View Full Version : iojTQ

06-04-2004, 06:53 AM
iojTQ (http://www.ioftpd.com/scripts/script.php?id=120)

<jeznijeza> !help
<|iojTQ|> !dhelp............................................ .... HELP ·
<|iojTQ|> !dbnc............................................. .... Show BNCs ·
<|iojTQ|> !dsections........................................ .... Show SECTiONS ·
<|iojTQ|> !daffils.......................................... .... Show AFFiLS ·
<|iojTQ|> !dpassed <login>...................................... TRiAL/QUOTA STATS Of <login> ·
<|iojTQ|> !dtrials.......................................... .... Show USER(s) On TRiAL ·
<|iojTQ|> !dquotas.......................................... .... Show USER(s) On QUOTA ·
<|iojTQ|> !drehash.......................................... .... Send REHASH Command To BOT ·
<|iojTQ|> !dkill............................................ .... Send DIE Command To BOT ·
<|iojTQ|> !dsave............................................ .... SAVE STATS FiLES ·
<|iojTQ|> !dftp <SITE COMMAND>.................................. SEND <SITE COMMAND> To All SiTES

<jeznijeza> !affils
<|iojTQ|> [AFFiLS] 0DAY : P_0day ·
<|iojTQ|> [AFFiLS] PDA : P_pda P1_pda ·
<|iojTQ|> [AFFiLS] EBOOK : P_ebook ·
<|iojTQ|> [AFFiLS] DiVX : P_divx ·
<|iojTQ|> [AFFiLS] GAMES : P_games ·
<|iojTQ|> [AFFiLS] UTiLS : P_iso ·

<jeznijeza> !sections
<|iojTQ|> [SECTiONS] P0 : DiVX DVDR ·
<|iojTQ|> [SECTiONS] P2 : SERiES XXX ·

without ncftpls
<jeznijeza> !dbnc
<|iojTQ|> [P0 BNC] 111.222.333.444:11111 .uk SSL : yes ·
<|iojTQ|> [P1 BNC] .uk SSL : yes ·
<|iojTQ|> [P2 BNC] 11.222.333.444:11011 .si SSL : yes ·

with ncftpls
<jeznijeza> !dbnc
<|iojTQ|> [P0 BNC] 111.222.333.444:11111 .uk SSL : yes -UP- Response : 2574ms·
<|iojTQ|> [P1 BNC] .uk SSL : yes -DN- Response : N/Ams ·
<|iojTQ|> [P2 BNC] 11.222.333.444:11011 .si SSL : yes -UP- Response : 5463ms ·

<jeznijeza> !dpassed jeza
<|iojTQ|> [0DAY QUOTA] jeza Has 7 DAY(s) To Upload 600MB To Pass 600MB QUOTA. ( 85MB/day ) ·
<|iojTQ|> [ ISO QUOTA] jeza Has Uploaded 4719MB Over The 4000MB QUOTA. Safe For 7 DAY(s) ·

with %quota_exluded cookie
<jeznijeza> !passed Jeza
<|iojTQ|> [0DAY QUOTA] Jeza Has 7 DAY(s) To Upload 600MB To Pass 600MB QUOTA. ( 85MB/day ). Jeza Is Excluded From QUOTA. ·
<|iojTQ|> [ ISO QUOTA] Jeza Has 7 DAY(s) To Upload 1341MB To Pass 4000MB QUOTA. ( 191MB/day ). Jeza Is Excluded From QUOTA. ·

<jeznijeza> !trials
<|iojTQ|> [TQ] t3mp0r4l Has 5 Day(s) To Pass TRiAL ·

<jeznijeza> !passed t3mp0r4l
<|iojTQ|> [0DAY TRiAL] t3mp0r4l Is Missing 500MB To Pass 500MB TRiAL. ( 100MB/day ) 5 Day(s) Left ·
<|iojTQ|> [ ISO TRiAL] t3mp0r4l Is Missing 3410MB To Pass 3500MB TRiAL. ( 682MB/day ) 5 Day(s) Left ·

<jeznijeza> !quotas
<|iojTQ|> [TQ] PASSED Jeza, aloha, pimpek
<|iojTQ|> [TQ] NOT YET darkone, o1, bla, juhi, kekec, pehta, mojca, ·
<|iojTQ|> [TQ] NOT YET peder, buzi, kmet, bedanec, misko, terminator, juha, ·
<|iojTQ|> [TQ] NOT YET jack, daniel, ·

<jeznijeza> !ftp SITE CHGRP jeza VACATiON ·
<|iojTQ|> P0 --> 200- User 'jeza' has been successfully added to 'VACATiON' group. SITE CHGRP ·
<|iojTQ|> P0 --> 200 CHGRP Command successful. SITE CHGRP ·
<|iojTQ|> P1 --> 200- User 'jeza' has been successfully added to 'VACATiON' group. SITE CHGRP ·
<|iojTQ|> P1 --> 200 CHGRP Command successful. SITE CHGRP ·
<|iojTQ|> P2 --> 200- User 'jeza' has been successfully added to 'VACATiON' group. SITE CHGRP ·
<|iojTQ|> P2 --> 200 CHGRP Command successful. SITE CHGRP ·

06-04-2004, 08:07 AM
Good work! Gonna try it :)

EDIT: Works great! :banana:

06-04-2004, 10:24 AM
nice :)

ofcource script can be used also just for one site with more sections

06-04-2004, 10:33 AM
coool, gonna try i out later.. awsome work...

06-04-2004, 11:37 AM
nice script ;)

little question about it

it aint working as an "shared" trial / quota ?

or did i miss something ;)

06-04-2004, 11:50 AM
Script looks nice, it is possible to make it run with dzsbot on the same eggy?

06-05-2004, 04:29 AM

it checks trial/quota on all sites
site1 0day trial 1gb
site2 mp3 trial 2gb
site3 divx trial 4gb
to pass
if user pass on one site he pass on all sites and the same for quota

it dont sum all uploads together. because some traders only race mp3 and some only 0day...


u can try it but u will get dzsbot timeouts

06-05-2004, 09:12 PM
Will be great if this script will be intregated with dzsbot...

06-07-2004, 11:51 AM
Here are my suggestions and bugs:


* Count NUKED and UNNUKED releases

I don't know if it works with ioA nuke, but it would be good.

* See a individual quota, cause it's annoying to see all the quotes... ( !prefixquota <user> )

Bugs found:

* After running the script (like 12h...) it gives me this error on the partyline:
<...> [16:47] iojTQ : SENDING NOOP COMMAND
<...> [16:47] Tcl error [pub:noop]: error writing "sock12": broken pipe

I have to do .restart to fix it :(

06-08-2004, 08:11 AM
new version

06-09-2004, 08:02 AM
nice script :>

can you support !rank and !top10 ?

or is it too heavy ?

06-09-2004, 10:28 AM
i will add rank and top10 in next release

06-09-2004, 01:43 PM
might adding an "shared" option like common ring scripts optionally

would be a nice feature ;)

also g| support would be nice ;)

06-09-2004, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by jeza
i will add rank and top10 in next release

merci :cool:

06-09-2004, 03:44 PM
LOL... rank and top10 just like that from my script, nice idea, same triggers aswell! You rox0r!

06-09-2004, 03:48 PM
I'm not sur but this script don"t working with a eggdrop (Linux)

This is true ?

