View Full Version : nxTools v1.0.5
09-05-2006, 08:58 PM
NEW: Aliases for SITE EDITPRE sub-commands ("section" and "group").
NEW: Section cookie for latest race and pre symlinks.
CHG: Improved path resolving and symlink removal functions.
CHG: Improved performance of directory listing routines.
CHG: Output from "SITE CLEAN" and "SITE REBUILD" is no longer buffered to prevent ioFTPD from stopping the script because of execution time limits.
CHG: Updated SQLite to v3.3.7.
FIX: Always make the pre area upper-case.
FIX: Directory dupe database was always cleaned, even if disabled in the config.
FIX: Log the maximum request age as a time duration.
FIX: Many directories and files were skipped when rebuilding the dupe database.
FIX: The "SITE EDITPRE ADDAREA" command requires the "other" variable to be set.
09-09-2006, 08:31 AM
Hey neoxed
Ive got problems with the latest version. Not really sure what to make of it but heres a few debug lines.
!request helo
[AlcoBot] Debug :: FtpSend - Sending command "SITE REQBOT ADD hukker "helo"".
[AlcoBot] Debug :: FtpHandler - Reply code "200" and message ".-[Request]--------------------------------------------------------------.".
It just wont put thrue the request. site request doesnt work either.
(15:28:46) [2] site request asd
(15:28:46) [2] 200-.-[Request]--------------------------------------------------------------.
(15:28:46) [2] 200 Command successful.
Just gives me that strange output line, Ive deleted the dbs and had them recrated with the new files just to make sure, but that didnt help anything.
Is it working alright for you?
09-09-2006, 01:38 PM
I made a small typo in nxLib.tcl, I'll release a minor update soon.
never trust a ms spell checker ;)
09-12-2006, 03:38 AM
Neoxed, I know your busy n all ;) but couldnt you just say what to change in here, I mean if its a minor spell issue like you say?
09-13-2006, 12:56 AM
Right...sorry about that, I'll post it now.
Update: Just posted v1.0.5a, which corrects this regression. To upgrade from v1.0.5 to v1.0.5a, just replace the nxLib.tcl file.
09-13-2006, 06:28 AM
working, thx
hi.. a small request for next version. when rotating logs, instead of renaming them to lots of different dates, would it be possible to delete them?
weird thing here.
After i updated to 1.05a not much is working anymore.
!bw !speed etc. and !new gives me no reply what so ever.
and no errors pop up in debug or dcc chat.. :s
any ideas?
Tried to change back to 1.0.4a.
Now that isnt working either.. :x
But all ftp cmds work.
So seems its something with the bot. But what?
Only the Online and nxtools module is not working.
forgot ioftpd was running as a service with interact.. :D
found a bug though.
When wiping.
No matter what i wipe.
it says 0KB ( 0Files, 0 dirs)
And could u paste a working link for that debug module?
11-01-2006, 06:42 PM
found a bug though.
When wiping.
No matter what i wipe.
it says 0KB ( 0Files, 0 dirs)
And could u paste a working link for that debug module?
Ive got the same problem, no matter what i get wiped there are always 0's.
11-06-2006, 11:56 AM
Known bug, there was an error in the file stats routine.
and about the link for the debug thingy ?
Since this botchrash on !df makes me crazy.. :s
i got a error msg in nxerror.log
LoadScript : couldn't read file "C:/ioFTPD/scripts/nxAutoNuke/nxAutoNuke.cfg": no such file or directory
but i didn´t want tu use autonuke, i find a entry in init.tcl an i make a # infront
set nx(scripts) {
# {../scripts/nxAutoNuke/nxAutoNuke.cfg}
but i still get a error msg.
the problem is, that io crashs sometimes, and the only error.log i found is this i wrote above
can i delete the line
11-18-2006, 01:00 PM
Remove the line, you cannot comment it inside curly braces.
ok thx, it works
but i got another idea (maybe for the next version), with site new i get the last 10 uploads, is it possible to create a dir with symlinks which pointed to that dirs? (do you understand what i mean? my english isnt the best ;-))
anyway thx for youre script
11-18-2006, 07:34 PM
That's already possible with the "Latest Links" feature.
