View Full Version : ioNiNJA ALPHA
08-14-2007, 02:05 PM
this thread is dead, no more support on old versions. use new thread and new alpha
08-14-2007, 05:30 PM
nice! testing it here
I'm getting this error
also all rar files get deleted as soon they are uploaded
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "ioNJ(show_user_info)": no such element in array
while executing
"if {$ioNJ(show_user_info)} {
append message $ioNJ(realtime_user_header)
foreach {rtop raceuser racegroup racesize racespeed racefiles racepercen..."
(procedure "outstats" line 254)
invoked from within
"outstats $newracer $newleader $announce "
(procedure "ZiPSCRIPT" line 203)
08-15-2007 02:32:49 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
08-15-2007, 03:36 AM
sorry, fixed now
dl the new version and change the .cfg file
or add
# Write Complete stats
set ioNJ(show_user_info) 1
set ioNJ(show_group_info) 1
to your current one
08-15-2007, 04:11 AM
After The update it works, testing it now :)
08-15-2007, 11:47 AM
hi, if i delete a 100% completed release i get this (incomplete)-release-name
it happen if delete a incomplete release too
08-15-2007, 12:33 PM
To update:
replace ioNiNJA.itcl
08-20-2007, 01:28 PM
any bugs or suggestions for added features?
08-22-2007, 10:36 AM
Thx, its a nice job. but a little bug:
ioFTPD 6.2.1, io.dZSbot.v0.1.2.BETA-2007-06-13 and ioNINJA.ALPHA.2007-08-16
1. Can't make a IMDB tag dir, and chan not announce the IMDB info...
2. If a release have 2 CDs ,then incomplete tag will change to (incomplete)-CD1 and (incomplete)-CD2, it should be (incomplete)-releasename-CD1 or (incomplete)-releasename-CD2.
08-22-2007, 11:51 AM
use the sitebot included in the package.
and if it can't create the imdb tag it's because either you didn't setup the paths correctly where to check for imdb or you messed up the tagline in theme. the incomplete symbold are fixed in new version. just change the itcl.
08-23-2007, 01:05 AM
Those BIN file had moved to ioFTPD's script dir, remain can't create imdb tag and announce to channel, and SystemError.log show this:
08-23-2007 09:04:39 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
char map list unbalanced
while executing
"string map {* " " ' ' " ' & & [ ( \ / ] ) { ( } ) ¡ ?¢ ?£ ?¤ ?Â¥ ?¦ ?§ ?¨..."
(procedure "htmlcodes" line 2)
invoked from within
"htmlcodes [::http::data $token]"
(procedure "get_imdb_info" line 21)
invoked from within
"get_imdb_info $imdbs
and that:
08-23-2007 09:27:56 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
while executing
"vfs chattr [resolve pwd "$pwd"] 11 [clock seconds]"
(procedure "newdeldir" line 10)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ(skipdirs) $pwd]} {
} elseif {[lindex $args 0] == "RESCAN"} {
} elseif {[lindex $args 0] == "MKD"} {
(file "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" line
So ioFTPD always can't login when the second error log is maked.
08-23-2007, 01:17 AM
i have no idea what tha hell you've done, but you must have done something wrong, i get neither of thoose faults. the bin files have nothing todo with the script. only the sitebot. Check over config again. And then check over the ioftpd.ini and make sure you've put down the right things in the right places.
08-23-2007, 01:22 AM
The 08-22 version can't log NJ_NEWDIR and NJ_DELDIR into ioFTPD.log? So bot can't announce the NEWDIR and DELDIR.
08-23-2007, 01:27 AM
oh, i know the reason, i install the ioFTPD to d driver, so i must change c:/ioftpd/logs/ioftpd.log to d:/ioftpd/logs/ioftpd.log at 2140 line in ioNiNJA.itcl
08-23-2007, 01:32 AM
fixed that (newdir). i have no idea what tha hell is wrong wih your imdb though. it works jsut fine here on 3 computers.
change to new ioNiNJA.itcl to fix the logging problem
08-23-2007, 01:36 AM
Always log to c:/ioftpd/logs/ioftpd.log? I don't find the ioftpd.log at C driver. Will fix this?
BTW: change c:/ioftpd/logs/ioftpd.log to d:/ioftpd/logs/ioftpd.log at 2140 line in ioNiNJA.itcl , It works fine.
08-23-2007, 11:42 PM
(08-24-2007 11:31:20 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
could not read "g:/SITE/XVID/RELEASE-NAME/filenname.sfv": no such file or directory
while executing
"file size "$realpath""
(procedure "ZiPSCRIPT" line 17)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ(skipdirs) $pwd]} {
} elseif {[lindex $args 0] == "RESCAN"} {
} elseif {[lind
In fact, that sfv file is here.
youve been given a 2nd warning, if this happens again youll be banned, NO RELEASE NAMES!
08-24-2007, 07:30 AM
okej. can't do anything about that, don't even know what happend. All it says is that it couldn't find a file that was uploaded. is there any other scripts installed before ioNiNJA that deleted it?
08-27-2007, 09:37 AM
hi, o_dog.
I can't upload the last of file in the GROUPS directory, also can't upload files in the Subs directory that is made in the GROUPS dir, even can't create the -missing file in the Subs directory.
It will can upload for complete the directory after it will be moved outside of the GROUPS directory.
only set this:
set ioNJ(group_dirs) {/GROUPS/}
BTW:how can i auto delete those zero size files?
08-27-2007, 10:55 AM
what zero byte files they should already work. Only thing is that ioftpd has to release the file before it's deleted, and sometimes that takes a while if the ftpd locks up.
i have no idea why you can't upload last file in group dir. mayby if i got an error msg i could tell you?
08-29-2007, 05:21 AM
[sitename1] - ( -1.93GB 45F - COMPLETE ) - [sitename1]
[done ][SECTION1] PRERLSNAME/DVD5 with 55 files (-1.47GB) was completed in 48m 42s (avg. 1.61MB/s) by USER1 of GROUP1.
why show it to negative? and complete bar, and ioFTPD.message all show this.
08-29-2007, 05:43 AM
i have no idea, never encounterd it
08-31-2007, 10:02 PM
o_dog, thanks for ur scripts first
the proble is when i upload all files comepletely but the incomplete tag havent been deleted...i dont know why...plz help me
09-01-2007, 12:21 AM
take it on irc
its a tcl limitation/bug/feature, you need to multiply anything that returns a value more than 3.2 (iirc) gig with 1.0
set size [expr $size * 1.0]
09-02-2007, 07:36 AM
i know, already fixed it, but * 1.0 didn't work. number was to big i guess. made it calculate things in k instead of b.
09-05-2007, 07:32 AM
anyone found any bugs?
Is this compatile with Alcobot and nxTools ?, would be great if it did since neoxed script rocks and still developing.
10-06-2007, 12:06 PM
it is only supported by the included sitebot. nxtools works with it though
10-09-2007, 11:40 AM
i tested ioninja. It's a nice script. Any chance you could add a function to display nfo files while entering a directory?
Is it possible to display multiline messages in the theme? e.g. header over 4 lines.
You said nxtools work with it, is there a possibility to add support for the sitebot for it? Wanted to have a working !new command on irc
on irc !free brings this:
[FREE] + : 2.41GB free of 145.55GB
[FREE] + : 11.01GB free of 272.91GB
[FREE] + TOTAL: 14071000.0 (3.2%) free of 438791000.0 (96.8%)
i don't know why he outputs the total that way, bug? or did i mess something up
10-09-2007, 01:30 PM
it already has support for !new etc etc check plugins dir for the sitebot. multiple lines in messages is already supported use \n.
The last one is a bug, i will fix it in next version, i got no plans on adding the cat command. use a separeate script for that. Maybe i'll add it later
10-10-2007, 10:38 AM
thanks i didn't look in the plugins dir.
one more question regarding the sitebot,
i tried to setup the paths for the sections. my vfs looks like this:
"E:\FTP\Games" /GAMES
"F:\FTP\Games" /GAMES2
in dzsbot.conf i tried
set paths(GAMES) "/GAMES/*"
set paths(GAMES) "/GAMES2/*"
but he only announces new dirs for /GAMES2.
Is it possible to have multiple dirs in 1 section?
Hi o_dog, i get this error msg;
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
couldn't open socket: invalid argument
while executing
"::http::geturl "$boxurl" -timeout 3000"
(procedure "get_imdb_info" line 25)
invoked from within
"get_imdb_info $imdbserial"
(procedure "ZiPSCRIPT" line 148)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
} elseif {[regexp -nocase $ioN
10-10-2007, 01:33 PM
local problem, not zipscript, check firewall
10-12-2007, 10:26 AM
It seems like it having problem with large sfv entrys.
Like dvdr/xbox360. It dosent exept the sfv file.
Don´t know it its me or something in the script. =)
10-12-2007, 10:52 AM
you need to use latest ioftpd. 6.2.1
10-12-2007, 10:24 PM
Hi o_dog, may I ask you a silly question? is it compatible with ioFTPD beta 5.8.5r?
sorry to bother you, I just want to know it works before installation.
10-13-2007, 02:31 AM
no, you need 6.2.1
10-13-2007, 06:07 AM
na the last version you uploaded odog works well with 5.8.5 =)
Atleast i havent found annything that don´t work yet.
10-13-2007, 10:48 AM
it doesn't
10-13-2007, 02:43 PM
is a possibiity to make it work with that older version to?
Caus i cant use the newset version of ioftpd yet, not until yil fixes the module anyway.
Since tuff closed his projekt im in great need of a good working zipscript.
And yours is a good working one. ;)
10-13-2007, 03:46 PM
no, i wont spend time converting it to work with an old version. You'll ahe to wait for next version
10-14-2007, 04:04 AM
First, thx for nice script :)
Would be great if fixed:
1) if delete nfo file, need create no_nfo tag
2) if delete sfv file, need create no_sfv tag
3) ---== ioNiNJA v0.1 ===--. in mp3info, but now already v0.2 ;)
4) if upload EMPTY folder without any file -> need create symlink tag [EMPTY]_dir_name
10-14-2007, 04:25 AM
5) if mp3 file have only id3v1 tag script not detect genre ->
[MP3] - ( 17.9MB 2F - COMPLETE - 2007 ) - [MP3]
in mp3info: Genre : %fm-34{}
10-14-2007, 05:06 AM
genre is only taken from id3v1 so i doubt thats whats wrong
10-14-2007, 07:10 AM
o_dog, try detect genre this mp3:
10-14-2007, 12:41 PM
ok your script works really good just one complain i have. When i use "site rescan" in a folder with a nfo and so on, it dosent grab the imdb info. Any fix for this?
10-14-2007, 01:11 PM
this happens often?
10-14-2007, 01:12 PM
it does grab the imdb info inlatest release. or it should anyway
10-15-2007, 12:43 AM
i just tried it out and i used the newest one so i cant say if it happends often. (ioNiNJA.beta.v0.2-2007-10-11.rar)
anyway here is my config if it helps:
10-15-2007, 01:09 AM
nah, i know what caused it, it was tagged using a crappy tagging tool.
10-15-2007, 01:14 AM
what about detect genre? still work? :)
10-15-2007, 03:24 AM
fixed in next version, only in rare cases does it skip genres. will write a fix for it
10-15-2007, 04:01 AM
oki, i'm wait new version :)
10-15-2007, 05:08 AM
first, thx o_dog for the nice zipscript :).
a note about genres, imdb ones..
when a movie is listed without genre on imdb it seems the output doesnt work as intended, trying with this movie: for instance, gives a tag with "[iMDB] - ( - 1969 - 3.7 with 5 votes - 0 screens ) - [iMDB]" and a status output of:
[R] 250-| Title : Uta (1969) |
[R] 250-| Genre : %fm-55{} |
[R] 250-| Rating : 3.7 with 5 votes |
is it possible to change that so it displays "na" or similar? also, it would be nice to get a description of the available codes to use in imdb_bar in the themes file, for example %iH and so on..
keep up the good work!
10-15-2007, 06:22 AM
check cookies file in theme dir
10-15-2007, 09:50 AM
ah, missed to check that file, thx
10-15-2007, 03:14 PM
nah, i know what caused it, it was tagged using a crappy tagging tool.
So this will be fixed in next version?
10-15-2007, 06:31 PM
well, the script will be able to handle it, but it's not a bug, it's a crappy group
10-16-2007, 01:22 AM
Cool thanks alot, keep up the good work man :)
10-16-2007, 04:18 AM
hi, some stuff that doesn't appear to be working fully:
(tried with nfo-files with only imdb links in them, using the following titles -
lord of the rings - (several countries, genres + languages)
sin city - (several directors + genres)
south park (chef: behind the menu) - (several directors)
country sorting:
1. entries with country names with more than one word is split into several in the generated output
2. entries with more than one country adds a comma to the generated output (except to the last one listed)
(see screenshot at )
genre sorting:
1. entries with more than one genre adds a comma to the generated output (except to the last one listed)
(see screenshot at )
language sorting:
1. entries with more than one language adds a comma to the generated output (except to the last one listed)
(see screenshot at )
director sorting:
1. entries with more than one director only adds one of the listed
(see screenshot at )
10-16-2007, 10:29 AM
is it possible to make an cookie like (%am) to display the size in thousands of megabytes? like, 3303M, 4390M
[site] - ( 4390M 95F - COMPLETE ) - [site]
10-16-2007, 02:28 PM
the imdb sorting is fixed in next release, only first director is shown on purpose, formating for size oitput is done automatically. i wont add cookies for 1000mb sicne it's totally useless
10-16-2007, 05:50 PM
the imdb sorting is fixed in next release, only first director is shown on purpose, formating for size oitput is done automatically. i wont add cookies for 1000mb sicne it's totally useless
Would it be possible to add an option to make it put out the other directors? Like in Sin City you only see Frank Miller and not Robert Rodriguez. Would really love that option. Thanks for your great work :)
10-16-2007, 09:15 PM
more then one directors will be shown in next release.
10-17-2007, 02:35 AM
great cant wait for it.
10-17-2007, 02:41 AM
all ppl wait ;)
10-17-2007, 10:32 PM
New version out
10-18-2007, 04:21 AM
imdb sorting seems to be working now - big thx :).
any chance of seeing a imdb top250 option in the future?
10-18-2007, 05:27 AM
well there is always hope, just that i found the feature useless but if people really wants it? sure
10-18-2007, 07:45 AM
i wont add cookies for 1000mb sicne it's totally useless
well it's not useless for me :)
thanks anyway
10-18-2007, 09:21 AM
if you can come up with one pratical reason for it i'll add it
10-18-2007, 01:01 PM
to make it more standardised across platforms in the ring
or is it some way i can disable the creation of the 100% complete
"" ?
10-18-2007, 06:48 PM
new version works really well just got one problem with the themes.
i modified it but it still uses the old style for samples.
|\n|-=\[ S A M P L E \]=-----------------. |\n| `-----==-------------===--------|\n| Resolution...: %fm57{%sBx%sc |\n| Aspect.Ratio.: %fm-57{%sC} |\n| Framerate....: %fm-57{%sA} |\n| Audio.Codec..: %fm57(%sd)|\n| Audio.Bitrate: %fm57(%sD) @ (%sE) |\n"
it still gives me:
[R] 200-| Codec : XviD |
[R] 200-| CodecFamily : MPEG-4 |
[R] 200-| CodecInfo : XviD project |
[R] 200-| CodecPack : No |
[R] 200-| CodecBvop : No |
[R] 200-| CodecQpel : No |
[R] 200-| CodecGMC : 0 |
[R] 200-| CodecMatrix : Default |
[R] 200-| BitRate : 1268 Kbps |
[R] 200-| Width : 576 pixels |
[R] 200-| Height : 240 pixels |
[R] 200-| AspectRatio : 2.400 |
[R] 200-| FrameRate : 25.000 fps |
[R] 200-| Resolution : 8 bits |
[R] 200-| Chroma : 4 2 0 |
[R] 200-| Interlace : Progressive |
[R] 200-|---------------------------------[AUDiO]-----------------------------------|
[R] 200-| Codec : MPEG-1 Audio layer 3 |
[R] 200-| CodecProf : Joint stereo |
[R] 200-| BitRate : 121 Kbps |
[R] 200-| BRmode : VBR |
[R] 200-| Channels : 2 channels |
[R] 200-| SampRate : 48 KHz |
[R] 200-| Resolution : 16 bits |
[R] 200-| WriteLib : Xing (new)
10-18-2007, 07:02 PM
First of all, Thank you for your script! I am satisfied with it. :)
I have something to report, I'm not sure it's on purpose to do somthing, but it seems like some msgtypes have not been defined yet such as REQDEL, REQWIPE and REQFILL(REQFILLED?) in dZSbot.conf
10-18-2007, 08:03 PM
o_dog, try detect genre this mp3:
0_dog, problem not fixed :(
now detect:
[MP3] - ( 34.4MB 3F - COMPLETE - Unknown 2007 ) - [MP3]
10-18-2007, 08:51 PM
Fixed in lastes version, released it tonight. Now gets the right genre
10-19-2007, 12:04 AM
thx for fast support ;)
i will tested later...
10-19-2007, 04:06 AM
sample output can not be modified.
10-19-2007, 04:30 AM
sample output can not be modified.
is that a feature that can be added?
10-19-2007, 04:53 AM
i've got no plans on adding it no
10-19-2007, 05:19 AM
i've got no plans on adding it no
Ok, i just find it that some information is not really needed, made a list of em down here.
Sample information:
1. Format = already know when looking at the filename in sample directory
2. BitRate = not from the whole movie so its not very interesting
3. WriteApp = dont really know why anybody would want to know this?
4. WriteLib = same here.
Video Information:
1. Bitrate = it dosent have the same bitrate as the movie so its not very interesting
2. Codec and CodecFamily = Sure it can be interesting on strange non-scene releases but im guessing this is a script for "sceners" so the codec should be tagged in the dir.
3. Chroma = Not really interesting since i guess most people dont know what it is.
4. Interlace = will always show progressive since other releases are nuked etc.
4. Write Lib = doubt anybody is interested in it.
Just what i think and want to skip from the sample info file. As i said great script!
Hope you will make sample information customizable.
10-19-2007, 06:23 AM
I will not make it customisable, since every format has diffrent things extracted, that would mean that wmv,mpeg1,mpeg2,vob,avi,mov and all the others would have to have diffrent themes. it's too much work for no pay.
