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Support Thread for iojZS
ZipScript (
08-31-2005, 02:37 PM
i have problem with oday rls with 1 file ..on channel announce complete but in dir is complete too but incomplete symlink in root section 0day too :( ..pls help me
i will check if i can find something...
well i have a weird problem...
so, site rescan reports one file as "FAIL" even tho it's fine (and reports from CRC for it), checked it with 3 different sfv checkers... and it checks it correctly on upload but for some reason in site rescan it doesn't.
it also adds some gibberish chars at the end of the filename
it also adds some gibberish at the end of the next filename but that checks out fine
and don't see anything wrong in the sfv
very nice and fast script! thank you jeza!
but i have some problems:
1. on race completed got first group announce only, users announce is correct.
2. sth doesnt work with in/complete tags - got plenty on incomplete tags in dir, eg 5 files upped = 5 incomplete tags; on race complete incomplete tags arent deleted neither...
3. sometimes script doesnt accept file, it says 'not in .sfv' but ofcourse its in sfv and crc is okay.
once again, thanx in advance!
10-01-2005, 12:10 PM
I have same problems :(
okay, problems solved, i was blind or sth. all thanks to jeza on efnet.
ad. 1:
#define iojZS_total_display_groups 1
and changed to 5 or 10
ad. 2:
#define iojZS_delete_bar "]-[*"
and if my config looks like this:
#define iojZS_incomplete_link "(incomplete)-%r"
#define iojZS_incomplete_link_cd "(incomplete)-(%c)-%d"
#define iojZS_incmpl_bar "[ incomplete - %p%% done - %k of %tF ]"
#define iojZS_cmpl_bar "[COMPLETE - %e in %tF]"
#define iojZS_mp3_incmpl_bar "[ incomplete - %p%% done - %k of %tF - %X %Y ]"
#define iojZS_mp3_cmpl_bar "[COMPLETE - %e in %tF - %X %Y]"
it should be then:
#define iojZS_delete_bar "[ incomplete -*"
10-18-2005, 12:56 PM
When compiling i get an error.
C:\ioftpd\scripts\iojZS>C:\Borland\BCC55\bin\bcc32.exe -w- -O2 -IC:\Borland\BCC55\Include -LC:\Borland\BCC55\Lib -nC:\ioFTPD\system -eiojZS.exe c:\ioFTPD\scripts\iojZS\source\iojZS.cpp
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Fatal: Unable to open file 'UUID.LIB'
Anyone know how to fix this ?
Thanks in advance :)
Edit. Found this while googling:
UUID.LIB is supplied as part of the C++Builder versions 4 and 5, but not as part
of the Borland C++ version 5.02 Development Suite
perhaps they dont include it in 5.5 version ?
should be in BCC55\Lib dir
in version i use it is.
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
10-18-2005, 03:27 PM
Thanks jeza, Seems the installer wasnt working fully, I had to use winrar to extract all the files properly.
11-04-2005, 12:13 PM
Does iojzs only create 0byte file tags or is there a setting that creates dir`s instead ?
only 0byte for complete/incomplete tags and only dirs for symlinks
03-29-2006, 03:18 PM
I'm having problems with iojZS crashing when uploading sfv or any other files to a folder which's physical path is over 190 chars. It crashes, then says File Ok, and deletes the file in question. if the path is less than 190 chars it works without any problems.
Any ideas how to fix this?
its windows limitation with max path and file length
03-31-2006, 01:08 PM
I thought the windows limitation was 260 chars :|
paste paths and filename u are trying to upload
04-01-2006, 12:48 PM
oh noes...
I thought the windows limit was well over 200, like 260 or so :/
04-01-2006, 12:59 PM
ftp path: "/REQUESTS/atestdirwithareallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyr eallyreallyreally111111111122222222223333333333344 44444444555555555556666666666777777777788888888889 99999999900000000001111111122/"
physical path: "I:\REQUESTS\atestdirwithareallyreallyreallyreallyr eallyreallyreallyreallyreally111111111122222222223 33333333334444444444555555555556666666666777777777 78888888888999999999900000000001111111122"
(those spaces in the paths don't really exist, just can't seem to post the full path here without those spaces appearing )
Files: swing3.sfv and swing3.mp3
of course such long paths happen to 'form' every now and then especially in the request folder
so I'm not asking for this just because I can't get my test folder to work :P
no idea why it doesnt work
04-08-2006, 01:59 PM
shame :/
there is new version (1.19) available here ( :D
02-21-2007, 06:46 PM
nice work !
it's really really good for me that script ! :)
but, why are not make that bar to folder, It's make that status to file.
tnx a lots ! :)
only file is added, because i never used folders for status
02-22-2007, 01:23 PM
1. maybe I can to change config for new folder? how? :\
new file It's not good for me. :|
2. how I can to add progress to incomplate folder?
Tnx a lots.
nice script ! :)
1.) there is no config for folder bar (it isnt there) i will add it
2.) %b=progress meter (cookies.h)
02-27-2007, 05:14 PM
Yeha. I see it. :)
Thanks a lots.
nice project. :)
hmm.. how is to do it: if that file in .sfv file, so check him. if not, just fill it. not delete that file or someone.
i can to do it?
Yeha. I see it. :)
hmm.. how is to do it: if that file in .sfv file, so check him. if not, just fill it. not delete that file or someone.
i can to do it?
sorry, i dont understand your english
07-03-2007, 01:43 PM
got problem while uploading an .mp3, i tryed to debug but i was not very able to do it (trying using ollydbg, seems is doing some zip check on mp3 ending with crashing iojZS.exe
07-03-2007, 02:00 PM
i get also this error for all files (releasename is the name of the mp3 release directory, obviously obfuscated :-) )
Tue Jul 03 20:32:33 2007
-[ get_sfv_name -> X:\MP3\TEST\releasename
-[ ERROR 3
-[ nekaj cudnega?
do u have problems only when uploading mp3s?
ERROR 3 is:
ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND The system cannot find the path specified.
07-04-2007, 03:01 PM
on the ftp i upload only mp3, but this problem is given just on one release, all other mp3 uploaded given no errors.
function get_sfv_name trys to find name of .sfv file in releasename.
and from error (The system cannot find the path specified) it seems that script doesnt even checks if .sfv file is there, because path not found.
maybe u have some 'strange' chars in releasename.
07-05-2007, 03:28 PM
apart of this error 3 problem that seemed to be a deleted dir,
what i said before is that with one release iojZS.exe is crashing at all. I tryed to have a look on the error and it seems to be inside unzip.cpp code (i compiled iojZS in asm format with BCC32 [-S flag] than with Olly Debugger recovered the error address and assembly code at that address then i had a look inside the .asm created by BCC32 for the same code as shown on olly debugger and find out that the error was generated inside a part of code of unzip.cpp).
12-13-2007, 08:47 AM
hi, jeza, how i can to rescan?rescan = exec iojzs.exe rescan?
site rescan
site rescan filename
but rescan works only on folders where iojZS was used as zipscript
12-29-2007, 09:20 PM
thx jeza.
these files cant be deleted include the speedtest, but wipe can do this.
iam using nxtools 1.0.6, if i uploaded any bad file to site, so its always dupe file, must be do "site undupe", it will be allow to upload again.
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