View Full Version : nxAutoNuke - Support
10-28-2004, 06:36 AM
Really thx for this needed script mate :)
But...i can't run it...i paste my settings:
set misc(MountUser) "ioFTPD"
set misc(MountFile) "../etc/admin.vfs"
set misc(UTC_Time) False
set misc(DST_Correct) False
set misc(TimeZone) 0
set anuke(UserName) "ioFTPD"
set anuke(GroupName) "ioftpd"
set anuke(Release) True
set anuke(Sections) {
"/MVID/%Y-Week-%W" 0 {
in ioFTPD.log i don't have nothing created by anuker.
in ioFTPD.ini i have:
autonuke = 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * TCL ..\scripts\nxAutoNuke\nxAutoNuke.itcl
autonuke = TCL ..\scripts\nxAutoNuke\nxAutoNuke.itcl
Using: ioFTPD:5.8.5r and ioA:1.2.0
Thx 4 all :)
P.S: can be written a debug file to see what happen? :)
10-28-2004, 04:10 PM
What exactly doesn't work? Are there any related entries in /logs/nxError.log or /logs/SystemError.log? Could you please paste the output from 'SITE AUTONUKE'.
Note: There will only be output if there's a directory which violates one of the auto-nuke rules and exceeds the warning or nuke time.
10-29-2004, 06:43 AM
ok...i don't have /logs/nxError.log and in /logs/SystemError.log there are no errors related to anuker.
With "site autonuke" i get:
[13.40.26] [L] 200-.-[AutoNuke]-------------------------------------------------------------.
[13.40.26] [L] 200-| Checking 1 auto-nuke sections. |
[13.40.26] [L] 200-| |
[13.40.26] [L] 200-| Checking path: /MVID/2004-Week-43 (offset: 0) |
[13.40.26] [L] 200-'------------------------------------------------------------------------'
[13.40.26] [L] 200 Command successful.
Thx for your help nx :)
10-29-2004, 01:53 PM
Well do you have any violating directories or not? You'll only see output if there's a directory which breaks one of the auto-nuke rules and exceeds the warning/nuke time.
I tested your configuration and it works fine.
site autonuke
200-| Checking 1 auto-nuke sections. |
200-| |
200-| Checking path: /MVID/2004-Week-43 (offset: 0) |
200-| Nuking: test.banned-iND - banned.release.-iND |
200-| Nuking: test.empty-nx - empty.after.4.minutes |
200-| Warning: test.disks.5cds-nx - maximum.of.4.disks |
200-| Warning: test.incomplete-nx - incomplete.after.40.minutes |
200 Command successful.
11-03-2004, 05:11 AM
sure, i have empty dirs created and also incomplete rls :)
but...nothing happen then. :(
i'll recheck all the confs...maybe there is a problem somewhere.
thx, c ya
11-24-2004, 10:35 PM
Works fine here =)
Had to add *nuked* to set anuke(Exempts) , otherwise same release could be nuked forever until it got wiped.
and my zipscript makes bad and missing files like this:
So I had to use this (in case someone uses same zipscript):set anuke(BadExt) ".*-bad"
set anuke(MissingExt) ".*-missing"
Otherwise it works very nice :) Together with autowipe script of nuked folders it makes life easier for siteops/nukers :D
11-25-2004, 11:30 AM
Just one question how to include the announcing in iobanana v20 ?
I added those lines to iobanana.tcl but i get only this:
[MP3] + %path/%bold24%bold has been incomplete for %bold%age%boldmins, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins.
What did i do wrong i added those lines to iobanana.tcl:
set disable(ANUKEALLOW) 0
set disable(ANUKEBAN) 0
set disable(ANUKECDS) 0
set disable(ANUKEEMPTY) 0
set disable(ANUKEIMDB) 0
set disable(ANUKEINC) 0
set disable(ANUKEMP3) 0
set variables(ANUKEALLOW) "%pf %banned %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEBAN) "%pf %banned %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKECDS) "%pf %disks %maxdisks %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEEMPTY) "%pf %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEIMDB) "%pf %type %banned %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEINC) "%pf %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEMP3) "%pf %type %banned %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set announce(ANUKEALLOW) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold is not from an allowed group, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEBAN) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold is a banned release (%bold%banned%bold), it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKECDS) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold has %bold%disks%bold disks, exceeding the maximum of %bold%maxdisks%bold disks, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEEMPTY) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold is still empty after %bold%age%boldmins, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEIMDB) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold the IMDB %type %bold%banned%bold is banned, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEINC) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold has been incomplete for %bold%age%boldmins, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEMP3) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold the MP3 %type %bold%banned%bold is banned, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
11-25-2004, 03:40 PM
ioBanana uses "[b]" rather than "%bold" to bold text, I suppose I could/should update the readme.
11-25-2004, 05:21 PM
oh groovy now i have bold but i still dont have nothing ....
[MP3] + %path/release is still empty after %agemins, it will be nuked in %timeleft mins.
Why doesnt it replace the var`s with actual data ?
11-26-2004, 10:25 PM
After 2 days testing I got some "bugs?"...
that was once a sitebot announced that some rls will be nuked 3 times in a row (same second, same msg, 3 times)... restarted ftpd... seems like it fixed it...
and that scan that nxAutoNuke does... I'm kinda suspecious that it doesn't work correctly all the time (or maybe it stops after some time for some weird reason)...
I think some debug file like warchive have would really help finding those "bugs"... just a thought...
Can't be sure 100% about those things, yet, this script make me suspisious.
11-27-2004, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
Works fine here =)
Had to add *nuked* to set anuke(Exempts) , otherwise same release could be nuked forever until it got wiped.
That's what the anuke(Prefix) setting is for.# - Prefix for nuked releases (no wild-cards and case sensitive).
set anuke(Prefix) {[NUKED]-}
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
that was once a sitebot announced that some rls will be nuked 3 times in a row (same second, same msg, 3 times)... restarted ftpd... seems like it fixed it...