And i will not remove the info YOU didn't find nessecery.
10-19-2007, 06:52 AM
Well i dident really want you to remove it. was just to point what i would want so you might consider making it customisable but i understand having to change all wmv, mpeg1 and so on.
10-19-2007, 08:26 AM
thx for better zipscript for ioFTPD ;)
Genre now is work!
time-to-time people upload empty folder - pls add option-tag [EMPTY]-release (like for no_nfo / no_sfv)
10-19-2007, 08:43 PM
then you mesed up somewhere, i wont give you support on how to edit the themes.
10-19-2007, 10:07 PM
o_dog i tried the standard theme and it still dosent write the id3tag info when entering the directory.
10-20-2007, 12:05 AM
write the id3tag when entering directory? what do you mean?
10-20-2007, 02:12 AM
like with the imdb when you enter a directory of a scanned release you can see the imdb stuff in the status console. I cant see that stuff when rescaning mp3.
10-20-2007, 04:10 AM
and when uploading?
10-20-2007, 04:38 AM
yepp it works when i upload but when i try to reenter the directory it dosent work. I have disabled releasenfo and it seems id3tag is apart of it. is it?
10-20-2007, 04:58 AM
releasenfo? you mean comple msg? ofcourse it's apart of that
10-20-2007, 06:02 AM
ok yes i mean complete msg. strange it dosent work. Does it work for you? If thats the cause do you think you can have a look at my theme/cfg?
10-20-2007, 06:41 AM
you need to have complete msg enabled for info to show, and no i don't give out help on custom themes
I think he ment writing of mp3 infoes into the .ioFTPD.message file, do dir infoes display when entering folder.
10-20-2007, 11:08 AM
it is shown, and write complete has to be enabled for id3 to be written to complete msg
10-20-2007, 01:35 PM
I tried it and i have included my cfg. It dosent work for me.
10-20-2007, 09:38 PM
look, if you can't get it to work, then use something else. I don't have the time nor energy to go through each config of the script that people has. you found a bug plz report it, but i'm not getting paid, i don't spend time on individual screwups.
10-21-2007, 07:43 AM
Ok well i would then like to request that the ID3-TAG info would be seperate as the IMDB info is. Not having to enable complete-msg.
10-21-2007, 09:47 AM
not gonna happen, look if you just want a script that checks sfv use something else.
10-21-2007, 02:26 PM
what i want is a script that checks sfv, get imdb info, sample info and id3-tag. Then shows em off in the status window as message and i believe ioNiNJA is the best on for this usage.
10-21-2007, 10:25 PM
then learn to use it instead of asking for new stuff added. you can disable both the user and groups in complete msg, it you jut read the cfg.
10-21-2007, 11:57 PM
tried a rescanall and it worked fine for a couple of mins then it crashed and i got:
while executing
"vfs chattr $path $raceinfo "$info" "
(procedure "writechattr" line 13)
invoked from within
"writechattr 11 [set make_time [clock seconds]]"
(procedure "rescan" line 31)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
} elseif {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ(skipdirs) $pwd]} {
Btw the directory dident have a Sample subfolder nor a imdb link in nfo.
- I cant find it in the readme.
10-22-2007, 06:48 AM
i'll look into it
10-23-2007, 04:23 AM
Did a rescan on a japanese movie Tokyo Twilight the title on imdb is Tôkyô boshoku
ioNiNJA showed it as Title....: Tôkyô boshoku (1957).
my friend uses another script that showed Tokyo boshoku.
also if the movie dosent have any genre it outputs: [R] 250-| Genre....: %fm-55{}
10-23-2007, 01:06 PM
the output in ioninja is not converted. unicode stays unicode. It's that way by purpose and i wont change it. i know about the genre bug
10-23-2007, 02:07 PM
ok so it cant be fixed. any luck on the rescanall problem?
10-23-2007, 02:16 PM
havn't looked at it yet.
and fixed? it's not a bug. change font in terminal window and it will show you unicode.
10-23-2007, 02:36 PM
ok well it still dident show it correct. Tôkyô boshoku (1957).
Thanks for your help tho
10-23-2007, 03:00 PM
you can blame ioftpd for that, it doesn't work well with unicode.
10-23-2007, 03:17 PM
ok sorry for asking but why use unicode then? :)
10-23-2007, 03:41 PM
cause of logging, better that it logs everything correctly.
Then it's up to ioftpd how it sends it to the client.
But if support gets better sometime in the future, everything is logged right.
also for irc announce it might be nice with right titles.
10-23-2007, 04:07 PM
yeah that reasonable. thanks for your help :)
sitebot error on rescan a sfv release:
dZSbot error: Undefined message type "RESCAN", check "msgtypes(SECTION)" and "msgtypes(DEFAULT)" in the config.
10-26-2007, 05:54 AM
new version out
10-26-2007, 08:33 AM
Did you find and fix the rescanall problem?
10-26-2007, 03:06 PM
are there any command to maximize the formating? so it dosent go above 50 or something.
10-27-2007, 05:53 AM
the rescanall problem is not fixed and it can't be maximised. I wrote it for rescanning all subdirs in a realese not an entire site. But will fix it when i get the time.
10-28-2007, 01:37 AM
New version on site:
Need update topic :)
2007-10-28- BETA
- Fixed newracer
- Fixed rescan and upload problems hopefully
just replace ioNiNJA.itcl
the file is called readme.txt for a reason ;)
10-29-2007, 12:19 PM
Im getting some errors while uploading and ioftpd removes the files once they are complete.
can't read "ioNJ(charbar_filled)": no such element in array
while executing
"string length $ioNJ(charbar_filled)"
(procedure "outstats" line 143)
invoked from within
"outstats $newracer $newleader $announce $announcestats "
(procedure "ZiPSCRIPT" line 257)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
sy10-29-2007 18:17:59 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
10-30-2007, 05:25 AM
it can't find the progress bar in cfg. you must ahce done something wrong
10-30-2007, 07:15 AM
Yeah you were right i dont know how it happened but my progress bar was deleted from the theme file. Anyway thanks. Gonna try the rescanall later with 3000+ movies, will see how it goes :p
10-30-2007, 09:53 AM
rescanall is not fixed
10-30-2007, 11:13 AM
ok thanks for notifying me :)
10-31-2007, 04:32 AM
i having problems with the announce spam...for some reason the bot does not spam the bb in the !bw and shows !up and !dn..btw im having this response on the uptime cmd
[uptime] + system: %time sitebot: %eggdrop ioFTPD: %ioftpd
oh i forgot when im loading the nickdb says cant find sqlite3 package and i have it already in the lib/tcl8.4 dir :\
any ideas?
help me plz :C
10-31-2007, 06:06 AM
1 you don't run the bot in -nt mode. and i have no idea why it doesn't find the packages.
10-31-2007, 06:11 AM
fixed the switch -nt, i fotgot that mode when i started to use alcobot i fixed mins ago after read the kb thanx anyway ;P
the only thing i cand fix its the package when i load the the invite cmd its working fine
10-31-2007, 12:03 PM
chinga tu madre sayko 8-D
10-31-2007, 12:32 PM
if you wanna insult each others mothers do it in another thread! And i have no idea why it doesn't find the packages, my guess would be a bad build of the bot
11-01-2007, 08:33 PM
Hi, first off all nice script. But i miss the firstfile announce feature on one track mp3s. Is
it possible to add this feature on next version? also a little search plugin for ioa would be
very interesting. ;) thx and keep up the great work :cool:
11-01-2007, 10:54 PM
iOA is not supported and if you read the cfg you'll find out that update is supported on 1 file mp3s
11-10-2007, 03:53 PM
thank you for the greatest ioftpd script ever.
11-13-2007, 05:23 PM
new version out
11-14-2007, 11:34 AM
nice, testing it out later tonight
11-14-2007, 12:30 PM
tried a rescan and it worked well except that the sorting dident really work for me.
The imdb/sample info works its just that it dosent write any files/folders to the place where it is supposed to.
11-15-2007, 01:36 PM
when there is a file uploaded with no .sfv in the dir ioninja creates a progress bar
is there a way to prevent ioninja from creating such bar when there is no .sfv?
11-15-2007, 07:16 PM
New version out that fixes the few screwups i made in previous version.
And no, you can't prevent it from beening created when there is no sfv. The only way to do that is to exclude the dir.
11-16-2007, 06:05 AM
Great work o_dog!
Just a question how do you update the symlinks? Like if i have a symlink to C:\movies\movie and then move the movie to D:\movies\movie does site symlink fix it?
11-17-2007, 06:58 AM
11-17-2007 05:18:07 RESCAN: /movies/title 1 1 6MB 0
11-17-2007 12:56:14 LOGOUT: "FTP_Service" "" "staff" "staff" ""
Any idea why it stopped? Cant find anything else in the logs.
11-17-2007, 08:14 AM
with all that info? tried a magic 8ball? =)
and I've never tried site symlink. Don't know what it is really. But my guess is that it wont. And no the zipscript will not do it either and it's not a function i have plans on adding.
11-17-2007, 08:35 AM
ok well i use multiple vfs:ses like
C:\movies /movies
D:\movies /movies
gonna try without it
11-17-2007, 08:49 AM
it wont work with that. it uses vfs to resolve real path. so only one of te two will be scanned. Maybe it doesn't work at all with virtual raid i never tried it.
11-17-2007, 10:13 AM
well it worked without virtual raid.
is it fixable o_dog?
11-18-2007, 06:06 AM
not right now.
11-18-2007, 11:33 AM
ok well it seems it did have some few troubles on getting sample information on all dirs even tho i dident use virtual raid. It also skipped some directories.
11-18-2007, 12:42 PM
samples are not checked on rescan
11-18-2007, 06:05 PM
it did some sample directories on rescanall
11-18-2007, 10:51 PM
my bad, it should be checked. But when you say it's not checked what do you mean? that it's not written to complete message? but it write the info to sample dir right? unless there already is a ioFTPD.message there.
11-19-2007, 09:36 AM
It dosent writen any ioFTPD.message, not in Sample or in /Subs i dont know if it is because i have them as extra dirs.
Hm it seems like it wrote on all other drives just that it stopped on one drive which i had a error on, a sfv was read only and i got sfv-cleanup so it kind of ****ed up.
Error log:
couldn't open "G:/rar2/movies/1-ICHI.2003.XVID.READ.NFO-SiCK/Subs/sick.ichi1.subs.sfv": permission denied
while executing
"open $file w"
(procedure "writefile" line 5)
invoked from within
"writefile "$sfvfile" "[join $newsfv "\n"]""
(procedure "sfvcheck" line 36)
invoked from within
"sfvcheck $path/$sfv"
(procedure "rescan" line 41)
invoked from w
11-19-2007, 09:46 AM
what do you mean by extra dirs? cause it works here!, it will not however, include the sample msg in the compelte msg, only in sample dir. Why do you have files on a ftp thats read only and what exactly do you want me to do about it?
11-19-2007, 11:59 AM
I dont know why it was read only, crappy group i guess. And what i meant was it seems that after it got stuck on that movie it dident want to do the sample messages for the other directories. It dident write any iofFTPD.message in sample or cd1 or sub directories only on movies with no subdirectories.
11-19-2007, 01:13 PM
after a crah of the script, it shouldn't go on rescanning at all.
11-19-2007, 10:36 PM
yeah true im gonna try rescan it again.
11-20-2007, 02:07 PM
Heelllo :)
First of all - the script is really good! :) I used iozs before, now I am trying to switch to the ninja :P
A question and problem:
NTFS junctions - they don't work... Different now is that Iam trying to build a seperate server so I don't have direct compare with the iozs - I am using a small virt.server on vmware with mapped HDDs. Symlinks are working fine, but when I try the ntfs junctions, it just doesn't work - only dirs for the genre are created and none for the uploaded release.
Do I have to install microsoft net framework? Or it is because I have mapped the drives with the content?
Thanks for help in advance!
11-20-2007, 10:34 PM
ntfs junctions only work on local drives
11-21-2007, 06:59 AM
OK :) I will try it on the working now ioftpd and will give feedback :)
And one more question - is there a command or a way to make a whole rescan of the content - I mean a kind of mp3rescanner that rebuilds the ntfsjunctions for example? Without having to reupload eerything so that it gets rescanned?
Thanks one more time!
11-24-2007, 04:50 PM
I was trying to use ProjectZS zipscript but for some reason the incomplete symlink dont stay when a release is incomplete. So now i installed ioNiNJA and all works fine.
Only i saw a option in ProjectZS what maybey can be added in the future to ioNiNJA it is called banned groups.
And when i add a banned genre, or allow, it does not skip or warn what am i doing wrong?
11-24-2007, 05:25 PM
nice of you to steal my nick!!!!
use precheck to ban grps
11-25-2007, 01:25 PM
Anyway to make it delete duplicates of IMDB directories? when you run two rescans:
anyway to make it auto delete the old one?
11-26-2007, 03:35 AM
not really since the imdb output is not hardcoded. And previous imdb outputs might not have the same look.
12-02-2007, 12:42 PM
hm on genres it outputs: Action, Drama, Thriller, IMDb Action section -
[IMDB]-(Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller, IMDb Drama section-1995-8.0-with-105,969-votes-0-screens)-[IMDB]
hm why doest it write out "IMDb Action section"?
12-02-2007, 03:25 PM
use latest version, website is down atm. Prolly up tomorrow
12-02-2007, 06:58 PM
yeah i just saw that there were a bunch of new versions, i usually only go the last page to see when you write a new one is out. Thanks :)
btw: "Fixed theme in zipscript i think" what was wrong with it?
12-06-2007, 04:59 PM
Well i tried the script on local drives too - junctions just don't work... iozs works perfectly...
12-06-2007, 05:44 PM
if you can't get it to work, then use ioZS, cause the links work just fine here.
12-07-2007, 05:07 AM
yeah, nice reply :))
Just wanted to ask for some help...
No errors in logs, just nothing... And symlinks are working.
Hope this will help you for solving this or that in future releases (I see that it is still alpha).
I am just a little disappointed.
Thanks anyway and wish you best luck! :)
12-07-2007, 01:17 PM
it's not a bug, it works.
But if you can't get it to work then you screwed up. Didn't mean to offend you. ntfs junctions only work on local drives. That means you can't link to a nas drive or shared disc's within the network.
so if it doesn't work you must have done something wrong.
12-08-2007, 04:27 AM
Possibly :)
But now I tested the junctions on local drives and I made almost the same configuration like the one for iozs.And that's why I am wondering why it doesnot work...
May I send you the config, so that you check it?
12-08-2007, 05:13 AM
no thank you. I don't provide support on this sort of things.
12-08-2007, 05:52 AM
Hmm, I think there is an improvement - I tried it with an older version of ioftpd, now I get the error
12-08-2007 12:41:57 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't find package http 2.5
while executing
"package require http 2.5"
(file "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" line 5)
12-08-2007, 05:53 AM
you need touse latest version of ioftpd
12-08-2007, 05:59 AM
I think I fixed it :) Just renewed the content of the "lib" dir with the one from io 6.3 beta. Now it works, junctions are being created :)
Thanks for support. Will check out, seemsa fantastic script :)
12-10-2007, 02:11 PM
Heello, it's me again.
I have another problem now...
Happens mostly when I try to delete incomplete rels. When it starts deleting the stats file - [########--] - 85.7% Complete - [xxx] it just hangs...
And in the logs:
unmatched open brace in list
while executing
"lsearch -glob $racestats "$fname *""
(procedure "POSTDEL" line 33)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
} elseif {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ(skipdirs) $pwd]} {
} elseif {[lindex $args 0] == "R..."
(file "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.it12-10-2007 20:00:09 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
Hope for some help :)
12-10-2007, 05:54 PM
will look into it. how does the ioNJ(del_progressmeter) in your theme look?
are there any spaces in parent dirs?
12-11-2007, 02:07 AM
no, none of them - i use the original theme file, so it is by default
12-11-2007, 02:09 AM
i don't have this problem.
12-11-2007, 05:07 PM
okej, this is the last time i will say thins, ioninja does not work on ioftpd 5.* you need 6+. Please don't report bugs if you do not use latest ioftpd. Sash! you might want to upgrade.
12-16-2007, 07:31 AM
Aggree :) Now io is to latest version ;)
Another question - is there a way to make ioninja to rescan my older dirs, which were uploaded through iozs?
12-19-2007, 05:33 AM
new version out
12-19-2007, 10:24 AM
where download new version, because site DOWN :( ?
12-19-2007, 10:25 AM
read the first post in thread
12-25-2007, 02:29 AM
happy christmas :)
i ask when you could fix !bnc of bot problem?
!bnc does not works if using external entry/traffic bnc IPs in dzsbot.conf
but alcobot works
i tested on same condition
12-28-2007, 08:43 AM
it uses curl so if it's a problem it is with curl not ioninja
12-28-2007, 11:55 PM
i have the option to rename files to .bad, not to delete. but on a site rescan, the files are deleted if found bad, can this be changed?
12-30-2007, 05:32 PM
apps release FOO-BAR with 1 nfo and 3 dirs:
in FOO-BAR/ I got symlinks:
12-30-2007, 05:47 PM
you need to define disk as subdir in cfg, will add it in next release
01-01-2008, 01:16 AM
thnx for the prompt fix 0_dog
01-03-2008, 11:30 PM
new version out with vbr-new vbr-old check. And plz note that the sorting has changed in v0.3 and that you can't copy it from old cfg.
have fun
01-06-2008, 02:59 PM
the bot keeps dying on me when i issue the request command and the site command.
does not happends all the time.
Don´t know if it´s an eggdrop bug, or if it´s in ioninja sitebot.
Using 1.6.17+ssl eggdrop.
* Last context: tclhash.c/684 [Tcl proc: mcpshandlepubOK, param: $_pub1
$_pub3 $_pub4 $_pub5]
01-06-2008, 03:54 PM
mcpshandlepubOK is from blowfish script
01-06-2008, 06:22 PM
is it possible to do a script that updates the imdb information only? so you dont have to do a rescanall on all folders to get new imdb info,
01-06-2008, 06:25 PM
well even if i remove that script it still crashes.
01-06-2008, 07:02 PM
think it's an eggdrop bug
01-07-2008, 05:43 PM
well this started after i upgraded to the latest ioNinja sitebot, so it never happend before. So thats why im just thinking it could have something to do with that. =)
01-07-2008, 05:44 PM
neither of thoose scripts have changed
01-08-2008, 05:24 AM
still nobody that knows if its possible to have something that updates the imdb info? like the end of every month or something
01-11-2008, 07:42 AM
Script looks really promising now, big thx to you o_dog!!
