
- Resuming completed files causes .bad file
- [old.v20] strange announcing behaviour in chan
- [Old] thousands of incomplete dirtags
- [Fixed] site close locked me out
- IObanana and free
- [Investigated] sfv checker fails on one .sfv file
- [Old] sitebot says upload 100% complete, but nothing is there
- Site new all messed up
- skin...
- [Old] ioB doesn't create incomplete dirs
- site moverls problem
- [Old] imdb error strong class='title'> (Unknown) -
- [Fixed] ioBv2 site nfo not working
- [Fixed] problem with autonuker..
- [mods] ioB 2.0 r1 and third-party scripts
- [Old] SFV not working
- iOB issues
- Request
- no cmds are working in ioB2rc1
- [Old][Fixed] ioBanana v20 announce issue
- [Old] problem changing dir ...
- !free command
- iob development dead ?
- some commands dont work
- upload problem
- One question about folder filtering
- [Old] ioBanana windrop errors
- [Fixed] where may I find ioBanana?
- how can i display this status bar??
- add site new to welcome message
- whats this message in log file??
- can't delete my own thread?
- install ioBanana with remote Bot?
- problem with announce
- Imdb
- [Question]question with sitebot
- site search problem from ioA
- [Fixed] "site blowfish" how to make this cmd work?
- [Fixed] ioB2.0 R1 Autonuke - Nuke Announce
- [Fixed] ioB announce problem
- [Fixed] Multiple incomplete tags
- Two questions
- ioB2 R1 PRE Event no Announce
- Problem with %speed var in halfway announce
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