06-09-2004, 04:19 PM
i dont have any gl site to test

dont know if it works with eggdrop. should work its .tcl

what u mean with shared alturismo?
to have a choise to swith betwen quota like it is and count all quotas on all sites together

maybe better not implement !rank and !top10 since nookie is mad ;)

06-09-2004, 04:22 PM
haha i dont mind, go for it

06-09-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by LoCaliSe
I'm not sur but this script don"t working with a eggdrop (Linux)

It works well on an eggdrop (FreeBSD):)
I tried it on my shell

06-09-2004, 05:50 PM
ok thx i've got try again ;)

06-10-2004, 10:54 AM
hi guys i nearly always have this problem with iojTQ 1.9:

[17:27] -NOTICE- *** Looking up your hostname...
[17:27] -NOTICE- *** Found your hostname, cached
[17:27] -NOTICE- *** Checking Ident
[17:28] Tcl error [pub:noop]: invalid command name "SITE1::Noop"
[17:28] iojTQ : CHECKiNG SERVERS
[17:28] iojTQ : FTPC SITE1
[17:28] iojTQ : Reconnected SITE1
[17:28] iojTQ : FTPC SITE2
[17:28] iojTQ : Reconnected SITE2
[17:28] iojTQ : FTPC SITE3
[17:28] * Last context: tclhash.c/681 []
[17:28] * Please REPORT this BUG!
[17:28] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
[17:28] * Wrote DEBUG


can someone help me please? :)

some iNFOS:
- Windrop version for iojTQ is 1.6.13+sharefix
- iojTQ.tcl is in a separate windrop with only rehash.tcl
- all the sites are running ioFTPD 5-8-5r - dZSbot 1.15 - Eggdrop 1.6.13+sharefix - ioA 1.1.3

06-10-2004, 11:04 AM
but i have also..

[17:48] -NOTICE- *** Looking up your hostname...
[17:48] -NOTICE- *** Found your hostname, cached
[17:48] -NOTICE- *** Checking Ident
[17:48] iojTQ : CHECKiNG SERVERS
[17:48] iojTQ : FTPC SITE1
[17:48] iojTQ : Reconnected SITE1
[17:48] iojTQ : FTPC SITE2
command returned bad code: 269201920
while executing
("after" script)
[17:49] iojTQ : FTPC SITE3
[17:49] iojTQ : Reconnected SITE3
[17:49] iojTQ : FTPC SITE4
[17:49] iojTQ : Reconnected SITE4
[17:49] iojTQ : FTPC SITE5
[17:49] iojTQ : Reconnected SITE5
[17:49] iojTQ : FTPC SITE6
[17:49] iojTQ : Reconnected SITE6
[17:49] iojTQ : FTPC SITE7
[17:49] * Last context: tclhash.c/677 [Tcl proc: pub:noop, param: $_time1 $_tim
e2 $_time3 $_time4 $_time5]
[17:49] * Please REPORT this BUG!
[17:49] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
[17:49] * Wrote DEBUG



thx to all :)

06-10-2004, 11:42 AM
looks like windrop problem

my script is running and tested on windrop 1.6.15+SSL

06-10-2004, 12:54 PM
« 19:48 » <LoCaliSe> !ptrials
« 19:48 » <*****> +OK kTnLW0AnXFk/xP0uV/xTeYB.ZzVha0ULD/x1ANHZT1NyxNj/oeIvt15g.d.0
« 19:48 » <*****> +OK kTnLW0AnXFk/xP0uV/xTeYB.nMr5/0RuD/a.gfAb9.EZfDO/jDcAA.aQET6/

I've Got this, when i try a command with my eggdrop eggdrop1.6.15

Anyone Can help me :(


06-10-2004, 01:51 PM
disable blowfish
or set corect key

# (FiSH(key) "" = no encryption)
set FiSH(key) "pimpek"
set FiSH(header) "+OK"

set FiSH(key) ""

if u dont user blowfish

else load blowfish in your mirc or what u use and set the key u put in set FiSH(key)

06-10-2004, 04:35 PM
mh i tried also 1.6.16 but same error....i don't know what to do...it's strange...
please help i need this script :)

06-10-2004, 04:47 PM
Thx jeza

mh i tried also 1.6.16 but same error....i don't know what to do...it's strange...

Like this it's Working ;)

set FiSH(key) ""
set FiSH(header) ""

Jeza, you think is it possible to compiled stats ?

Like this :

<******> [QUOTA] ALLSITE TOTAL/ind Upped 0.0/3072 MB

<******> [QUOTA] P.MOViES user/ind Upped 600/3072 MB
<******> [QUOTA] P.0DAY user/ind Upped 200/2048 MB
<******> [QUOTA] P.MP3 user/ind Upped 400/1024 MB
<******> [QUOTA] ALLSITE user/ind Upped 1200/6144 MB

06-10-2004, 05:07 PM
no mine is not a fish problem i think that i have these errors cause i have to wait about 12/13 seconds before i can login to one site (10mbit) ....maybe there is a timeout?
thx :)

06-11-2004, 12:43 AM
in iojTQftplib.tcl set

set DEBUG 1

to see whats happening

06-11-2004, 01:10 AM
with "shared" i meant

1 value for quota & 1 for TRiAL only and that the sites are counted together


06-11-2004, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by jeza
maybe better not implement !rank and !top10 since nookie is mad ;)

no rank and top10 support... :( :confused:
i don't want ioring 4 me... your script is so nice but I wish myself instruct!

please :rolleyes:

06-11-2004, 04:39 AM
new version with !rank and !top5 or !top10 setup the number u wish

06-11-2004, 05:34 AM
very nice,

thank you so much... :cool:

06-11-2004, 06:15 AM

download the package again and replace iojTQhelp.tcl and iojTQtop.tcl

it was showing daybest uploaders not month

06-11-2004, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by jeza

download the package again and replace iojTQhelp.tcl and iojTQtop.tcl

it was showing daybest uploaders not month


06-12-2004, 08:18 AM
new version

u can chose now if check quota on each site or use shared quota for all sites together

06-12-2004, 09:06 AM
hi jeza,

can you add exclude users ? plz...

thanks ;)

06-12-2004, 07:11 PM
exclude users and affils added

06-13-2004, 12:49 AM
merci jeza... :cool: good work :rolleyes:

06-13-2004, 02:54 AM
nice work man :D

06-13-2004, 02:25 PM
error :P

in iojTQhelp.tcl change
bind pub -|- [set iojT(cmdp)]help pub:affils
bind pub -|- [set iojT(cmdp)]affils pub:affils
to have affils listet

06-13-2004, 05:15 PM
another question =)

can you support a NEWDATE anounce function ? :cool:

06-13-2004, 06:34 PM
u can use your sitebot for that
this is trial/quota script

06-14-2004, 08:06 AM
new version out.
final i think :D


06-14-2004, 09:56 AM

I have a problem if I use !pbnc the COMMAND:

[16:56] Tcl error [pub:fish]: wrong # args: should be "lindex list index"

plz help :)

06-14-2004, 10:10 AM
paste here your iojBNC settings

06-14-2004, 10:18 AM
#---------------------BNC SiTES

#set iojBNC(site_name) "ip:port:login:pass"

set iojBNC(sites) "*****"
set iojBNC(site_*****) "*.*.*.*:*:*******:*******"

set iojBNC(sitename) "\[03BNC\] \037%site\037 : "
set iojBNC(spam) "( %ip:%port --> \037%status\037 ), "

thanks jeza

06-14-2004, 10:22 AM
iojBNC(NCFTPLS) is this path ok

edit : do u use spaces in iojBNC(sites)
like (sites) "site a"
set iojBNC(site_site a)

contact me on #ioftpd - jeznijeza

06-14-2004, 10:23 AM
yeah sure i test again... :( ???

06-14-2004, 01:08 PM

my eggdrop runs on a shell, everything which I see:


I cannot register a disk designation :confused:

06-14-2004, 01:28 PM
dunno if u can run ncftpls.exe on shell ;)

06-14-2004, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by jeza
dunno if u can run ncftpls.exe on shell ;)

I understand that it with me will not correctly run... ? :confused:


06-14-2004, 01:50 PM
new version

06-14-2004, 02:07 PM
[21:06] Tcl error [pub:fish]: wrong # args: should be "lindex list index"

i give up... :rolleyes:
it doesent work :CRY: :p

06-15-2004, 04:17 AM
thank you jeza 4 support and HELP... :rolleyes:

nice nice nice

06-15-2004, 04:26 AM
there is a line in iojTQbnc.tcl
if {$chan != $iojT(adminchan)} {return}
make it
#if {$chan != $iojT(adminchan)} {return}

so bnc works in all channels

06-16-2004, 01:12 AM
great script jeza, 2 little issues i have here

1. if 1 site in Ring goes down script seems to completely hangup and bot dies

2. might be better to change the layout of !trials & !quotas
to more users in 1 line, especially in spam mode 2

Current TRiALs: (user1/XXmb/3000) (user2/XXmb/3000) .....
Current Quotas: (user1/XXmb/6000) (user2/XXmb/6000) .........

due !quotas with alot of users and 2 lines each gives alot of .....