Was it announced 3 times (sitebot bug) or was it actually nuked 3 times? Check the ioFTPD.log if there is 3 log entries.
As for the other issues, I'll look into them.
11-27-2004, 11:17 AM
It was announced 3 times.
11-27-2004 04:12:19 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "28" "12" "40"
11-27-2004 04:12:19 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "28" "12" "40"
11-27-2004 04:12:19 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "28" "12" "40"
11-27-2004 04:22:29 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "38" "2" "40"
11-27-2004 04:22:29 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "38" "2" "40"
11-27-2004 04:22:29 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "38" "2" "40"
11-27-2004 04:32:33 NUKE: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX" "AUTO@NUKER" "xxxxxxx@XXXXXX" "3 1323.91" "incomplete.after.40.minutes"
Best part, that release first came on the site like 20 mins before it started with announcements... and then it got nuked... shouldn't it be nuked after 24h and 40 mins?
set anuke(MaximumAge) 1440
11-27-2004, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
Best part, that release first came on the site like 20 mins before it started with announcements... and then it got nuked... shouldn't it be nuked after 24h and 40 mins? Where do you get 24 hours from?
"28" = Age (in minutes)
"12" = Time till nuked (nuke time - age)
"40" = Nuke time (minutes)
The 'MaximumAge' setting is the max age of directories to check. In your case, once a directory is 1440 minutes (24 hours) or older, it's no longer checked by the auto-nuker (this is to prevent unnecessary 'load' by checking older releases).
What do you have set for your 'anuke(Sections)'?
11-27-2004, 10:31 PM
PMed u my settings and here's an example of it:
set anuke(Sections) {
"/Section1" 0 {
"/Section2" 0 {
"/Section3" 0 {
"/MP3/%m%d" 0 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -1 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -2 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -3 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -4 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -5 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -6 {
"/Section4" 0 {
Basically, all I need is to check for 2 things:
1) If folder is empty for more then 20mins (after creation), announcement, that it will be nuked in 20mins. After 40mins (after creation) folder gets nuked.
2) All folders that are OVER 24h old (from the folder creation) should be checked for complete/incomplete. If incomplete, warn on the channel (24h after folder was created). Nuke folder after 20mins if still incomplete (24h and 20mins after folder was created).
That's basically it. I don't really need to check all folders for incomplete in the first 24h, only after that.
Maybe something like:set anuke(minimumAge) 1440
set anuke(MaximumAge) 2880could be implemented. That way, nxAutoNuker would check folders only after they are 24h old and check them until they are 2 days old (48h).
11-28-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
2) All folders that are OVER 24h old (from the folder creation) should be checked for complete/incomplete. If incomplete, warn on the channel (24h after folder was created). Nuke folder after 20mins if still incomplete (24h and 20mins after folder was created).
Then why are you using: incomplete|Not-Used|3|20|40? Wouldn't it make sense to have: incomplete|Not-Used|3|1460|1480?
12-01-2004, 08:06 AM
Oki doki, "tested" it now in 2 days or so and it does the work pretty well I might say :) Good job, NeoXed! :D
Now I just need to ask you for a favour : Is it possible to add uploader(s) nicks in the warning msg? Basicaly add one more cookie "uploader" or like that so people can use it or not (as they like).
First of all, it will highlight user(s) that are goin' to be nuked and if they got some highlight script, they might get aware that some of their rls are not completed and so they will have some time to do so. And it's good for the nukers too in some way.
12-01-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
Now I just need to ask you for a favour : Is it possible to add uploader(s) nicks in the warning msg? Basicaly add one more cookie "uploader" or like that so people can use it or not (as they like). Hmm, that's a good idea. I'll add that for the next version, which will be posted when I have some free time. :)
12-20-2004, 08:26 AM
is that correct if i'm using iobanana :
set anuke(IMDBTag) {1| - [imdbinfo - %genre% %year% - %rating% (* votes )]}
and i set
"/DVDR" 0 {
"imdb|rating:6 year:200[0-5]|3|5|20"
because it's seem to not working properly with imdb autonuke
all other way of the script work great
thx for this good script NeoXed
12-20-2004, 02:44 PM
epoke, could you post a complete IMDB tag for ioBanana (with the genre, rating, etc.)?
Master Sammy
12-20-2004, 04:53 PM
good_file_warning=Next time you overwrite a perfectly good file, you'll get your balls ripped off!!!
dirtag=[%.1percent% Incomplete with %files-F]
dirtag_mp3=[%.1percent% Incomplete with %files-F]-[mp3info - %genre (%year) @ %bitrate-kbps]
dirtag_imdb=[%.1percent% Incomplete with %files-F]-[imdbinfo - %genre (%year) - %rating (%votes)]
dirtag_complete_big=[%.0percent% Complete]-[%files-F @ %.0size%units at %speedint]
dirtag_complete_small=[%.0percent% Complete]-[%files-F @ %.2size%units at %speedint]
dirtag_complete_mp3=[%.0percent% Complete]-[%files-F @ %.1size%units at %speedint]-[mp3info - %genre (%year) @ %bitrate-kbps]
dirtag_complete_imdb=[%.0percent% Complete]-[%files-F @ %.1size%units at %speedint]-[imdbinfo - %genre (%year) - %rating (%votes)]
dirtag_delete=[*% *omplete*]
rescan_ok=%30filename OK!
rescan_bad=%30filename Bad! File CRC: %crcf SFV CRC: %crcs
rescan_missing=%30filename Missing!
usersstats=Users Top
groupsstats=Groups Top
imdbinfo=[iMDB] -( %rating with %votes - %genre - %year - %screens )- [iMDB]
12-21-2004, 11:50 AM
i've got the same one.
