View Full Version : Alcoholicz Sitebot (AlcoBot) v1.2.0

05-08-2006, 06:41 PM
NEW: Command to display group pre statistics, !pregroup <name>.
NEW: Command to display pre database statistics, !predb.
NEW: Database abstraction layer library, replacing ODBC.
NEW: Database tables are created automatically if they do not exist.
NEW: FTP servers are now specified using URI strings (bouncer and ftpconn modules).
NEW: Pattern matching options for the pre search, -match exact|regexp|wild.
NEW: Support for additional FTP daemons can be added by creating a module sub-directory.
NEW: The !site command displays all output, unless the -quiet switch is used.
CHG: Debug log callbacks for the FTP library are per-handle instead of global.
CHG: Improved test suite, now able to run outside of Eggdrop's interpreter.
CHG: Libraries only set the errorCode value when intentionally throwing exceptions.
CHG: Renamed tree library function "Tree::GetNaive" to "Tree::GetQuiet".
FIX: Consistently handle arguments in the nxtools module.
A few small, but important configuration changes.
AlcoBot.conf sections that require updating: Module::Bouncer, Module::FtpConn, Module::Invite, and Module::PreTimes.


11-07-2007, 05:19 PM
neoxed, is it possible to add support for ioninja zipscript in alcobot.
I looked around a bit cheking the vars for each zipscript you have announces for, they all seem pretty simple to add but I doubt that is the case with ioninja, it has a pretty diffrent output in ioftpd.log. You cant use the %message var for example, it wont understand the stuff in ioftpd.log

its more like the glftpd zipscript I think pzsng (from looking at the .vars file in alcobot
not sure if this is cool with o_dog (scripter)... I hope it is?
anyways neoxed if you have time, well you know what to do I guess ;)

02-10-2008, 01:08 AM
Can't find anywhere over the internet a place to download AlcoBot 1.2.0
Do you have a live link?


02-10-2008, 05:10 PM
Can't find anywhere over the internet a place to download AlcoBot 1.2.0
Do you have a live link?
Added Rapidshare link to the original post.

12-14-2012, 07:21 PM
having problems when try to launch Alcobot...

[01:15] [AlcoBot] Loading packages...
[01:15] [AlcoBot] Loading configuration...
[01:15] [AlcoBot] Loading modules...
[01:15] [AlcoBot] Module Loaded: bouncer
[01:15] [AlcoBot] Module Loaded: free
[01:15] [AlcoBot] Module Loaded: ftpconn
[01:15] [AlcoBot] Unable to load module "ftpd": initialisation failed: the message window "ioFTPD::MessageWindow" does not exist
[01:15] [AlcoBot] Module Loaded: groups
[01:15] [AlcoBot] Module Loaded: help
[01:15] [AlcoBot] Unable to load module "online": initialisation failed: the message window "ioFTPD::MessageWindow" does not exist

tried to run as a service & tried to run manually, also tried to rename ioFTPD::MessageWindow in alco & ioftpd.ini still gives me the same error... worked before but suddenly crashed ...

cheers !