06-21-2004, 06:20 AM
VERY NICE script dude!
my compliments
BIG UP to you

saves me TONS of work :)
few little bugs tho:

when i do !quotas:

[14:24] iojTQ : OPEN scripts/iojTQ/stats/xxx
[14:24] iojTQ : GET PASSED USER
[14:24] Tcl error [pub:fish]: syntax error in expression "0+MBYTES"

using latest ioB/ioA/io, blowfish encrypted enabled

06-21-2004, 06:36 AM
set iojQ(spam) 1
instead of
set iojQ(spam) 2

solved the above :)

would like to use 2 tho :)

06-21-2004, 10:47 AM
new version out
should be now more stable

06-21-2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by darko

when i do !quotas:

[14:24] iojTQ : OPEN scripts/iojTQ/stats/VIP
[14:24] iojTQ : GET PASSED USER
[14:24] Tcl error [pub:fish]: syntax error in expression "0+MBYTES"

hm here works like it should spam = 2

06-22-2004, 11:58 AM
i disabled fish now i get:
[20:02] Tcl error [pub:quotas]: syntax error in expression "0+MBYTES"


works with spam 1 tho

can you have a look... you can also pm me on irc if ya want (`sILVeR) i'd like to see this bugfree, works GREAT!! :banana:

06-22-2004, 04:41 PM
new version

!quotas list now users as passed and not yet in one line

06-26-2004, 05:57 PM
when using spam mode 1 u can set now section trigger for a site

it will list quota only on this site

!passed Jeza ---> !0daypassed Jeza, !mp3passed Jeza,....
set triggers u want

0627[01:59] <jeznijeza> !pisopassed Jeza
0627[01:59] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza/P Has Upped 0.6 MB From 3000 MB. Missing 2999.4 MB (749.85 MB Per Day) On P.ISO ·
0627[01:59] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] No QUOTA Is Forced For P GROUP ·
0627[02:00] <jeznijeza> !p0daypassed Jeza
0627[02:00] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza/P Has Upped 0.0 MB From 2000 MB. Missing 2000.0 MB (666.67 MB Per Day) On P.0DAY ·
0627[02:00] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] No QUOTA Is Forced For P GROUP ·
0627[02:00] <jeznijeza> !ppassed Jeza
0627[02:00] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Triggers Are : !p0daypassed Jeza !pmoviespassed Jeza !pisopassed Jeza ·
0627[02:01] <jeznijeza> !pmoviespassed Jeza
0627[02:01] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza/P Has Upped 0.3 MB From 4000 MB. Missing 3999.7 MB (1333.23 MB Per Day) On P.MOViES ·
0627[02:01] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] No QUOTA Is Forced For P GROUP

06-27-2004, 05:28 PM
[01:32] iojTQ : HELP
[01:32] Tcl error [pub:fish]: wrong # args: should be "lindex list index"
[01:33] iojTQ : CHECKiNG SERVERS

in fact, none of the cmds works anymore.. with or without fish ;/
help plz!

!passed does:

[01:35] iojTQ : GET PASSED silver
[01:35] iojTQ : CHECKiNG SERVERS
[01:35] Tcl error [pub:fish]: invalid command name "0+59837.8"

06-28-2004, 12:04 AM
same problem here :P

but version 2.7 work... :rolleyes:

06-28-2004, 04:33 AM
3.0 has same problem i think:

[12:38] iojTQ 3.0 by Jeza Loaded
[12:38] Userfile loaded, unpacking...
[12:38] iojTQ : GET PASSED silver
[12:38] iojTQ : CHECKiNG SERVERS
[12:38] Tcl error [pub:fish]: wrong # args: should be "lindex list index"

06-28-2004, 07:24 PM
no problem with 3.0 and blowfish here! :)
jeza u r0x :D

06-29-2004, 01:38 AM
yes it work :P
but only on win system... :rolleyes:

06-30-2004, 01:34 PM
linux slackware 9.1 here ;/

07-01-2004, 08:49 AM
can you put in your script the !top 5 or !stat users for all site.

SITE1 + SITE2 + SITE3 = user@ind WeeKY Upload 500 Mb and is the Numero 2 of the 40 racers.

and not SITE 1 user@ind Uploaded 200 Mo SITE 2 user@ind Uploaded 100 Mo SITE 3 user@ind Uploaded 200 Mo


It's Possible ? :p

07-01-2004, 09:20 AM
dont understand what u mean.

!top5 sitename shows top5 monthuploaders on sitename

and for !passed (stats) u have
iojTQ(spam) 0,1,2

set iojQ(spam) 0
0701[17:30] <jeznijeza> !ppassed Jeza
0701[17:30] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza/PiMPEK Upped : P.MOViES (7902.4/3000 MB) P.0DAY (11.1/2000 MB) P.MP3 (3268.5/1000 MB) ·
0701[17:30] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza Has Passed QUOTA. 30 Days Remaining ·

set iojQ(spam) 1
0701[17:30] <jeznijeza> !ppassed Jeza
0701[17:30] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza/PiMPEK Has Upped 4902.4 MB Over The 3000 MB On P.MOViES ·
0701[17:30] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza/PiMPEK Has Upped 11.1 MB From 2000 MB. Missing 1988.9 MB (66.30 MB Per Day) On P.0DAY ·
0701[17:30] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza/PiMPEK Has Upped 2268.5 MB Over The 1000 MB On P.MP3 ·
0701[17:30] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza Has Passed QUOTA. 30 Days Remaining ·

set iojQ(spam) 2
0701[17:31] <jeznijeza> !ppassed Jeza
0701[17:31] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza/PiMPEK Has Upped 7182.0 MB Over The 4000 MB ·
0701[17:31] <|iojTQ|> [QUOTA] Jeza Has Passed QUOTA. 30 Days Remaining ·

so i think u are looking for iojTQ(spam) 2

07-09-2004, 11:49 AM
new version
global command added

07-13-2004, 06:46 PM
jeza, does it work on linux again yet?

07-14-2004, 02:39 PM
dont know. i dont have a linux box to test.

07-18-2004, 03:46 AM
[11:37] iojTQ : 1-> Connected
[11:37] iojTQ : 2 -> Connected
[11:37] iojTQ : 3 -> Connected
[11:37] iojTQ : 4 -> Connected
[11:37] iojTQ : 5 -> Connected
[11:37] * Last context: tclhash.c/688 []
[11:37] * Please REPORT this BUG!
[11:37] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
[11:37] * Wrote DEBUG

this i what i get 99% of the times i try to get the bot running, after the 4th or 5th site it crashes.
I have tried to mix the sites in the connection list, to see if it was a specific site that caused it, but no.
If i start the bot, without having the tcl loaded , and later add the script to eggdrop.conf and do a rehash, it will work a bit better, connecting to all sites etc, but after some time it will crash with the same kind of error as above.

I have tried with windrop 1.6.13/1.6.16/1.6.17 on windows boxes, and with 1.6.16 on a linux box (RH9)
Same errors on the windrops on different boxes.
On linux it will run without crashing, but no command will work and if i dont disable sites that are down it will stop responding, even though its still running.

The error i get on linux only comes when trying a !cmd :
12:38] Tcl error [pub:passed]: wrong # args: should be "lindex list index"

Any idea what to do ?
If it was possible to get the cmds running on linux it would be realy nice since it seems a lot more stable there, at least for me ;)
(and no i dont run it together with gl)

Keep up the good work anyway, its a nice script and wanted one =)

07-21-2004, 09:23 AM

hm i realy dont know what cousees this error.

windrop 1.5.15+ssl here
working with 12 sites ok

maybe i do a suse install on my box and try to make eggdrop version

07-25-2004, 04:05 AM

Well, i got the script working on 1 of 2 pcs that i tried it on when changing to windrop.1.6.15
Looking good so far..happy to see it in action :banana:

Its annoyting though that i cant get it to run from another box hehe
Tried as much stuff as i could (even reinstalled win2k in other purposes) but still disonnects after 3-5 sites are connected.