my setting are :
set anuke(IMDBTag) {1| -[imdbinfo - %genre (%year) - %rating (*votes)]}
"/DIVX" 0 {
"imdb|rating:6 year:200[0-5]|3|5|20"
and the result of a site autonuke deal only with the incomplete.after.x.minutes dispite a low imdb Rating: 2.7 with 520 votes
if you know what i set wrong or mist
12-21-2004, 11:53 AM
[4.0% Incomplete with 2F]-[imdbinfo - Action Adventure Animation Fantasy Family (2004) - 2.7 (520 votes)]
so i set
set anuke(IMDBTag) {1| -[imdbinfo - %genre (%year) - %rating (*votes)]}
and the result of a site autonuke deal only with the incomplete.after.x.minutes dispite the imdb
if you know what i set wrong or mist
12-21-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by epoke
[4.0% Incomplete with 2F]-[imdbinfo - Action Adventure Animation Fantasy Family (2004) - 2.7 (520 votes)] Hmmm, there's the problem, the IMDB tag parser expects the genre to be one word. I didn't think any scripts wrote all the genres. I'll try and find some time to fix it.
Script works like a charm just got a question....
Say i only want to allow DAB SAT etc releases from some groups in mp3 section but wanne nuke all others. is that possible ?
12-28-2004, 04:21 PM
Yip: Yes, it's possible. If you took 5 seconds out of your busy life and read the script description you would have known that.
i'm bizy indeed . its called a wife .. dont do it ! But thats the allow function ? but wont it nuke all others then ? didnt get that out of it... will give it a try... ynx
and its not the allowed... in the exempt...
works like a charm :)
needeed new feature:
nuke on backfill, and manage the function approved, Siteop/friends skip nuke.
in detail:
Bot1 = Sitebot (annouce rlz)
Bot2 = Prebot (annouce pretime)
<Bot1> dvdr - MKD: DVDR/test.release-group by User@GROUP
<Bot2> time - [BF] test.release-group Released 1d 5h 42m 51s ago.
when Bot2 annouce [BF], rlz is nuked 3x for backfill by Bot1
if rlz is approved skip the nuke:
<Bot1> APPROVE: DVDR/test.release-group / has been approved by User@GROUP
<Bot2> time - [BF] test.release-group Released 1d 5h 42m 51s ago.
Backfill but script skip the nuke because rlz is approved and same if rlz is uploaded by friends/siteop or flag specific
NeoXed u can/want add this function ?
Or i must post a REQ on the forum ?
01-16-2005, 03:08 PM
iam: Your request belongs in a pre script, in my opinion.
hum I do not think, but i post a req, dmg :(
01-19-2005, 03:07 AM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
Works fine here =)
Had to add *nuked* to set anuke(Exempts) , otherwise same release could be nuked forever until it got wiped.
and my zipscript makes bad and missing files like this:
So I had to use this (in case someone uses same zipscript):set anuke(BadExt) ".*-bad"
set anuke(MissingExt) ".*-missing"
Otherwise it works very nice :) Together with autowipe script of nuked folders it makes life easier for siteops/nukers :D
when i set it to set anuke(BadExt) ".*-bad"
set anuke(MissingExt) ".*-missing" it wont work
when i set to set anuke(BadExt) ".*-bad"
set anuke(MissingExt) ".r39-missing" it works
can somone help me please ?
01-19-2005, 11:34 PM
Posted v1.1.0; there were several significant changes, so be sure to update your config accordingly.
|Killer|999: Thanks for the report, its been fixed in v1.1.0.
01-20-2005, 12:14 AM
i changed -missing to .missing in php-psio :p
works great now
nice script btw
01-20-2005, 05:35 AM
Here nuke works fine with iobanana, but bot doesn't advertise nuke warning in channel :(
Shouldn't it write to chan that user xxx xxx and xxx are going to be nuked if dir is still empty after xx minutes?
Could the problem be related to shareDB being used?
banana.tcl and skin are configured fine.
Even if in readme i read to add these lines to iobanana.tcl i added them to the skin: set announce(ANUKEALLOW) "-:[b]:[b] autonuke [b]:[b]:- %path/[b]%release[b] is not from an allowed group, it will be nuked in [b]%timeleft[b]mins. Uploaders: %uploaders"
Where else could be the problem?
site autonuke gives me this:
[2] (18.17.38) 200-| Checking 1 auto-nuke sections. |
[2] (18.17.38) 200-| |
[2] (18.17.38) 200-| Checking path: /XXX (offset: 0) |
and no warning is made, even if warning time has passed. If i try it again after nuking time, it nukes the dir fine...
So why no warnings using the itcl?
Do i have to install init.itcl?
01-20-2005, 02:41 PM
Yep, nuke warnings were broken on v1.1.1, fixed in v1.1.2. Sorry for all the trouble, hehe. ;)
02-19-2005, 03:33 PM
I have a Problem with the nxAutoNuker :(
When a MP3 Complete is, make my ioZS a folder with the Mp3 Info. [MP3info (Genre) (Year)].
When i make a manuele Start of the nxautonuke find this not the Folder or other. That make this folder not as NUKED :(
Can anyone Help me ??
The line in the nx config file is:
set anuke(MP3Match) {^\[.* (.+) (\d+) \]$}
Thx for Help
02-19-2005, 05:02 PM
Try: set anuke(MP3Match) {^\[.* (.+) (\d+)\]$}
set anuke(MP3Order) {genre year}
02-19-2005, 05:29 PM
it is possible use empty nuke on ARCHiVE dir example if you have on
/TV/ directory 24 directory so /TV/24/ and there is some nice trailers for 24 /TV/24/24.E01.TRAiLER-leetgrp so it's checks on /TV/*/ directory not on /TV
02-19-2005, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by latdna
it is possible use empty nuke on ARCHiVE dir example if you have on
/TV/ directory 24 directory so /TV/24/ and there is some nice trailers for 24 /TV/24/24.E01.TRAiLER-leetgrp so it's checks on /TV/*/ directory not on /TV
No one should be uploading to archive directories...usually once the release is completely or x days old it is moved to the archive. I will not add support for this simply because it would not benefit the majority of the users. If you want something specifically written for your site, write it yourself.
