View Full Version : NeoXed's scripts
- ioHelp - SITE HELP for ioFTPD
- ForceSFV - Block uploads until .sfv is uploaded
- Remove 4KB+ .ioFTPD files (temporary solution)
- nxAutoNuke - Auto-nuke by groups, disks, IMDB, MP3, and more.
- nxAutoNuke - Support
- [Problem/need fix?]-nxTools.&.dZSbot.annouce.nuke/unnuke
- [Question]
- nxTools same help
- [REQ] nxTools add tools
- bug with nxtools
- Private and Public Invite
- [nxTools] I can't mkdir, problem with nxDupe.itcl/check approve
- nxTools Memory Leak?
- NXtools and site new
- NXTools- New Version
- nxTools & List of approved releases
- Bug in nxTools.txt
- NXTools generates incorrect FTP replies?
- [suggestion] nxTools - site drives
- nxTools & undupe public
- [nxTools] To hide the PRE uploaders completely.
- nxTools - Possible to add new feature for prestats ?
- nxtools request via irc
- [suggestion] nxTools - site search - site msg
- Site Request Error
- 2 mayor bugs in nxDupe.tcl found..
- nxTools Pre Hide
- nxAutoNuke v2.1.0 and nxTools v0.9.11
- nxMissingTags - Creates symlink tags for missing NFO's and SFV's.
- Sitebot (AlcoBot) v0.1.0
- nxTools: cant reqdel
- Error in alcobot when starting eggdrop
- nxTools v0.9.13
- a working site, with alcobot, nxtools and?
- Request Error
- Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v0.2.0
- Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v0.3.0
- Problem starting AlcoBot
- Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v0.4.0
- Remove pre-time functionality from nxTools?
- Need Help With pretimes and invite
- approve not working ?
- nxAutoNuke v2.2.0
- nxTools v1.0.0
- Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v0.5.0
- nxComplete solution?
- Ssl And Invite Pb
- Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v0.6.0
- To improve nxautonuke still more? It's possible?
- Mp3 Newdir
- nxAutoNuke v2.3.0
- nxTools v1.0.1
- Rescan/sfv
- Approve Db
- irc undupe error
- Help with invite
- Site close problem
- is it possible?
- little fix for a problem i had
- ODBC help!
- SQLite and ODBC Problems
- Latest symlinks not removed on del/wipe.
- Daily Stats Message
- Remove, Bouncer, And Both Invite and Predatabase from Alcobot
- site nuke doesnt do anything
- Importing Invite database
- Problem loading AlcoBot
- overwrite files
- Probl with !request
- Request output
- Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v0.7.0
- IMDB announce after newdir
- AlcoBot + tclhash.c/688 crash
- nxAutonuke and irc warn announcment
- More granular control over announcments?
- ioA Nuke Problems
- IRC request problems
- AlcoBot, binding specific cmds
- nxTools v1.0.2
- Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v1.0.0 - Final
- No announce on Complete
- alcobot undupe issue
- nxAutoNuke v2.3.1
- problem with invite cmd site invpasswd
- problem with alcobot's announces
- question about readlogs module
- nxTools - site new
- Alcobot request+mysql problem
- nxAutoNuke v2.4.0
- nxTools v1.0.3
- Can AlcoBot run remotely
- changing speeds output
- Error in trying to install psz-ng to Alcobot 1.0
- Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v1.1.0
- !dupe problem
- Alcobot + Nxtools invite OCDB module
- !Uptime for AlcoBot
- Site invite works but don't invite nick to channel
- How can I change channel to do !site cmd ??
- Pre not working
- Help! AlcoBot won't announce
- Alcobot / pre announce fails after loosing connection to mysql
- some error
- Invite in nxtools?
- New database abstraction layer
- sharedb import ?
- No hostmasks possible with Alcobot invitesystem
- nxTools v1.0.4
- nxAutoNuke v2.4.1
- Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v1.2.0
- customized cmds - alcobot
- nxSDK - C/C++ SDK for ioFTPD
- Dupe db using symlinks?
- irc request pb
- hi.. first time user of alcobot
- some small requests for next version..
