View Full Version : standalone 'site msg' pack

03-04-2004, 09:37 PM
I looked and couldn't find a standalone one of these for ioFTPD.

what it does?
adds a private messaging system to your ftpd. with this script your messages will not be deleted once you've read them, but once you delete them...

example output:

[20:28:28] site msg
[20:28:28] 200-+-----[SiTE MSG]---------------------------------------------+
[20:28:28] 200-| |
[20:28:28] 200-| read your mail: site msg read <number> |
[20:28:28] 200-| delete a message: site msg del <number> |
[20:28:28] 200-| send a message: site msg <username> "<message>" |
[20:28:28] 200-| |
[20:28:28] 200-| Use 'all' instead of a number to list all messages at once |
[20:28:28] 200-+------------------------------------[SiTE MSG]--------------+

example output when you have a new message:

20:26:26] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
[20:26:26] 226-.-================================================== =====-.
[20:26:26] 226- [UL: 26378.44MB] [DL: 69.63MB] [Speed: 0.00K/s] [Free: 37.56GB]
[20:26:26] 226- [Section: root] [Credits: 0.00MB] [Ratio: Unlimited]
[20:26:26] 226-'-================================================== =====-'
[20:26:26] You have 1 message(s) in your inbox. Type 'site msg' for more information.

syntax on read all:

[20:30:01] site msg read all
[20:30:01] 200-[ 1] From: testusr on Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 20:29:54
[20:30:01] 200- "YAY this is a TEST"
[20:30:01] 200 Command successful.

syntax on read single:

[20:30:27] site msg read 1
[20:30:27] 200-From: testusr on Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 20:29:54
[20:30:27] 200-"YAY this is a TEST"
[20:30:27] 200-NOTE: Use 'site msg del 1' to delete this message
[20:30:27] 200 Command successful.

get it here (http://www.ioftpd.com/scripts/script.php?id=67)


I forgot to add this information in the readme, (it's added there now):

add this line to your ..\text\ftp\TransferComplete file:
%[execute(EXEC ..\scripts\ioMsg\ioMsg.exe)(alert)]

03-04-2004, 10:13 PM
i think ioA has it ... but thnx for it dude ;)

03-04-2004, 10:36 PM
yeah it does.

hence "standalone" site msg pack :D

03-05-2004, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by mr_F
yeah it does.

hence "standalone" site msg pack :D

Thanks - as well I see the "OTHER FTPD" place is still waiting for
it as I was one of the people there talking to you :)

As I am forced to run it for now...

03-05-2004, 10:45 AM
yeah i'll hopefully port to "other ftpd" this weekend.

io just has the sexiest script interface i've ever seen though, with the %execute parameter usable as cookie. mmmmm :)

03-05-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by mr_F
yeah i'll hopefully port to "other ftpd" this weekend.

io just has the sexiest script interface i've ever seen though, with the %execute parameter usable as cookie. mmmmm :)

Yea, I have it ready to go here myself, just waiting for the right
moment to do the entire xfer over to the 2 sites here...just playing
with the shared area now.

Been meaning to do since the BW control was added to IO, so
it's been awhile :)

_rage_ thegod
03-05-2004, 12:15 PM
<moderated by neoxed: off topic, this thread is about the release of a new script...>

04-05-2004, 06:42 AM
site msg ioFTPD "YAY This is a test"

produces this crash/error for me using 5.8.5r

AppName: iomsg.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.1217 Offset: 0000b2ab

this crash only occurs when actually trying to add a msg,
the other commands seem to work. although i cant test
them as i cant send a msg ;)

anyhow, i was wanted to add ioMSG support to my ioREQUEST

lemme know if im missing something stupid :)

04-05-2004, 10:15 AM
Must have set up call in ioFTPD.ini wrong::

[R] site msg tasteycheese "DOG MAT!!"
[R] 200-Message not sent, user 'tasteycheese' does not exist
[R] 200 Command successful.
[R] site msg testusr "DOG MAT!!"
[R] 200-Message successfully sent to 'testusr'
[R] 200 Command successful.

i attached a "new" version of ioMsg, it's not really new in the sense that I don't remember what I changed, but I do know i played with the code for some time.

mainly what's new are:
-trail message with single parameter "!" will make the message urgent, allowing
retr = EXEC ..\scripts\ioMsg\ioMsg.exe urgent
to block anyone from RETR if they have an urgent message (they can retr after they've dele the urgent message)
-messages are now stored in a /messages dir instead of application root dir
-probably some small changes.

urgent message sample:
site msg testuser "go die!!!" !

i'll update my script profile sometime soon, for now just grab it here (http://nrscripts.staghosting.com/ioMsg.zip)
no docu is included with this little update

04-05-2004, 10:55 AM
same problem, even with the `new` version

site msg hehe
200 Command successful.
site msg a "hi"
550 Command failed.
site msg ioFTPD io
550 Command failed.
site msg darkone "pfft this doesnt work"
550 Command failed.

each time it crashes with the same offset as before

msg = EXEC ..\scripts\ioMsg.exe

msg = *

what else am i missing?

04-05-2004, 11:34 AM
mr_F: if u generate a .map file (with line numbers) you should be able to find at what line exactly it crashes. map files are pretty useful. codeproject got a good explanation on how to use them for debugging...

04-05-2004, 02:46 PM
"All" works fine mr_F. But if i test the script with
SITE msg Admin thisisatest
200-Message successfully sent to 'Admin'
200 Command successful.
SITE msg Admin this is a test
200-Message successfully sent to 'Admin'
200 Command successful.

i get

SITE msg read 1
200-From: Admin on Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 21:42:08
200-NOTE: Use 'site msg del 1' to delete this message
200 Command successful.
SITE msg del 1
200 Command successful.
SITE msg read 1
200-From: Admin on Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 21:42:18
200-"this" <-- cropped,no spaces allowed or something wrong? Rest works like a charme


04-05-2004, 05:37 PM
mouton: thanks i'll try that
tuff: to me it sounds like you have a script conflict? i don't know how, are you sure you don't have another call for msg?


consinder this:
SITE msg Admin thisisatest
param -1 = site
param 0 = msg
param 1 = Admin
param 2 = thisisatest
param 3 = blank (would be the urgent signifier if used {!})

and now consider this:
SITE msg Admin this is a test
param -1 = site
param 0 = msg
param 1 = Admin
param 2 = this
param 3 = is
param 4 = a
param 5 = test

the way it works is param 2 is the message, so you need to use
site msg Admin "this is a test"
with the quotes

If i had time right now i would change it, but i don't, and the source code is publically available so you are free to change it to accept unlimited parameters, but as it is, the syntax is
site msg <username> "<message>"