View Full Version : is it possible?

11-29-2005, 06:19 AM
cheesy title, but i couldn't think of anything better...

is it possible to get nxtools request part to create directorys in a specific folder on the ftp site?

EX: somebody in irc types !request blah.blah-blue

and the eggy announces to chan that a person added a request
then it creats a folder in the /REQUEST directory as (REQUEST)-blah.blah-blue

people can type !filled blah.blah-blue in irc and it renames the folder to (FILLED)

maybe i missed a couple settings and it should do it.

pls help

11-29-2005, 09:38 AM
You can do this by using alcobot with nxtools.

11-29-2005, 03:58 PM
can you assist me in where to find information on how to complete this task?

11-29-2005, 04:19 PM
I certainly can:



11-29-2005, 04:37 PM
edit: i figured out the request not creating folders problem..

but when i type

[14:04] <*> !cpsrequest blah.blah-ha
[14:04] -*- [Request] invite database is offline

i didn't setup the invite part cuz i didn't think i needed to do that in order to set requests via mirc.

another question i have is:

how do i get my eggdrop to announce to the chan that something new has been uploaded/if there are other people racing that upload/ and when the upload is completed and who won