View Full Version : 2 mayor bugs in nxDupe.tcl found..

05-28-2005, 09:50 AM
ive found 2 bugs in dupe part of nxtools.
pretime in FXPwindow works fine 100%

but prewarn announce @ irc seems to be wired;)

05-28-2005 16:32:48 WARNPRE: "/SVCD/XXXXXXXXXXXXX" "600" "165838" "1117124930"

[SVCD] + SVCD/xxxxxxxxx is older than the 600min limit (pre'd 165838 ago), possible nuke!

but in cfg i set up limit 10min and pretime issnt converted into Days H M S...


05-28-2005, 09:55 AM
limit bug ive found myself you have to change one line in nxDupe.tcl.

search for:

putlog "${LogPrefix}: \"$VirtualPath\" \"$LateSecs\" \"$ReleaseAge\" \"$TimeStamp\""

and replace it with:

putlog "${LogPrefix}: \"$VirtualPath\" \"$LateMins\" \"$ReleaseAge\" \"$TimeStamp\""


05-28-2005, 01:30 PM
I assume you're using nxTools with dZSbot, and didn't take the time to read the config/manual?

11. If you use dZSbot, you must enable the misc(dZSbotLogging) option in the nxTools configuration file.
# - Enable dZSbot compatible logging, for alternative sitebot support.
# - However, some features will not be available. The invite channels for dZSbot
# are pre-defined, so invite targets will not work (SITE INVITE <irc nick> [target]).
set misc(dZSbotLogging) False

05-28-2005, 04:46 PM
found the error my brain was the error:P