But its running now anyway :)

thx for the script !

07-25-2004, 06:19 AM
hoho me again ;)

if the ring got these users:
hubba & hubbabubba
and I do !rank hubba, then i got the info for hubbabubba...
any solution for that ?

07-25-2004, 10:04 AM
only on !rank?
!passed works?

07-25-2004, 03:12 PM
no, its the same problem with !passed


The bot also have some trouble that i saw someone else had too,
if some sites are down, it will timeout from IRC but still runs on PC doing this:

[09:40] iojTQ : Site9 -> Cant Connect
[09:41] iojTQ : Site6 -> Cant Connect
[09:41] iojTQ : Site9 -> Cant Connect
[09:41] iojTQ : Site6 -> Cant Connect
[09:42] iojTQ : Site9 -> Cant Connect
[09:42] iojTQ : Site6 -> Cant Connect

07-31-2004, 05:22 PM
the script works great
but when i use blowfish the triggers !passed !quota didn´t work correct.
everytime the bot says: Tcl error [pub:fish]: divide by zero
without blowfish it works great.

i hope you can fix it :)

08-01-2004, 04:41 AM
Firt, Thx for ur Script jeza, he's very usefull :)

Got a pb with Top5, Trial & Quota.
The script get stats for the first site but not for the others:

[00:59] <SeuZ> !top5 site1
[00:59] <xxx> [TOP 5] MonthUP Uploaders on site1 are
[00:59] <xxx> 001 xxx / iND 4009.4 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 002 xxx / SiTEOP 2897.9 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 003 xxx / SiTEOP 2476.9 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 004 xxx / SiTEOP 2093.6 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 005 xxx / TRiAL 407.5 MB

[00:59] <SeuZ> !top5 site2
[00:59] <xxx> [TOP 5] MonthUP Uploaders on site2 are
[00:59] <xxx> 001 SeuZ / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 002 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 003 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 004 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 005 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB

Same pb on quota & Trial. when i set debug On, the bot dosent show any pb. (ioQT.conf & iojTQftplib.tcl). Ive look in the trial / stats & trial dir (into ioQT) and I think the pb is a non-recup off the stats (always 0 (exept for the site1 but 1day after)). I got ioLog (but Ive disabled the backup of Sysop.log)

here a example of trial (same on all spam):

[TRiAL] xxx Upped : site1 (0.0/2000 MB) site2 (0.0/2000 MB) site3 (0.0/2000 MB) site4 (0.0/2000 MB)

Another pb is when a new day come:

[00:13] <xxx> Todays site1 TOP 3 Uploaders
[00:13] <xxx> 001 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:14] <xxx> 002 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:14] <xxx> 003 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:14] <xxx> Todays site2 TOP 3 Uploaders
[00:14] <xxx> Todays site3 TOP 3 Uploaders
[00:14] <xxx> Todays site4 TOP 3 Uploaders

I run the tcl on the site1 (not the dzbot) & i use ioFTPD 5.8 for site1 & ioFTPD 5.6 on site2

Sorry for my Very Bad french English & Thx to ur Help ( :p love ioQT)

08-05-2004, 04:16 PM

mm..the first problem i put here before resolved itselfs


Now i got this error instead

[00:22] iojTQ : GET PASSED P
[00:22] Tcl error [pub:quotas]: syntax error in expression "0+": premature end of expression

08-08-2004, 05:54 PM
MadFred & slay & Coffee
im working on new version and i check for this .

do u have correct sections setup?
the script saves stats for sections u have in conf

if u have
...:MB:0 --> site stats monthup count 9999 section 0
...:MB:1 --> site stats monthup count 9999 section 1
...:MB:2 --> site stats monthup count 9999 section 2
and so on

08-09-2004, 05:47 AM
new versions are always nice.
Can you put also in that not passing quota sets user to be disabled, option now is delete / donothing

greetz Coffee

08-09-2004, 01:47 PM
disabled? flag 6?

08-09-2004, 05:10 PM
6 would be fine, or user defined, doenst really matter to me.
don't know what you use on disable with trial, the same on quota will be good for me

greetz coffee

08-09-2004, 05:19 PM
might just use an readd script, so

site deluser ... will be only flag 6 anyway ....

08-23-2004, 04:48 AM
new version

/j #iojtq on efnet

08-24-2004, 06:05 AM
new version

added skin for if quota next month, if user excluded from quota, if group excluded from quota

list of cookies u can use.

see first post

08-27-2004, 04:40 AM
new version 3.6

update from 3.5 or all your users will be deleted at end of month if u have enabled deluser on quota

replace all included /ioFTPD files ( dayup,daydn,allup,users --> redownload thx to bluemax to let me know there are no files in /ioFTPD :) )
and install iojSTATS on all servers if u wanna use site day stats

0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> DAY STATS On PiMPEK
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Logins..........: 36
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Logouts.........: 35
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> New Dirs........: 25
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Deleted Dirs....: 0
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Pres............: 0
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Nukes...........: 4 2 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Best Group......: iND2 387 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Leech Kings.....: iND2 10001 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Todays Best Racers On P0 - ISO
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> »001« pimpek 386.5 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> »002« Jeza 3.5 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> »003« aloha 1.7 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Leech King Was pimpek with 10001.2 MB

08-29-2004, 05:25 PM
new version

fixed !quotas bug

08-31-2004, 02:29 AM
new version 3.9

replace asap

08-31-2004, 04:11 PM
better and better...nice, keep it up :)

09-01-2004, 04:46 AM
fixed bug on end of month.

next month users deleted too when not passed quota


09-01-2004, 08:48 AM
And what must I do if I want to upgrade from 3.9 -> 4.0 then?

09-01-2004, 09:10 AM
hum :D

replace everything under

09-01-2004, 09:13 AM
Okay thx.. It was not stated in upgrade.txt..

09-01-2004, 09:48 AM
yes i forgot to write upgrade.txt;)

09-02-2004, 03:21 PM

if sending !ftp command and site is down scripts/iojTQ/iojTQerror.log is created.
so check from time to time and send the command manualy when site is back

the same for GC
ioftpd/logs/iojTQ.log failed commands are loged there

09-06-2004, 08:40 AM
when i save the files it saves syslog to both stats and syslog dir
(no stats file at all)


09-06-2004, 12:31 PM
/j #iojtq on efnet

09-10-2004, 05:27 AM
added credits transfer from mirc

iojSHOW is needed to work
script use - > SITE SHOW USER
to get credits

09-11-2004, 08:12 AM

I'm trying Transfer part in iojtq, everything running smooth but announce of credits trasnfer is wrong, it adds credits to both sites in announce (site change is good so dont worry) :

replace :

sm $nick " ->Credits [lindex $text 3] : [expr [expr $u_f_credits + [expr [lindex $text 2] * 1024 ]] / 1024] MB"

by :

sm $nick " ->Credits [lindex $text 3] : [expr [expr $u_f_credits - [expr [lindex $text 2] * 1024 ]] / 1024] MB"

Keep it up Jeza :)

09-12-2004, 04:22 PM

i will change in next release

09-13-2004, 05:23 PM
added irc command

>> !addgadmin site gadduser iND test testpass ip1 ip2 ip3

add group iND
add user test to iND
change test flags +G
change test admingroup iND

fixed bug on transfer vredits show destination site

ok download again. i posted wrong .rar

09-14-2004, 04:07 AM
Hello, upgraded to 4.3

Got two problems

1. Bot pings out a lot on irc. Running it on a linux box
2. with the transfer i always get: Wrong Password! Bye!
using: /msg |bot| !transfer test test 100 xxx yyy

Any ideas/solutions for me, looked script over and over but doesnt seem to be able to find the problem, prolly something small.


