View Full Version : nxtools-v1.2.1
05-18-2008, 07:10 PM
i'm upgraded from 1.1.0 to 1.2.1 this weird error msg popup, anyone aware of this error
msg under systemlog
database disk image is malformed
while executing
"OneDb eval {SELECT * FROM OneLines ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC LIMIT $misc(OneLines)} values {
incr count
set valueList [clock for..."
(procedure "OneLines" line 13)
invoked from within
"OneLines [join [lrange $argList 1 end]]"
("ONELINES" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch -- $05-18-2008 17:23:08 "..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl" terminated abnormally
table DupeFiles has no column named FilePath
while executing
"FileDb eval {INSERT INTO DupeFiles(TimeStamp,UserName,GroupName,FilePath,Fi leName) VALUES($timeStamp,$user,$group,$filePath,$fileName )}"
(procedure "UpdateFiles" line 12)
invoked from within
"UpdateFiles $command $virtualPath"
(procedure "UpdateLog" line 9)
invoked from within
"UpdateLog "UPLD" [li05-18-2008 20:02:08 "..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl" terminated abnormally
Thanks alot for all your help.
05-18-2008, 09:10 PM
Looks like the SQLite database files are corrupted, delete them and run "SITE DB CREATE" again.
05-19-2008, 05:24 AM
your right .db corrupted somewhere, all working fine now,
Thanks alot
05-24-2008, 06:43 PM
Hi Neoxed:
same topic, I was upgraded from 1.1.0 and now my nxpre.conf no longer working here is the paths
DVDR "N:/Race5/DVDR"
DVDR "MYGRP Siteops"
Siteops "/LC/" "/Race5/DVDR/"
and on nxtools.conf is:
set dupe(AlphaNumChars) 5
set dupe(IgnoreDirs) {*/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] */cd[0-9] */dis[ck][0-9] */dvd[0-9] */codec */cover */covers */extra */extras */sample */subs */vobsub */vobsubs */Sorted/*}
set dupe(IgnoreFiles) {.* *.asc *.bad *.diz *.gif *.jpg *.missing *.nfo *.url}
set dupe(CheckExempts) {
on ioFTPD.ini is:
pre = !A *
when I do site pre (section) (release) I got this error
site pre DVDR
[L] 200-.-[Pre]------------------------------------------------------------------.
[L] 200 Command successful.
on SystemError.log is:
05-24-2008 19:40:28 "..\scripts\nxTools\nxPre.tcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "pre(IgnoreFiles)": no such element in array
while executing
"GetDirList $realPath dirlist $pre(IgnoreFiles)"
(procedure "Release" line 76)
invoked from within
"Release [lrange $argList 1 end]"
(procedure "::nxTools::Pre::Main" line 25)
invoked from within
"::nxTools::Pre::Main [expr {[info exists args] ? $args : ""}]"
(file "..\scripts\nxTools
Please help! what did i do wrong there?
Thank you so much for your prompt reply.
ioFTPDv6.4.3-ioninjav0.6.1and nxtoolsv1.2.1
05-25-2008, 12:19 PM
Follow the upgrade instructions in upgrading.txt.
1.2.0 -> 1.2.1
- Copy (and replace) lib\sqlite3\ and lib\nxHelper\ directories to ioFTPD\lib\.
- Replace ioFTPD\scripts\nxLib.tcl with the included one.
- Replace all Tcl files in ioFTPD\scripts\nxTools\.
1.1.1 -> 1.2.0
- Copy (and replace) lib\sqlite3\ and lib\nxHelper\ directories to ioFTPD\lib\.
- Replace ioFTPD\scripts\nxLib.tcl with the included one.
- Replace all Tcl files in ioFTPD\scripts\nxTools\.
- Update date cookies in the pre paths and newdate paths.
1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
- Replace ioFTPD\scripts\nxLib.tcl with the included one.
- Replace all Tcl files in ioFTPD\scripts\nxTools\.
- New config option: pre(IgnoreFiles).
1.0.7 -> 1.1.0
- Copy (and replace) the lib\sqlite3\ and lib\nxHelper\ directories to ioFTPD\lib\.
- Upgrade the dupe databases using "SITE DB CREATE".
- Replace ioFTPD\scripts\nxLib.tcl with the included one.
- Replace all Tcl files in ioFTPD\scripts\nxTools\.
05-25-2008, 04:13 PM
Once again, you got the nail in the head again. I fresh installation instead of upgrading
now all work fine again,
Thanks alot for all your helps and keep a great works
05-26-2008, 09:44 AM
small bug
if you close the site with SITE CLOSE command and then you try to login with a user that doesn't exist, you got this error message in SystemError.log:
05-26-2008 16:33:05 "..\scripts\nxTools\nxClose.tcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "user": no such variable
while executing
"IsExempt $user $group $flags"
(procedure "OnLogin" line 10)
invoked from within
("LOGIN" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch -- $event {
set result [SiteClose [lrange $argList 1 end]]
set result [OnLogi..."
09-22-2012, 07:22 PM
--- ErrorInfo ---
unmatched open quote in list
while executing
"lindex $line 0"
(procedure "ConfigRead" line 21)
invoked from within
"ConfigRead $pre(ConfigFile)"
(procedure "Release" line 3)
invoked from within
"Release [lrange $argList 1 end]"
(procedure "::nxTools::Pre::Main" line 25)
invoked from within
"::nxTools::Pre::Main [expr {[info exists args] ? $args : ""}]"
(file "..\scripts\nxTools\nxPre.tcl" l
09-23-2012 01:41:00 "..\scripts\nxTools\nxPre.tcl" terminated abnormally
this when i wanted to pre mp3 ... there is an other pre with other section that does work, any ideas or even what am i doing wrong
There's an unmatched quote in the pre config file... I don't have any familiarity with the pre command so I don't remember if the pre file is user editable or if it's done by software... Take a look to see if you can spot the quoting issue. You also might try something that edits TCL like komodo or perhaps ultraedit since they usually highlight unmatched quotes.
09-28-2012, 05:35 AM
thanks for replying me Yil, i found out the script was hangin at the parsing of the mp3 files so i cut out this part :
# Attempt to parse every MP3 file until successful.
foreach filePath $mp3Files {
if {[catch {::nx::mp3 $filePath mp3} error]} {
ErrorLog PreMP3 $error
} else {
set codec [format "MPEG %.1f Layer %d" $mp3(version)
iputs "|-------------------------------------------------------
iputs [format "| Artist : %-60s |" $mp3(artist)]
iputs [format "| Album : %-60s |" $mp3(album)]
iputs [format "| Genre : %-16s Year: %-11s Bitrate: %-16s |"
$mp3(genre) $mp3(year) "$mp3(bitrate) Kbit"]
iputs [format "| Channel : %-16s Type: %-13s Codec: %-16s |"
$mp3(mode) $mp3(type) $codec]
set isMP3 1; break
maybe usefull for ppl with the same issues....
now i can go on adding more sections, hopfully this will go clean ;]
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