View Full Version : LoadPackage error

04-22-2014, 12:12 PM
i see this alot in the nxError.log any help with this would be appreciated ty
i've gone throught the read me on where to place all files etc and it still continues

04-21-2014 09:36:34 - LoadPackage : attempt to provide package nxHelper 2.3.0 failed: package nxHelper 2.4.0 provided instead
04-21-2014 09:36:35 - LoadPackage : attempt to provide package nxHelper 2.3.0 failed: package nxHelper 2.4.0 provided instead
04-21-2014 09:36:36 - LoadPackage : attempt to provide package nxHelper 2.3.0 failed: package nxHelper 2.4.0 provided instead

04-23-2014, 01:30 PM
nxHelper is a TCL extension library. It provides a couple of commands used by nxTools that are written in C instead of TCL if I remember correctly. Somewhere the system is asking for v2.3 and the system finds a newer v2.4 and uses that instead. This isn't a big deal at all. If you want to prevent this showing up look at the top of the nxTools TCL files in the scripts directory and find the reference to nxTools 2.3 and change it to 2.4 and then you won't get any more errors showing up. Or I think you can even drop the v2.4 reference and it will just use the newest one automatically.

04-23-2014, 02:22 PM
nxHelper is a TCL extension library. It provides a couple of commands used by nxTools that are written in C instead of TCL if I remember correctly. Somewhere the system is asking for v2.3 and the system finds a newer v2.4 and uses that instead. This isn't a big deal at all. If you want to prevent this showing up look at the top of the nxTools TCL files in the scripts directory and find the reference to nxTools 2.3 and change it to 2.4 and then you won't get any more errors showing up. Or I think you can even drop the v2.4 reference and it will just use the newest one automatically.

i found the pkgIndex.tcl and changed the reference
from: package ifneeded nxHelper 2.3.0 [list load [file join $dir nxHelper.dll]]
to: package ifneeded nxHelper 2.4.0 [list load [file join $dir nxHelper.dll]]

the 2.3.0 it was looking for was renamed to nxHelper.dll2

no more errors thank you