09-14-2004, 03:09 PM
script use sha1 to check passwd
it gets the line from uid of user
site show user
so if u dont have this scrit installed on site it wont work

09-14-2004, 03:35 PM
thx gonna try it


09-15-2004, 05:36 PM
added !ftp site.name site command

now !ftp sitename realy works


09-16-2004, 01:39 AM
big thx 4 daystats, nice work

09-16-2004, 04:53 AM
Originally posted by jeza
new version 3.6

0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> DAY STATS On PiMPEK
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Logins..........: 36
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Logouts.........: 35
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> New Dirs........: 25
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Deleted Dirs....: 0
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Pres............: 0
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Nukes...........: 4 2 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Best Group......: iND2 387 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Leech Kings.....: iND2 10001 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Todays Best Racers On P0 - ISO
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> »001« pimpek 386.5 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> »002« Jeza 3.5 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> »003« aloha 1.7 MB
0826[23:55] <|iojTQ|> Leech King Was pimpek with 10001.2 MB

can you include for a daystats:
Pres............: 0 => the name of the groups preed
Nukes...........: 4 => the name of the users nuked


09-19-2004, 03:26 PM
Still having some problems :(

Bot timesout a lot on irc.

When a site goes down, it saves a 0byte stats files, so quota doesnt count right anymore then.

Big lag on chantriggers, bot looks unresponsive for sometimes 5 minutes.

Hope you can dive a little into that problems. Or am i the only one having them?

Greetz Coffee

09-20-2004, 12:28 PM
I agree ping timeouts are a pain and hard to live with...

Besides ping timeouts i just lost time to time on !quotas the users which havent passed yet arent announced the NEXT MONTH and PASSED are announced and the NOT PASSED are missing ... didn`t change nothing it just stopped working today :(

And one more thing when script sends those noops and savinc stuff when i have alot of sites it`s a big loss of time can it be made that cmds have priority to send to channel, not that users must wait that bot saves userfiles/syslog files then does his noops for all sites than the users gets his respond to his command it`s a pain already by 6 sites ... i don`t imagine it running by 10 or more then users can wait about 4 mins or even more and thats not the nice thing :)

Others is fine for now and great script :)


09-20-2004, 01:17 PM
there is a delay time where u can set delay in ms betwen saving files
set iojTQ(save_delay)
set to 10 or something and your stats will be saved very fast ;)
and probably no ping timeouts

09-21-2004, 08:17 AM
some changes on site sync
added 10minutes NOOP?
added time betwen delay each site sending NOOP

09-21-2004, 03:39 PM
getting this now on 4.7

can't read "status": no such variable
while executing
"if { $status == 1 } { return 0 } else { return 1 }"
(procedure "iojTQ:FTPC" line 14)
invoked from within
"iojTQ:FTPC [lindex [split $site ':'] 0"
(procedure "iojTQ:init" line 22)
invoked from within
("after" script)

greetz Coffee

09-21-2004, 03:50 PM

09-22-2004, 08:00 AM
Heh one problem or request take it as you wish..

About Quota when site is offline.

When site is offline the stuff which was transfered in that site is not included in guys !passed so let me make an example if the site or two goes down at the end of mont than the users will get deleted because site was down and hasn`t counted to global quota.

I mean site can be oofline just for reboot and the user will get deleted...

Can you fix it so it counts the last state (save of stats on that site), before site has gone offline and not 0.

Cause i already see problems connected to this thingy ... and users are wondering where the heck is his passed status cause they race on one site and it goes down and they havent uped nothing on others and hell it`s very strange :)


09-22-2004, 08:56 AM

this is allready done

scripts looks for stats writen in files
so :
when site is online -> stats are writen
when site is offline -> stats are not writen (file stays like it is. so if there was something in that file it stays so)

and if u hit !passed script reads all files and checks for stats


in one word

if site offline --> stats are the same as the last time site was online

09-22-2004, 09:35 AM
No way :(
[15:17] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT............... SITE1
[15:17] ..iojTQ...: FTP STATUS.................. SITE1 = 0 -> CONNECTED
[15:17] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT............... SITE2
[15:17] * Last context: tclhash.c/688 []
[15:17] * Please REPORT this BUG!
[15:17] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
[15:17] * Wrote DEBUG
Every time i try to test it it crashes when cheching the second site in the list, i've tryed to change the order in the list but the result doesn't change :(
set iojTQ(sites) "SITE1:\
I tryed Windrop 1.6.15, 1.6.15+SSL, 1.6.16, 1.6.17 using Win2003.
I've 4 bots on this site and i added this script to one of this.

If I set only one site it works good but it doesn't what i want!!!

Other problem:
In my BNC list i've 2 ips for each site so i've configured 16 ips and it works if i "set iojTQ(enable_bnc_use_ncftpls) 0"
But if i enable it i had: "(!) timer drift -- spun 3 minutes" :(
Ther's someting to do?

09-22-2004, 09:46 AM
I think the problem is Win 2003. Cygwin is not fully supported yet on Win 2003 yet. Try with XP.

09-22-2004, 12:15 PM
Well i dont know if thats right cause one site gone offline and users who have already passed now arent on passed ....

When site came back they were on passed again so kick me in tha butt then...

when i do !quotas the passed user list in somewhat smaller. When site was on or when it comes on users get on passed again....

Well i dunno why that explain please.... And some users made the quota and now when site gone offline they miss the stats/quota of that site?


09-22-2004, 12:57 PM
try this new version

09-22-2004, 01:51 PM
i tryed this new version but with Windrop 1.6.16 the "SEGMENT VIOLATION -- CRASHING!" error is the same as 4.7 release.
also the "(!) timer drift -- spun 3 minutes" is already present :(

I tryed now on a WinXP SP2:

Microsoft Windows XP [Versione 5.1.2600]

I've the same "SEGMENT VIOLATION -- CRASHING!" error .. i've configured 9 sites ... and it crashes on the 5th one

:( :(

09-22-2004, 04:29 PM
My question is still opened for that quota users ...

BTW upgraded to new version (4.8) now i get for !sections
TCL error [iojTQ:BLOWFiSH]: can't read "iojTQ(send_sections)": no such element in array
and for !affils
TCL error [iojTQ:BLOWFiSH]: can't read "iojTQ(send_affils)": no such element in array


and !help

TCL error [iojTQ:BLOWFiSH]: can't read "iojTQ(send_help)": no such element in array

/ANOTHER EDIT and probably more cmds isnt working LOL
TCL error [iojTQ:BLOWFiSH]: can't read "iojTQ(send_bnc)": no such element in array .... don`t have time to look in it for all


09-23-2004, 12:31 AM
read upgrade.txt godlike !

and for me quoita works just fine when site goes down?

just tryed it.

site 1 -> goes offline
on save i get msg 'site1 save stats error' and skip the site'
therefore stats are not saved for this site

09-23-2004, 03:29 AM
i hope now its fixed save thingy

09-30-2004, 09:51 AM
Hello Jeza..

Please, could you somewhere say what changes you do when releasing a new version ?

The changelog on the Script page has always been empty and I cant find any information in the downloaded packages.

Like 5.0, is that a critical update for the other versions that came this month because the script will delete all users at 00:00 tonight ;)

Hope u understand :)

09-30-2004, 04:40 PM

no not critical ;)

i just added a log function
script now writes a log of .passed, .failed, .nextmonth users on !quotas to dir scripts/iojTQ/quotas if enabled
and at end of month writes a log to scripts/iojTQ/logs/ .passed .failed, nextmonth users when enabled

i will add a change.log in next versions

10-07-2004, 04:38 PM
hey thanks for the script!

what would you propose i do with group quotas?

