View Full Version : iobV2 + rules

09-01-2005, 11:23 AM
The rules
The $rules(sections) variable is a space separated list of all sections that have specific rules. The $rules(path) variable defines the path to the rules.cfg file (it contains the rules) and the $rules(msg) variable defines the path to the rules.msg file (that will be shown on SITE RULES).

set rules(sections) "0DAYS APPS DVDR MP3 SVCD TV"
set rules(path) "C:/ioFTPD/scripts/rules.cfg"
set rules(msg) "C:/ioFTPD/scripts/rules.msg"

I see this in the documentation
Where are those files? Do they get generated?
How should they look like?


09-01-2005, 05:35 PM
This is a very good question. It isn't very clear in the docs because I've intentionally skipped that part. I will give details soon.. I'm still quite busy atm.

What you should know is:
- the rules.msg file is displayed on SITE RULES. It is a plain old text file.
- the rules.cfg file has a particular syntax (that I'll explain later). If it's not there, it won't change anything. But if it exists and is wrongly formatted, it'll crash the scripts.

09-01-2005, 05:38 PM
Better to leave it alone than hehe
Thx for the info