02-20-2005, 01:17 PM
I use same archive structure fot tv series :P
I hate upload to root dir when series dir has already been created
02-28-2005, 10:29 AM
Hi at first i hope u all feel well :)
i use dzsbot and ioA
1.) how can i set BANNED genre in mp3 and how i hav 2 insert it in the script.
my complete folder is [***] - ( 50M 11F - COMPLETE - Metal 2004 ) - [***]
I searched but i found no help :-(
here is my config.
set anuke(Sections) {
"/APPS" 0 {
"/GAMES" 0 {
"/MP3/%m%d" 0 {
"mp3|genre:Folklore Christian Chanson Chor Indian Polka Speech Metal Folk Nazi year:1999 year:200[0-5]|5|5|20"
"/MP3/%m%d" -1 {
"/SVCD" 0 {
"imdb|genre:* rating:5 year:200[0-5]|3|5|20"
"/VCD" 0 {
"imdb|genre:* rating:5 year:200[0-5]|3|5|20"
"/XXX" 0 {
"allowed|PORNOLATiON Pr0nStarS Smut|3|15|30"
The next Problem is, nx doesn´t nuke incomplete rel. i don´t know why. My script doesn´t set a incomplete tag, ms script creates a symlink and i think the setting is right.
one thing works, the wrong group in xxx works fine.
sorry 4 my not so nice english.
greetings :)
02-28-2005, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by daWoolF
The next Problem is, nx doesn´t nuke incomplete rel. i don´t know why. My script doesn´t set a incomplete tag, ms script creates a symlink and i think the setting is right.
The incomplete feature checks if there are any .bad or .missing files, zipscript complete tags aren't used.
02-28-2005, 09:10 PM
Thnx to NeoXed for the nice support in iRC.
Now all works fine . . .
Thanl you !
03-14-2005, 02:36 PM
Hello of people is that normally nxAutoNuke things 2 times nuken does?
<Lamestbot> [DVDR] + NUKE: DVDR/lolololo-test was nuked 3x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: maximum.of.1.disks - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).
<Lamestbot> [DVDR] + NUKE: DVDR/[Nuked]-lolololo-test was nuked 3x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: maximum.of.1.disks - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).
<Lamestbot> [XXX] + NUKE: XXX/[Nuked]-noch.nen.test.von.mir-Ohne was nuked 3x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: not.allowed.grp - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).
<Lamestbot> [XXX] + NUKE: XXX/[Nuked]-[Nuked]-noch.nen.test.von.mir-Test was nuked 3x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: not.allowed.grp - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).
<Lamestbot> [XXX] + NUKE: XXX/[Nuked]-[Nuked]-[Nuked]-noch.nen.test.von.mir-Test was nuked 5x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: banned.release.-TEST - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).
I see why it doesn't work!
I get this error message in the log:
03-26-2005 23:00:31 - AutoNuke : Error opening the user "sitebot"
I don't see what's wrong. Username and group is right
03-26-2005, 09:46 PM
Fix your misc(MountUser) setting.
03-27-2005, 05:15 AM
Hi, and first of all, well done for this very usefull script.
here is my config (autonuke + dzsbot):
set misc(MountUser) "ioFTPD"
set misc(MountFile) "../etc/admin.vfs"
set misc(UTC_Time) false
set misc(DST_Correct) false
set misc(TimeZone) +2
set anuke(UserName) "ioFTPD"
set anuke(GroupName) "ioftpd"
set anuke(Release) True
set anuke(BadExt) "*.bad"
set anuke(MissingExt) "*.missing"
set anuke(MaximumAge) 1000
set anuke(Exempts) {*incomplete* *dirfix* *dir[._]fix* *[._]fix[._]* *nfofix* *nfo[._]fix* *nfoupdate* *nfo[._]update* *samplefix* *sample[._]fix* *nuked*}
set anuke(Prefix) {[NUKED]-}
set anuke(WarnUsers) True
set anuke(UserFormat) "%b%(user)%b/%(group)"
set anuke(UserSplit) ", "
set anuke(ioAPath) "../scripts/ioA/ioA.exe"
set anuke(ImdbMatch) {^\[IMDB\] - (.+) \((\d+)\) - ([\d\.]+) of 10 - \[IMDB\]$}
set anuke(ImdbOrder) {genre year rating}
set anuke(MP3Match) {^\[.*\] - \( .* - COMPLETE - (.+) (\d+) \) - \[.*\]$}
set anuke(MP3Order) {genre year}
set anuke(ApproveTag) {approved?by?*}
set anuke(ReasonAllowed) ""
set anuke(ReasonBanned) "banned.release.%(banned)"
set anuke(ReasonDisks) "maximum.of.%(maxdisks).disks"
set anuke(ReasonEmpty) "empty.after.%(minutes).minutes"
set anuke(ReasonImdb) "banned.%(type).%(banned)"
set anuke(ReasonInc) "incomplete.after.%(minutes).minutes"
set anuke(ReasonMP3) "banned.%(type).%(banned)"
set anuke(Sections) {
"/MP3-FR/%m%d" 0 {
and when i do "site autonuke" :
[L] site autonuke
[L] 200-.-[AutoNuke]-------------------------------------------------------------.
[L] 200-| Checking 1 auto-nuke sections. |
[L] 200-| |
[L] 200-| Checking path: /MP3-FR/0327 (offset: 0) |
[L] 200-| Nuking: 112_feat._T.I.-If_I_Can_Hit-PROMO_VLS-2004-iGN - incomplete.after.3.minutes |
[L] 200-| Nuking: ATL-The_ATL_Mixtape-(Vinyl)-2004-VINYL - incomplete.after.3.minutes |
[L] 200-| Nuking: Case_Negre-Prologues-FR-2004-TiLT - incomplete.after.3.minutes |
[L] 200-| Nuking: - empty.after.3.minutes |
[L] 200-'------------------------------------------------------------------------'
[L] 200 Command successful.