10-08-2004, 01:54 AM
Ok i have still the problem of bot ping timeout from net 20 times a day or even 5 times per hour :mad:

I have set the:

set iojTQ(save_delay) 10
set iojTQ(noop_delay) 5
set iojTQ(noop_s_delay) 10

im using it now on 11 sites and the bot is lagged so ro so more and more ... i get a lot of times (!) timer drift -- spun 3 minutes when he`s saving the files cause he lags so much no cmds/ping or anything else is possible than ... he takes much time when saving the stats for site which is offline i think there could lie some problem ...

besides this already very annoing stuff im satisfied :D


10-08-2004, 05:16 AM
new version

goodlike add site to disabled list so script dont check that site

10-10-2004, 06:15 AM
It`s a bit har to do that if site goes offline for 10minutes in the middle of the night or what do you think ... and so or so im not behind computer all the time so i could change in config and .rehash ...

btw by 11 sites when i turn on the windrop, windrop comes to irc but then it times out cause he`s busy connecting on those 11 sites ... and then he again comes to irc, and if in the meantime one site goes offline he ping timeouts again by saving files...

Is there any possibility to optimize the connecting to sites like connecting to all of them same time and not one by one or somthing ? Just looking options. :D


10-10-2004, 09:31 AM
Heh even when all 11 sites online when i start the bot, still needs like 5 minutes to lagg off the irc or if it doesnt ping timeouts it needs like 5 minutes before i get any cmd reply ...

Already almost impossible to use, i cant imagine it with even more sites it would be a :banana: to set it replyijng below 5 mins :)

10-14-2004, 12:46 AM
when site goes offline script will auto add it to disabled list
to enable it do .rehash

dont blame script when u have slow responses on connecting to your sites

10-19-2004, 11:27 AM

Im getting these errors for every site when the script tries to save files.
It might work when i restart the bot, but after 10-20mins the error is there again.
(rehash won't help)

Any ideas ?

[18:18] ..iojTQ...: SiTE SAVE CONNECTiON ERROR.. sitename
[18:18] ..iojTQ...: result: invalid command name ""
[18:18] ..iojTQ...: reply : 1


10-20-2004, 03:46 AM
i seem to have a problem with !quotas

set iojTQ(users_per_line) 10

if for example PASSED has exactly 10 users, the line doesn't show at all. Is this a bug you know about?

10-21-2004, 04:40 AM
When site is off and gets added to disable list everything is ok..

But when i do rehash the bot always crash..

Any ide ?

Regards ddeca

10-21-2004, 02:34 PM
Script works like a charm but.... the further the month go and users pass the less lines shows up at !quota....

last week, next month wasnt showed anymore.... now failed isnt shown anymore. Just the passed line is pasted in the chan.

Bug or did i f..k up ?


10-21-2004, 02:43 PM
same as mine, its because the number of users is exactly the same as your # shown per line.

10-21-2004, 02:48 PM
i just increased to 20 and it works buts its kinda a big line now and i will give the same prob again when it hits 20 i guess.... but ok, temp solved...

Now just the stats needs to be fixed :)

11-18-2004, 04:01 AM
Script still works great but got a suggestion... When one or more sites go down it needs a rehash to get connected again. Cant you make the script check once in 30 minutes or so if the site is up again and make it reconnect ?

Other then that, still happy :)

11-18-2004, 06:52 AM
its there allready every hour script trys to connect to offline sites

11-18-2004, 06:54 AM
i forgot to add new version to scripts


iojTQ-v.5.9 last version ;)

11-19-2004, 11:47 AM
hmm ok, since what version coz its not working for me :P
but i will check settings, tnx m8

11-19-2004, 01:39 PM
dont remember the version i added this

use last version its 100% there

every hour script check all disabled sites if online
i think at xx:53
u will see in partyline a msg smt like this
.iojTQ... checking sites

12-31-2004, 10:10 PM
Some help plz , well what happend is it deleted all the next month ppl any idea on how to prevent that or have i done something wrong any suggestions would be helpful thx

01-02-2005, 06:45 AM
probably cant find date added and script thinks users are on site more than 1 month
check site syslog 35 and see if any log about xxx created 'yyy'....

01-02-2005, 09:43 AM
well in syslog when someone is added it comes out like this.

12-29-2004 20:38:36 'siteop' created user 'User' in group 'iND'.
01-01-2005 00:53:00 'sitebot' deleted user 'User'.

also is there away to move users from next month into quota?

01-03-2005, 03:14 AM
do u have more than 1 site in ring
if u use shareddb u should add users only on one site and iojtq should be connected to thaat site where valid syslog exists
if user is added on current month no quota

01-03-2005, 01:35 PM
i have it set to me as the host and its connecting to 3 test sites

01-04-2005, 03:33 PM
iojTQ/syslog/ <-- here are copys of SysOp.log from each site
if use is not found (created this month) in any of these files, scripts asumes user is on quota

if files are empty something is wrong in your ioa config
try command
site syslog 35
login that is connecting to site must have access to this command

01-04-2005, 08:37 PM
logs are there and sitebot has access to the cmd and i havnt changed anything in the source codes so any other suggestions would be helpful

01-05-2005, 03:34 AM
thats all i can tell u

01-08-2005, 11:00 PM
This looks like an awsome script :)
I got almost everything to work, except the feat. i want the most, transfer.
i tried both theese:
!transfer <LOGIN> <PASS> <amount.in.mb> <FROM> <TO>
/msg <BOT> !transfer <LOGIN> <PASS> <amount.in.mb> <FROM> <TO>
i got iojSHOW installed on all sites, but nothing happens whatsoever on party-line,
i also tried removing "transfer" from:
set iojTQ(not_alowed_site_commnds)

All help is highly apreciated.
Keep it up.

- max

01-09-2005, 04:37 PM
fixed !transfer
replace iojSHOW

01-09-2005, 04:58 PM
Damn, and i have to work 8h tomorrow b4 i can try it... ;)

01-09-2005, 07:55 PM
uhm, me again.... :)

Got something strange... i got 1 site that wont show daystats.
It shows mb uploaded etc but not the logins, dirs created, pres etc etc. i am using ur latest and checked like 40 times.... so my next question: help ?


01-09-2005, 10:46 PM
!transfer still dont work inless i doing something wrong but it keeps coming up bad password any idea why.

01-10-2005, 02:29 AM
f it shows MBs and no logins check your setting on that sites
it uses iojstats to get logins,nukes,....
try the command on site if u see some output

01-10-2005, 02:30 AM
did u replace iojSHOW and iojTQ?

01-10-2005, 05:54 AM
whoops i missed apart out all works fine now.

01-10-2005, 06:10 AM
iojSHOW shouldn´t need to be replaced right? i´s not been updated as far as i can see.
hm, sounds good it works Eazy, hopefully it will for me 2 when i try it tonight :)

jeza, i have a little feat. request list ;) :
well, basicly this script do almost everything my "info-bot" do today, ( !sections, !bnc !help)
so speaking for myself, it would be very nice if it could replace it totally ;)
I remember i read in this thread someone wanted a welcome measage in this script but you didn´t want that.
Well, here´s another try ;)
* Yes, welcome mesage would be nice.
* Able to easilly add more in the !help section
* Make it trigger on textfiles set in the config.
ex. !faq etc
Dont forget santa watch you all year, so be nice now ^^

Id like you to have a check on this post by me if you find some time:
Script developers, look here. (http://www.ioftpd.com/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4476)
Thanks for a very nice work sofar!!

Well i guess it´s a new iojSHOW, in the iojTQ package ;)
And i´ve read your upgrade.txt, so no need for the link either i think ;)
And another reason for my feat. request-list would be i haven´t found any small "textfile-trigger-script" that handle Blowfish.

01-11-2005, 02:23 AM
Back again Jeza..... and still going mad.... even started to bite my nails now :P
I checked iojstats , all good, i replaced them even, still no go.. only mb up and down are shown. same on site showstats....

besides the stats.itcl, are there any other dependencies that it has to work on ? can it be SSL? , extra port? services? (firedeamon) or something like that making my life hell ?

believe me i checked and checked all.. it just wont work... help !! :)

Only diff is: ioftpd is not installed on c:\ioftpd on the problem one.... but paths are all changed to f:\ioftpd shouldnt make a diff should it ?