From nxTools.cfg:
#### Latest Links ##########################################
# - Path to create the latest pre and race symlinks.
# - Maximum number of pre and race symlinks (0 to disable).
set latest(SymPath) "F:/ioFTPD/site"
set latest(PreLinks) 3
set latest(RaceLinks) 3
# - Style for the latest pre and race tag, cookies: %(section) and %(release).
# - Maximum length of the %(release) cookie (0 for no limit).
set latest(PreTag) {[LatestPre]-%(release)}
set latest(RaceTag) {[LatestRace]-%(release)}
set latest(MaxLength) 40
# - Directories to ignore to from symlink creation (case insensitive).
# - Paths to exempt from symlink creation, for race symlinks only (case sensitive).
set latest(Ignores) {*/cd[0-9] */dis[ck][0-9] */dvd[0-9] */codec */cover */covers */extra */extras */sample */subs */vobsub */vobsubs}
set latest(Exempts) {
hi its me again ;-)
i add this
set latest(SymPath) "d:/site/new"
set latest(PreLinks) 0
set latest(RaceLinks) 20
set latest(PreTag) {[LatestPre]-%(release)}
set latest(RaceTag) {[LatestRace]-%(release)}
set latest(MaxLength) 80
set latest(Ignores) {*/cd[0-9] */dis[ck][0-9] */dvd[0-9] */codec */cover */covers */extra */extras */sample */subs */vobsub */vobsubs}
set latest(Exempts) {
but i got more than 20 releases in the new dir, did i understand something wrong? (ioftpd crashed a few times, maybe thats the problem) can i delte the smlinks without any problems?
can i use cookys for the race tag, instead of LatestRace can i add the date of uploading so the last upload is on the first place
hope that i didn´t annoy to much ;-)
12-20-2006, 09:18 PM
i am using nxtools v1.0.5a and i get the same error on wipe command: 0KB ( 0Files, 0 dirs).
i think it is an error in the nxlib file; i replaced the getdirstats procedure with an older version, now it is working again.
01-12-2007, 10:00 AM
i am using nxtools v1.0.5a and i get the same error on wipe command: 0KB ( 0Files, 0 dirs).
i think it is an error in the nxlib file; i replaced the getdirstats procedure with an older version, now it is working again.
i use nxtools same version as u do, tell me from which older version have u taken the getdirstats because I've tried from 1.0.4 and it still doesnt work.
Thank You for help
01-23-2007, 11:06 AM
Is it just me or isn´t the sysoplog working in nxtools?
When i type site syslog i get
-Syntax: SITE SYSLOG [-max <limit>] <pattern>
So if i type syslog 20 i get nothing found.
But i can only get the ten latest lines in the syslog if i type. " site syslog * "
Or am i just doing it wrong som how?
02-04-2007, 04:36 PM
Whats up with the nuke in this relase?
[L] 200-.-[Nuke]-----------------------------------------------------------------.
[L] 200-| Release : Mt.test.dvdr-test |
[L] 200-| Multi : 1x |
[L] 200-| Reason : test |
[L] 200-| Files : 93F Size: 4.22GB CDs: 0 |
[L] 200-|------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[L] 200-| User | Group | Ratio | Stats Lost | Credits Lost |
[L] 200-|------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[L] 200-| TTT | iND | 1:3 | 47.7MB | 143.1MB |
[L] 200-'------------------------------------------------------------------------'
Whats up with this?
Stats and creds is all ****ed up.
It is just doing this on some relases, not all thou.
02-11-2007, 07:26 AM
Stats and creds is all ****ed up.
Nom thats correct. They uploaded 47.7mb so 47.7mb is removed from teh stats, however it was uploaded to a 1:3 ratio section and it's a 1x nuke so they lose 1x the credits they gained, 143.1 (47.7 x 3).
That's how nuking works.
02-11-2007, 05:04 PM
Nom thats correct. They uploaded 47.7mb so 47.7mb is removed from teh stats, however it was uploaded to a 1:3 ratio section and it's a 1x nuke so they lose 1x the credits they gained, 143.1 (47.7 x 3).
That's how nuking works.
No it does not. it only takes the sample size a nuke that one.
It dosen´t count the whole release.
This only happends from time to time thou, not always, and shouldent the nuke size be a little bigger if you check the size and files? if it worked :p
Files : 93F Size: 4.22GB CDs: 0
I know how the nuke works, but this script messes it up.
So some sort of bug in the script.
02-14-2007, 02:53 PM
i am using nxtools v1.0.5a and i get the same error on wipe command: 0KB ( 0Files, 0 dirs).
i think it is an error in the nxlib file; i replaced the getdirstats procedure with an older version, now it is working again.
