View Full Version : [Fixed] windrop can't read ioFTPD.log
I get this Error msg ... :
Sat Dec 18 13:37:11 2004
invalid command name "bgerror"
while invoking
"unknown bgerror could not read "D:/ioFTPD/logs/ioFTPD.log": no such file or dir..."
Sat Dec 18 13:37:42 2004
invalid command name "bgerror"
while invoking
"unknown bgerror could not read "D:/ioFTPD/logs/ioFTPD.log": no such file or dir..."
what shall I do ? :p
12-18-2004, 12:58 PM
not create ioFTPD.log file.
You must start ioFTPD.exe and action anything.
ex) somebody login the FTP.
05-21-2005, 11:25 AM
i have the same problem, can you please detail your answer?
05-22-2005, 12:08 AM
The errors pretty self explanatory.
could not read "D:/ioFTPD/logs/ioFTPD.log": no such file or dir..."
It cant read the file and suspects it doesn't exist.
Check it does exist and you have the correct path.
Next lesson, where to find the enter key ;)
05-23-2005, 02:11 PM
yes, "pretty self explanatory"
the file and the dir are exists and the path is correkt too and now i don't know why the hell it doesnt work :/
Could you paste the exact error message you get ?
Are you running windrop and / or ioFTPD as a NT-service ? What sitebot are you using ?
05-23-2005, 03:08 PM
[22:02] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
[22:02] could not read "c:/ioFTPD/scripts/windrop3/logs/ioFTPD.log": no such fil
e or directory
while executing
"file size $ioBvar(iolog)"
invoked from within
"set lastoct [file size $ioBvar(iolog)]"
(file "scripts/ioBanana.tcl" line 315)
invoked from within
"source scripts/ioBanana.tcl"
(file "eggdrop.conf" line 1356)
Thats the error message. No I'm not running Windrop or ioFTPD as an NT-Service. I use ioBanana as Sitebot. I should say the Windrop version is within SSL.
Originally posted by peter2k
[22:02] could not read "c:/ioFTPD/scripts/windrop3/logs/ioFTPD.log":
Have you configured ioFTPD to use such a path for its logfiles or is it a mistake in the configuration of your sitebot ? ioFTPD uses "..\logs\" by default to store its logfiles ; in your case ioFTPD.log would be located at "C:\ioFTPD\logs\ioFTPD.log".
Also, what's the point of having the windrop dir in a subdir of the ioFTPD dir ? Since they're both using a tcl dll, this will lead to conflicts. The two trees shouldn't be merged or mixed.
05-23-2005, 03:33 PM
sorry the errormessage in the post befor was just a test and isn't the normal errormessage. Normally the ioFTPD.log is in C:\ioFTPD\logs\ioFTPD.log
in the ioBanana.tcl stands are all path's with a slash . in ioBanana.ini all path are with a backslash. I used same ioBanana.tcl on a windrop without SSL support and all works good, know i want to use a windrop with SSL support and now this error is there. Maybe it could be that ioBanana.tcl has a problem mit SSL ?
If ioBanana had a problem to run on an SSL-enabled windrop, I would know it. I've used it on all SSL versions since 1.6.13 and I still am (thanks to B0unty for compiling them). The only thing to take care of is to exclude the sitebot's ftp connection from SSL since that it can't do.
Can you paste the real exact (normal ?) error message you get now ?
05-23-2005, 04:14 PM
[22:27] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
[22:27] could not read "c:/ioFTPD/logs/ioFTPD.log": no such file or directory
while executing
"file size $ioBvar(iolog)"
invoked from within
"set lastoct [file size $ioBvar(iolog)]"
(file "scripts/ioBanana.tcl" line 315)
invoked from within
"source scripts/ioBanana.tcl"
(file "eggdrop.conf" line 1356)
thats the real exact errormessage. If i unload the ioBanana.tcl the windrop works fine, but i need the ioBanana.tcl.. i saw a few moments ago that all in c:\ioFTPD is write protected, but the ioFTPD.log isnt write protected. I removed that but don't work, too
07-27-2005, 03:02 PM
same problem here with dzbot :(
[21:58] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
[21:58] could not read "D:/ioFTPD/logs/ioFTPD.log": no such file or directory
while executing
"file size $location(IOLOG)/ioFTPD.log"
invoked from within
"set lastoct [file size $location(IOLOG)/ioFTPD.log]"
(file "scripts/dZSbot.tcl" line 556)
invoked from within
"source scripts/dZSbot.tcl"
(file "eggdrop.conf" line 1326)
07-29-2005, 11:33 PM
In ioFTPD's support channel, I have noticed this issue come up a lot recently. Most of the users encountering this problem were quite frustrated, to say the least. ;)
I had one of them try an older build of Windrop (from, and it worked flawlessly. So, I would most likely attribute this strange problem with the recent Cygwin ports of Eggdrop and/or Tcl on
This would probably explain why those using Bountyâs Windrop build (the SSL patch) did not encounter this problem, he uses an older Tcl version (v8.4.7).
For those of you encountering this problem, I would suggest you try an older Windrop build or Bountyâs build.
Older Windrop:
08-17-2005, 02:26 PM
same here with dzsbot script and newest windrop,
your tip using other build solved it , thx alot ! :)
this one was driving me completely nuts...
btw: what is this weird wrong forward-slash notation for windows-pathes good for anyway ??
08-17-2005, 05:01 PM
It is normal that you have this error, because it does not find the way exact of the file "ioFTPD.log" in iobanane.tcl so that your eggdrop functions correctly. You look in iobanane.tcl at this place like below and you remake it.
################################################## #############################
################################################## #############################
set ioBvar(ioBanana) "c:/ioFTPD/scripts/oBanana.exe" ;# Not used on a *nix box
set ioBvar(ftpdir) "c:/ioFTPD/"
set ioBvar(iolog) "c:/ioFTPD/logs/ioFTPD.log"
set ioBvar(nfo_log) "c:/ioFTPD/logs/nfos.log"
09-04-2005, 10:49 AM
I have the same problem. It worked fine with windrop 1.6.13 but after I updated to the newest version 1.6.17 this problem came up. I downloaded Bounty's version as neoxed suggested and the problem disapeard.
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