01-11-2005, 04:58 AM
[R] site showstats
[R] 200- | DAY STATS On PiMPEK
[R] 200- | Logins..........: 2
[R] 200- | Logouts.........: 1
[R] 200- | New Dirs........: 2
[R] 200- | Deleted Dirs....: 0
[R] 200- | Pres............: 0
[R] 200- | Nukes...........: 0 0 MB
[R] 200- | Best Group......: ass 0 MB
[R] 200- | Leech Kings.....: ass 0 MB
[R] 200 Command successful.

do u see something like this on site?

01-11-2005, 10:19 AM
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT............... bla01
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: OPEN NEW FTP CONNECTiON..... bla01
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT NOOP.......... bla01 =
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: FTP STATUS.................. bla01 = 1 ->CONNECTED
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT............... bla02
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: OPEN NEW FTP CONNECTiON..... bla02
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT NOOP.......... bla02 =


so i have 17 sites in my iojTQ ... and dunno why it's buggy when i start if u have any thing to help me i watch ur science

bye and thx for the futur help

01-11-2005, 01:56 PM
I get this:

DAY STATS On *****
Logins..........: 0
Logouts.........: 0
New Dirs........: 0
Deleted Dirs....: 0
Pres............: 0
Nukes...........: 0 0 MB
Best Group......: iND 6309 MB
Leech Kings.....: iND 5298 MB

same with site showstats command....

other sites work, just this one dont...

01-11-2005, 04:31 PM

there should be '|' as separator


try diferent site list

else no idea

01-12-2005, 02:14 AM
there should be '|' as separator

where ?

on site showstats i get this with a "fresh" iojSTATS.itcl

site showstats
200- | Logins..........: 0
200- | Logouts.........: 0
200- | New Dirs........: 0
200- | Deleted Dirs....: 0
200- | Pres............: 0
200- | Nukes...........: 0 0 MB
200- | Best Group......: Trial 538 MB
200- | Leech Kings.....: iND 711 MB
200 Command successful.

you mean that | ? its there :)

grtz, Yip without nails....

01-12-2005, 03:22 AM
yup that |

a litle strange u have 0 logins,....
check your pah ro ioFTPD.log and ioanukelog and leave this fresh iojstats until tonight and see if it shows something up in chan

01-12-2005, 03:53 AM
Originally posted by F30R
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT............... bla01
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: OPEN NEW FTP CONNECTiON..... bla01
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT NOOP.......... bla01 =
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: FTP STATUS.................. bla01 = 1 ->CONNECTED
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT............... bla02
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: OPEN NEW FTP CONNECTiON..... bla02
[09:13] ..iojTQ...: CHECKiNG INIT NOOP.......... bla02 =


so i have 17 sites in my iojTQ ... and dunno why it's buggy when i start if u have any thing to help me i watch ur science

bye and thx for the futur help

Change your version of windrop.

I had the same thing and i solve the problem by changing my version of windrop.

01-12-2005, 05:05 PM
which windrop version do u use ?

01-13-2005, 07:25 AM
Try with version before 1.6.13

I don't remember but with version 1.5.xx, it works better.
It depends also with your OS: I'm under windows 2000 pro and the egg crash with a lots of sites (I don't use ioJTQ but i have the same problem with my own script).
A friend test my script under windows xp and it doesn't crash :/

You may test with different version of windrop. That's what i have done.

But the best thing is to have an eggdrop on linux :)

An other solution can be:
Set the timeout session on all your ioFTPD to 600 seconds
and set the noop timer in ioJTQ to 500 seconds

Maybe the egg does'nt have the time to connect to all sites and the noop_send command is already send by the egg. (I though it was the problem on my scripts but it didn't change anything when i have increased the timeout).
I think a problem with some version of windrop.

01-13-2005, 02:24 PM
I have 2 problems:
1. My bot can´t connect without M -flag.
Could that be because we use SSL ?

2. Everything except !bnctest works fine for me.
Trials making quota gets transfered to new grp, !passed etc etc works fine.
!site show <user> and
site showstats works fine on all sites.
But when i try transfer credits nothing happens no error mesage nothing.
The bot gets the cmd in partyline but there´s no reaction :\

Help is apreciated,

- maX

01-13-2005, 05:32 PM
bot sends noop when all done with connecting
and when no connection to one or more sites that site is added to disabled list and bot skips noop to that site


if using blowfish set blow key in private window to bot else no response from bot

bot needs NON SSL acount on site

= !-sitebot *
or smt

01-13-2005, 05:34 PM
!bnctest check if u have right path for ncftpls.exe

01-20-2005, 12:04 PM
I still get 0 logins etc on one site and i kinda give up.. its nice but not most important of the scripts.

I do have a request tho....

on !quotas i already changed the scripts so excluded users are shown also.
I think it would be nice if there was a command like !passedstats that will show: user failed/passed mb.uploaded

is that easy to make ?


01-21-2005, 04:39 AM
u mean

passed bu ba sad dsfd dsfd dsf
failed zrt trz rtz rtz rtz

bu passed with xxxmb
ba passed with xxxmb

zrt failed with xxxmb

01-21-2005, 04:40 AM
this way a lot of spam in chan

like if u have 100 users on quota ;)

01-21-2005, 06:11 AM
Yea, it will spam but it is what i mean :P

Maybe something like:
Passed blah (7643) blaah (12321) etc etc
Failed duh (548) duuh (2343) etc etc

think it would be nice

maybe also on trials:
[TQ] blah Has 2 Day(s) 10 Hour(s) To Pass TRiAL (1432)

think it would be nice :)


02-03-2005, 04:55 PM
hey there...

Got this request i wonder if its possible to add...
Since the bot for some reason will not count stats from a site that is disabled by the bot itself

This is now:
[QUOTA] Ernie Has 25 DAY(s) To Upload 8000MB To Pass 8000MB QUOTA. ( 320MB/day ).
This is displayed wrong since like 4 sites are set as disabled by the bot atm, they are not realy down, so the users quota is not shown correct.

Is it possible to add this:
[QUOTA] Ernie Has 25 DAY(s) To Upload 8000MB To Pass 8000MB QUOTA. ( 320MB/day ). (Not synced: 4 Down: 1)
or maybe even:
[QUOTA] Ernie Has 25 DAY(s) To Upload 8000MB To Pass 8000MB QUOTA. ( 320MB/day ). (Not synced: AAA BBB CCC DDD, Down: XXX)

So it displays the sites that are disabled by the bot (but probably not realy down) and the sites that are set as disabled in the script (realy down)

Hope its possible :)

02-04-2005, 04:45 AM
hm it count stats from all sites
if site is disabled bot only dont save stats for that site
at least it should not :D

u have command !disabledsites to se what sites are disabled by bot
works only in admin chan

and everry hour bot trys to enable all sites in disabled list

02-04-2005, 11:15 AM
well, over here it does not count stats from sites that is auto-disabled :(

And yes it tries to connect to the disabled sites ever hour again, thats working, but sometimes it looses connection and users asks whats going on with the quota etc.. thats why i was requesting the feature to show disabled sites in the !passed line (or as a seperate notice line)

02-04-2005, 05:32 PM
Uhm, jeza you think tou will be able to forfill my req about the !stats command ? or is it too much work ?

02-05-2005, 02:29 AM
In madfred request its also handy for users to see why for example stransfer isnt working to a site, they can see the bot has at that moment no connection to it.


02-05-2005, 06:28 AM
i stoped work on iojTQ.