And nothing append !
I have no error in the logs file.
Do you have any idea ?
03-27-2005, 02:57 PM
I had an older version of ioA then the one needed.
Now works fine.
03-30-2005, 07:42 PM
I'm using ioA 1.2.4 and ioBananaV20, nxAutoNuke is correctly configurated (I think...), but the nxError.log show this:
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadScript : unable to source "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": couldn't read file "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": no such file or directory
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "mysqltcl.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "tclsqlite3.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:50:47 - LoadScript : unable to source "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": couldn't read file "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": no such file or directory
03-30-2005 20:50:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:50:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "mysqltcl.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:50:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "tclsqlite3.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:50:49 - AutoNuke : ioA Output:
site nuke <dirname> <multiplier> <reason>
child process exited abnormally
and the announce is showed in channel but the nuke don't happen...
I need put nxTools and the .dlls too (the init.itcl have the commands but the .txt say nothing about this...)
Help, please... this script is very important for me...
Thanks in advance...
03-31-2005, 10:53 AM
Whoops, forgot to mention in the readme that those libraries aren't needed for the ioA version (nxAutoNuke_ioA.tcl) only for the nxTools version (nxAutoNuke.tcl).
As for your other problem, are you sure that's ioA v1.1.7 or newer? I just tested with ioA v1.2.4 and v2.0.2, no problems here. Enable debug logging in ioA.cfg and check if there are any anomalies.
03-31-2005, 02:43 PM
Disabled the libraries and, now...
Work perfectly...:D
Thanks Neoxed...
04-01-2005, 04:47 AM
hi all,
Autonuke work prefectly ,i only've a pb with bot announce :
-:: autonuke ::- %path/28 has been incomplete for %agemins, it will be nuked %multix in %timeleftmins. Uploaders: %uploaders
in ioftpd.log :
04-01-2005 02:20:26 ANUKEINC: "/XBOX/blablabla" "28" "12" "40" "3" "EPOKE/SiTEOp"
if someone know what the pb ,
ioa+iobanana (latest ones) default skin and iobanana edit
04-01-2005, 08:03 AM
I also use ioA.2.0.2 and ioBanana.v20 with edited and the announcements, in channel, of incomplete and empty releases are correct. Maybe any error in your settings...
The only error that happened with me, so far, was the following one:
[02:40] <@|XL|> AutoNuke: /Mp3/VA-Music_from_lame_stuff_of_Radio_Mix-2005-LaME is a banned type (%type), it will be nuked 3x in 27 mins. Uploaders: user/SiTE
In nxAutuNuke.cfg:
"/Mp3" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 10 20}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 10 40}
{keyword {cable dab demo dvb mixtape radio sample sat tape} 3 10 20}
{mp3 {genre:*rap* genre:*punk* year:200[2-6]} 3 10 20}
set announce(ANUKEKEYWORD) "[c]4[b]AutoNuke:[b][c] %path/[b]%release[b] is a banned type ([c]4[b]%type[b][c]), it will be nuked [c]4[b]%multi[b][c]x in [c]4[b]%timeleft[b][c] mins. Uploaders: [c]6%uploaders[c]"
This happened with plus somebody?
04-01-2005, 06:23 PM
epoke: Make sure you don't have another variables(ANUKEINC) line defined, like the one used by Harm's ioAUTONUKE.
MidasKing: Doh, small typo on my part - thanks.
For announce(ANUKEKEYWORD), the %type cookie should be %banned.
04-03-2005, 07:02 AM
nxAutoNuke-v2.0.1 using nxtools/dZSbot
I have this problem with dZSbot and the %timeleft variable.
[MP3] Example.Release has been incomplete for 41mins, it will be nuked 3x in 3559mins. Uploaders: PaRaNoiD_JaCK/SITEOPS
It nuke`s it tho after 60 mins thats stated in the config and not the announced time.
These are my settings:
set anuke(UserName) "ioFTPD"
set anuke(GroupName) "ioFTPD"
set anuke(SubDirs) False
set anuke(BadExt) "*-bad"
set anuke(MissingExt) "*-missing"
set anuke(MaximumAge) 1440
set anuke(Exempts) {\\[nuked\\]-* \\[incomplete\\]-* (incomplete)-* *dirfix* *dir[._]fix* *nfofix* *nfo[._]fix* *nfoupdate* *nfo[._]update* *samplefix* *sample[._]fix* *nuked*}
set anuke(WarnUsers) True
set anuke(UserFormat) "%b%(user)%b/%(group)"
set anuke(UserSplit) ", "
set anuke(ImdbMatch) {^\[IMDB\] - (.+) \((\d+)\) - ([\d\.]+) of 10 - \[IMDB\]$}
set anuke(ImdbOrder) {genre year rating}
set anuke(MP3Match) {^\[.*\] - \( .* - COMPLETE - (.+) (\d+) \) - \[.*\]$}
set anuke(MP3Order) {genre year}
set anuke(ApproveTag) {[Approved By *@*]}
set anuke(ReasonAllowed) "group.not.allowed"
set anuke(ReasonBanned) "banned.release.%(banned)"
set anuke(ReasonDisks) "maximum.of.%(maxdisks).disks"
set anuke(ReasonEmpty) "empty.after.%(age).minutes"
set anuke(ReasonImdb) "banned.%(type).%(banned)"
set anuke(ReasonInc) "incomplete.after.%(age).minutes"
set anuke(ReasonKeyword) "banned.type.%(banned)"
set anuke(ReasonMP3) "banned.%(type).%(banned)"
set anuke(Sections) {
"/MP3/%m%d" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 30 60}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 30 60}
"/MP3/%m%d" -1 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 30 60}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 30 60}
04-03-2005, 04:42 PM
PaRaNoiD_JaCK: Thanks for bringing this up, there was a small bug for nxTools/dZSbot announces; fixed in v2.0.2 (just posted it).
