View Full Version : [Fixed] how to use ioShareDb ?

06-27-2004, 01:26 PM
It works fine and everything but in dbase it isn`t the date i added the user.

Let me give an example:
I have site1 and site2 ... on site1 i add a user TEST in group Trial

when i do

!1trials (for site1)
[16:42] <bot1> [TRIALS]
[16:42] <bot1> games upped 25.20mb/3.00gb since 2004-06-27 (2.97gb left) - Day 0/7 - still in trial :-

...but for bot for site2

[16:47] <bot2> [TRIALS]
[16:47] <bot2> games upped 37.20mb - error during trial start date lookup

So im guessing cause the user was added on site1 the !1trials is working correctly but for !2trials not cause in the db isn`t the information about the date when user was added.

And it gets complicated also by quota in the same way if i have qouta not for users which were added after the 7th in month it also wont work right cause on site2 it can`t find the information when the user was added and he always has the quota even he was added on 29th.

:confused: :banana:

06-27-2004, 01:35 PM
Of course since those informations are logged to SysOp.log ONLY on the site where the user was added.

It's how ioFTPD and ioShareDb work and it's not a bug in the ioShareDbHelpers.

Since everything is shared, you don't need the !quota and !trial commands on all sitebots. Thus, you can disable them on all sitebots but one and tell your siteops to add users using this site and this site only.

06-27-2004, 01:41 PM
u need to add all the users from one site only. this should also be the site that responds to !passed/!quota. this is the way to do it to make it work

06-27-2004, 03:33 PM
Ok thanx for clearing that up.