View Full Version : iojU-site user

05-10-2004, 09:13 AM
iojU (http://www.ioftpd.com/scripts/script.php?id=113)

shows date added, vfs and admingroups of user
when site user login

[R] site user Jeza
[R] 200- Date Added.: 03-19-2004 13:59:33 by 'sitebot'
[R] 200- VFS........: c:\ioFTPD\etc\admin.vfs
[R] 200- AdminGroup.: PiMPEK
[R] 200- Nuked......: 10 Times
[R] 200- Home.......: /
[R] 200- Tagline....: PiMPEK
[R] 200- Groups.....: PiMPEK iND
[R] 200- User.......: Jeza Flags......: 1
[R] 200- Ratio......: 1:3 Credits....: 46181.3 MB
[R] 200- UL Cap.....: 0 kB/s DN Cap.....: 0 kB/s
[R] 200- ------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200- Logins.....: 2 FTP 0 HTTP 0 TELNET
[R] 200- DayUp......: 0.0 MB 0 F 0.0 kB/s
[R] 200- DayDn......: 0.0 MB 0 F 0.0 kB/s
[R] 200- WkUp.......: 0.0 MB 0 F 0.0 kB/s
[R] 200- WkDn.......: 0.0 MB 0 F 0.0 kB/s
[R] 200- MonthUp....: 16552.9 MB 1752 F 5816.8 kB/s
[R] 200- MonthDn....: 932.3 MB 1752 F 1735.8 kB/s
[R] 200- AllUp......: 23544.6 MB 3194 F 5187.1 kB/s
[R] 200- AllDn......: 9186.7 MB 3194 F 6519.2 kB/s
[R] 200- ------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200- Ip1. *@localhost
[R] 200- Ip2. jeza@
[R] 200- Ip3.
[R] 200- Ip4.
[R] 200- Ip5.
[R] 200- Ip6.
[R] 200- Ip7.
[R] 200- Ip8.

05-15-2004, 06:39 PM
Looks nice..thx:)

05-15-2004, 07:05 PM
I think there's a small error in the documentation. Nothing big but somebody might get confused abt it so I'll mention it.


copy all files to c:\ioFTPD\scripts\iojU [or where u want]

replace your UserInfo file in ioFTPD/text/ftp/ with this one here if u like it :)

in ioFTPD.ini add

user = EXEC ..\scripts\iojU\iojU.exe
user = @uinfo

iojU = 1G

restart/rehash ioFTPD
should be:


copy all files to c:\ioFTPD\scripts\iojU [or where u want]

replace your UserInfo file in ioFTPD/text/ftp/ with this one here if u like it :)

in ioFTPD.ini add

user = EXEC ..\scripts\iojU\iojU.exe
user = @uinfo

user = 1G

restart/rehash ioFTPD

I was pretty sure it should be "user" and not "iojU" in ioFTPD.ini at first glance but decided to try it anyway just for kicks. When it didn't work I edited my ioFTPD.ini to "user" and rehashed then it worked spotless.

site ioju PopWeasel
500 SITE ioju: Command not understood.
site config rehash
200 config Command successful.
site user PopWeasel
200- Date Added.: System
200- VFS........: ..\etc\default.vfs
200- AdminGroup.: None
200- Home.......: /
200- Tagline....: Speed of light
200- Groups.....: SiTEOPS
200- User.......: PopWeasel Flags......: 1
200- Ratio......: Unlimited Credits....: 2.9 MB
200- UL Cap.....: 0 kB/s DN Cap.....: 0 kB/s
200- ------------------------------------------------------------
200- Logins.....: -1 FTP -1 HTTP -1 TELNET
200- DayUp......: 0.0 MB 4 F 0.0 kB/s
200- DayDn......: 364.5 MB 199 F 60.0 kB/s
200- WkUp.......: 14361.6 MB 2024 F 376.5 kB/s
200- WkDn.......: 1579.4 MB 303 F 92.8 kB/s
200- MonthUp....: 15951.9 MB 2192 F 377.4 kB/s
200- MonthDn....: 2352.9 MB 2192 F 80.4 kB/s
200- AllUp......: 19374.9 MB 3452 F 439.5 kB/s
200- AllDn......: 1729517.0 MB 3452 F 59.8 kB/s
200- ------------------------------------------------------------
200- Ip1. *@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
200- Ip2.
200- Ip3.
200- Ip4.
200- Ip5.
200- Ip6.
200- Ip7.
200- Ip8.
200 uinfo Command successful.

Thanks again for this nice add-on.;)

05-16-2004, 04:29 PM
This script needs microsoft net framework installed to run?

05-17-2004, 02:24 AM

yes PopWeasel

user = 1G

zeroracer yes

06-25-2004, 04:32 PM
iojU.itcl version out

07-09-2004, 11:51 AM
new version

users can now see only their own info
gadmins only info from users in group they are gadmins
and ops all user info

08-10-2004, 05:57 AM
Somehow i dont get it to work as it suppose to be

If i am right settings should be as stated in readme like

user = TCL ..\scripts\iojU\iojU.itcl
user = @uinfo

user = *
uinfo = *

But what about the :

uinfo = 1M

in [FTP_SITE_Permissions] should it just stay there or get commented or what kind of flags need to be added there?

Can someone tell me the right settings so it will work?

Cause right atm people using site user it says at uinfo Access denied and only shows :

[R] 200- Date Added.: System
[R] 200- VFS........:
[R] 200- AdminGroup.: BLA
[R] 550 'SITE uinfo': Access denied.

But when i do uinfo = * in [FTP_SITE_Permissions]

site user works fine but all users are able when using site uinfo to get all info from every user they want!

08-10-2004, 04:12 PM
it should be:

in ioFTPD.ini add

user = TCL ..\scripts\iojU\iojU.itcl
user = @uinfo

user = *
uinfo = *

restart/rehash ioFTPD


08-11-2004, 07:33 AM
Still its not working right with :

in ioFTPD.ini add

user = TCL ..\scripts\iojU\iojU.itcl
user = @uinfo

user = *
uinfo = *

restart/rehash ioFTPD

I changed the things you said Jeza but still a user can use :
site uinfo to see all info from every user he wants!

site user works ok so far when trying to see info from another user it says : Permission denied but seems when users are in more groups a gadmin cant see the user info from the one in his group and says also : Permission Denied

08-11-2004, 05:42 PM
hm u right
i never think about that users can use SITE UINFO bla
only SITE USER bla

08-11-2004, 07:11 PM
Hope to see it soon working :)

08-25-2004, 01:53 AM
new version
site uinfo now works only for flag 1
and site user
flag 3 - own info
flag G - users in own group
siteops all

added nuke counter

08-27-2004, 06:42 AM
Great to see new version:)


11-28-2004, 05:18 PM
new version . removed use of UINFO

standalone now

it counts all stas on all sections together

dayup : section 0 = 50 mb, section 1 = 60 mb ,...
it will show
dayup 110MB ...

12-01-2004, 12:14 PM
remove ioFTPD.log and use ioSeenem file to get login caount and last login

12-08-2004, 04:17 AM
great and nice script, i used it from very begining version.

and found a bug in v 1.6
i did a "site user me" and see this line:

ALL UP...............: -1965678062 MB 256 kB/s 161435 FiLES

it should be 2.27TB.