Disabled the libraries and, now...
Work perfectly...
What exactly did you disable ? on manual execute its checking dirs but nothing happens... cant get it to work while previous version worked like a charm... any hints ?
04-05-2005, 09:38 AM
Think i`ve found little bug with the %type variable.
[0DAY] 0404/*********.v2.52a.BETA.WinALL.****.***is a banned type (%type), it will be nuked 3x in 28mins. Uploaders: PaRaNoiD_JaCK/SITEOPS
From the nxAutoNuke.cfg:
set anuke(Sections) {
"/0DAY/%m%d" 0 {
{banned {*-0xdbass} 10 0 0}
{empty {Not Used} 3 30 60}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 30 60}
{keyword {beta comic xxx anime} 3 30 60}
04-05-2005, 04:01 PM
PaRaNoiD_JaCK: Read like 5 posts above, I already fixed this.
04-05-2005, 04:39 PM
ahh yes. sorry about that :D
04-06-2005, 09:56 AM
Is this the correct auto nuke template for phppsio`s mp3 tags:
set anuke(MP3Match) {^\[.*\] - \( .* - COMPLETE - (.+) (\d+) \) - \[.*\]$}
set anuke(MP3Order) {genre year}
The tag looks like this:
[PaRaNoiD] - ( 120M 10F - COMPLETE - Psychadelic 2005 ) - [PaRaNoiD]
My autonuke config for the mp3 section is as follows:
"/MP3/%m%d" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 60 120}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 60 120}
{mp3 {Genre:*Blues* Genre:*Classic Rock* Genre:*Country* year:198[8-9] year:199[0-9] year:200[0-5]} 5 10 60}
At the moment it`s not nuking the mp3 with the banned genres but havnt tested the years either.
04-12-2005, 08:58 PM
Everything seems to work fine, but I too am getting these errors while using nxAutoNuke/ioA 2.0.1B and ioBv20.
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadScript : unable to source "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": couldn't read file "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": no such file or directory
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "mysqltcl.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "tclsqlite3.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
I am not clear as to what the fix for this is.
Thanks for any help.
04-13-2005, 03:09 AM
edit init.itcl
Can you be a little more specific please ?
what needs to be edited ? i installed the script, on manual execute it shows that it is checking dirs but nothing happens, no error in log, no error in in ioa, its says all good in checking path etc etc.
i made dirs that should have been nuked like incomplete and empty dirs...
kinda lost here... help ?
04-21-2005, 08:22 AM
Hi, i'm using this script on a lot of sites, whitout any problem, but on one site i'm receiving a strange error (mp3 site).
whit the ftp client: Nuking: Va_-_XXXXXX-2005-XXXXX- incomplete.after.31.minutes |
[R] 200-| - Unable to nuke the the release, check nxError.log for details. |
I check the log an I see this:
04-21-2005 14:57:40 - AutoNuke : ioA Output:
site nuke <dirname> <multiplier> <reason>
child process exited abnormally
is that normal? It looks like the script is using a bad syntax whit IoA. I'm using ioA 2.0.2, the most recent one.
That's the configuration i'm using...
set anuke(Sections) {
"/Mp3/%m%d" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 5 10 20}
{incomplete {Not Used} 5 50 60}
"/Mp3/%m%d" -1 {
{empty {Not Used} 5 10 20}
{incomplete {Not Used} 5 50 60}
I already checked the ioA path, the vfs ecc. ecc.... that's strange because I'm using the same config on other sites and it's working perfectly... :( May you help me?
Actually, the most recent ioA is 2.0.3 atm.
That's odd indeed. It looks like ioA.exe believes that the nuke is called by a nuker and not a script. Are you running ioFTPD as a service ?
04-21-2005, 09:05 AM
No... it's running as a normal process... it's really strange but on the other machines is working perfectly, just on the mp3 site is givin me this kind of problem... maybe there's an error whit the cookies... %m %d... but the folder structure is as usual... /Mp3/0421 ect. grrr!!!
04-22-2005, 11:57 AM
timetwister01: It's more likely that one machine isn't using the same ioA version as the others. Try enabling debug logging in ioA.cfg and look for any clues.
04-25-2005, 08:06 AM
How can i exlude the group from getting nuke, even if it has a banned word in the release name ?
I searched through it and i dont`s see nowhere some exlude feature, or where to write it :)
Probably lame question, but help would be appreciated so i don`t wander in dark too mutch. :banana:
04-25-2005, 12:53 PM
# - Exempt certain releases from being checked (case insensitive).
set anuke(Exempts) {\\[nuked\\]-* \\[incomplete\\]-* (incomplete)-* *dirfix* *dir[._]fix* *nfofix* *nfo[._]fix* *nfoupdate* *nfo[._]update* *samplefix* *sample[._]fix*}You sure didn't look very hard...
04-28-2005, 09:33 AM
The Script works like a charm here. Great work NeoXed!
Mayby you should update the readme, that users using ioBanana have to remove/comment out the existing lines for autonuke from ioBanana.tcl and their skin file.
#set disable(ANUKEEMPTY) 0
#set disable(ANUKEINC) 0
#set disable(ANUKEBAN) 0
#set disable(ANUKEALLOW) 0
# Autonuke #
#set variables(ANUKEEMPTY) "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEINC) "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEBAN) "%pwd %release %banword %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEALLOW) "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEEMPTY) "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEINC) "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEBAN) "%pwd %release %banword %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEALLOW) "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
No, I don't repeat myself. It was 2x in there. Once for autonuke and once for Warchive.
I had to work on it kind of a long time, to get it, why the variables were not "translated" for warning announces on IRC.
so long
timetwister: did u solve the issue? Got the same problem and haven't been able to track down the cause yet. U'r using ioA 2.0.3 right?
What version of ioA are you using on those sites where it works?
Weird, the nuke-process worked after running io* as a service...
Problem with site requests cmd.. add request wipe and del works fine but listing the requests i'm getting error..:) here the log..
