View Full Version : ! New Scripts Announces & Updates

  1. NEW: FlashFXP command set for ioFTPD v5.4.0+
  2. TCL - Telnet
  3. Raiden to ioFTPd User/Group Importer
  4. site pretime
  5. ioFTPD SiteKill
  6. ioByteKiller - automaticaly delete old files
  7. ioST - ioSiteTransfer
  8. ioRestart
  9. QioSfv and QBot
  10. R2i Userfile Converter (Raiden to io)
  11. ioCMDNew Beta
  12. IOFTPD-Service
  13. ioFTPD SiteKill for ioFTPD 5.x
  14. ioIsotope
  15. Raiden to ioFTPd VFS File Converter
  16. ioLAMEnfo
  17. iTCLWHO v1.0
  18. Restart sitebot if not running
  19. ioBanana donators read this
  20. XFERStats.itcl - # of downloads Stats
  21. Transfer thingy - Credit transfer ioFTPD&glFTPD
  22. RS-Groups v1.0 - iTCL Site Groups/GInfo
  23. ioControl.v.1.0.by.wiley
  24. IRCTransfer by Nookie + greenbear
  25. ioShareDB
  26. TaskIsRunning 1.0
  27. Project-SL Build 031222 is out
  28. Credit Transfer System
  29. Test RAR command
  30. ioDistDB on SourceForge
  31. SFV cleaning script
  32. [Filled] !credits <user> for IRC
  33. ioM0d
  34. ioFTPD Add-On for TextPad v4.7.2
  35. ionED [Enable/Disable]
  36. ioDenier - IP banning script
  37. ioTrayIcon
  38. ioNFO
  39. Samurize Newdir Announce
  40. tombola
  41. ioRULES
  42. RIO release 1
  43. ioDONATE
  45. ioReserve
  46. ioUptime
  47. ioACTIVE
  48. ioIsotope Preview - Foundation Licenses
  49. First script : addon to RIO4
  51. standalone 'site msg' pack
  52. 'site showlog' addon
  54. FTPLogger update, now adds zipcleaning
  55. ioSKIPLIST
  57. ioSavem - Archiving script
  58. ioProcess
  59. iojN-nuke.deleter
  60. ioJN
  61. ioB ban by ip script (pure tcl)
  62. ioU pure tcl uptime script
  63. Weekly ADD credits (instead of CHANGE)
  64. ioSfv pure tcl sfv check
  65. ioE script that exempts users
  66. iojU-site user
  67. ever wanted to backup user & group files while having io running? heres your chance
  68. ioStatic
  69. cts-logger module
  70. [Req] ioIsotope developer(s)
  71. New ioRing script
  72. iojTQ
  73. FTPServerTools scripts
  74. Stand alone Global command
  75. iojN fails
  76. ioBackup
  77. EPGuru
  78. [new]ioRESTART
  79. ioRingBNC
  80. Tcl Error... Iojtq
  81. iojBNC
  82. ioDLcount 1.0
  83. ioLast, new scripttt
  84. ioPSTOOLS
  85. ioActivity
  87. iojWHO
  88. can't read "iojTQ(stats)"
  89. 'site errors'
  90. ZSUA Standard
  91. ioJT from Jeza
  92. esmNewdir
  94. Project-SL Build 050122-pre3 is out
  95. CTS reloaded, i can post it?
  96. ioSyslog
  97. CTS.ReLoADeD
  98. Project-SL Build 050206-pre4 is out
  99. Service
  100. ioSPEAK
  101. ioNRsfv - cleanest sfv script ever
  102. DLL's
  103. Project-SL Build 050326-pre5 is out
  104. ioINI
  105. MP3Genre
  106. DLL's & ioWeb Update
  107. ioFTPDCheck - Ensures ioFTPD.exe is running
  108. glftpd stat files...
  109. CTS.ReLoADeD V3.0 is Out
  110. CTS 3.0 Patch for iobanana
  111. iojZS compile???
  112. ioBot
  113. NukeParser
  114. HappyPre
  115. ioFTPConnect
  116. News & Requests regarding Scripts. PLEASE READ!
  117. Please comment : FTP Interface Framework + ioWeb
  118. iojNFO
  119. iojZS
  120. How to invalidate user accounts on login
  121. CTS.ReLoADeD Help on ftplib.tcl
  122. strange error using iojTQ
  123. iojTQ error after changing to ssl
  124. jTQ
  125. UPDATE: ioSLSIZE v2.0
  127. jScripts
  128. odbc?
  129. Tcl error [iojTQ:BLOWFiSH]: couldn't open "scripts/iojTQ/syslog/": permission denied
  130. monitoring irc channels
  131. annoying post problem
  132. iojtq support ??
  133. jUserInfo
  134. imdbTOP250
  135. PZS-NG dZSBOT Modded for ioFTPD
  137. ioSAMPLE
  138. ioNiNJA ALPHA
  139. ioTimedAccounts
  140. ioDELUSER (readd, purge, deluser, ban, unban)
  141. ioSample help
  142. njTQ
  143. hi,jeza,any help,plz
  144. ioNinja errors, plz help troubleshoot
  145. nxtools TEMPORARY fix
  146. loading theme error
  147. Group symlinker
  148. ioTVARCHIVE
  149. ioNiNJA
  150. ioNUKECLEAN
  151. Searching for: ioDELUSER and ioREINCARNATION
  152. ioNinja Issue
  153. ioNiNJA audio sorting
  154. ioNINJA complete file/folder ownership
  155. Check BNC\FREE in iONiNJA and progress meter edit
  156. ioNinja error in last file sfv check
  157. ioDiz: output diz file on entering dir
  158. ioNiNJA
  159. ioNiNJA - NTFS junctions for zipscript?
  160. ioScullNew1.0
  161. Problem ioNiNJA
  162. ioTVARCHIVE 2.0
  163. jeza.ioFTPD.Tools
  164. Problem with loading .nfo; .sfv; .jpg files
  165. Problem sorting audio. Need HELP
  166. Some problems with ioNiNJA
  167. ioNinja + Nxtools for dupe fuction
  168. Multiple samples
  169. Shortcut after "site rescan all" in a mp3-root-folder
  170. Complete/Incomplete bar at (none) .nfo upload
  171. Question on unpack_complete, please
  172. imdb genre
  173. Automatically updates from iMDB-bars
  174. first zip file uploaded error
  175. newdate incorrect symlink?
  176. Symlinks created by resort.
  177. ioNiNJA working download sources?
  178. ioFTPD Scripts and URLS