Still get wrong output though when info is missing on imdb, see below:
[R] 250-|--[ i M D B N F O ]-------------------------------------------------|
[R] 250-| |
[R] 250-| Title : Xuan feng shi ba qi (1980) |
[R] 250-| Genre : - |
[R] 250-| Rating : 3.2 with 9 votes |
[R] 250-| Director : %fm-55{} |
[R] 250-| Tagline : - |
[R] 250-| Country : Taiwan |
[R] 250-| Language : %fm-55{} |
[R] 250-| Runtime : - |
[R] 250-| Screens : 0 |
[R] 250-| Comment : Where is everybody? |
[R] 250-| Awards : - |
[R] 250-| Url : |
[R] 250-'--------------------------------------------------------------------'
If possible, I would like to see a fix for the "%fm-55{}" when info's missing?
And about iMDB sorting, the rating sorting seems a little strange -
it rounds the result in groups consisting of x.5-x.4, instead of x.0-x.9.
For instance, this movie ( )
with an 8.8 rating is sorted in the 9 group which as least for me
is weird?
And finally, some requests ;)
Really happy about you including the Top250 sorting option, but would like testdrive see an option to be able to total rescan nfos for imdb separately from sfv.
Would also be grateful for additional path variables, namely %director_first and %year_first - useful on big archives.. ^^. With year_first variable i mean being able to group the year folders into decades, ie 1930s, 1940s and so forth.
Keep up the good work!!
01-11-2008, 07:57 AM
will fix the imdb with no info. rating is sorted that way, cause 10dirs is enough. having a 100dirs and you kinda take away the point in sorting it. will add %director_first, and we'll see about %decade.
01-11-2008, 10:17 AM
no, didnt mean one would have a 100 dirs, just that grouping of the sorting is different compared to other scripts ive seen. they sort (for example): 8.0 - 8.9 into the "8" directory and so on while ioninja sort 7.5 - 8.4 into the "8" directory and 8.5 - 9.4 into "9".
would prefer the first way of rounding/sorting.
01-19-2008, 04:51 AM
o_dog, whats up with the download link??? not working here
01-19-2008, 08:47 AM
use the temp link
01-19-2008, 11:32 AM
hmm that one doeasnt seem to be working either, atleast on my end
01-27-2008, 01:50 AM
having a few issues, but heres one to start with, when doing !bw in channel, i get no response, but from the telnet window i get this error
Tcl error [ng_bw]: syntax error in expression "initialization * 100 / 12
500": variable references require preceding $
any idea why?
01-27-2008, 01:56 AM
you need to run the bot in -nt mode.
eggdrop.exe -nt
01-27-2008, 01:58 AM
yup i already do
01-27-2008, 02:01 AM
edit sitewho.ini then. otherwise i don't know what you did wrong.
01-27-2008, 02:04 AM
new version out v0.4
01-27-2008, 02:07 AM
arr ok, will check that out. another thing, the imdb script, is that broken? cause it doesnt respond to anything either, so atm im using bountys which is fine
01-27-2008, 02:08 AM
also as request, the diskfree section, would you be able to add support for network paths? \\network path
mapping a network path kinda works, but i dont want to map drives
01-27-2008, 02:42 AM
sorry, no can do. I didn't write the df app.
01-27-2008, 02:44 AM
ok np. i also checked the sitewho.ini, still getting the same problem, so idk whats wrong
01-27-2008, 07:26 AM
hi i get error on "site rescan"
01-27-2008 13:22:56 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't unset "message": no such variable
while executing
"unset message"
(procedure "get_imdb_info" line 327)
invoked from within
"get_imdb_info $imdbserial"
(procedure "rescan" line 137)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
} elseif {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ(skipdirs) $pwd]} {
imdb lookup seems to be broken
01-27-2008, 05:43 PM
Thanks alot for adding imdb rescan. Just some questions. Does it update the Votes/score and remove the old one? Does it update it to the sorted folders?
01-27-2008, 05:55 PM
sablord: it's not broken, and when it says clean install of zipscript thats what it means.
testdrive: no it does not delete old imdb bar.
ioNiNJA.beta.v0.4.2-2008-01-28.rar the imdb memory problem is fixed in this
01-27-2008, 06:54 PM
wondering why msgreplace is not working on the update announces, or is it
just meant for newdir announces?
01-27-2008, 07:06 PM
only newdir
01-27-2008, 09:21 PM
is it possible to add this in the next version? cause you have more
control over the theme file then. For example outputs like this:
section > 1st. > releasename/CD1 > user at speedMB/s > expecting sizeMB
focused on the bolded subdir.
A Theme file with subdir support in other words :)
01-27-2008, 09:22 PM
there already is
01-28-2008, 11:53 AM
yes i did a clean install same message with newest version
I even get this error when i do not edit the cfg
01-28-2008, 12:41 PM
oki, will look at it
01-28-2008, 06:30 PM
new version out that fixes the imdb bug and adds an incomplete link dir option
02-06-2008, 12:28 PM
Using latest ioNiNJA I get this error in only one dir on site rescan:
02-06-2008 18:36:18 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "mpeghead": no such variable
while executing
"binary scan $mpeghead B32 mp3head"
(procedure "mp3information" line 121)
invoked from within
"mp3information "$path/$filename""
(procedure "rescan" line 197)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
} elseif {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ02-06-2008 18:38:39 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl"
02-06-2008, 12:40 PM
does that always happen?
02-06-2008, 04:57 PM
does that always happen?
Yes, it happens and always for that release only! Rescan on other ones works fine!
02-07-2008, 07:36 AM
sounds like a hdd error or something.
ok have not used ioftpd in a while but am back using now and notice in the readme forioninja that rescan all should be working fine, but just wondering if anyone else has used it and cant confirm that all is ok, and that i should be fine running it.
I have a lot to rescan and cant really afford to have the script mess up and blow up my pc :p
02-08-2008, 02:57 PM
ok have not used ioftpd in a while but am back using now and notice in the readme forioninja that rescan all should be working fine, but just wondering if anyone else has used it and cant confirm that all is ok, and that i should be fine running it.
I have a lot to rescan and cant really afford to have the script mess up and blow up my pc :p
I've done a rescan of over 9000 releases, only 2 errors due to the error I've pasted some posts before! And it seems they depends on hd, so this script in my opinion it's better than ok :D
02-08-2008, 03:35 PM
i didn't say it was hdd error, but it seemed convenient for it to be so. some files are just messed up and crashes the script dunno if you can ever make it completely fool proof. I have to recreate the error, and i'm not rescanning 9000 dirs =)
02-08-2008, 05:22 PM
i didn't say it was hdd error, but it seemed convenient for it to be so. some files are just messed up and crashes the script dunno if you can ever make it completely fool proof. I have to recreate the error, and i'm not rescanning 9000 dirs =)
BTW, i've moved the rls into my local ftp, uploading them the zipscript works and check 100% bla bla! If i do "site rescan this", i get 2 kinds of error:
02-08-2008 23:05:52 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't use non-numeric string as operand of "*"
while executing
"expr {int([file size $mp3file]*8 / double(1000*$bitrate))}"
(procedure "mp3information" line 292)
invoked from within
"mp3information "$path/$filename""
(procedure "rescan" line 197)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
02-08-2008 23:06:45 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "mpeghead": no such variable
while executing
"binary scan $mpeghead B32 mp3head"
(procedure "mp3information" line 121)
invoked from within
"mp3information "$path/$filename""
(procedure "rescan" line 197)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
} elseif {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ
I hope that's not because of I mess with some settings in the conf, all worked until now xD
PS: if u want i can send u these rels.
run chkdsk on the drives, if you want a quick check do chkdsk x: /f - or if you want to test the drive for errors and bad sectors use chkdsk x: /r /f (x: being the drive your scanning) if the drives are big it will take time, that and the cpu speed will affect it.
I norm run /f a few times first as this will fix most issues, keep doing it till it says windows has found no problems, the run it with /r /f
02-11-2008, 08:25 PM
odog: maybe u should add exit(2) on 0byte files and bad files
so the dupe script doesnt run
02-11-2008, 08:28 PM
nah, some other scripts might still need to run after it. dupescript shouldn't add files that doesn't exist anyway
02-11-2008, 08:43 PM
nah, some other scripts might still need to run after it. dupescript shouldn't add files that doesn't exist anyway
what script would that be hmm, a script that needs to process a non existing file hmmm
anyway, i guess its not too hard to add myself. better then all the dupes nxtools adds
02-11-2008, 08:45 PM
is ioninja added before or after nxtools in ioftpd.ini?
because nxtools does not add files that doesn't exist to dupedb
02-11-2008, 08:47 PM
is ioninja added before or after nxtools in ioftpd.ini?
ioninja before nxtools
02-11-2008, 08:53 PM
strange, here it never adds dupes for bad or failed files.
02-11-2008, 08:54 PM
but if you're determind to stop the script use ioerror
not exit(2)
02-11-2008, 09:15 PM
strange, here it never adds dupes for bad or failed files.
well, im sure it does on 0byte files, which isnt a failed transfer
bad crc files mostly happen on failed transfers, so onuploaderror gets triggered then, but if transfer doesnt fail but crc is bad anyway, it gets duped and onuploaderror wont undupe it
all other zipscripts return error codes like this btw:rolleyes:
02-11-2008, 09:44 PM
i'll have a look at it some day not a hight priority though
02-12-2008, 07:06 PM
o_dog, first thing to say: thanks for this easy to set up zipscript. had it running in 10 minutes :)
I have one request. Maybe you could add a option to not extract the FILE_ID.DIZ.
That would be awsome ;)
Thank you for hosting your files on your own server. Keep it this way. inicom doesn't seem able to update their sites without breaking down the whole ioFTPD file archive.
02-12-2008, 07:08 PM
sorry, but wont add that option.
The FILE_ID.DIZ should be extracted from zip file so you know that it's valid
02-20-2008, 08:14 PM
#ioNiNJA BETA 0.4.6
hi there, when i send a xvid release to my ftp i get an error all the files will transfer apart from the sample and this is the error i get
02-22-2008 00:59:44 "D:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioFTPD\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "type": no such variable
while executing
"if {$type == "g"} {
switch -- $first {
"Movie name" { set g_movie_name $second ; append samplemessage "| MovieName : [format %-59s [str..."
(procedure "getsample" line 42)
invoked from within
"getsample $realpath"
(procedure "ZiPSCRIPT" line 132)
invoked from within
thanku for ur great script
02-20-2008, 08:55 PM
k, will check into it
02-21-2008, 02:13 PM
hi o_dog, i've tested version ioNiNJA.beta.v0.4.3-2008-01-29 and that one seems to work fine
great script m8 really appreciate your work
02-21-2008, 08:59 PM
the thing is though, what you described didn't change from 4.3 to 4.6
02-22-2008, 04:19 AM
the script just keep getting better and better :)..
o_dog - any thoughts on changing the rounding of imdb rating sorting?
would very much like to see it just rounding down (8.0-8.9 -> 8) instead of the current (8.0-8.4 -> 8 & 8.5-8.9 ->9).
also, would be very happy if something like the force function from turranius' symsbygroup script could be implemented (, for example "change" grp names when sorting groups who have a "-" in their name.
thx again for your work!
02-22-2008, 08:47 AM
thats not logic, to round it down if it has 8,9 and down to 8.
So it´s fine as it it.
02-22-2008, 02:49 PM
i guess that depends on how you define "logic" :) - for me its logical to collect all movies with an 8.x rating in a folder called 8 regardless if it's 8.0 or 8.9. i see your point but imho an 8.5 rating is not really a 9 and therefore doesnt belong in the 9 folder. would be glad if this was considered an option.
02-22-2008, 10:45 PM
basic math. Wont add an option for this.
will look into the force name things.
02-23-2008, 08:49 PM
thanks o_dog i must of had a small typo somewhere cuz 2008-02-22- BETA is running fine now
thanks again for ur hard work on this great script
02-24-2008, 06:42 AM
new version out
02-24-2008, 08:42 PM
nice work man :D
heres an id:
chmod complete releases dirs to non-writable, and make it optional
02-25-2008, 06:40 AM
Hi O_dog,
first i have to honor ur nice work for this fast script.
But i have a problem with the CRC check.
I have the latest ioftpd and ioninja script installed on an windows vista system.
The sfv upload runs without any problem, but if i upload the expecting rar files
i get CRC errors. where could be the problem, if the files are tested and are ok?
02-25-2008, 09:09 AM
turn on crc calculation in ioftpd.ini
02-26-2008, 04:48 PM
new version of windrop, zipscript and sitebot, the saga continues
02-27-2008, 12:32 AM
Hey man
Seems link is down :\ not possible to attach file in here?
02-27-2008, 02:25 AM
read the first post before posting about theese things plz, there are temp links there
02-27-2008, 07:27 AM
Force option seems to work as intended - big thanks!!!
02-29-2008, 10:14 AM
Can anyone help with a hint how to make the !uptime command to work? After I installed the new windrop and the dzsbot it's not available.
Thanks in advance.
02-29-2008, 10:15 AM
it's no longer avalible
03-19-2008, 12:03 PM
I get an error when i try to pre in my pre folder.
If i have a folder called PRE and in script i have.
set ioNJ(group_dirs) {/PRE/|/groups/}
Then it dosent exceppt any files in that dir.
It takes the nfo and sfv file.
and i get an error in my log to
invalid command name "}"
while executing
(file "../scripts/ioNiNJA/ioNiNJA.cfg" line 239)
invoked from within
"source "../scripts/ioNiNJA/ioNiNJA.cfg""
(file "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" line 3)
But if i change to set ioNJ(group_dirs) {/_PRE/|/groups/}
Then it all works as it should.
03-22-2008, 04:59 AM
sounds like some other misconfiguration in cfg file to be honest with you
03-24-2008, 02:22 PM
how about adding a dedicated forum to ioNiNJA and all of o_dogs scripts? Since it's the only (?) zipscript that is currently being developed atm, AFAIK. Mods? And also, it would be great if we could add in forum topic if a particular script is still being developed or not, so that you eventually can put those obsolete scripts in their own forum section. Thank you for listening.
03-25-2008, 02:08 PM
Hey guys,
ive changed the speed announce in the .conf to
set speedmeasure "kb"
it works just fine, except that on !bw it shows this
bw > 1 up at 1290KB/s 103% > 0 down at 0KB/s 0% > 1 total at 1290.0787401574803KB/s 52% > 1 idle > 2 of 20 total
too many decimals
is there a fix for that ?
thx in advance
EDIT: i fixed it myself, for anyone who is a noob like me and wants it be fixed too replace:
set speedTotal [expr {$speedDn + $speedUp}]
set speedTotal [format "%.0f" [expr {$speedDn + $speedUp}]]
in dzsbot.tcl
03-25-2008, 09:44 PM
it's fixed in next version
03-27-2008, 12:31 PM
new version out
04-14-2008, 07:36 AM
new release out
04-17-2008, 06:45 PM
I use imdb_sorting
for example I fill release Movie.2008-FOOBAR and I get:
If I delete Movie.2008-FOOBAR and I give a 'site symclean', the follow dirs remain:
is possible to modify ioNiNJA script for have the follow instead:
thx in advanced
04-18-2008, 01:13 AM
not really, atleast i have no plans on it right now
05-02-2008, 04:40 AM
keep getting rating: 0 with 0 votes
both when racing and rescanning, but all the other imdb info is correct.
anyone else getting this? have been working before :confused:
05-02-2008, 04:44 AM
forgot to update this thread there have been 2 updates. if you used the latest release just replace ioNiNJA.itcl
05-02-2008, 05:11 AM
ah ok, was using the 0.5 version.
its working now - big thanks :)
05-02-2008, 06:07 AM
encountered another problem, site rescan all only seems to rescan one level down, ignoring subdirectories of folders?
*nm, was too quick - noticed it rescanned subfolders at the end..*
05-02-2008, 02:16 PM
when I delete a mp3 release with a lot of files, DELE commands stop after some time and I must logout
I don't know if this is a ioftpd bug or ioninja bug..
I check my logs dir and I have the attached file,
seems a problem with some chars in file names
Decided to use your script to test out some changes in the upcoming v6.5 and noticed a bug in the configuration.
Under [FTP_Pre-Command_Events]
dele = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl
rmd = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl
You probably don't want this from what I can tell. Pre-Commands run BEFORE the actual command and thus BEFORE permission validation and are really designed for permission validation inside the script. What this means is if you try to delete a file or directory for which you don't have permission the zipscript will think that action took place. I tried deleting a file from a dir with a .sfv in it and sure enough I got a .missing file popping up and an incomplete tag, but the original file was still there and everything was complete.
Just move these to FTP_Post-Command_Events and all will be good.
One option you may choose to implement in your config file is to prevent users without certain user flags from deleting files from complete releases. This really only makes sense when you have a site wipe/nuke script also running but in that case it's probably useful. This is an example of what PRE events are useful for.
On a different note, I've run into a stuck/zombie style user problem with ioFTPD a couple of times and one crashlog sent to me looks like ioNiNJA was stuck sleeping forever. I'm assuming this can happen based on a really quick look if a .lock file is leftover from a crash or something. Perhaps a timeout before throwing an exception or validate the timestamp on the lock or something? Another option to consider is doing away with a file lock at all and use the [waitobject] itcl feature. You can name the lock the name of the real path of the file/dir and then no .lock files needed and no cleanup if a crash happens. I'm not sure who uses waitobjects, but they're in the code... doc/itcl.txt has the details.
Quick update: I decided to edit the script myself and realized that the waitobject stuff wasn't really suitable because it had a poor interface. You couldn't easily use it in the manner I suggested because close and delete were 2 different actions and there wasn't the more useful close AND delete on last reference action. So I removed delete, and now close does the right thing.
So, until 6.5 my suggestion isn't going to work out real well for you... I'll stick the modified version up somewhere for you to look at and play with once 6.5 comes out.
I also changed the file_id.diz parsing to what I wrote a while back in my fledgling zipscript as it appears to handle more weird cases.
Also, looking into it supporting UTF-8 encoded filenames without really caring that they are UTF-8 encoded but rather just goofy looking names. I saw a mention in your readme about you playing with unicode support. What did you remember not working? I see some .diz/nfo issues when I enable unicode to TCL, but was just curious what you might remember.