05-27-2005 16:03:08 "..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
wrong # args: should be "ErrorLog LogType LogMsg"
while executing
"ErrorLog "invalid parameter \"[info script] $Event\": check your ioFTPD.ini for errors""
("default" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch -- $Event {
{add} {
if {![string length $Request]} {
ErrorReturn "Syntax: SITE REQUEST <request>"
ups ists tools;) not... autonuker;X
05-27-2005, 09:16 AM
UNiCHeF: The parameters for some of the files changed in v0.9.9 and it looks like I forgot to update the readme in some places. :p
05-28-2005, 05:49 AM
I get the following error`s when using autonuke script. As you can see the errors happen regurarly even tho the dll is placed in the system dir.
05-28-2005 15:03:33 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
Also the script will nuke the genre goa even tho it`s not in the list. This is from my autonuke config:
"/MP3/%m%d" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 1410 1440}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 1410 1440}
{mp3 {Genre:*Blues* Genre:*Classic Rock* Genre:*Country* Genre:*Disco* Genre:*Funk* Genre:*Grunge* Genre:*Jazz* Genre:*Metal* Genre:*New Age* Genre:*Oldies* Genre:*Other* Genre:*Pop* Genre:*R&B* Genre:*Reggae* Genre:*Rock* Genre:*Industrial* Genre:*Alternative* Genre:*Ska* Genre:*Death Metal* Genre:*Pranks* Genre:*Soundtrack* Genre:*Euro-Techno* Genre:*Vocal* Genre:*Jazz+Funk* Genre:*Fusion* Genre:*Classical* Genre:*Instrumental* Genre:*Game* Genre:*Sound Clip* Genre:*Gospel* Genre:*Noise* Genre:*Alt. Rock* Genre:*Soul* Genre:*Punk* Genre:*Space* Genre:*Meditative* Genre:*Instrumental Pop* Genre:*Instrumental Rock* Genre:*Ethnic* Genre:*Gothic* Genre:*Darkwave* Genre:*Techno-Industrial* Genre:*Folk/Pop* Genre:*Eurodance* Genre:*Dream* Genre:*Southern Rock* Genre:*Comedy* Genre:*Cult* Genre:*Top 40* Genre:*Christian Rap* Genre:*Pop/Funk* Genre:*Jungle* Genre:*Native American* Genre:*Cabaret* Genre:*New Wave* Genre:*Rave* Genre:*Showtunes* Genre:*Trailer* Genre:*Tribal* Genre:*Acid Punk* Genre:*Acid Jazz* Genre:*Polka* Genre:*Retro* Genre:*Musical* Genre:*Rock & Roll* Genre:*Hard Rock* Genre:*Folk* Genre:*National Folk* Genre:*Folk/Rock* Genre:*Swing* Genre:*Fast-Fusion* Genre:*Bebob* Genre:*Latin* Genre:*Revival* Genre:*Celtic* Genre:*Bluegrass* Genre:*Avantgarde* Genre:*Gothic Rock* Genre:*Progressive Rock* Genre:*Psychedelic Rock* Genre:*Symphonic Rock* Genre:*Slow Rock* Genre:*Big Band* Genre:*Chorus* Genre:*Easy Listening* Genre:*Acoustic* Genre:*Humour* Genre:*Speech* Genre:*Chanson* Genre:*Opera* Genre:*Chamber Music* Genre:*Sonata* Genre:*Symphony* Genre:*Booty Bass* Genre:*Primus* Genre:*Porn Groove* Genre:*Satire* Genre:*Slow Jam* Genre:*Club* Genre:*Tango* Genre:*Samba* Genre:*Folklore* Genre:*Ballad* Genre:*Power Ballad* Genre:*Rhythmic Soul* Genre:*Freestyle* Genre:*Duet* Genre:*Punk Rock* Genre:*A Cappella* Genre:*Euro-House* Genre:*Dance Hall* Genre:*Club-House* Genre:*Hardcore* Genre:*Terror* Genre:*Indie* Genre:*BritPop* Genre:*Negerpunk* Genre:*Polsk Punk* Genre:*Christian Gangsta Rap* Genre:*Heavy Metal* Genre:*Black Metal* Genre:*Crossover* Genre:*Contemporary Christian* Genre:*Christian Rock* Genre:*Merengue* Genre:*Salsa* Genre:*Trash Metal* Genre:*Anime* Genre:*Jpop* Genre:*Synthpop* } 3 10 30}
"/MP3/%m%d" -1 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 1410 1440}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 20 40}
{mp3 {Genre:*Blues* Genre:*Classic Rock* Genre:*Country* Genre:*Disco* Genre:*Funk* Genre:*Grunge* Genre:*Jazz* Genre:*Metal* Genre:*New Age* Genre:*Oldies* Genre:*Other* Genre:*Pop* Genre:*R&B* Genre:*Reggae* Genre:*Rock* Genre:*Industrial* Genre:*Alternative* Genre:*Ska* Genre:*Death Metal* Genre:*Pranks* Genre:*Soundtrack* Genre:*Euro-Techno* Genre:*Vocal* Genre:*Jazz+Funk* Genre:*Fusion* Genre:*Classical* Genre:*Instrumental* Genre:*Game* Genre:*Sound Clip* Genre:*Gospel* Genre:*Noise* Genre:*Alt. Rock* Genre:*Soul* Genre:*Punk* Genre:*Space* Genre:*Meditative* Genre:*Instrumental Pop* Genre:*Instrumental Rock* Genre:*Ethnic* Genre:*Gothic* Genre:*Darkwave* Genre:*Techno-Industrial* Genre:*Folk/Pop* Genre:*Eurodance* Genre:*Dream* Genre:*Southern Rock* Genre:*Comedy* Genre:*Cult* Genre:*Top 40* Genre:*Christian Rap* Genre:*Pop/Funk* Genre:*Jungle* Genre:*Native American* Genre:*Cabaret* Genre:*New Wave* Genre:*Rave* Genre:*Showtunes* Genre:*Trailer* Genre:*Tribal* Genre:*Acid Punk* Genre:*Acid Jazz* Genre:*Polka* Genre:*Retro* Genre:*Musical* Genre:*Rock & Roll* Genre:*Hard Rock* Genre:*Folk* Genre:*National Folk* Genre:*Folk/Rock* Genre:*Swing* Genre:*Fast-Fusion* Genre:*Bebob* Genre:*Latin* Genre:*Revival* Genre:*Celtic* Genre:*Bluegrass* Genre:*Avantgarde* Genre:*Gothic Rock* Genre:*Progressive Rock* Genre:*Psychedelic Rock* Genre:*Symphonic Rock* Genre:*Slow Rock* Genre:*Big Band* Genre:*Chorus* Genre:*Easy Listening* Genre:*Acoustic* Genre:*Humour* Genre:*Speech* Genre:*Chanson* Genre:*Opera* Genre:*Chamber