- autowipe problem + question about latest race symlink
- Slew of random questions
- nxSDK v0.4.0
- Coming Soon: nxMyDB and nxDistDB
- connection problems
- Online Module not working?
- A few errors..
- free problem
- newdate
- ForceSFV
- Having trouble with installing nxTools..
- multi groups support ?
- Unable to pre to a specific section
- bot issues
- gadmin rights
- Requesting
- alcobot problem
- new dir not announced
- nxTools v1.0.5
- invite module and alcobot newest
- Create database with easyphp?
- Strange output from project-zs
- AlcoExt debug package
- Wipe problem
- Bounty's Eggdrop no more available
- autowipe still doesnt work properly
- [eRROR] Alcobot readlogs module
- Installation Problem with v1.05
- [Login]Sitebot - Announce Irc Problem
- Changes to the request feature in nxTools
- !free chrash?
- Help Alcobot + nxtools + ioA
- alcobot issue
- AlcoBot variable definition problem
- newdir announce
- AlcoBot time to complete problem
- nxTools PRE problem in 6.1.4
- iosfv
- nxTools v1.05a Wipe issue Fix
- AlcoBot setup problems :(
- Alcobot nxtools status?
- Hello again ;-)
- nxAutoNuke v2.5.0
- nxTools v1.0.6
- having probs loading up alcobot.. for 1st time
- Trouble with announcing IMDB nfo with php_pio
- nxTools nuke/wipe problem
- help.. nxautonuke not nuking.. banned genres
- Site close problem
- Announce format
- nxMyDB - Back from the Grave
- sqlite3 problems
- alcolbot start problem
- alcolbot site..???
- alcobot and newdir
- nxMyDB v0.1.0 - Alpha 1
- nxautonuke: getting incomplete problem
- alcobot invite module
- start alcobot problem
- nxautonuke: can i incuding parent directory?
- alcobot & invite
- annunce
- strange problem
- nxMyDB v0.2.0 - Alpha 2
- newdate schudler problem
- nuke and unnuke problem
- Alcobot not annoucing pre
- bouncer timeout
- Accessing nxMyDB's database
- nxMyDB v0.3.0 - Alpha 3
- %anuketime %users
- nxTools close error
- AlcoBot and IMDb
- AlcoBot alive and well?
- Sitecmd question
- nxAutonuke 2.5 +ioA messing with nukes
- nxMyDB v0.4.0
- nxTools v1.0.6 : big problem of SITE REBUILD!
- possible to move old existing users to nxmydb?
- nxTools v1.0.7
- Coming Soon - nxTools v1.1
- Rebuild configuration problem
- Coming Soon - AlcoBot v1.3
- EDITPRE problems
- nxTools v1.1.0
- Problem with alcobot announce
- Configuring nxMyDB to use SSL
- problems with nuke
- nxtool 1.10: mass error logs when rebuilding
- nxTools v1.1.1
- still got same error with nxtools 1.1.1
- pre > DEFAULT > > 0f/0KB
- nxMyDB v0.5.0
- nxHelper.dll
- help me!! nxDupe.tcl, top.tcl error...
- nxTools v1.2.0
- site dupe Error
- i'm wondering about top.tcl and topstats.tcl
- nxAutoNuke v2.5.1
- nxTools v1.2.1
- nxtools-v1.2.1
- iTCL extensions
- Nxtools 1.2.1 issue
- Alcobot announce problem for NEWDIR,DELDIR etc
- Alcobot !addip script?
- Future of my Scripts
- nxTools ideas/bugs
- NEWDATE error
- nxautonuke-v2.5.1 - four File Tags
- Request issue with nXtools i.c.w. dZSbot
- Filedupe
- Alcobot 1.2.0 announce issue
- Error at MP3-Plugin and sorting-function
- Request under nxtools with username
- MP3 PRE dzsbot Annouce Question
- choose, when to be issued racestats
- Problems with "closedate" of NX-Tools
- nxtools 1.2.1 (site pre + runtime error)
- nxTools 1.2.1 - word wrap sections in site rules
- LoadPackage error
- Error after Wipe. Whats the problem?
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