View Full Version : jScripts
jScripts (
- Copy jScripts dir to windrop/scripts/
- Load jScripts in your bot -> source scripts/jScripts/jScripts.tcl
- Copy jScripts.exe and sqlite3.dll to C:\ioFTPD\system\
02-08-2006, 11:50 AM
wow..very good :)
nice script..
cant get it started though..
set jScripts(location_jTQ) "C:/eggdrop/scripts/jscripts/"
to jtq.tcl..
but no responce from the bot.. and no errors.. :x
btw.. u should keep affils in jTQ tcl..
or make it possible to get $jtq(affils_mp3) some other way..
to have affils exempt.. :)
i just saw that u use it without blowfish
i tested it only with fish support
no fish will not work i think
it will stay like it is :)
btw.. how do i make it make the files in /files dir..
No quota responce, cause files aint made...
and no responce on !sections..
does all 3 tcls have to be loaded ?
or is it enough to use only jtq and jscripts..
cause dzsbot already working fine,.. :)
works fine without fish..
only respond i can get is on !ustats something
i get the help
[HELP] !ustats login all/mn/wk/day
and on !trials
0 users on trial
quite nice..
got it all working last night..
great with the updates.
Only 1 thing missing.. :)
!ftp site cmd..
got some suggestions.. :)
The possibility to do mnup or dn, instead of mn, so there could be added rank, files and speed on !u/gstats...
And files + speed on the daystats announce..
That would be awsome.. :>
only thing i'm having trouble with is !daystats
its just empty..
and !mnup etc. too
### STATS -#
set jScripts(stats,sections) "MNUP:0"
set jScripts(stats,default,type) "MNUP"
set jScripts(stats,default,name) "MNUP"
set jScripts(stats,default,number) 3
set jScripts(stats,default,section) 0
Any ideas ?
try with default settings for stats then change step by step to your needs
u have !dayup,!daydn,!mnup,!mndn,... to see top x users stats
or if u use !allup username,!mndn username,... to see username MB and rank
!wkup Jeza -> Jeza is #3 in MonthUp with 12345MB.
!wkup -> top x uploaders this week are:
1. xxx with xxxMB
2. ccc with cccMB
ohh.. damn nice..
its because the stats part is ****ed..
So i didnt see those functions..
but looks very nice.. :)
But how do i disable fish, and still have it working ?
cause i need an external fish script for those scripts running who dont have fish implemented.. :/
what external scripts do u need?
its everything there (sitebot, trial/quota,commands,...)
the second option is to create separate windrop just for jscripts
i got dzsbot on one.. and jscripts on another...
news imdb tv and other stuff..
Btw, any idea why my stats and daystats aint working..?
### STATS -#
set jScripts(stats,sections) "MNUP:0"
set jScripts(stats,default,type) "MNUP"
set jScripts(stats,default,name) "stats"
set jScripts(stats,default,number) 3
set jScripts(stats,default,section) 0
set jScripts(stats,triggers) "!dayup:DAYUP:Todays.lost.souls\
!$jScripts(stats,defau lt,number)\
!$jScripts(stats,defaul t,number)\
!$jScripts(stats,defaul t,number)\
!$jScripts(stats,default ,number)"
set jScripts(stats,excludedusers,list) "ioFTPD"
set jScripts(stats,excludedgroups,list) "ioftpd"
set jScripts(stats,excludedflags,list) "F"
set jScripts(daystatsup,default,show) "MNUP:0:#chan"
set jScripts(daystatsup,default,type) "DAYUP"
set jScripts(daystatsup,default,number) 3
set jScripts(daystatsup,default,section) 0
set jScripts(daystatsdn,default,show) "MNUP:0:#chan"
set jScripts(daystatsdn,default,type) "DAYDN"
set jScripts(daystatsdn,default,number) 1
set jScripts(daystatsdn,default,section) 0
set jScripts(daystatsup,excludedusers,list) "ioFTPD"
set jScripts(daystatsup,excludedgroups,list) "ioftpd"
set jScripts(daystatsup,excludedflags,list) "F"
set jScripts(daystatsdn,excludedusers,list) "ioFTPD"
set jScripts(daystatsdn,excludedgroups,list) "ioftpd"
set jScripts(daystatsdn,excludedflags,list) "F"
enable debug partyline in jscripts.conf and check if u see something there
nottin bad is showing... :X
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: jScripts:FiSH -> !daystats
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: matchattr = '1'
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: DAYUP STATS For MNUP
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: jScripts:FormatString { Todays Best Racers On site}
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: jScripts:SND {#chan Todays Best Racers On site}
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: c:/ioFTPD/system/jScripts.exe DAYSTATS "ioftpd" "ioFTPD" "F" DAYUP 3 0
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: STATUS = 0
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: DAYDN STATS For MNUP
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: jScripts:FormatString { Worst Leecher On site}
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: jScripts:SND {#chan Worst Leecher On site}
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: c:/ioFTPD/system/jScripts.exe DAYSTATS "ioftpd" "ioFTPD" "F" DAYDN 1 0
(22:03:07) (xxx) [22:03] ..jS....: STATUS = 0
did u replaced jscripts.exe?