Music* Genre:*Sonata* Genre:*Symphony* Genre:*Booty Bass* Genre:*Primus* Genre:*Porn Groove* Genre:*Satire* Genre:*Slow Jam* Genre:*Club* Genre:*Tango* Genre:*Samba* Genre:*Folklore* Genre:*Ballad* Genre:*Power Ballad* Genre:*Rhythmic Soul* Genre:*Freestyle* Genre:*Duet* Genre:*Punk Rock* Genre:*A Cappella* Genre:*Euro-House* Genre:*Dance Hall* Genre:*Club-House* Genre:*Hardcore* Genre:*Terror* Genre:*Indie* Genre:*BritPop* Genre:*Negerpunk* Genre:*Polsk Punk* Genre:*Christian Gangsta Rap* Genre:*Heavy Metal* Genre:*Black Metal* Genre:*Crossover* Genre:*Contemporary Christian* Genre:*Christian Rock* Genre:*Merengue* Genre:*Salsa* Genre:*Trash Metal* Genre:*Anime* Genre:*Jpop* Genre:*Synthpop* } 3 10 30}
05-29-2005, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by PaRaNoiD_JaCK
I get the following error`s when using autonuke script. As you can see the errors happen regurarly even tho the dll is placed in the system dir.
05-28-2005 15:03:33 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library pathWhen I rewrote nxHelper v2.1 (and its makefile), I dynamically linked against msvcrt instead of statically against libcmt. So your system is most likely missing msvcrt71.dll, a dependency of nxHelper.dll. I removed the dependency in nxTools-Libraries-v5, download from
Originally posted by PaRaNoiD_JaCK
Also the script will nuke the genre goa even tho it`s not in the list. This is from my autonuke config:
You misread (or didn't read) the comments in nxAutoNuke.cfg.
# MP3:
# - Nuke banned genres or unaccepted years.
# - Check Settings: genre:<banned genre> year:<allowed year>nxAutoNuke will only nuke defined genres, not the other way around. And strings with multiple words should be enclosed in braces, for example.
Wrong: Genre:*Death Metal*
Right: {Genre:*Death Metal*}
06-04-2005, 09:05 AM
10-02-2005, 07:54 AM
I'm using ioFTPD 1.15, ioA 2.0.4+ and dZSbot
Installed everything like its told in nxAutoNuke.txt
site autonuke works fine for me, its scans the dirs and nukes the things I want.
If I use the command site nuke on the site and someting get nuked, it announces it on the sitechannel like:
<+[[***]]> [GAMES] -> AUTONUKE: XBOX/*** was nuked 3x - reason: empty.after.23.minutes - nukees: ***@*** (50.00MB) ·
So no problems there.
The problem I have is that it doesnt works by itself, like I put it in scheduler:
nxAutoNuke = 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * TCL ..\scripts\nxAutoNuke\nxAutoNuke_ioA.tcl
Also no announce warning is given on the warn time I have set it up.
nxError logs got this:
10-02-2005 14:31:20 - LoadScript : unable to source "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": couldn't read file "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": no such file or directory
10-02-2005 14:31:20 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
10-02-2005 14:31:20 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "mysqltcl.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
10-02-2005 14:31:20 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "tclsqlite3.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
What could be wrong?
10-02-2005, 12:06 PM
brood: Search the forum, this question has been answered before.
10-02-2005, 06:17 PM
You'd save yourself a lotta grief if you stuck this missing step in the readme.
Don't get me wrong, not having a go, the scripts great and some good work, just seriously think it would make your life easier.
10-02-2005, 07:05 PM
EwarWoo: Yeah, it probably would hehe. I think I'll go one step further and remove those files from the init.itcl included in the ioA package.
07-07-2006, 05:36 AM
I have this error:
L] 200-.-[AutoNuke]-------------------------------------------------------------.
[L] 200 Command successful.
it won't give me any info about the autonuke sections
I have nxautonuke and nxtools newest ones
set anuke(Sections) {
"/MP3/%m%d/" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 20 40}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 20 40}
{keyword {cable dab demo dvb mixtape radio sample sat tape fm} 3 1 5}
{mp3 {{bitrate:128 0} genre:country {genre:drum & bass} genre:*rap genre:*punk year:200[3-6]} 5 20 40}
greetz rental
check your systemerror.log or nxerror.log
what do they say?
neoxed any chance u might include some kind of
[imdb] rating etc. [imdb] tag in alcobot/nxtools?
i know u dont like it too much,
but when using alcobot instead of dzs, there are no such dirs created.
So all the autonukes dont work.. :(
and another request is an allowed function..
Lets say u put CABLE in keyword..
But u want to allow CABLE from a certain artists, lets say armin van buuren.
It will get nuked.
08-01-2006, 07:48 PM
Try adding "armin van buuren" to anuke(Exempts).
ah yes..
ofc.. :)
But wont that mean that if a armin van buuren rls is incomplete, it wont get nuked ? (just to be annoying)
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