View Full Version : [Fixed] sysop pm...

09-12-2004, 02:41 PM
Useing the l8est ioFTPD and ioA with ioBanana v20.
In iobanana.tcl:

################################################## #############################
################################################## #############################
# Who receives the msg for error and sysop logs (space separated list)
# The admin names are their handles on the bot/botnet
# Messages are sent through the partyline
set ioBvar(admin) "Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx"
# Send to those chans too (space separated list)
set ioBvar(admin_chan) ""
# Receive a pm on error ?
set ioBvar(pm_error) 0
# Receive a pm on sysop operation ?
set ioBvar(pm_sysop) 1
set ioBvar(error_log) "c:/ioFTPD/logs/Error.log"
set ioBvar(sysop_log) "c:/ioFTPD/logs/Sysop.log"

Yet, i dont get any sysop pm... If i set a chan name in admin_chan it displays it in the channel but i would like it to send me and my op-friends a pm, just like it did in ioBanana v19.

Can someone(Harm ;)) help me out here? What have i forgotten to do?

I think it doesent write to sysop loggfile.. Dunno why.
Wierd is that it can annonce it to a admin channel.

Iv checked the ioA.cfg and it is right path and filename to the logfile.

09-12-2004, 04:00 PM
set ioBvar(admin) "Cleaver jesper Abomin The-Verifyer spiden" <-- is that really the nick you use on irc? He's the one who's gonna get the pm's :cool:

09-13-2004, 09:33 AM
Dosent mather if it is the real nicks. Just a small totaly private network.
And btw... look at the code i posted, the vars is right. Something else is wrong.

09-18-2004, 02:24 AM
It doesn't send private message to sysops anymore.
Now it does send messages through the bot/botnet's partyline (to the specified handles).
This was changed to avoid sending pms to unwanted ppl.