PS: I can moderate existing forums, but I can't seem to create any new ones or delete old ones... Else I'd move this to it's own area :)
Best I can do right now is make it a sticky so it's always on top...
05-06-2008, 07:21 AM
it's not a bug that it's pre delete and not post, it reads info from the file before delete. there are some checks that user will be able to delete a file before it creates missing file etc. It's not a perfect solution but working on other stuff right now and this I don't really consider a problem.
The waitobjeckt has never been stable neither has any of the locks.
The lock however isn't really needed anymore it's a leftover from when i had it writing racestats to a regular file. I can just aswell remove it completely even though it has never caused a problem as far as I know.
TCL handles unicode but the arguments that ioftpd passes to tcl are not right, i think it passes all arguments in ascii which make it hard for the zipscript to find the file if filename is wrong, i found a way around it by converting it using the encoding libs but that made the server unstable instead.
What do you mean about the file_id.diz? Never had a problem here either so I have no idead what you're talkign about. But you're allowed to change whatever you want but i would like to ask you not to make them public.
Here's the interesting bit with unicode and tcl. ioFTPD is clearly not unicode aware, but it appears to do OK writing goofy looking utf8 encoded file/directory names that on disk appear weird but when viewed back by FTP clients are correct. Thus while not actually unicode aware it just sorta works if you ignore the local filesystem :) I'm not sure why TCL using a binary encoding for the passed in arguments wouldn't handle things the same way, but I'm going to be looking into it. Note that this would not support any REAL unicode paths/files not created by the server, but at least it would solve some people's problems until the day ioFTPD becomes unicode compliant....
Actually, if I enable unicode in TCL by distributing the encoding directory again you could convert the utf8 name to utf16 and look for the files on disk and thus be unicode complaint right now. But since ioFTPD wouldn't really know what to do with those names it wouldn't matter anyway, and it would break a lot of other scripts that assume TCL is stupid right now.
waitobject's interface did seem a little poor since close/delete were 2 separate actions. I however have fixed that in 6.5 now, but it sounds like you might not need it.
.diz parsing... corepda releases are wierd and often look like this and currently fail:
[OS:SMARTPHONE2005] [DATE:08/01/31] [DiSK:o1/
some other types look like this and fail:
and of course some fail to include a .diz at all in any zip file, but if you parse the .nfo you can extract the same information sometimes if no .diz is available although this would obviously have a higher error rate.
PRE/POST: I'm not sure about the pre bit. What information besides the name could you need? Remember, the POST event won't get called unless the file was actually deleted and thus checks for it's existence, permissions, etc have already been done so it's just update the race and adjust the completion tags. Not sure what information from the file itself would be required...
05-07-2008, 08:44 AM
i wont support bad standards, a diz file is needed in releases otherwise it's a nuke. The only way to get aroudn that is to assume that all releases not containing a diz file is complete. And that is just bad, no other name for it. 2x6.61mb is a bad diz file and should therefore be nuked. I know i can do workarounds for it but whats the point. Bad releases shouldn't be allowed to start with.
next version will include fix for the \n thing in diz though. And you will be able to exclude dirs from diz requirement.
It reads the mp3information from it for announce. It was a request added a long time ago. And i never saw any problems with it. You are actually the first one to mention anything about it even though i knew it contained some complications =), all parts of the script uses the same info for formating, announce to ftpd, irc etc. Never saw a point of making all procs have their own announce part. But this creates problems with the postdel since the proc requires the file. I could prolly get around this pretty easy just never saw the point.
At present i'm changing the cookies for themes a very boring and time consuming job and something that should ahve been done a long time ago. Also adding new cookies and formating options.
What i would like is a ioftpd website with collected scripts etc. As it is now most people don't know ioFTPD is under development and scripts are spread out all over the place.
05-07-2008, 07:44 PM
new version out, changed alot in it so will probably contain bugs, plz report them and for god sake do a clean install and don't copy stuff from old cfg
05-12-2008, 08:31 AM
05-12-2008 14:56:08 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "type": no such variable
while executing
"if {$type == "g"} {
switch -- $first {
"Movie name" { set g_movie_name $second ; append samplemessage "| MovieName : [format %-59s [str..."
(procedure "getsample" line 42)
invoked from within
"getsample $sample"
(procedure "rescan" line 122)
invoked from within
invoked from
05-12-2008, 04:49 PM
i do not give out support on old versions. upgrade.
someone uploaded a sample file that wasn't a sample i guess. Fixed in next version.
If this happens all the time there is something else that is wrong.
05-12-2008, 06:59 PM
it dosent i ran a rescan all and it happend after like 50 min of rescanning. happened before also.
btw if i want to remove some information from the sample message like video bitrate can i change that in the theme or i have to remove it from itcl? (i have done this before but i got the error on a unchanged itcl)
05-13-2008, 04:00 AM
How is it possible that i can upload a file that isn't in .sfv?
It shouldn't be possible but when i change settings in ioNiNJA.cfg
## Want to rename bad crc files to bad? if set to 0 the file will be deleted instead. (Works! but dunno why tha hell you would use it)
set ioNJ(mark_file_as_bad)I see .bad files in dir, can't find any settings for rejecting such files.
05-13-2008, 10:08 AM
there is no such setting. A bad file is one that fails crc check or is not in sfv.
05-13-2008, 10:13 AM
testdrive: remove the sample it fails on would be my advice for now or wait until next release, then this problem should not occur. As for the sample message, it is defined in itcl and not in theme. Been thinking about moving it to theme though. But we'll see what happens. As for now you will have to change it in .itcl
05-13-2008, 02:26 PM
testdrive: remove the sample it fails on would be my advice for now or wait until next release, then this problem should not occur. As for the sample message, it is defined in itcl and not in theme. Been thinking about moving it to theme though. But we'll see what happens. As for now you will have to change it in .itcl
Ok yeah it would be great if you could move it to theme so you wont have to change it in the itcl file every update :)
05-14-2008, 12:38 AM
All setup and seems to run fine.
I created a test dir to see if it got announced but it didn't.
Checked eggdrop.log and it was floaded with these error's:
[13:47] dZSbot error: Unable to read log file "/cygdrive/c/windrop/c:/ioftpd/logs/sysop.log".
At setup i also got error's of unable to read logs so i changed path from /cygdrive/c/ioftpd/logs/error.log (dZSbot.conf)
c:/ioftpd/logs/error.log (did that with all links)
All was running smooth but now log is floaded with cygdrive links (and i removed such links in config files so how can they point to this path?)
05-14-2008, 04:06 AM
don't understand what your problem is.
05-14-2008, 04:27 AM
I think he means it seems to run fine and that the only problem he had was the /cygdrive/c paths so he changed them to c:/ etc (and cleaned the log?).
05-14-2008, 04:29 AM
other way around. changed c:/ to /cygdrive/c/ and cleaned the log,i meant i didn't understand why he told me.
05-14-2008, 04:48 AM
other way around. changed c:/ to /cygdrive/c/ and cleaned the log,i meant i didn't understand why he told me.
No what i ment is this:
* I installed ioFTPD, ioNiNJA, eggdrop, sitebot.
* ioNiNJA + ioFTPD works perfect.
* eggdrop + sitebot gave error's (that it was unable to locate /cygdrive/c/ioftpd/..)
* Changed sitebot config links to c:\ioftpd (all of them)
* eggdrop runs so is sitebot, commands like !bw !free !bnc etc are working fine
BUT! when i transfer a dir/files nothing happends (no announce) and after trying several methods i checked log (eggdrop.log) and log is floaded with error's like this:
[13:47] dZSbot error: Unable to read log file "/cygdrive/c/windrop/c:/ioftpd/logs/sysop.log".
Not 1 but 100x
so what i'm actually asking is what could be the problem?
05-14-2008, 06:00 AM
if you actually read the config you would know. paths start with /cygdrive/c/ and not c:/
05-14-2008, 06:28 AM
if you actually read the config you would know. paths start with /cygdrive/c/ and not c:/
Yeah i noticed that also and that is the strange part, cygdrive/c/ doesn't excist not on drive nor config so where the h*ll is that comming from then?
whocarez: Eggdrop is a Unix application, and as such doesn't run under windows. The fine folk at Redhat a long time ago created a kind of hybrid environment called cygwin which emulated the unix kernel library calls so that you could compile Unix/Linux applications on windows machines and have them work. So windrop is eggdrop compiled under cygwin. In order to make this world unix friendly they had to do all sorts of things like auto-convert line endings since unix and windows use different ones, and fake out the root of the filesystem so you can get the standard /usr, /lib, /bin, /etc, etc. Thus a standard cygwin installation will have c:\cygwin as the root for the faked out unix environment and all is good, but obviously you still want access to files elsewhere so they auto-mount the drive letters under /cygdrive for you. This is not a real directory, it's a purely virtual one. Thus the proper name for c:\windrop\foo.txt under a cygwin app like windrop is /cygdrive/c/windrop/foo.txt.
Windows builds of TCL sometimes supported automatically changing c:\ to /cygdive/c/ so you could use windows looking paths. Thus depending on the VERSION AND BUILD of windrop these would be valid paths and config files that used them would work. However, some of the newer .17 and .18 windrop builds didn't support this so some people would find it would work, and others it wouldn't.
Play it safe. Use /cygdrive/c/ instead of c:\ and you'll be much better off.
05-15-2008, 01:48 AM
@Yil, thanks for your reply, well explained as always ;)
I get your point and at default i kept it that way but then it didn't work.
changed it my way and back like you suggested, still error's (same when i installed it)
So what i did was compyling my own eggdrop (1.6.19+ssl) using latest tcl and stuff and just did the minimal config settings, dropped sitebot script in dir and voila, it worked.
I don't know what the problem was but it works now ;)
Thanks for helping out
Maybe a minor bug but maybe you could check out !free cmd in your script(s)
I'm capable to perform a !free <section> name that doesn't excist
<test> !free O_DOG
<Lamestbot> 0 Total > 0KB > 0KB
It would be more user friendly if you would get a msg "No such section" or something similiar
Maybe you could build in a section checker so that you can't do such cmd?
05-19-2008, 01:28 PM
I have ioninja runnning on windrop 1.18 ssl and all works perfectly exept for the plugin pretime.tcl
it keeps saying it cant find package mysqltcl
I installed mysqltcl and added some lines in eggdrop.conf and i get no errors that it cant load or find anything so i guess it works.
But the script still says it cant find package mysqltcl so i cant use the pretime.tcl
Any help would be verry nice
05-19-2008, 03:02 PM
I have ioninja runnning on windrop 1.18 ssl and all works perfectly exept for the plugin pretime.tcl
it keeps saying it cant find package mysqltcl
I installed mysqltcl and added some lines in eggdrop.conf and i get no errors that it cant load or find anything so i guess it works.
But the script still says it cant find package mysqltcl so i cant use the pretime.tcl
Any help would be verry nice
I think you have to compile mysql.mod under cygwin again.
Or try this version
Can't find windrop version of mysqltcl atm (only reports of not getting it to work under windrop)
another thing i found is that myqsltcl isn't a eggdrop module but a tcl module so you may try loading it with just load and not loadmodule
btw bakerjr's version runs faster then tcl scripts but maybe it's outdated
Found on other forum
edit: problem solved!
load mysqltcl.dll
05-19-2008, 03:27 PM
so i need to put that dll in c:\windrop or...?
I putted it in c:\windrop and i get no errors whatsoever. But still the scripts gives me cant find mysql package etc...
Also, its libmysqltcl with new versions. Should i go back to the old one? Ill try that..
I tried the old version but still i get no mysql package found :(
05-19-2008, 04:06 PM
so i need to put that dll in c:\windrop or...?
I putted it in c:\windrop and i get no errors whatsoever. But still the scripts gives me cant find mysql package etc...
Also, its libmysqltcl with new versions. Should i go back to the old one? Ill try that..
I tried the old version but still i get no mysql package found :(
Don't know what is wrong, going to digg in it tomorow but you don't need to load it like loadmodules but load mysqltcl.dll (maybe point out to dir where it's placed) also some lib's are needed (can't find which because is not working here, take a look there when it's back or now as it works for you?)
05-19-2008, 04:41 PM
yeah, im looking on egghelp for 2 days now :( i think the only solution is compiling a new windrop with mysql and ssl suport...
05-19-2008, 05:23 PM
this new thing called google is just a killer, hope it catches on
and i just thought i'd mention that i will not give out ANY support if you're using any other windrop then the one avalible at
05-20-2008, 03:39 AM
this new thing called google is just a killer, hope it catches on
and i just thought i'd mention that i will not give out ANY support if you're using any other windrop then the one avalible at
Found that 1 to but doesn't seem to work ;)
I'm gonna drop a ready to use windrop+ssl+mysql in a few ;)
05-20-2008, 04:09 AM
Found that 1 to but doesn't seem to work ;)
I'm gonna drop a ready to use windrop+ssl+mysql in a few ;)
THX M8, i apreciaate it!!
this new thing called google is just a killer, hope it catches on
and i just thought i'd mention that i will not give out ANY support if you're using any other windrop then the one avalible at
I use the version of ronin! And, i tried that one mysqltcl-3.03 too couple of days ago...but it doesnt work. Odog, your windrop is compiled with mysql? I will take a look at it or is the same as the ronin version?
Btw, i tried a couple of days ago your website but it doesnt work! I get internal server error!
Thx for all your help
05-20-2008, 05:16 AM
Also, another question.
Why doesnt the !unnuke command work in chan. I also cant find any bind to it in windrop. Thru ftp it works.
Thx Again
05-20-2008, 12:32 PM
@Atmos, didn't worked to compile mysql.mod from bakerjr's, it gave me error's.
Need to check tomorow.
05-20-2008, 12:56 PM
mysql is not compiled with windrop. Use mysqltcl put it in windropdir\lib\tcl8.5\
The only version of windrop supported in this thread is the one on my homepage discuss other builds in some other thread please.
and even then the pretime.tcl neeeds to be altered to fit the predb you're using and this needs to be located on a mysqlserver
05-20-2008, 03:48 PM
mysql is not compiled with windrop. Use mysqltcl put it in windropdir\lib\tcl8.5\
The only version of windrop supported in this thread is the one on my homepage discuss other builds in some other thread please.
and even then the pretime.tcl neeeds to be altered to fit the predb you're using and this needs to be located on a mysqlserver
Ok, thx for your reply!
I use your eggdrop and i donwloaded all files of your site. I also altered the script to connect to a database.
I have downloaded a file that has 3 files in it for mysqltcl
I putted those in windrop\lib\tcl8.5\
i added a putlog "" in the pkgindex.tcl to see if its loaded and it shows loaded...
But still the pretime.tcl script says it cant find mysqltcl.
Can you enlighten me by showing step by step to get it working.. If this feature doesnt work why do you add to your bot plugins dir.
05-20-2008, 04:33 PM
it works, but like most things in life you need to know how to use it in order to get it working. I did not write this script, it's a part of the original pzs-ng sitebot.
it's however not my problem that you don't know how to use it. And in case you didn't read the readme it clearly states that there is no end user support. Theese sort of things you simply have to sort out for yourself.
05-20-2008, 04:50 PM
it works, but like most things in life you need to know how to use it in order to get it working. I did not write this script, it's a part of the original pzs-ng sitebot.
it's however not my problem that you don't know how to use it. And in case you didn't read the readme it clearly states that there is no end user support. Theese sort of things you simply have to sort out for yourself.
lol, you prolly could explain me in the same ammount of words you used now to help me further. I thought this was the support section?? I was wrong!
Anyways, you did a good job on the bot.
05-21-2008, 02:10 PM
Is there anyone who got the pretime.tcl working?? I tried everthing, looking on egghelp en googled for about a week now! PLease, if ya know any solution with the mysqltcl reply here!!
Thx in advance
05-23-2008, 08:28 AM
In pretime.tcl:
## Load the MySQLTcl library.
if {[catch {package require Mysqltcl} errorMsg]} {
putlog "\[ngBot\] PreTime :: $errorMsg"
## Load the MySQLTcl library.
if {[catch {package ifneeded mysqltcl 3.03} errorMsg]} {
putlog "\[ngBot\] PreTime :: $errorMsg"
I cant use the original pretime.tcl becuase i get strange errors so i removed the debug stuff and now it works. (still get errors, but it works)
Also, i added to dszbot.vars the vars you can find in pretime.tcl
set variables(NEWPRETIME) "%pf %u_name %g_name %u_tagline %preage %predate %pretime"
set variables(OLDPRETIME) "%pf %u_name %g_name %u_tagline %preage %predate %pretime"
Paste them into dzsbot.vars
set variables(NEWPRETIME) "%pf %u_name %g_name %u_tagline %preage %predate %pretime"
set variables(OLDPRETIME) "%pf %u_name %g_name %u_tagline %preage %predate %pretime"
I added also announce.NEWPRETIME and announce.OLDPRETIME to the ioninja.zst with the apropiate cookies.
%preage %predate %pretime
You could also edit the theme file in the plugins dir but i just commented that out.
Hope this helps a bit!!
05-25-2008, 01:04 PM
new version out. check first post for dl link
05-25-2008, 02:16 PM
does this fix the error i had?
05-25-2008, 02:45 PM
does this fix the error i had?
And what kind of error would that be?
05-25-2008, 02:55 PM
it crashed during a sample rescan
05-26-2008, 12:38 AM
2008-05-25- BETA
* Should no longer timeout on cleanup
* Fixed compability with latest ioftpd (v6.5.0)
To update
ZipScript.: replace ioNiNJA.itcl
does it still work with ioFTPD v6.4.3 or only with v6.5.0 ?
05-26-2008, 12:53 AM
works with both
05-30-2008, 01:47 PM
i have problem with last io 6.5.0 and ioNinja. When i upload any divx i have wrong tag [##########] - 100.0% Complete - [ioNiNJA]. In subs dir is everything ok. I try default config + template and problem is same. Any ideas?
06-01-2008, 09:31 AM
Ok, i have a little problem here.
I did a reinstall of io and ninja, did a complete rescan of dir's but after it i wasn't happy with the results so re-aranged dir structure and wanted to do another site rescan all but it seems it won't work anymore.
wipped all .ioFTPD and .message files but still no go.
[1] site rescan mp3
[1] 200 Command successful.
Any ideas?
It seems only working when dir's are there (\sorted\MUSIC) if dir isn't there it won't work.
