View Full Version : No announce on Complete

03-04-2006, 03:52 PM
well i set up the script al works fine.. but on irc.. if something is complete.. i wont get a complete announce i dont get any errors ore such things.. he only shows me on irc the new dir not when he is complete...

ive installed:
alcoholbot (latest version)
ioSFV (latest version)
Nxtools (latest version)

i didnt setup the extra things for alcoholbot like bouncer etc i dont think that will be a problem of this

i hope someone could help me out thnx allot :D

03-07-2006, 04:14 PM
make sure youve added the correct vars for the zipscript
check in alcobot.conf for "varFiles = iosfv.vars"... the iosfv var is not added by default so youll need to do that.
One more thing you can make sure if you have your sections setup correctly in the same config file

example: DVDR = "/DVDR/" "#chan" "+all"
+all indicates that every flag will be announced (includeing the +zipscript flag)

03-27-2006, 04:20 AM
k thnx man will try this :D