Yep, it worked. Ive replaced the nxlibs getdirstats from version 1.0.2. I use version 1.0.5.a. Now all Wipe/Size infos work properly tnx for that info nud3l
Hi again Neoxed..
So is this script dead also?
Never got a reply for
And could u paste a working link for that debug module?
hi.. a small request for next version. when rotating logs, instead of renaming them to lots of different dates, would it be possible to delete them?
thnx.. :)
And another thing..
Can u confirm if using getdirstats from nxtools 1.0.2 wont break anything?
seems to get this error all the time now - box is vista ultimate
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "user": no such variable
while executing
"ExcemptCheck $user $group $flags"
("LOGIN" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch -- $event {
iputs ".-\[Close\]-----------------------------------------------------------------."
if {[..."
(procedure "::nxTools::Close::Main" line 7)
invoked from within
a workaround is to comment out the pass option in ioftpd.ini
04-22-2007, 03:26 PM
seems to get this error all the time now - box is vista ultimate
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "user": no such variable
while executing
"ExcemptCheck $user $group $flags"
("LOGIN" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch -- $event {
iputs ".-\[Close\]-----------------------------------------------------------------."
if {[..."
(procedure "::nxTools::Close::Main" line 7)
invoked from within
a workaround is to comment out the pass option in ioftpd.ini
Which version of ioFTPD? I have never seen this occur with 5.8.5r.
6.0.4 - i know you could say its unsupported :) testing it out to see if it will work - will drop back to 6.0.3 as iosfv seems to have errors with 6.0.4 - but yes all 5.8.x versions work flawlessly
05-09-2007, 10:47 AM
Windows Server 2003, clean install, ioFTPD6.1.4, nxTools1.0.5 + ioSFV v2.0beta1.55
I replaced the getdirstats procedure and all works fine
The only error I got is:
05-09-2007 10:27:30 - GetSectionList : invalid ioFTPD.ini [Sections] line: "Default = 0 0 0 *"
Hi NeoXed, would you fix script compatibillity issue to ioFTPD 6.1.4+ version?
05-24-2007, 08:30 PM
NEWDATE can't symlink to correct dirs, only remain to yesterday dir. but bot show it right, and nxTools work fine, and only must be restart ioFTPD, it will symlink to correct dirs.
use ioFTPD 6.1.4 and 5.8.5r test it.
bot show these:
<@BOT> [NEWDATE] + /0DAY/2007/0525 was just created in 0DAY ( New 0DAY )
<@BOT> [NEWDATE] + /MP3/2007/0525 was just created in MP3 ( New MP3 )
<@BOT> [NEWDATE] + /MV/2007/week-21 was just created in MV ( New MV )
nxTools.cfg 1.0.5a set to these:
set newdate(Default) {
{0DAY {New 0DAY} {/0DAY/%Y/%m%d} {G:/0day/%Y/%m%d} {D:/ioFTPD/site/today-0day} True 0 0 0 555}
{MP3 {New MP3} {/MP3/%Y/%m%d} {H:/MP3/%Y/%m%d} {D:/ioFTPD/site/today-mp3} True 0 0 0 555}
{MV {New MV} {/MV/%Y/week-%W} {L:/mv/%Y/week-%W} {D:/ioFTPD/site/thisweek-mv} True 0 0 0 555}
05-30-2007, 02:34 AM
One more request for updating nxTools to work with ioFTPD 6.1.4.
Got the GetSectionList : invalid ioFTPD.ini [Sections] line: "Default = 0 0 0 *" problem here as well.
In the mean time, regarding the getdirstats procedure, could someone please post those lines as the 1.0.2 version is not available anymore from the scripts section.
Thanks in advance.
Yea, i really like the getdirstats procedure from 1.02 aswell.
05-14-2008, 03:08 PM
NEWDATE can't symlink to correct dirs, only remain to yesterday dir. but bot show it right, and nxTools work fine, and only must be restart ioFTPD, it will symlink to correct dirs.
use ioFTPD 6.1.4 and 5.8.5r test it.
Better late than never...
I think I have the solution for this, or at least a "workaround". Similar thing happened to me, but started to work as soon as I changed my relative path to root in my vfs file.
I changed"..\site\ftproot" /
to"C:\ioFTPD\site\ftproot" /
Just log out and then back in again after changing the vfs root to absolute path.
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