View Full Version : Strange output from project-zs

09-19-2006, 03:53 AM
ioFTPD 5-8-5r


As you can see Ive got some problems in the announce with one of the computers I run alcobot on. I usally use the same setup over n over so theres no diffrence in them except for paths and such.
But this one computer is giveing me problems, it wont read the color codes correctly as you can see, have you ever encounterd anyone with the same problem? Or if you have any clue of what it could be thats causing it I would be greatefull.

[xxx] xxx.xxx.xxx-XYX/\002Subs\002 [ \0021\002 racer(s) did \0021\002mB in \0020\002s ]

09-19-2006, 07:25 PM
I need the names of all modules you have loaded (from the config) and the original log entry from ioFTPD.log.

09-19-2006, 11:49 PM
you kinda solved it without even knowing the modules and the ioFTPD.log announce.
What happend was that I used iosfv before projectzs, and was actully useing the iosfv module instead of the projectzs one.

Sorry for not posting a new thread and sorry for this stupid question.
As you can imagine it works now after I changed the zipscript module. Sometimes the smallest error is not detectable even if you look for it like crazy.

Anyways, Thx alot

09-23-2006, 04:10 PM

xeeed does not support about any problem of p-zs anymore


p-zs is piece of junk
that is mass buggy and terrible
and its world of worst script lol