View Full Version : Filedupe

04-14-2012, 06:31 AM
i cant seem to get nxtools to log mp3 files to dupelog for fdupe when uploading to server.
folders gets added but not files. when i do a "site rebuild" it adds files and folders as supposed to. but not when i upload for some reason

nxtools.cfg :

set dupe(CheckDirs) True
set dupe(CheckFiles) True


OnUploadComplete = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl UPLOAD
OnUploadError = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl UPLOADERROR
OnFtpLogIn = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ONELINES

mkd = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl PREMKD
stor = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl PRESTOR
pass = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxClose.tcl LOGIN

dele = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG
mkd = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl POSTMKD
rmd = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG
rnfr = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG
rnto = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG

what am i missing ?

04-14-2012, 01:19 PM
solved it... [events] were not there i mixed help and my .ini together and pasted wrong info. sry. but good it works now :D... no more whiskey in the mornings for me!