10-12-2005, 10:58 PM
Mainly for neoxed but posting public incase anyone else is interested :)
Reading through your latest update it looks like you now have a complete usable solution with viable replacement to ioA and dzsbot. Is it ready for proper usage or still experimental with missing commands?
Also, which zipscript do you recomend? Personally I use php_psio currently so will need to find a new one when i try your script, so may as well go with the one you recomend.
I've been watching with great interest and respect your dedication and activity and am getting eager to give your scripts a go.
Fantastic work getting all this togethers. Its great to see a good scripter still active, and whether I move to your scripts permanently or not its definately appreciated :D
Mainly for neoxed but posting public incase anyone else is interested :)
Reading through your latest update it looks like you now have a complete usable solution with viable replacement to ioA and dzsbot. Is it ready for proper usage or still experimental with missing commands?
Also, which zipscript do you recomend? Personally I use php_psio currently so will need to find a new one when i try your script, so may as well go with the one you recomend.
I've been watching with great interest and respect your dedication and activity and am getting eager to give your scripts a go.
Fantastic work getting all this togethers. Its great to see a good scripter still active, and whether I move to your scripts permanently or not its definately appreciated :D