Maybe an idea to create dir when it's not there ?
Another thing i noticed is that it fails rescanning site rescan mp3, when it's almost done it says cmd failed.
When i do site rescan all, almost all dir's (mp3's in this case) have incomplete files in it and when running site rescan this there all good.
06-02-2008, 01:11 AM
when i do site rescan all it works perfectly. So i have no idea why yours doesn't.
and no it shouldn't create the dir.
06-02-2008, 09:38 AM
Don't know what error created but i did a manual scan on the dir it stopped and now it passes, strange.
Some request, could it be possible to have this option opening nfo from release?
set ioNJ(custom_group_dirs_complete_message) "group_dir_message.nfo"
And create a status bar when doing site rescan all/mp3
06-02-2008, 01:22 PM
site rescan mp3 is really just sorting releases, site rescan all does create complete bar.
and no I wont add an option to use regular nfo as ioftpd.message right now. But i might do it in the future.
06-05-2008, 07:03 AM
......, site rescan all does create complete bar.It doesn't.
Created an test environment and placed some test files there and the only thing that seems to work is site rescan this, site rescan all gives a cmd complete immediately after previous cmd.
and no I wont add an option to use regular nfo as ioftpd.message right now. But i might do it in the future.Would be nice ;)
06-05-2008, 07:05 AM
immediatly after previous command? rescan all -> rescan all subdirs to that you're in.
06-05-2008, 10:18 AM
immediatly after previous command? rescan all -> rescan all subdirs to that you're in.When i do "rescan all" immediatly cmd completed shows up and nothing happends.
When i do rescan this, you'll see some activty but with "all" not, no rescanning, no completed dir etc
06-05-2008, 10:20 AM
seems like you have another problem then
06-05-2008, 10:29 AM
hello o_dog, it`s possible to add new features create url link to imdb?
06-06-2008, 10:10 AM
seems like you have another problem then
Found it,
it seems i have to be in dir to perform rescan all instead of root but i still think there is a problem with script.
* For example i scanned 1000 mp3 dir's 800+ links popud up in INCOMPLETE dir, 75% are complete of them.
It seems it makes incomplete dir's when it starts scanning but doesn't remove them after it's done scanning and if it's complete
* Another problem.
I did rescan all on dir, 20% was missing, so missing links where made. I filled it so it was complete but it didn't remove missing links
* It scanned a apps dir, said it was incomplete. I did a local rescan with sfv checker and then it said all files are good and pressent but ioninja said incomplete
Was that to much to handle for script?
06-06-2008, 05:51 PM
How come i cant upload a NFO when imdb is down??
and rescan failes.
06-07-2008, 04:05 AM
any possibility to add one (or two) backup url:s to imdb lookup config, changed the urls in the itcl to as that one still is up and got it working. would be nice to have a fallback option if the regular imdb goes down.
06-14-2008, 04:35 AM
what do i have to do that ninja is working without sitebot?
06-15-2008, 06:31 AM
without sitebot?
06-17-2008, 12:45 PM
yep beacause of "WILL ONLY WORK WITH INCLUDED SITEBOT" but i got it running somehow
i have two minor problems tho:
set ioNJ(sym_inc_dir) {/incomplete_please_complete/}
-> doesn't delete symlinks after completion
set ioNJ(audio_rename_group) 1
-> the group doesnt get genre renamed
any tipps?
06-17-2008, 12:47 PM
the readme exists for a reason
06-20-2008, 10:00 AM
Eggdrop v1.6.18+SSL (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2006 Eggheads
[20:37] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.18+SSL (Fri Jun 20 2008)
[20:37] Module loaded: blowfish
[20:37] Module loaded: dns
[20:37] Module loaded: channels
[20:37] Module loaded: server
[20:37] Module loaded: ctcp
[20:37] Module loaded: irc
[20:37] Module loaded: notes (with lang support)
[20:37] Module loaded: console (with lang support)
[20:37] Module loaded: uptime
[20:37] Launching dZSbot for project-zs-ng...
[20:37] dZSbot.conf is missing Or Error
[20:37] extra characters after close-quote
[20:37] * EXIT
06-20-2008, 10:02 AM
you screwed up in dZSbot.conf
06-20-2008, 10:12 AM
################################################## ###########
# Project Zipscript Next Generation - Sitebot Configuration #
# (originally by Dark0n3) #
# This is configuration for dZSbot.tcl #
# #
# ---------- #
# #
################################################## ###########
################################################## ###########
# Locations of all the usual files, change is usually only required
# if you have another ioftpd root than c:/ioftpd/.
set location(ioFTPDPATH) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD"
set location(xferlog) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD/logs/xferlog"
set location(PASSWD) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD/etc/UserIdTable"
set location(GROUP) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD/etc/GroupIdTable"
set location(USERS) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD/users/"
set location(GROUPS) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD/groups/"
# Log Files - If you wish to read several logfiles, uncomment/add and change the following.
set glftpdlog(NORMAL) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD/logs/ioFTPD.log"
set sysoplog(EXTERNAL) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD/logs/sysop.log"
set loginlog(NORMAL) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD/logs/error.log"
set max_log_change 2048
# Set this to true if you want to find errors
set debugmode "TRUE"
# Should the bot die if something is missing - or just output that something is wrong?
set die_on_error "TRUE"
# Allow people to invite themselves to the channel through IRC. WARNING! This is
# considered a security threat because if someone steals the nickname of the bot
# they will be able to easily harvest usernames/passwords. CONSIDER WITH CAUTION!
set enable_irc_invite "FALSE"
# Sitename is for the %sitename-cookie in announces.
set sitename "bot"
# Prefix on commands (f. x. !pnfree if cmdpre is !pn, !free if cmdpre is !, etc)
# bindnopre does not replace the cmd pre command, it meirly adds a second
# trigger option. example: you can set cmdpre to !pn but if bindnopre is set to
# "TRUE" then the sitebot will respond to !pnbnc and also !bnc useful for rings.
set cmdpre "!"
set bindnopre "TRUE"
################################################## ########
# FTP Connection and BNC check #
################################################## ########
#chan where the bot should respond to !site commands
set ftp_chan "#PRe-Heave"
# ftp connection, used for nxtools and !site commands, !nuke and some other stuff
# Format: <scheme>://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>
# schemes:
# ftp - Regular unsecured session.
# ftps - Implicit SSL secured session.
# ftpssl - Explicit SSL secured session (AUTH SSL).
# ftptls - Explicit TLS secured session (AUTH TLS).
set ftp_info "ftptls://!sitebot:sitebot@localhost:9999
# List of bouncers to check for the !bnc command.
# Format: name|<scheme>://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>
# Note that it wont check then until a few minutes after bot starts
# seperate by space
set bnc(LIST) "SE2|ftptls://anonymous:anonymous@localhost2:21 SE|ftptls://anonymous:anonymous@localhost:21"
################################################## ########
# SiteWHO #
################################################## ########
#users to hide in !bw !speed etc
set who_hideUsers "sitebot"
#groups to hide in !bw !speed etc
set who_hideGroups "AFFILS sitebot"
#paths to hide in !bw !speed etc
set who_hidePaths "/_pre/* /groups/*"
# ioftpd msgwindow name, if you don't know what this is leave it as is.
set msgWindow "ioFTPD::MessageWindow"
#Max Users On Site
set maxusers 20
# Your sites bandwidth, used for bandwidth usage calculations (in kilobytes/s).
# 100mbit full duplex
set speed(INCOMING) 12500
set speed(OUTGOING) 12500
# Speed unit conversions:
# autobyte - Convert to most appropriate byte unit.
# autobit - Convert to most appropriate bit unit.
# kb - Convert to KB/s
# mb - Convert to MB/s
# kbit - Convert to Kbit/s
# mbit - Convert to Mbit/s
# disabled - No conversion
set speedmeasure "autobyte"
# Threshold used on auto-setting, to move from on to the other. (normally is 1000 or 1024)
set speedthreshold 1024
################################################## ###########################
################################################## ###########################
#Path to nxtools sqldbs
set nx(db_path) "y:/Programme/ioFTPD/scripts/nxtools/data/"
#how many should we show?
set nx(new_limit) 10
set nx(nuke_limit) 10
set nx(unnuke_limit) 10
set nx(onliners_limit) 10
set nx(dupe_limit) 10
set nx(pres_limit) 10
#allow wildcards in undupe? 1=yes 0=no
set nx(undupe_wild) 1
#minimum amount of alpha numeric chars
set nx(undupeChars) 3
################################################## ###########################
################################################## ###########################
# Definition of hd devices, for free space. Format: "disk sections"
# The 'sections' are purely for cosmetic use.
set device(0) "y: XViD"
################################################## ###########
################################################## ###########
# Which channels we announce to, separate multiple channels with a single space.
set mainchan "#chan"
set spamchan "#chan"
set staffchan "#chan"
# Which one of the sections above will be used as default
set statdefault "DEFAULT"
# What sections are we announcing for?
# Set up paths for all the sections (wildcards).
set paths(TV) "/TV/*"
set chanlist(TV) $mainchan
set paths(MP3) "/MP3/*"
set chanlist(MP3) $spamchan
set paths(GC) "/GC/*"
set chanlist(GC) $mainchan
set paths(PSP) "/PSP/*"
set chanlist(PSP) $mainchan
set paths(XBOX) "/XBOX/*"
set chanlist(XBOX) $mainchan
set paths(PS2) "/PS2/*"
set chanlist(PS2) $mainchan
set paths(DOX) "/DOX/*"
set chanlist(DOX) $spamchan
set paths(MV) "/MV/*"
set chanlist(MV) $mainchan
set paths(GAMES) "/GAMES/*"
set chanlist(GAMES) $mainchan
set paths(APPS) "/APPS/*"
set chanlist(APPS) $mainchan
set paths(COVERS) "/DVD-COVERS/*"
set chanlist(COVERS) $spamchan
set paths(0DAY) "/0DAY/*"
set chanlist(0DAY) $spamchan
set paths(MDVDR) "/DVDR-MUSIC/*"
set chanlist(MDVDR) $mainchan
set chanlist(AUDIOBOOKS) $mainchan
set paths(XXX) "/XXX/*"
set chanlist(XXX) $mainchan
set chanlist(DVDR-CUSTOM) $mainchan
set chanlist(DVDR-DISNEY) $mainchan
set paths(DVDR) "/DVDR/*"
set chanlist(DVDR) $mainchan
set paths(XViD) "/XViD/*"
set chanlist(XViD) $mainchan
set paths(DVDR-TV) "/DVDR-SERIES/*"
set chanlist(DVDR-TV) $mainchan
set paths(REQUESTS) "/REQUESTS/*"
set chanlist(REQUESTS) $spamchan
set chanlist(DEFAULT) $mainchan
# Disable certain announce types for sections (wildcards are optional).
#set disabletypes(0DAY) "BAD* HALFWAY* NEWLEADER* RACE* UPDATE*"
#set disabletypes(DOX) "HALFWAY* NEWLEADER* UPDATE*"
#set disabletypes(MP3) "HALFWAY* NEWLEADER* UPDATE*"
# Which channels should users be invited to (by default, users are invited
# to the same channel the invite is announced in).
set invite_channels "$mainchan $spamchan"
# Private invite channels, only users matching the glFTPd-style permissions
# are invited to the channel. You may only define one channel per line.
set privchannel(#ioNiNJA-Staff) "=SiteOp =STAFF 1"
#set privchannel(#NG-FREAKS) "=FREAKS"
#set privchannel(#NG-EVIL) "!-t?st !=FRiENDS *"
################################################## ###########
################################################## ###########
# Splits output into several lines.
set splitter(CHAR) "\n"
# The path to your dZSbot theme file.
set announce(THEMEFILE) "themes/ioNiNJA.zst"
# Announce types, "SECTION" types are path oriented (COMPLETE: /site/MP3/...),
# and "REGULAR" types are regular event based announces.
# Redirect events to the defined channels.
set redirect(LOGIN) "$staffchan"
set redirect(LOGOUT) "$staffchan"
set redirect(WIPE) "$staffchan"
set redirect(WIPE-r) "$staffchan"
set redirect(LOGIN) "$staffchan"
set redirect(LOGOUT) "$staffchan"
set redirect(BADHOSTMASK) "$staffchan"
set redirect(BADPASSWORD) "$staffchan"
set redirect(BANNEDHOST) "$staffchan"
set redirect(DELETED) "$staffchan"
set redirect(IPNOTADDED) "$staffchan"
set redirect(KILLGHOST) "$staffchan"
set redirect(TAGLINE) "$staffchan"
set redirect(TIMEOUT) "$staffchan"
set redirect(ADDUSER) "$staffchan"
set redirect(GADDUSER) "$staffchan"
set redirect(CHGRPADD) "$staffchan"
set redirect(CHGRPDEL) "$staffchan"
set redirect(ADDIP) "$staffchan"
set redirect(DELIP) "$staffchan"
set redirect(READDED) "$staffchan"
set redirect(DELUSER) "$staffchan"
set redirect(PURGED) "$staffchan"
set redirect(RENUSER) "$staffchan"
set redirect(GRPREN) "$staffchan"
set redirect(GRPADD) "$staffchan"
set redirect(GRPDEL) "$staffchan"
set redirect(SYSOP) "$staffchan"
set redirect(ERROR) "$staffchan"
# This allows you to customize your annoncements depending on the path where
# the action is taking place. The string matching is done using the TCL
# construct "string match -nocase", so it is case insensitive by default.
# PS! This is NOT intended as a way to cutomize each section of a site. It
# should work, but would require a LARGE amount of msgreplace() statements.
# Remember to create an announce for your custom message in the theme file!
# Format: "original message type:string to look for in path:new message type"
#set msgreplace(0) "NEWDIR:*/sample:SAMPLE"
#set msgreplace(1) "NEWDIR:*/cd?:NEWCD"
#set msgreplace(2) "NEWDIR:*/disc?:NEWDISC"
#set msgreplace(3) "NEWDIR:*/disk?:NEWDISC"
#set msgreplace(4) "NEWDIR:*/subs:SUBTITLES"
#set msgreplace(5) "NEWDIR:*/vobsub:SUBTITLES"
#set msgreplace(6) "NEWDIR:*/cover:COVERS"
#set msgreplace(7) "NEWDIR:*/covers:COVERS"
# Set to 0 to allow trigger commands in all channels bot is in,
# or set to 1 if you want the triggers to only work in $mainchan
set disable(TRIGINALLCHAN) 0
# Are we disabling the announce of this stuff?
# If its set to 1, we wont show it.
## Script announcements
set disable(ALTWHO) 0
set disable(BADMSGINVITE) 1
set disable(DEFAULT) 0
set disable(INVITE) 0
set disable(MSGINVITE) 0
set disable(WELCOME) 1
## Login announcements
set disable(LOGIN) 1
set disable(LOGOUT) 1
set disable(BADHOSTMASK) 0
set disable(BADPASSWORD) 0
set disable(BANNEDHOST) 0
set disable(DELETED) 1
set disable(IPNOTADDED) 0
set disable(KILLGHOST) 1
set disable(TAGLINE) 1
set disable(TIMEOUT) 1
## Third party announcements
set disable(IMDBFIND) 0
set disable(IMDBVAR) 0
## Sysop announcements
set disable(ADDUSER) 0
set disable(GADDUSER) 0
set disable(CHGRPADD) 0
set disable(CHGRPDEL) 0
set disable(ADDIP) 0
set disable(DELIP) 0
set disable(READDED) 0
set disable(DELUSER) 0
set disable(PURGED) 0
set disable(RENUSER) 0
set disable(GRPREN) 0
set disable(GRPADD) 0
set disable(GRPDEL) 0
set disable(SYSOP) 0
set disable(ERROR) 0
set disable(ANUKEEMPTY) 0
set disable(ANUKEINC) 0
set disable(ANUKEMP3) 0
set disable(ANUKEIMDB) 0
set disable(ANUKEBANNED) 0
set disable(ANUKEDISKS) 0
set disable(ANUKEKEYWORD) 0
set disable(ANUKEEMPTY) 0
set disable(APPROVEADD) 0
set disable(APPROVE) 0
set disable(OPEN) 0
set disable(CLOSE) 0
set disable(PRE) 0
set disable(PREMP3) 0
set disable(GIVE) 0
set disable(TAKE) 0
set disable(WIPE) 0
set disable(NEWDATE) 0
set disable(odogreq) 0
## ioFTPD announcements
set disable(DEBUG) 0
set disable(NEWDIR) 0
set disable(DELDIR) 1
## ioNiNJA announcements
set disable(SAMPLE_AVI) 0
set disable(SAMPLE_MPEG) 0
set disable(SAMPLE_MATROSKA) 0
set disable(SAMPLE_REAL) 0
set disable(SAMPLE_WMV) 0
set disable(SAMPLE_MPEG2) 0
set disable(SAMPLE_QT) 0
set disable(SAMPLE_GENERAL) 0
set disable(COMPLETE_AUDIO) 0
set disable(COMPLETE_MV) 0
set disable(COMPLETE_MV_VIDEO) 0
set disable(COMPLETE_OTHER) 0
set disable(COMPLETE_RAR) 0
set disable(COMPLETE_VIDEO) 0
set disable(COMPLETE_ZIP) 0
set disable(COMPLETE_STAT_RACE_MV) 0
set disable(DOUBLESFV) 0
set disable(RESUMESFV) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_NORACE_MV) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_NORACE_RAR) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_NORACE_ZIP) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_RACE_MV) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_RACE_MV_VIDEO) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_RACE_AUDIO) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_RACE_OTHER) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_RACE_RAR) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_RACE_VIDEO) 0
set disable(HALFWAY_RACE_ZIP) 0
set disable(INCOMPLETE) 0
set disable(NEWLEADER_AUDIO) 0
set disable(NEWLEADER_MV) 0
set disable(NEWLEADER_MV_VIDEO) 0
set disable(NEWLEADER_OTHER) 0
set disable(NEWLEADER_RAR) 0
set disable(NEWLEADER_VIDEO) 0
set disable(NEWLEADER_ZIP) 0
set disable(RACE_MV) 0
set disable(RACE_MV_VIDEO) 0
set disable(RACE_AUDIO) 0
set disable(RACE_OTHER) 0
set disable(RACE_RAR) 0
set disable(RACE_VIDEO) 0
set disable(RACE_ZIP) 0
set disable(SFV_AUDIO) 0
set disable(SFV_MV) 0
set disable(SFV_MV_VIDEO) 0
set disable(SFV_RAR) 0
set disable(SFV_VIDEO) 0
set disable(SFV_OTHER) 0
set disable(UPDATE_OTHER) 0
set disable(UPDATE_MV) 0
set disable(UPDATE_MV_VIDEO) 0
set disable(UPDATE_RAR) 0
set disable(UPDATE_AUDIO) 0
set disable(UPDATE_VIDEO) 0
set disable(UPDATE_ZIP) 0
set disable(SPEEDTEST) 0
set disable(NFO) 0
set disable(SPEEDTEST) 0
set disable(IMDB) 0
set disable(IMDBVAR) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_0SIZE) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_BITRATE) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_CRC) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_DISALLOWED) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_DUPENFO) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_GENRE) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_NOSFV) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_SFV) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_WRONGDIR) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_YEAR) 0
set disable(BAD_FILE_ZIP) 0
set disable(BADBITRATE) 0
set disable(BADGENRE) 0
set disable(BADYEAR) 0
set disable(PREBW) 0
set disable(RESCAN) 0
################################################## ###########
# Affils & Bans & Sections #
################################################## ###########
## Affils,works like theme
set affban(affils) {
%b{MP3}: Unknown
%b{SVCD}: Well known
set affban(banned) {
%b{MP3}: grp1 grp2 grp3
%b{SVCD}: grp1 grp2 grp3
## Sections
set affban(sections) {
%b{ioNiNJA1}: svcd swesub
%b{ioNiNJA2}: xxx webxxx mp3 mv
################################################## #######
################################################## #######
# Space separated list of wildcards that we match against
# paths to see if we announce it or not.
# REMEMBER: This is CaSe SeNsItIvE.
set denypost "*/_PRE/* */_pre/* */Private/* */WWW/* /GROUPS/* */TEMP/*"
# Do not show these users if they get nuked (multiple entries allowed)
set hidenuke "UNKNOWN"
06-20-2008, 10:13 AM
plz do it yourself
06-21-2008, 02:00 PM
the readme exists for a reason
thanks for the hint, i totally overlooked site addgroups cmd :rolleyes:
so only the incomplete thingy is left (the incomplete dir in upload dir get removed properly)
after few days of testing i must say its a very nice script with cool features, thanks a lot for your work o_dog!