because there is no response from it
lol yes..
I used the old one.. thnx jeza.. :)
btw.. possible to add files and speed on daystats announce?
and !wkup user off course.. :)
03-06-2006, 11:09 AM
Jeza, how difficult will it be to run this script using a different path than set as default? I dont run ioftpd in c:\ioftpd and atm not really happy to change it. Any suggestions? Is it even possible? I dont mind opening TCL files and changing the paths, but im guess you hardcoded something in the .exe?
its hardcoded. send me a pm and we can talk about it
new version is out in case someone is using it
source code is available to download, if someone wanna play with...
source jScripts (
10-09-2007, 08:30 AM
set jSB(section,requeue,chan) "#test"
set jSB(section,requeue,anounce) "REQDEL REQFILLED REQUEST"
How come this section overrides every other?
i wannted some anouncements from default section to be anounced also on second channel.
set jSB(section,requeue,chan) "#jScr1pts jScr2pts"
set jSB(section,requeue,anounce) "REQDEL REQFILLED REQUEST"
set jSB(section,default,skin) "00"
set jSB(section,default,chan) "#jScr1pts"
'INVITE REQDEL REQFILLED REQUEST SPEEDTEST WIPE' is anounced into default channel '#jScr1pts'
but 'REQDEL REQFILLED REQUEST' is also anounced to second channel '#jScr2pts' because of
set jSB(section,requeue,chan) "#jScr1pts jScr2pts"
10-12-2007, 12:49 AM
this zipscript must be setup to C driver? d driver can works?
this is not zipscript.
it is mostly used for sitebot and trial/quota (with some other functions).
it is hardcoded with next settings, so if u wanna use other paths u must recompile it.
#define jScripts_default_file_name_debug "C:\\ioFTPD\\system\\jScripts.debug"
#define jScripts_default_file_name_actions "C:\\ioFTPD\\system\\jScripts.actions"
#define jScripts_default_log_file "C:\\ioFTPD\\logs\\jScripts.log"
#define jScripts_default_sysop_file "C:\\ioFTPD\\logs\\SysOp.log"
#define jScripts_default_user_files "C:\\ioFTPD\\users\\"
#define jScripts_default_user_db "C:\\ioFTPD\\system\\jScripts.user.db"
#define jScripts_default_ban_db "C:\\ioFTPD\\system\\jScripts.ban.db"
#define jScripts_default_dupe_dir_db "C:\\ioFTPD\\system\\jScripts.dupe.dir.db"
#define jScripts_default_dupe_file_db "C:\\ioFTPD\\system\\jScripts.dupe.file.db"
there is also latest sitebot, trial/quota script.
check update.txt
01-10-2008, 04:50 AM
there is also latest sitebot, trial/quota script.
check update.txt
i'm interested in your script , but where can I downl it from ? inicom appears to be down :-(
i will public it on some other place...
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