View Full Version : ioDiz: output diz file on entering dir

12-03-2010, 04:05 AM
This itcl script outputs the diz file on entering a dir which contains a file_id.diz.

# this shows the diz file on list
# put the following in ioftpd.ini:
# [FTP_Post-Command_Events]
# list = TCL ..\scripts\ioDiz\iodiz.itcl
proc show_diz {} {
global path
set path [string map {\\ /} $path]
if {![file exists "$path/file_id.diz"]} {return}
set fileid [open "$path/file_id.diz" r]
set db [read $fileid]
close $fileid
foreach lined [split $db \n] {
if {![string equal "" $lined]} {
iputs -nobuffer "150-$lined"

Ideally it should first check the path if its /0day or something similair but this just checks all dirs.