06-30-2008, 10:25 AM
Hello Again,
i have a problem with the zipscript. I have a directory structure in a PRE directory like this:
in the default.vfs i have this:
e:\pre /pre
I chattr +h every dir for every grp in e:\pre So i dont need different vfs files. My problem is that
THe zip script wont work in these directorys. It delete files right after theyre uploaded.
If i create in the vfs file e:\pre\groupname /groupname so the groupname is in the root dir the script works. is there any solution for this?
it looks like the script will only work if the dirs are in root..
Can you help me please?
06-30-2008, 03:46 PM
dunno what might cause it but it's not the rootdir thing. Works jsut fine in deeper levels. check config for errors and check systemerror.log
might have somethign to do with hidden dir maybe. It's summer and i'm on a break from everything atm so don't expect any fix for it witin the next month or so if it's a bug.
07-24-2008, 03:47 AM
anyone want anythign added to the ZIPSCRIPT? I take requests and ideas now.
just leave a msg here and i'll see what i can do.
07-24-2008, 03:56 AM
hello o_dog, it`s possible to add new features create url link to imdb?
07-25-2008, 02:01 PM
the possibilty of updating imdb rating etc without doing complete rescanall.
07-25-2008, 10:25 PM
already exists
07-26-2008, 05:19 AM
dosent it work only on one folder? not a rescan with only imdb info grabbing.
07-26-2008, 05:31 AM
no it doesn't work for 1 dir, it only opperates on subdirs. How about testing instead of asking? =)
08-04-2008, 03:42 PM
removed the php so it should work as intended now without all the downtime
08-04-2008, 08:24 PM
hi o_dog, is there any possible to make ioNinja suport chinese?just like project-zs...
thanks for your great job:)
08-11-2008, 01:41 PM
ioninja should support chinese, but ioftpd sends the wrong arguments to it. So it depends on YiL.
08-12-2008, 09:12 PM
thank you for your reply
but why project-zs or iob can support chinese?
can ioninja deal the arguments like those or the new ioftpd change the arguments...
now the problem i faced is
when i create a folder with its name in chinese, ioninja does nothing different with ioftpd can do by itself, no crc check, imdb tag...
can you check for that
and ill ask Yil whats true about the problem
thanks again~~
08-13-2008, 03:54 PM
How do i install the plugins? like topstats.tcl?
08-19-2008, 04:31 PM
new release out.
08-21-2008, 02:22 PM
clean slate right now, if you have any suggestions on new features please post a message.
This does not include unicode nor the use of special chars like {} []. As it stands right now i wont incoperate either into ioNiNJA.
Even if you have suggested things before, now is the time to ask again.
08-21-2008, 02:47 PM
Just installed BETA 0.7.0 and it seems to work great.
The trailer download is a very nice function. And xxx sorting is kind of funny :)
"site rescan trailer" so it scans all dirs and fetches trailers for all?
0-Day sorter (company, group, type)?
08-21-2008, 02:55 PM
Archiver is not for ioNiNJA to do. ioNiNJA is a zipscript. An 0day sorter might be added but you could do it with the regexp sorting plugin just aswell. Site Rescan trailer, not sure about that one. It was just a fun thing to add
08-22-2008, 05:06 AM
08-22-2008, 10:41 AM
pointBreak: sorry, wont add that I think.
08-22-2008, 04:50 PM
Could you add a no sample to, as the no nfo?
08-22-2008, 04:52 PM
razoor: it's been added for a LONG time
08-23-2008, 01:22 PM
Justa question.
The loaded plugins runs with a rescan.
But will the trailer plugin be run on site rescan imdb. or only on site rescan this or site rescan all?
I kind of live the idea to get trailers for all movies. too bad apple doesnt provide trailers for all movies.
08-23-2008, 03:40 PM
it only runs on site rescan
not the imdb since that is only for sorting imdb. Should really make a command called site resort instead seeing as alot of people doesn't seem to realize what it is.
08-25-2008, 01:51 AM
Just upgraded to "ioNiNJA.beta.v0.7.0.1-2008-08-20" and everything seems to work fine except for an announcing issue. When a new mp3 rls is uploaded, I get the usual "new rls" and "got sfv" announces, followed by an "info" line (announce.DEFAULT in .zst file) which the %msg outputs only the username of the person uploading the rls. I never got this default announcement before, do you know what might be causing it? I reinstalled everything from scratch including the sitebot just to be safe, and it still does it.
Also, do you know how to avoid /ARCHIVE/MP3/* from showing up in the /MP3/_sorted/ dirs? Problem is, things get moved around in the archives, and paths change. Then when you do a symclean, it removes the symlinks cuz they arent valid anymore. And as far as I know, there's no way to recreate those symlinks to their correct paths after they've been deleted, without some kind of other script. So I'd rather just keep the archives out of the incoming /MP3/_sorted/ dirs. Unless you have another solution for me. I'm assuming any mp3 that gets uploaded anywhere on the site is going to show up in the sorted dirs, so I guess an option to enable sorting only in /MP3/* would be nice. Or is it there any I overlooked it?
08-25-2008, 02:14 AM
Just upgraded to "ioNiNJA.beta.v0.7.0.1-2008-08-20" and everything seems to work fine except for an announcing issue. When a new mp3 rls is uploaded, I get the usual "new rls" and "got sfv" announces, followed by an "info" line (announce.DEFAULT in .zst file) which the %msg outputs only the username of the person uploading the rls. I never got this default announcement before, do you know what might be causing it? I reinstalled everything from scratch including the sitebot just to be safe, and it still does it.
Also, do you know how to avoid /ARCHIVE/MP3/* from showing up in the /MP3/_sorted/ dirs? Problem is, things get moved around in the archives, and paths change. Then when you do a symclean, it removes the symlinks cuz they arent valid anymore. And as far as I know, there's no way to recreate those symlinks to their correct paths after they've been deleted, without some kind of other script. So I'd rather just keep the archives out of the incoming /MP3/_sorted/ dirs. Unless you have another solution for me. I'm assuming any mp3 that gets uploaded anywhere on the site is going to show up in the sorted dirs, so I guess an option to enable sorting only in /MP3/* would be nice. Or is it there any I overlooked it?
1. use the new dZSbot.vars file from sitebot dir and use new themes.
2. /MP3/~c:/ioftpd/site/sorted/music/
this will sort anything matching */MP3/* use:
to only sort things matching /MP3/*
site rescan mp3 will resort mp3s already on site otherwise, it wont rescan them only resort.
08-25-2008, 02:21 AM
Thx for the quick response. Actually, I forgot to copy over the new announce.nfo line to my custom theme file so that was the problem. Since I am not going to use it, I disabled it in the conf and it went away. And the mp3 info makes perfect sense, I will make those changes...
Thanks for all of your hard work!
09-02-2008, 01:20 PM
if i upload a file(.avi|.mkv|.mpg|.mpeg|.vob|.rm|.rmvb etc) into a directory, not sample directory, sitebot can echo these infomation about this file in the channel?
09-02-2008, 01:21 PM
yes, check vars file for variables
09-02-2008, 01:24 PM
how to set this?
09-02-2008, 01:29 PM
only upload to sample directory,it can echo these infomation, i need echo in the other directory.
09-05-2008, 06:37 PM
Is it possible to get a rescan command from irc o_dog?
So everyone can do !rescan blhaha.dvdr.2007-jassa
09-05-2008, 06:38 PM
no, not possible i think
09-06-2008, 08:50 AM
Thanks for a nice script :-)
I installed latest version yesterday and everything seems okey but I have 1 problem regarding .zip files in 0day.. if it's single file release the .diz is extracted then zipfile is deleted.. if it's multiple zip files .diz is extracted and then the last .zip file is deleted.. I can't get this to work :-( Could u point me in the right direction? oh and this happens nomatter where i uploads .zip files (saw it now)
Best regards PAYload
side note... I tested to upload a 4 file release with files,,,released.zi p and got deleted.. I then deleted and uploaded and that worked but now it won't take again .. something is wierd here :-)
09-06-2008, 08:58 AM
you must have screwed up something. check systemerror.log
09-06-2008, 10:08 AM
yeah I completely messed it up.. I removed the set ioNJ(exec_on_complete) line alltogheter to stop it from unpack... that was an really dumb idea ;-) ... i set it to "set ioNJ(exec_on_complete) {}" and voila..
many thanks 0-dog
09-06-2008, 04:47 PM
no, not possible i think
Mmm-... i have seen this in other script. as in glftpd.
But if you says its not possible to have this i have to skip this option.
Just would be nice to have so everyone else can rescan a relase from irc, instead of having them to be abel to do site rescan on site.
Caus the you have 3 users doing this.
09-07-2008, 06:24 AM
feel free to write a plugin for it.
09-07-2008, 03:48 PM
just thought i'd write it here aswell.
there is a temporary fix for nxtools avalible on
with this everything should work with newest ioftpd. It's only temporary until neoxed is ressurected.
09-14-2008, 12:18 PM
sorry about the latest fix for nxtools, I used an old version of it when doing it. Should work on latest version now though
09-14-2008, 01:41 PM
The nxtools tempfix link on your page is no longer working.
09-14-2008, 02:13 PM
sure it is
09-14-2008, 02:26 PM
Newp, the page links to;
when it should be;
09-14-2008, 02:27 PM
it links to that, what are you going on about?
09-14-2008, 02:35 PM
Now it does :)
Maybe my browser was loading a cached page who knows...
09-14-2008, 04:02 PM
does the fix work?
09-16-2008, 02:05 AM
Is it possible maybe you could add comments on all functions in cfg, regarding how to disable it properly :)
09-21-2008, 07:10 AM
small update of ioNINJA released
09-21-2008, 10:17 AM
2008-09-21- BETA 0.7.1:
* Fixed imdb
* Fixed an 0day bug with 8 and 9 files
thanks o_dog
09-22-2008, 01:16 AM
Thanks a ton o_dog, gonna test it out now!
09-23-2008, 01:57 PM
!imdb godfather in chan results in:
[imdb ] The Godfather (LIMITED) ( ), a Francis Ford Coppola movie which scored 0 of 10 (- people voted). it peaked with 323 screens . Made in USA and they speak English, Italian, Latin
Any idea why the score and number of voters are not comming in correctly?
What file should I investigate?
09-26-2008, 08:11 AM
!imdb godfather in chan results in:
[imdb ] The Godfather (LIMITED) ( ), a Francis Ford Coppola movie which scored 0 of 10 (- people voted). it peaked with 323 screens . Made in USA and they speak English, Italian, Latin
Any idea why the score and number of voters are not comming in correctly?
What file should I investigate?
Found it!
For those interested, change relevant entry in imdb.tcl to:
set matches [regexp {<div class="general rating">.+?<b>(.+?)/10</b>.+?<a href=\"ratings\" class=\"tn15more\">(.+?) votes</a>.+?</div>} $data -> rating votes]
09-29-2008, 12:17 PM
what instruction within ioNINJA.zst in the line announce.IMDBVAR would generate a carriage/return in channel ?
09-29-2008, 12:18 PM
what are you talking about?
09-29-2008, 12:25 PM
what are you talking about?
Info within announce.IMDBVAR is too much for 1 scentence in chan.
I want to split it (controlled) in 2 scentences with a carriage return.
09-29-2008, 12:27 PM
use "\n" to split line
09-29-2008, 06:52 PM
new nxtools fix out and this one works with new version of ioftpd. Not that it does not work with older versions. -6.6 I think
10-01-2008, 02:37 AM
i have a problem with 'site rescan mp3'. When im trying to rescan my mp3dir i always get this error msg in SystemError.log:
09-30-2008 23:32:38 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "mpeghead": no such variable
while executing
"binary scan $mpeghead B32 mp3head"
(procedure "mp3information" line 139)
invoked from within
"mp3information "$temp_mp3""
(procedure "rescan" line 47)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
} elseif {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ(skipdi
How can i fix that ?
Thank you.
10-01-2008, 07:33 AM
is there annyway you could make an updater for top250 imdb sorting?
Since that list changes from time to time, so it would need some sort of checking and renaming that list on site.
But thats might be to much coding or something, just a request if it´s possible. =)
10-01-2008, 07:44 AM
dahlia: you have a bad mp3 file. remove it
razoor: don't see any nice way of doing that.
10-01-2008, 01:40 PM
dahlia: you have a bad mp3 file. remove it
hm. i thought is something like that but i hope not. i hope all my mp3 rls r ok :-)
but the problem can be in my previous zs script. i was using ngzs script before ioninja. mby that ngzs (by badaas) made some 'bad' mp3 files in mp3 dirs. because mp3 files are all okey /rescan shows file crc always ok/
so that error text means: "this is not normal mp3". right ? i must check the dir again what can be wrong inside :-(
btw. razoors idea is not bad. i need similar script for everyday clearing and resort for few dirs with imdb top250 movies :-)
it can be something like 'site rescan imdb' -> 'site resort imdb' -> but only with symlinks. /and why i dont use 'everyday' site rescan imdb ? -> its useless since that cmd changed the date of rescaned dirs :-(/
i used this script 1 or 2years ago:
- but now its totally useless bcs imdb site is rewritten.
10-01-2008, 05:39 PM
for top250 imdb: well, it would first of all need to keep a db of every single release uploaded, then that db would have to be kept up to date to actually find the movies we're looking for. Then setup some way of updating that list every day or so. In other words it's jsut not worth the time it would take.
Use "site rescan imdb" for resorting of imdb.
To tell you the truth i'm just not up for it right now. Got tons of new stuff already added to the next version that i need to sort out and fix. You got Tv sorting and tv poster downloading.... And alot of other stuff thats changed. The ioFTPD.message file are gone in next version, replaced by another way of showing racestats. Better since this will let you control the output all over the site without rescanning.
Moved alot of the proc to a lib file that is laoded on startup instead of loadign it each time ioNiNJA is run. This is no where near all of the changes either.
10-02-2008, 09:00 AM
Well thats why we love you o_dog, you keep this script up to date.
And we are all greateful for it, without it we wouldent have annything to use.
But maybe you could have that imdb thingy on your list for todo,. (if you find a way to do this)
As Dhalia said, it only need to update those in /imdb250/ dir.
Caus if i add a movie from that list it will be 2 or more that have the place 034_movie.1 , 034_movie.2 so need check what place those movies are and then rename it to 035_movie.1, 039_movie.2. Since the symlink is still valid after that.
A well was just an idea, if you feel up to it someday it will be much appreciated.
Or just make an schedule to rescan all imdb on imdb250 dir only?
10-02-2008, 09:06 AM
i don't think i will add that imdb top250 update thing. it's just not worth the effort. There's just no way of really doing it nicely. So don't keep your hopes up for this one.
The imdb part of ioninja is moving to a plugin.
another new thing in next version is that resort & rescan can cover several drives and virtual raids.
10-02-2008, 10:08 AM
i don't think i will add that imdb top250 update thing. it's just not worth the effort. There's just no way of really doing it nicely. So don't keep your hopes up for this one.
The imdb part of ioninja is moving to a plugin.
another new thing in next version is that resort & rescan can cover several drives and virtual raids.
I think you dont need to change so much things in code for imdb top250. Just make some changes in 'site rescan imdb' and give us a solution how to run that changed command: 'site rescan imdb' everyday @specified hour :-)
'site rescan imdb' is ok, but it changing so much things in release dir.
It will be totally wrong way to make some db specially for imdb250...
Just add some new config settings for 'site rescan imdb' like:
"Rescan and change only Symlinks ? Yes/No"
- this feature is very important for everyday imdb scan, bcs otherwise all scanned directories get everyday new dir DATE and this is not so nice. :-)
anyway. this zipscript is very nice. thank you.
10-02-2008, 10:14 AM
you don't get the point. When a movie is uploaded it checks the top250 rating on the movie and makes a link. In order for it to update it needs to go the reverse way. Checking imdb list and the FINDING the movies on your hdd. How is it supposed to do that if it doesn't have a db? Serach every single dir on the ftp?
I will not add this feature.
