View Full Version : [Fixed] Read the comments in ioBanana.tcl

08-02-2004, 02:07 AM
My owner is soo lazy :> Go check ioBanana.tcl
################################################## #############################
# ioBanana.tcl ; ioBanana v20 #
################################################## #############################
set ioBvar(sitename) "DN"
set ioBvar(cmdpre) "!"
# Site rules sent on !rules
set ioBvar(fnfo) "c:/ioFTPD/text/ftp/rules.msg"
# Eggdrop or Windrop ? 0=windrop/1=eggdrop
set ioBvar(eggdrop) 0
# Use the distributed announces module ?
# See http://ioftpd-scripts.sourceforge.net for more informations
set ioBvar(distributed) 0

<Alot of useless sh*t cropped by Zer0Racer>

################################################## #############################
################################################## #############################
source scripts/log.tcl
source scripts/ftp.tcl
set ioBvar(debug) 0
set ioBvar(debuglog) "c:/ioFTPD/logs/BotError.log"
# Once you've edited everything above, you can safely remove the next line and start your bot
die "My owner is soo lazy :> Go check ioBanana.tcl"

My owner is soo lazy :> Go check ioBanana.tcl

08-02-2004, 02:30 AM
What's so hard to understand? The comment explains what you're supposed to do.

# Once you've edited everything above, you can safely remove the next line and start your bot
die "My owner is soo lazy :> Go check ioBanana.tcl"

08-02-2004, 10:24 AM
my setting what miss??

08-02-2004, 10:32 AM
You're missing some basic reading skills. Read neoxed's reply again (and again if needed).

PS: please update your board profile.

08-02-2004, 10:59 AM
What part was mistaken?

help plz...

eggdrop -mnt
My owner is soo lazy :> Go check ioBanana.tcl

lol T_T

08-02-2004, 03:27 PM
search and remove this line:
die "My owner is soo lazy :> Go check ioBanana.tcl"
from your iobanana.tcl

just remove it