View Full Version : [Fixed] !nuke and !request aren't working

09-18-2005, 08:04 AM
Hello, i've got trouble with some commands.
I'm running the last iobanana and ioa ( just got them 2 days ago from the download area )
And i'm trying to get those commands working:
- !request
- !nuke

I think other commands are out but...

I thought first it was a trusted user misconfig but i can !approve or !silent. Now i'm reading the whole code to find a way to change it to fix, but if Harm know where is my prob... could be faster..


09-18-2005, 09:52 AM
Nuke command fixed .. still having hell with !request

09-18-2005, 11:09 AM
Very few (if any) informations to start with... :/
What was the problem you've encountered with the !nuke command ?

Regarding the !request command, my guess is that you haven't configured it correctly. It's nicer than before but doesn't work out-of-the-box.
You have to add the following line to the configuration part of your ioBanana.tcl. I'm assuming that "scoonydeus" is the handle you're using on your bot and your uid and gid (for ioFTPD) are 0 and 0.
set ioBinfo(ids,scoonydeus) "0 0"

PS: http://www.inicom.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15532

02-21-2006, 11:10 PM
How did you fix the !nuke command. I cant get !nuke !request or !approve to work