I will not add update symlinks bla bla to rescan. IT does that by default. site rescan imdb only updates the sorting and folder, it doesn't actually resacn anything except imdb info. This command has been moved to site resort in next version
03-19-2009, 04:42 PM
When i send mp3's to my ftp i get this in the systemError log 03-17-2009 22:52:52 Error converting string: but it seems to be checking the release ok, any ideas what this means
What is the latest version? as i can't get on your site, i'm using 2009-01-24 - Alpha 0.8.4
03-20-2009, 06:11 AM
ignore it. It's not really an error
03-20-2009, 07:50 AM
ignore it. It's not really an error
Thanks o_dog, what is the best way di disable the plugins that i don't need to use?
On some you use Enable this plugin option, is it the same for all?
03-20-2009, 08:21 AM
no, remove it from ioNiNJA.cfg.
Btw, Web site is up again
03-20-2009, 01:37 PM
I have the imdb sorting disabled as below and i get this error
03-20-2009 18:34:09 "../scripts/ioninja/plugins/plugin_imdb.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
extra characters after close-quote
while executing
"""set ioNJ(imdb_sorting) {
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/1. Title_#/%title_first/%title - %year}
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/2. Title/%title - %..."
(file "../scripts/ioninja/plugins/plugin_imdb.itcl" line 28)
""set ioNJ(imdb_sorting) {
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/1. Title_#/%title_first/%title - %year}
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/2. Title/%title - %year}
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/3. Genre/%genre/%year - %title}
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/4. Date/%Y/%m. %B/%title - (%rating with %votes votes from %year)}
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/5. Director/%director_first/%director/%year - %title (%rating with %votes votes)}
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/6. Rating/%rating/%title - %year}
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/7. Actors/%cast_first/%cast/%year - %title}
{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/8. Year/%decade/%year - %title}
{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/1. Title_#/%title_first/%title - %year}
{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/2. Title/%title - %year}
{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/3. Genre/%genre/%year - %title}
{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/4. Date/%Y/%m. %B/%title - (%rating with %votes votes from %year)}
{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/5. Director/%director_first/%director/%year - %title (%rating with %votes votes)}
{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/6. Rating/%rating/%title - %year}
{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/7. Actors/%cast_first/%cast/%year - %title}
{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/8. Year/%decade/%year - %title}
{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/1. Title_#/%title_first/%title - %year}
{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/2. Title/%title - %year}
{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/3. Genre/%genre/%year - %title}
{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/4. Date/%Y/%m. %B/%title - (%rating with %votes votes from %year)}
{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/5. Director/%director_first/%director/%year - %title (%rating with %votes votes)}
{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/6. Rating/%rating/%title - %year}
{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/7. Actor/%cast_first/%cast/%year - %title}
{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/8. Year/%decade/%year - %title}
03-20-2009, 03:51 PM
remove it from config if you don't want it.
03-21-2009, 05:38 AM
en3rmax, as far as i can see u havent disable it. I can understad why u get that error msg.
""set ioNJ(imdb_sorting) {
its the "" infront of the line above. If u wanna have it disable put an # infront of every line.....
#set ioNJ(imdb_sorting) {
#{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/1. Title_#/%title_first/%title - %year}
#{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/2. Title/%title - %year}
#{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/3. Genre/%genre/%year - %title}
#{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/4. Date/%Y/%m. %B/%title - (%rating with %votes votes from %year)}
#{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/5. Director/%director_first/%director/%year - %title (%rating with %votes votes)}
#{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/6. Rating/%rating/%title - %year}
#{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/7. Actors/%cast_first/%cast/%year - %title}
#{/XViD/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/XViD/8. Year/%decade/%year - %title}
#{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/1. Title_#/%title_first/%title - %year}
#{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/2. Title/%title - %year}
#{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/3. Genre/%genre/%year - %title}
#{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/4. Date/%Y/%m. %B/%title - (%rating with %votes votes from %year)}
#{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/5. Director/%director_first/%director/%year - %title (%rating with %votes votes)}
#{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/6. Rating/%rating/%title - %year}
#{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/7. Actors/%cast_first/%cast/%year - %title}
#{/CiNEMA/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/CiNEMA/8. Year/%decade/%year - %title}
#{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/1. Title_#/%title_first/%title - %year}
#{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/2. Title/%title - %year}
#{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/3. Genre/%genre/%year - %title}
#{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/4. Date/%Y/%m. %B/%title - (%rating with %votes votes from %year)}
#{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/5. Director/%director_first/%director/%year - %title (%rating with %votes votes)}
#{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/6. Rating/%rating/%title - %year}
#{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/7. Actor/%cast_first/%cast/%year - %title}
#{/HighDef/} {c:/Sorted/MOViES/HighDef/8. Year/%decade/%year - %title}
or set ioNJ(imdb_sorting) ""
03-21-2009, 05:39 AM
no you can't
Don't ever comment things out.
set ioNJ(imdb_sorting) ""
to disable
03-21-2009, 07:26 AM
why not odog ?
wont there be any more errors since you got a close backets } and not an open one ?
03-21-2009, 07:44 AM
When you got delete or comment out the setting the script will crash since it can't find them. This goes for ALL tcl scripts. Don't ever do it.
And I did not say that he should leave any {} i told hit to set ioNJ(imdb_sorting) to ""
nothing else. it's empty. {} should work too.
03-21-2009, 08:02 AM
Good to know
03-22-2009, 05:29 AM
By the way...
i get this error msg and it appears often in systemerror.log file
03-21-2009 23:38:30 Error converting string: /TV/Legend.of.the.Seeker.S01E16.HDTV.XviD-iHT/Sample
03-22-2009 00:59:09 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "pwd": no such variable
while executing
"regexp -nocase $ioNJ(skipdirs) $pwd"
invoked from within
"if {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ(skipdirs) $pwd]} {
(file "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" line 16)
any idea of what causes it ??
Got exactly the same errors ...
03-22-2009, 10:41 AM
ignore it. Not important, and i've said so 10 times.
Report errors when you know what they are. For instance when you get files deleted etc. When you see something is wrong then report it. Just pasteing the systemerror.log is not helpful if you don't know when the error occur and the "error converting..." is not an error at all, just ignore that one as has been stated many times before.
Ok when this error converting thing is no error at all then why is it called that way and why spamming the log with it?!
.. Btw when to expect a update to inNINJA? already 2 months now since last one was released!
Why does it take so long? Would be nice to be useable by now on real sites.
03-22-2009, 12:08 PM
first of all i'm writing this alone thats why it takes time.
Second of all I have seen no bugs in the latest version that would hamper the performance on a regular site.
Third, it's free so stop *****ing or go somewhere else.
If you wanna know about the error converting strings errorlogging then go ask YiL he added it
I dont ***ing around! Just asking normal questions. If you do plan to do months over it then put that to in the readme when you are releasing a alpharelease . In that case peeps can indeed make a choice and dont have to wait ages. Free or not.
You did make the script public and are expecting peeps test it for you so you can fix the bugs but in that case they will expect updates to! You put time in making those scripts which is great. But peeps put time in it to and its frustrating when you have to wait months for a few fixes.
Once again i appreciate your work alot but you have to see it from both sides
03-22-2009, 12:36 PM
What fixes are you waiting for? And this is an alpha release! ALPHA means that it might contain bugs. Yeah the time for testing a script really equals that of writing it.
And I don't have a realse plan for the script, I write when I feel like it and when i have the time. I'm not making money out of this so it's not my first priority. If you can't live with that then i suggest you learn to code yourself and write your own scripts. then you might understand why it takes time.
03-28-2009, 06:17 AM
Is there any easy way to announce all uploaded releases via privmsg to the specific user in irc? So you don't need to make your bot to join a channel and did it in there. May sound strange, but that's what I'm asking.
04-09-2009, 08:17 AM
For some reason on about 10% of my NDS I'm getting 200% complete and there is a symlink for incomplete.
Example: [##########] - 200.0% Complete - [ioNiNJA]
Is there any way to fix this?
04-09-2009, 11:50 AM
NDS is crap without rules and lazy ass groups that doesn't have any standards and lacking the common sense to adapt any, so **** em. I'm not spending a moment more trying to accommodate those morons!
04-12-2009, 09:16 PM
dZSbot error: Unable to open user file for "test" (couldn't open "c:/ioftpd/users//test/": no such file or directory).
i only get that in the autoop script.
It uses 2 // there and how does the script know what number the user has?
Mean there is no userfile called test.
#chan where the bot should respond to !site commands (PLUGIN)
#regexp seperate chans by |
#note that | can't be in channame
set ftp_chan "#test-admin"
the !site command is triggered in 2 different chans thou i have set it to trigger i 1 chan.
i have the bot in 4 chans and it triggers in 2 of them. mainchan and staffchan
using your latest eggdrop and sitebot/zipscript
04-13-2009, 03:56 AM
dunno why it would trigger in both. There is no option for that since it was only designed to trigger in 1 chan. No idea about the autoop script, it might not work in ioftpd
04-13-2009, 10:00 AM
ok. well i have no idea why it does that either.
getting these error in the partyline to. any idea what they are?
Tcl error in script for 'timer45456':
[16:58] expected number but got "found:"
04-14-2009, 04:07 PM
Sorting_mp3 works with "site resort mp3", but does it also work automaticly when an album is uploaded? If so im missing something, because i can't seem to get it working. Imdb sorting does work AND also automaticly. Yes, my english is kinda bad and this may be a noobish question, but i can't figure it out. Maybe i need (ioLAB) or have to edit a cfg somewhere. So i hope someone can i answer my question anyway and would like to thank them and all the scripters in advance. | ioNiNJA.Alpha.v0.8.0.4-2009-01-24.rar | nxtools (with -tempfix-2008-09-29.rar)
04-15-2009, 08:54 AM
yes, add it to run on complete in .cfg
04-15-2009, 12:04 PM
Thanks for the quick reply, it worked!
04-20-2009, 10:19 PM
this is my first time using ioninja. Ive installed the newest version of ioninja (ioNiNJA.Alpha.v0.8.0.4-2009-01-24).
whenever i enter a command (site xxx or even CWD), i recieve this error:
[1] invalid command name "%total_filesF"
[1] site invite
[1] 200-invalid command name "%total_filesF"
[1] 200 Command successful.
[1] CWD .
[1] 250 CWD command successful.
[1] invalid command name "%total_filesF"
anyone know what might be causing this, and how can i fix this error?
so to whomever can help me, i would really appreciate it.
(I've asked a bunch of my friends who use ioninja if they might know whats causing the error. They told me to come here and ask)
04-21-2009, 12:37 AM
i hope to he will fix quickly to lot of small bugs on next minor version
04-21-2009, 03:59 AM
Why don't you just die. Do you really think that nagging and nagging about the same damn thing is gonna accomplish anything? The next version will be out when it's out. Until then you can shut up!
04-21-2009, 08:50 AM
have you ever given an affirmative answer
i think no.
it always was an negative response to the question:suggests/features/bugreports/etc
If you relax you feel more calm and less worried or tense
04-21-2009, 11:31 AM
I have told you it will be released when it's released. If i could prevent you from using the script i would.
I know about the bugs. Reporting the same thing 10times doesn't help anyone and it only annoys me. So why don't you stop bugging me!!!!!!!!
04-24-2009, 03:58 PM
I have a similar problem with rescan and some stuff getting 200% complete dirs.
For some reason when i rescan yet another time it gets corrected. Some work just fine others get f*cked up, most of the time tho rescan this is the only way that works.
04-24-2009, 04:48 PM
This tells me absolutly nothing. I need logs, version info of both ioftpd and ioninja. Whats the problem? what do the releases have incommon? etc etc.
04-25-2009, 11:16 AM
the "site rescsan this" does not works correctly on latest version as 0.8.4
it makes all of incompleted missing files and does delete status bar tag even though that rls DOES ALREADY COMPLETE as 100%
ive tested it on 2 machines seems serious problem
04-25-2009, 12:16 PM
It works perfectly for me.
Infact with exception for the known issues i must say that i have never
have had such a stable version combines like the latest versions of ioftpd, nxtools and ioninja.
I know this is not helping you isteana, but i am sure of that you are missing some settings.
04-25-2009, 02:15 PM
did you check is that an ioNiNJA.Alpha.v0.8.0.4-2009-01-24.rar right?
i think configration(setting) does have nothing to do with "site rescan this"
i was tested it this command with ioNiNJA.beta.v0.7.1-2008-09-21.rar then were worked fine(means it?)
but not ioNiNJA.Alpha.v0.8.0.4-2009-01-24.rar
anyway what zs version does works fine for you?
04-25-2009, 03:46 PM
well, i run ioftpd v6.9.3
nxtools v1.2.1 with odog tempfix
and ioninja v0.8.0.4
Only thing i can confirm is ... There is no issue with site resan! ... works fine
there are some other irritating bugs which could be fixed already 2 months and 29 days ago but he he give 0_dog some time :p
04-25-2009, 05:34 PM
04-25-2009, 08:01 PM
well its a still bug, not my fault i think
and i found a that reason
it occurs when turn on to force_sfv like below:
set ioNJ(force_sfv_first) 1
but "0" will be work
so cant turn on this option unless it fixes
check it plz :)
04-26-2009, 05:23 PM
allready fixed in next version
05-08-2009, 03:01 PM
ioNiNJA.Alpha.v0.8.0.9-2009-05-08, have fun
05-09-2009, 01:23 AM
nice work as always o_dog
Just a small bug. =)
the word "and" will be & on sorted
05-09-2009, 06:49 AM
just fixes the imdb and "&" issue
05-10-2009, 05:21 AM
just fixes the imdb and "&" issue
Hi o_dog, I can't get this version to work on a fresh ioftpd without constant errors ( unless i copy the sqlite3 folder from v0.8.0.4 archive to libs\tcl8.5. Did I mess something up?
Also, i've noticed in if you have an sfv with files that contain spaces, only the first file with spaces is picked up by the zipscript, the rest seem to be ignored. Is it possible to fix this? I know files with spaces suck, but it would help with having to rename many files sometimes...
One last thing i've seen is that when files get uploaded before an sfv, (no-sfv) symlinks are created as expected. However if those files are then deleted, the symlinks are not automatically removed and must be deleted manually. I think this has been the behavior for a long time, is it possible to fix it? Again just a little annoyance... Thanks
05-10-2009, 06:18 AM
fixed the problem with sqlite, or it should be fixed.
spaces in in filenames are not allowed.
might be able to fix the nosfv problem. Added it on todo list
05-10-2009, 07:46 AM
small fix for xxx sorting
05-15-2009, 12:02 PM
fixes problem with sorting, if nfo was uploaded last of the files
06-18-2009, 11:34 AM
No one experiencing problems? No bugs?
06-27-2009, 04:15 PM
Well i think i found a bug in TVRAGE announce after a TV upload.
It allways give me this.
( TV )-( IMDB )-( The.Serie.S05E03.Hell.Tape.HDTV.XviD-ME )-( %tv_showname )-( %tv_seasonx%tv_episode - %tv_eptitle )-( %tv_epairdate )-( %tv_showclass )-( %tv_showstatus )-( %tv_epurl )
It dont give eny info, only the vars.
06-27-2009, 04:41 PM
you can't have both the tvrage in the bot and on the ftp loaded. choose one or the other
06-27-2009, 04:58 PM
you can't have both the tvrage in the bot and on the ftp loaded. choose one or the other
lol thks, that done it.
06-28-2009, 07:38 PM
Well another prob. !imdb its not working dunno why... and i get this error in ioftpd.log on imdb also, but only for some movies.
06-29-2009 00:41:00 IMDB: /MOViES/ Moonwalker 1988 - - 8*****14***** 4.9 3,945 {Jerry Kramer, Jim Blashfield} {Mr. Big,
<div class="info">
<a href="/Sections/Languages/English/">
<div class="info">
<a href="/List?color-info=Color&&heading=13;Color">
</div>.......... and so on.......
this one its a example, but i get the same error in many others, and others its all ok.
btw i manage to use both ftp e eggy tvrage, only made some changes :)
06-29-2009, 02:14 PM
what are you talking about? !imdb is not fixed and ioftpd.log? !imdb is an irc command and has nothing todo with ioftpd.log
06-29-2009, 02:41 PM
ioNiNJA.BETA.Stable.v0.8.9.6-2009-06-29.rar, released today
should fix the problem with some movies beeing screwed up in ioftpd.log.
06-29-2009, 03:38 PM
what are you talking about? !imdb is not fixed and ioftpd.log? !imdb is an irc command and has nothing todo with ioftpd.log
i mean that imdb.tcl script from sitebot its not working and the topstats.tcl one also.
about ioftpd.log imdb for bot announcing its giving that error that i posted, but i allready fixed by removing $cast from imdb.itcl.
Btw RESCAN its also bugged, i fixed by changed things arround on dZSbot.vars from
set variables(RESCAN) "%pf %passed_files m:%passed_size %failed_files %failed_size"
set variables(RESCAN) "%pf %failed_files %failed_size %passed_files m:%passed_size"
But still have a prob of size since it says a 1.4GB its 1.4TB :p
I gona test your new beta.
Continue whit the great work.
PS: sorry for the bad english.
06-29-2009, 04:13 PM
i know about the rescan thing, will prolly fix it sometime, maybe. disable announce
Think I found a bug in ioFTPD while debugging a site for someone, but it also needs a script fix. Looks like you need to [catch] protect the [ioftpd user get] calls in get_stats in Ninja/njTQ and the one in get_uinfo in njTQ. I may have a bug where deleted/purged users aren't forcing the write to UserIdTable correctly which means the bot is trying to lookup users who don't exist. Evidently catching "" isn't good enough. While this probably won't be a big deal after I fix the server bug there will always be race conditions with newly purged users so probably need to handle it.
07-30-2009, 08:18 PM
can check it out, njtq needs a rewrite though, jsut havn't had the time nor energy to do so.
08-03-2009, 01:28 AM
running ioftpd 6.2.1 and the nwest ninja i get those any idead and resloving.
i dont get complete tags or anthing damn uploads all fail.
-------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
invalid command name "lassign"
while executing
"lassign [vfs read $file] uid gid mode"
(procedure "::ioNiNJA::ZipScript::ZipScript" line 19)
invoked from within
"::ioNiNJA::ZipScript::ZipScript 0 [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] [lindex $args 3] "
("CHECK" arm line 1)
invoked from within
"switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
set temp [userfile o08-02-2009 22:36:48 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
invalid command name "::ioNiNJA::CWD"
while executing
"::ioNiNJA::CWD "
("CWD" arm line 1)
invoked from within
"switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
set temp [userfile open [resolve uid [lindex [user list] 0]]]
set temp [mountfile open ../etc/defaul..."
