View Full Version : [Fixed] !request, !requests and rules
10-02-2005, 02:46 PM
Noticed a few issues with the new version:
If you have affils that pre in more than one area, they are listed multiple times from !affils command
Commands that send you a lot of data from the bot are far too slow for each line - eg !help
!imdb now broken
!quotas doesnt seem to list exempt users / groups anymore
!leechers now !dn
!uploaders now !up
!passed now broken
!google now broken
!undupe now broken
Leading group is [b]%gptop[b] \[%gpmbMB/%gpfilesF/%gppercent%/%gpspeedkBps\]. no longer works on HALFWAY announce.
And sometimes halfway announce appears twice.
!latests lists all folders - eg sample, etc. not just releases.
!requests sends me site rules!
10-02-2005, 08:37 PM
I agree with the !latests command, i think it's can be usefull to rename the cd*, covers, sample etc... log title to NEWSUBDIR: or whatever ...
This will fix the latests command...
If u guys can make a fix...
And to reply to !passed is working for me and undupe i think so... and it's pretty easy tu change the !dn command to !leechers...
10-02-2005, 08:40 PM
I just get no response in chan to them
10-03-2005, 10:40 AM
I agree with the !latests command, i think it's can be usefull to rename the cd*, covers, sample etc... log title to NEWSUBDIR: or whatever ...
This will fix the latests command...NEWDIR: is logged by ioFTPD itself everytime it creates a new directory. ioBanana just show them.
Latest just needs an exception list. Maybe there are none atm, or it's just not working. Who knows. Harm or someone with tcl knowledge will fix when they have time.
10-03-2005, 11:01 AM
To fix latest that shows unwanted dirs:
open ioDUPE.itcl and add 3 lines in it:
proc sitenew {section number} {
global dupe ioB zs
if {[catch {set iolog [open $dupe(iolog) r]}]} {return 0}
set content [split [read $iolog] \r\n]; close $iolog
set newdirs [lsearch -all -inline -glob $content "* NEWDIR: *"]
set pos 0
foreach newdir $newdirs {
foreach dir $zs(subdirs) {
if {[string match -nocase "*/$dir" [lindex $newdir 5]]} {set newdirs [lreplace $newdirs $pos $pos]; incr pos -1}
foreach dir $zs(excluded,dupe) {
if {[string match $dir [lindex $newdir 5]]} {set newdirs [lreplace $newdirs $pos $pos]; incr pos -1}
incr pos 1
Noticed a few issues with the new version:
If you have affils that pre in more than one area, they are listed multiple times from !affils command
Commands that send you a lot of data from the bot are far too slow for each line - eg !help
!imdb now broken
!quotas doesnt seem to list exempt users / groups anymore
!leechers now !dn
!uploaders now !up
!passed now broken
!google now broken
!undupe now broken
Leading group is [b]%gptop[b] \[%gpmbMB/%gpfilesF/%gppercent%/%gpspeedkBps\]. no longer works on HALFWAY announce.
And sometimes halfway announce appears twice.
!latests lists all folders - eg sample, etc. not just releases.
!requests sends me site rules!
Affils are listed multiple times because you've created multiple lines for them. Only one line per affil is required as you can specify as many sections as you want on one Pre_Group_* line.
The bot slows down the reply rate for the irc commands where there are announces going on. This was implemented to avoid flooding the irc server and being killed for this reason.
!imdb isn't broken, it was removed by design. B0unty's standalone imdb script works fine and is well maintained. The same goes for !google.
!quotas (like !trials) doesn't list exempted users by design. Exempted users are supposed to be hidden. Note that !trials lists apprentices which are users that will soon enter their trial period.
What's the problem with the !up and !dn commands ? They're shorter and thus easier to use. This is fully documented btw.
I'm not aware of any issue with !passed and I won't read your mind nor spend a day or two trying to figure out what you're talking about. If you want to see it fixed (or explained), you'll have to give more details. The same goes for !undupe.
These cookies are indeed not available.
If the halfway announce appears twice, it usually means it has been logged twice. Start with denying overwrite and resume in these directories and then provide more details (like excepts of your ioFTPD.log and xferlog) if you want a better explanation. I can't figure out what happens without seeing these.
10-03-2005, 01:55 PM
Thanks, !latests one now fixed. And !passed now works (my error)
Cheers for the explanations Harm. We work through and see if anything outstanding, turn debugging on, etc. and try to come back with more info.
nb - im talking about the speed when the bot has no anounces, can I speed it up?
10-04-2005, 02:05 PM
Found another one -
"Latest" shortcut on site also lists uploads to PRE folder! There doesnt seem to be a setting to ignore it?
There's of course a setting to exclude some dirs from being listed in the Latest symlink. It's called $zs(excluded,dupe).
Read the faq, there's an article about possible problems with it (and the solution of course).
What do you mean with "slow" ? It takes ~1 second here without other announces in the queue and between 2 and 5 (usually) when there are.
10-06-2005, 07:54 PM
HI, It takes nearer 2 seconds per line for me with the bot doing nothing. Can I speed it up?
!request doesnt seem to work - I have set gid, uid, ident etc. eg !approve works though.
!undupe doesnt respond.
!requests sends me the site rules ???
Any ETA on the documentation for the rules format?
Thanks very much.
It looks a bit high but possible if the bot is lagging. Try to ctcp ping the bot.
10-08-2005, 04:13 AM
1.9 Seconds from a connection via a USA bnc (bot is .eu)
Is there not a setting to speed up how long it takes per line?
10-08-2005, 07:21 AM
nb - I found an !imdb script to add.
Any help with finding an !google, or could you release yours from the old ioB as a seperate .tcl ? has several scripts available to search google from irc.
10-08-2005, 12:39 PM
Yeah - found one. Cant find a working download for Bountys !imdb script though :-[
10-08-2005, 04:19 PM
There's of course a setting to exclude some dirs from being listed in the Latest symlink. It's called $zs(excluded,dupe).
Read the faq, there's an article about possible problems with it (and the solution of course).
How do I set this setting? I find references to it in ioDUPE.TCL but do not see anywhere to set it.
10-08-2005, 04:21 PM
Ahh found it (without the $) in ioCONFIG
But i think it was set correctly - and was still announcing latests links from there:
###; No dupechecking in these dirs
set zs(excluded,dupe) "/_PRE*"
Oh well I will check again
10-08-2005, 04:28 PM
Yep - both latests links and !latests command still list uploads to pre folder
How are you testing ?
- you're still in / and you send MKD /_PRE/GRP/SOMETHING-GRP
- you're in /_PRE/GRP and you send MKD SOMETHING-GRP
In the first case, it might indeed get through. This will be corrected for the next release.
I can't understand why it's listed in SITE NEW / !latests though. Try to escape the '_' char, just in case. set zs(excluded,dupe) "/\_PRE*"
10-09-2005, 06:07 AM
Its when people send a release to the pre dir with ftp client so i would think they are in that dir.
If you want me to test updates just let me know.
10-09-2005, 11:00 AM
nb - I think the reason that I am getting sent the complete site rules on !requests is because it finds requests as a section name....
How can that be fixed so it only responds to !rules requests ?
10-09-2005, 05:46 PM
Most of my outstanding issues were fixed today by Harm.
The !request in channel issue is because this command expects the bot to recognise you itself, so if you are not added as a user and auth'd it wont work. This will be fixed in the next iob update so that it uses only details in iobanana.tcl
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