(file "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" line 913)
--------------------------------------------08-02-2009 22:37:14 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.
08-03-2009, 05:40 AM
ioninja is not designed for old versions of ioftpd
08-03-2009, 08:39 AM
Thx i'll try 7.0
08-06-2009, 02:16 AM
For some odd reason, output is totally fubar here. I used to work with ioFTPD 6.9.3 and some older ioNiNJA version. I updated to ioFTPD 7.0.1 and ioNiNJA BETA Stable v0.8.9.6 2009-06-29 and now suddenly get this.
1st 15mb file uploaded
[2] 226-.----== ioNiNJA v0.8 ==----------------------------.
[2] 226-| + CRC-Check: oK! |
[2] 226-+-=[UserTop]=-------------------===----------------+
[2] 226-| 1. testuser 663KB 100F 1.0KB/s |
[2] 226-+-=[GroupTop]=--------------------===--------------+
[2] 226-| 1. 14648 663KB 100F 1.0KB/s |
[2] 226-`-[----------]--------------------[ 1F / 11F ]--'
2nd file
[2] 226-.----== ioNiNJA v0.8 ==----------------------------.
[2] 226-| + CRC-Check: oK! |
[2] 226-+-=[UserTop]=-------------------===----------------+
[2] 226-| 1. testuser 267KB 2550F 51.0KB/s |
[2] 226-+-=[GroupTop]=--------------------===--------------+
[2] 226-| 1. 15311 267KB 2550F 51.0KB/s |
[2] 226-`-[#---------]--------------------[ 2F / 11F ]--'
3rd file
[2] 226-.----== ioNiNJA v0.8 ==----------------------------.
[2] 226-| + CRC-Check: oK! |
[2] 226-+-=[UserTop]=-------------------===----------------+
[2] 226-| 1. testuser 285KB 37800 1.1MB/s |
[2] 226-+-=[GroupTop]=--------------------===--------------+
[2] 226-| 1. 14915 285KB 37800 1.1MB/s |
[2] 226-`-[##--------]--------------------[ 3F / 11F ]--'
4th file
[2] 226-.----== ioNiNJA v0.8 ==----------------------------.
[2] 226-| + CRC-Check: oK! |
[2] 226-+-=[UserTop]=-------------------===----------------+
[2] 226-| 1. testuser 596KB 40690 15.9MB/s |
[2] 226-+-=[GroupTop]=--------------------===--------------+
[2] 226-| 1. 14929 596KB 40690 15.9MB/s |
[2] 226-`-[###-------]--------------------[ 4F / 11F ]--'
I didn't modify the default theme but just installed everything just as described.
More info:
It gives me the same behaviour with the .cfg file that comes with the script. Also the complete screen has the correct files/size/speed but not the group (complete screen from another testrun then above, so filecount/size differs)
[2] .-----------------====--------------------------== ioNiNJA v0.8 ===--.
[2] | |
[2] |-=[ R A C E N F O ]=---------------. |
[2] | `-----------------====----------|
[2] | Release: Some_test_dir_here |
[2] | RaceNfo: 12MB in 3F @ 75.0KB/s in 2m 47s |
[2] | Fastest: testuser/ @ 117.0KB/s |
[2] | Slowest: testuser/ @ 75.0KB/s |
[2] | |
[2] |-=[ U S E R T O P ]=---------------. |
[2] | `-----------------====----------|
[2] | 1. testuser 75KB 3780 2% 1.1MB/s |
[2] |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
[2] | 1. Total 12MB 3F 100% 75.0KB/s |
[2] | |
[2] |-=[ G R O U P T O P ]=-------------. |
[2] | `--------------===--------------|
[2] | 1. 2848 75KB 3780 % 1.1MB/s |
[2] |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
[2] | 1. Total 12MB 3F 100% 75.0KB/s |
[2] `-----================---------------------------==------------------'
testuser is added to group TEST, site myinfo shows
[2] 200-| Username : testuser | User ID : 7 Primary GID: 256 |
[2] 200-| Flags : 3 | Last On : 4m 40s ago |
[2] 200-| Groups : TEST |
[2] 200-| Tagline : |
[2] 200-| Creator : siteop | Created : 10m 1s ago |
08-07-2009, 11:17 AM
I figured it out. set ioNJ(hide_gname_real) was set to 0, but i actually had the ioFTPD group deleted, so that broke something. I disabled the feature and now everything works like a charm.
08-16-2009, 02:25 AM
i have an experienced the same problem and that was made me crazy for few hours
that seems useless buggy option. should be turn off
08-16-2009, 01:47 PM
istena: stupidity is not really a bug
10-08-2009, 11:04 PM
i guess there are no serious bugs left?
10-09-2009, 06:02 PM
i guess there are no serious bugs left?
Looks like zipscript is mainly working great! with 7.x and latest beta of ioninja i never gets any weird error like before with releases where were all files but 'incomplete' tag. now everything works fine.
I just found some minor bugs:
- when SAMPLE is uploaded and $v_width is higher than 999 ('1 280' etc,...), than script sends wrong info to ioftpd.log (only first number '1').
- when SAMPLE is VOB file than script sends always N/A info for $v_codec. and sometimes instead of AC-3 or MPEG -Audio or PCM he sends to ioftpd.log 'DVD-Video' as $a_codec
Strange is that .message file in SAMPLE dir is always filled with right info, only main dir message and info in ioftpd.log is contains wrong info.
2. I'm using imdb.itcl plugin in event "EXEC ON NFO UPLOAD" and sometimes he gets no info from And its not because is unreacheable. Just all variables are 'N/A' when i upload nfo again few seconds after he gets all infos right. So some delay, or if he get N/A %title from than run script again, can fix that, dunno.
3. Settings: set ioNJ(custom_group_dirs_complete_message) "../scripts/ioNiNJA/MiSC/group_dir_message.nfo" work fine only when PREd rls is 2CD or more. if the rls is only 1CD so files are in main dir than there is no message.nfo after PRE.
And please, if i can have few requests on you. i Want to ask you to change few things please:
r1 - I will be glad to have uid/gid of 'Complete Tag in rls' changes to any uploader uid/gid - best will be the one who complete rls. Now is uid and gid of this "[site] - ( 242MB 6F - COMPLETE ) - [site]" UID 0 and GID 0 (so default ioftpd user) and if autoscript nuke this rls there is always info - autonuker script nuked: ioFTPD/ioFTPD and 'some uploader'. all files in rls dir might be chown to uploaders
r2 - I will be glad to have another option/event for plugins in ioninja.cfg. There is now 'exec on nfo upload, exec on complete' and im looking for some 'on 'site PRE''. want to add imdb.itcl plugin after site pre in dvdr/divx etc, dirs. or please tell me how to do that with current script.
r3 - i didnt find how to set that in current version of your script but now 'Complete tag' is only when nfo is also in rls and rls should be with 'Complete tag' even without .nfo file - for *.nfo missing info is enough to see missing-nfo 'symlink'.
and request 4 is related to nxTools since you are mby the only one who can do it something with that script atm.
there is option in nxtools.cfg:
# - The user ID to chown all files too, to hide an affil's identity (to disable, set to "").
set pre(ChownUserId) "1"
This is a nice option for PRE groups but now it is useless since there is no option to hide owner of PRE'd dirs, only files. So after pre everyone can see who uploaded CD1,Sample and also main dir is chown to uploader. only files uid is changed :(
Thank you for answer. And thanks for this great script.
10-10-2009, 09:01 AM
The pre (ChownUser) should be set to "0"
So that works without any problem in nxtools.
The group is chown when pre´d and not the user if you have set it correct in ioninja to.
10-10-2009, 08:11 PM
The pre (ChownUser) should be set to "0"
So that works without any problem in nxtools.
The group is chown when pre´d and not the user if you have set it correct in ioninja to.
Sorry, maybe i didnt said exactly in my sentence what is the problem. So once again.
Uid '1' in my user db is user named 'pre'. Uid '0' is ioFTPD. I can try to change that pre UID in nxtools.cfg to '0' but i don't think that will change UID of PRE'd dirs. Because UID 1 from config changed all PRE'd files uid to 1, but uid of PRE'd dirs was still uid of uploader.
I want to have after PRE -> UID of all files/dirs in PRE'd release changed to something what i define in nxtools.cfg. Now that settings "set pre(ChownUserId)" change only files uid and not dirs.
10-11-2009, 03:15 PM
well this does work without any problem here.
in ioninja
set ioNJ(hide_group_uploaders) 1
set ioNJ(hide_uname) "pre"
set ioNJ(hide_gname) "pre"
This group and user has to exist
So when you upload to \PRE\TFT\
The race info and owner on the files will be pre
Then when you do site pre the race info and owner on the files/folder will be pre TFT
10-11-2009, 05:05 PM
well this does work without any problem here.
in ioninja
set ioNJ(hide_group_uploaders) 1
set ioNJ(hide_uname) "pre"
set ioNJ(hide_gname) "pre"
This group and user has to exist
So when you upload to \PRE\TFT\
The race info and owner on the files will be pre
Then when you do site pre the race info and owner on the files/folder will be pre TFT
(taken from original ioninja.cfg)
## Hide name of uploaders in the .message-file in group-dirs? Setting this to
## 1 will convert the username to the groupname of the user. This will not
## change owner of files since it can create problems with permissions. Have the pre
## script change that instead.
set ioNJ(hide_group_uploaders) 1
set ioNJ(hide_uname) "NoUSER"
set ioNJ(hide_gname) "NoGROUP"
and this work exactly how its written in this cfg. hiding user/group only in .message. not owner of files "Have the pre script change that instead." And for that is nxtools and there you can hide only files and not dirs.
Anyway i found another 'minor bug' in dzsbot/topstats.tcl stats:
(23:45:28) (@user) !site dayup
(23:45:29) (@bot) .----------------------------------------------------.
(23:45:29) (@bot) | Day Top Uploaders |
(23:45:30) (@bot) | Section # -1 : [TOTAL] |
(23:45:30) (@bot) |----------------------------------------------------|
(23:45:30) (@bot) | ## | User | Group | Size(MB) | Files |
(23:45:31) (@bot) |----------------------------------------------------|
(23:45:33) (@bot) | 01 | user3 | ioFTPD | 10076 | 148 |
(23:45:35) (@bot) |------------------------------|----------|----------|
(23:45:37) (@bot) | 01 Total Matches | 10076 | 148 |
(23:45:39) (@bot) '----------------------------------------------------'
(23:45:41) (@bot) 'stats' Command successful.
(23:45:44) (@user) !dayup user3
(23:45:45) (@bot) (SITE-STATS) user3 is 1st with 148F and 10MB, followed by user2 with 0F and 0KB
(23:48:25) (@user) !site daydn
(23:48:27) (@bot) .----------------------------------------------------.
(23:48:27) (@bot) | Day Top Downloaders |
(23:48:27) (@bot) | Section # -1 : [TOTAL] |
(23:48:27) (@bot) |----------------------------------------------------|
(23:48:28) (@bot) | ## | User | Group | Size(MB) | Files |
(23:48:30) (@bot) |----------------------------------------------------|
(23:48:32) (@bot) | 01 | user1 | ioFTPD | 2021 | 146 |
(23:48:34) (@bot) | 02 | user2 | ioFTPD | 1267 | 108 |
(23:48:36) (@bot) |------------------------------|----------|----------|
(23:48:38) (@bot) | 02 Total Matches | 3288 | 254 |
(23:48:40) (@bot) '----------------------------------------------------'
(23:48:42) (@bot) 'stats' Command successful.
(23:48:44) (@user) !daydn user1
(23:48:44) (@bot) (SITE-STATS) user1 is 1st with 146F and 2.0GB, followed by user2 with 108F and 2MB
(23:54:26) (@bot) Daystats for SOMESiTE, today we:
(23:54:26) (@bot) * Recieved 148 files totalling 10.0GB
(23:54:26) (@bot) * Sent 254 files totalling 3.2GB
(23:54:26) (@bot) * Had 1469 logins and 1469 logouts.
(23:54:26) (@bot) * Created 9 new release-dirs, but deleted 7 directories.
(23:54:28) (@bot) * Made 0 new requests, and filled 0.
(23:54:30) (@bot) * Had some prominent racers, the top ones were:
(23:54:32) (@bot) +[1] user3 (10MB/148f)
(23:54:34) (@bot) +[2] user2 (0KB/0f)
(23:54:36) (@bot) * Had some nasty leeches, the nastiest ones were:
(23:54:38) (@bot) +[1] user1 (2.0GB/146f)
(23:54:40) (@bot) +[2] user2 (2MB/108f)
(23:54:42) (@bot) +[3] user4 (0KB/0f)
(23:54:44) (@bot) * Got 0 glorious pres, the groups with the most pres were:
All day i tested what stats we getting from dzsbot and topstats script and its weird. Dzsbots !dayup (probably all other stats !cmds too) and topstats.tcl showing sometimes wrong info from user stats. Halp! :-)
still looking for an active scripter who could help me to fix those bugs :(
10-11-2009, 05:56 PM
Then i wonder how i manage to "hide" the user in that group then.
The group is shown as Owner and the "user" you set in nxtools, when i do site pre.
10-18-2009, 03:42 PM
unpack_complete.itcl should only delete .sfv and rars if u enabled the deletion option, but it deletes everything but avi and subs, older versions of that plugin didnt do that... would be nice if that could be changed again
10-18-2009, 09:26 PM
if delete isenabled it will dewl everything. the sfv needs to bedeleted since it's not accurate anymore
10-19-2009, 05:33 AM
yea mayb i was saying it a bit unclear... the rars and sfv is fine and ofc sfv needs to be deleted, but would be nice if the nfo was kept, tho i managed to fix my problem, by just using an ealier version of your plugin that i still had, now its perfect for me
11-22-2009, 08:12 PM
rescan all dosent rescan all.
It just goes one depth in the folder so it dosent rescan the sample folders.
If im in a movie folder and issue rescan all it just rescans the sample not the entire movie and sample.
Using latest ioFTPD version and ioNiNJA on win 7
11-23-2009, 02:51 AM
rescan all rescans the subdirs
11-24-2009, 12:12 PM
updated the imdb script
single file download, just replace it.
11-27-2009, 07:32 AM
something is wrong with the imdb scan.
If i upload an movie it gets the imdb info as it should and creates the imdb folder.
Then it sends the sample just fine, but then i get transfer failed on every single file.
And if i try to get into the dir it lists the nfo in my window very slow, but wont enter the dir at all.
So then i need to delete the .ioftpd file in the dir and restart ioftpd to even get into the folder.
If i turn of the sorting then it works as it should.
So something is not right with the sorting of imdb.
11-27-2009, 07:44 AM
how about you update the imdb with the new one?
just a thought mind you
11-27-2009, 05:28 PM
how about you update the imdb with the new one?
just a thought mind you
well i actually did just that.. ;) did download the whole thing and replaced it and even left the cfg untouched just to test it but still the same thing.
11-27-2009, 07:06 PM
the separate imdb file not the whole zipscript
11-28-2009, 06:31 PM
did actually miss that imdb below the script. blaming ff chache. ;)
But iam still having the same problem. for some odd reason.
this takes a few seconds to even list, and i cant enter the dir whithout refreshing.
(00:27:18) [1] .-----------------====--------------------------== ioNiNJA v0.8 ===--.
(00:27:18) [1] | |
(00:27:18) [1] | |
(00:27:18) [1] |-=[ I M D B N F O ]=---------------. |
(00:27:18) [1] | `-----==-------------===--------|
(00:27:18) [1] | Title : Rocky V (1990) |
(00:27:18) [1] | Genre : Drama, Sport |
(00:27:18) [1] | Rating : 4.4 with 27,783 votes |
(00:27:18) [1] | Director : John G. Avildsen |
(00:27:18) [1] | Tagline : <div class="info-content">
(00:27:18) [1] Go for it! |
(00:27:18) [1] | Country : USA |
(00:27:18) [1] | Language : English |
(00:27:18) [1] | Runtime : <div class="info-content">
(00:27:18) [1] 104 min |
(00:27:19) [1] | Screens : 926 and is Not Limited |
(00:27:20) [1] | Comment : <div class="info-content">
(00:27:21) [1] Give it a chance. |
(00:27:22) [1] | Awards : %fm-55{} |
(00:27:23) [1] | Url : |
(00:27:24) [1] `-----================---------------------------==------------------'
(00:27:25) [1] Executed in 0.025s
(00:27:25) [1] 250 CWD command successful.
11-29-2009, 07:34 AM
it's not magical, once something is written, updating the imdb script wont fix it. IF you wanna report problems then report them on things you've uploaded AFTER the update. Simple solution is to del all the dirs and upload them again. site resort imdb might work too
11-29-2009, 09:15 AM
Ofcource i did delete all ioftpd files and all other folders.
And the same with upload it after i did change the imdb file.
Did try resort command did try and ul it to another hdd, still the same thing as u see above.
I got almost all functions off in the imdb script, i only use top250 and i got a folder where all movies end up in, thats is.
{/x264-1/|/x264-2/|/x264-3/} {F:/IMDB250/%top250 - %release}
{/x264-1/|/x264-2/|/x264-3/} {F:/Alla/%release}
11-29-2009, 03:01 PM
then you didn't update the imdb file with the new one. The one on the webpage works, period....
12-07-2009, 09:08 AM
I have some problem with Filezilla and ioNinja.
A thread with the problem exist on the forum already
and on the filezilla forum
But it's not only the execute time, if you enable the racestats it will comes too.
If you disable the racestats and enter a Sample folder you wond't see the error, the mediainfo appears and the list command work.
Maybe it is some fixable error?
12-08-2009, 10:28 PM
it should send the numbers before it, so it's a ioNiNJA problem
That beeing said filezilla really sucks.....
I would suggest you use a better ftpclient for now, since my time is very limited there will be no fixes or updates for a while.
12-23-2009, 02:59 AM
Sorry for a n00bish question but for some reason "no nfo" incomplete symlinks do not appear after removing nfos from dirs or uploading dirs without nfos in the first place; rescanning does not help. "No sfv" symlinks work fine.
Can somebody please give me a hint as to what I could be missing that prevents it from working?
01-07-2010, 01:40 PM
it seems ioninja will be update soon with 0.9.x
01-08-2010, 07:07 AM
it will? didn't know that
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