02-06-2005, 02:53 AM
Damn, thats a shame, dont have time anymore? or tired of it :D

thx for the script anyway, hope it will last


02-12-2005, 12:01 AM
yea, thx for script =)

i fixed the req i made so no worries there hehe

02-14-2005, 03:17 PM
jeza, hey man, you done a greate job sofar ;)

listen up, I need to midify the transfer script code, I dont want it to check for password when you do this command !transfer nick pass 100 FROM TO ... the reason is I need a transfer script between ioFTPD and openftpd, since theese two dont use same encryption or whatever, iojshow doesnt decifer the openftpd password correctly which is quite understandable...

from what I understand this is the part of the code that I need to modify... jeza you or maybe someone else here can help...

set u_pass ""
set u_f_credits 0

foreach line $data {
set bla [split $line]
if { [string tolower [lindex $bla 0]] == "password"} {
set u_pass "[lindex $bla 1]"
if { [string tolower [lindex $bla 0]] == "credits"} {
set u_f_credits "[lindex $bla 1]"
};#foreach line

if {[::sha1::sha1 [lindex $text 1]] == $u_pass} {
if { $iojTQ(debug) } { putlog "..iojTQ...: PASSWD OK" }
} else {
if { $iojTQ(debug) } { putlog "..iojTQ...: PASSWD WRONG" }

I know site commands arent the same but I´can modify that part my self... plss jeza I need this ;) just need to disable the password check...

02-15-2005, 01:35 AM
set u_f_credits 0

foreach line $data {
set bla [split $line]
if { [string tolower [lindex $bla 0]] == "credits"} {
set u_f_credits "[lindex $bla 1]"
};#foreach line

02-15-2005, 03:28 AM
thx jeza, works good

02-16-2005, 10:47 AM
When sites for some reason get disabled, (my does sometimes even tho they are online)
Is it possible to force the script to reconnect on disabled sites ?
!reconnect or something would have been nice ;)
So i dont have to wait for it or restart the script.

Kick-ass script and too bad you stopped working on it Jeza.

02-16-2005, 05:54 PM
do a rehash command in admin chan or too bot, it should synch again, otherwise it will try a reconnect every hour.

02-17-2005, 12:27 AM
Rehash worked fine, thx :)

03-14-2005, 08:51 AM

added glftpd :banana:

new config

have fun


- nuke and rescan works only for ioftpd sites ;)

03-14-2005, 10:46 AM
thx v7.0

but, i cant understand conf for 7.0
needed new manual :):)

03-14-2005, 04:15 PM
its the same
more or less

i will not write new one ;)

03-15-2005, 04:10 AM

there is a readme included with some examples and comments

download again i posted new version with this readme

03-15-2005, 08:45 AM
thanks your help. :):)

03-18-2005, 02:33 PM
helo jeza, what about the admin commands, !ftp sitename site gadduser etc etc, are all of thoose commands supposed to work in admin chan? cause mine arent working there, and when posting help I only get the basic help that normal users get when they run the command.

any idees

03-18-2005, 02:56 PM
its ok now, there was an issue with the blowfish encryption but its working now ;))

03-18-2005, 04:36 PM
hmm jeza, have you tested the script with blowfish encryption?
seems only part of the script is working.

I cant get the admin commands to work in the admin chan, stuff like !ftp sitename !help, well help works but, only part of the msg is shown...

can you pls check this... if its working ok with blowfish encryption

03-19-2005, 08:14 AM

Something wrong on new iojTQ trial script?
i added trial about 20min ago and when i checked !trials it's deleting user: xxx Has Failed TRiAL! DELETiNG and if you look on dcc chat it's totally go to TILT trying to save users but can't do that.
QUOTA work fine but trials not so i think it is bug on script not on my confs :)

set iojTQ(trial_group) "TRiAL"
set iojTQ(trial_passed_group) "iND"
set iojTQ(trial_days) 7
set iojTQ(trial_size_DEFAULT) 3000
set iojTQ(trial_output) 1

03-19-2005, 12:59 PM
script cant find dateadded
site syslog 35
if user is there
and iojTQ/files/syslog/yoursitename
if user is there

if user not found in syslog script deletes him because no date added found

03-19-2005, 01:23 PM
about the blowfish encryption issue, in my eggdrop.conf I had imdb.tcl and also jezas iojbnc script loaded with the iojtq.tcl

now when enabling blowfish in iojtq, the other scripts somehow prevented iojtq from working as it should, by removeing the other scripts from the config, problem was solved....

03-19-2005, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by jeza
script cant find dateadded
site syslog 35
if user is there
and iojTQ/files/syslog/yoursitename
if user is there

if user not found in syslog script deletes him because no date added found

Aha, missing syslog command
[1] site syslog
[1] 500 SITE syslog: Command not understood.
any ideas where to get it? :)

EDIT: ah forget. founded it on ioa

03-20-2005, 10:53 AM
I want to use iojTQ v7.0.
but, Is that needed iojSHOW.itcl and iojSTATS.itcl??

03-20-2005, 01:47 PM
iojSHOW - yes (for transfer credits /msg bot !transfer ...)
iojStats - no , i removed site stats

03-21-2005, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by jeza
iojSHOW - yes (for transfer credits /msg bot !transfer ...)
iojStats - no , i removed site stats

thx jeza (--)(__)

03-22-2005, 02:43 AM
Good work with gl support, but i have one small problem :)

The thing is cmds like !affils !bnc !sections .... work fine, but the cmds like !passed user !quotas don`t and i get this error:

TCL error [iojTQ:passed]: syntax error in expression " true "
TCL error [iojTQ:ListQuotas]: syntax error in expression " true "

looked a bit in the code but no ideer, what this actualy means.

Any help welcome (not using blowfish).
Oh and i re-edited the config like 5 times, and cant get that to work always same error.


03-30-2005, 11:38 AM
iojTQ v5.9b

I cant understand why TRiAL user is removed from iND to TRiAL group after he has removed from TRiAL to iND?
He has already passed TRiAL.

and i had made 'trial' for just test.
but, why announce still after was deleted?
I think ...
If iojQT find out 'trial' in log then check and announce whether that user is deleted or not.
iojTQ read sysop.log 40 days by 'proc iojTQ:SaveFiles'
'set reply [ [lindex $n 0]::Quote SITE SYSLOG 40 ]'

<XXXX> [TQ] : ?????? Has Passed TRiAL - Moving To Group iND
<XXXX> XXXX1 200- User '??????' has been successfully removed from 'TRiAL' group. SITE CHGRP ?????? TRiAL iND
<XXXX> XXXX1 200- User '??????' has been successfully added to 'iND' group. SITE CHGRP ?????? TRiAL iND
<XXXX> XXXX1 200 CHGRP Command successful. SITE CHGRP ?????? TRiAL iND

<meme> !trials
<XXXX> [TQ] : ?????? Has 0 Day(s) 0 Hour(s) To Pass TRiAL (5,4,23)
<XXXX> [TQ] : ?????? Has Passed TRiAL - Moving To Group iND
<XXXX> XXXX1 200- User '??????' has been successfully added to 'TRiAL' group. SITE CHGRP ?????? TRiAL iND
<XXXX> XXXX1 200- User '??????' has been successfully removed from 'iND' group. SITE CHGRP ?????? TRiAL iND
<XXXX> XXXX1 200 CHGRP Command successful. SITE CHGRP ?????? TRiAL iND
<XXXX> [TQ] : trial Has Failed TRiAL - DELETED
<XXXX> XXXX1 500 trial: User does not exist. SITE DELUSER trial

<meme> !passed ??????
<XXXX> [XXXX TRiAL] : ?????? Has Passed 1024MB TRiAL With 5791MB. 0d:0h Left
<XXXX> [TQ] : ?????? Has Passed TRiAL - Moving To Group iND
<XXXX> XXXX1 200- User '??????' has been successfully removed from 'TRiAL' group. SITE CHGRP ?????? TRiAL iND
<XXXX> XXXX1 200- User '??????' has been successfully added to 'iND' group. SITE CHGRP ?????? TRiAL iND
<XXXX> XXXX1 200 CHGRP Command successful. SITE CHGRP ?????? TRiAL iND
repeat day by day

03-31-2005, 01:19 AM
syslog is only to find out date added

user and group is stored in /users files
when user passed he is moved to iND
/users,/stats files are not updated yet (auto update every 10 minutes)
and when u now hit !passed login
script checks /users/file and there is user still in TRiAL group
and because user passed scripts sends command
site chgrp user TRiAL iND
and user is moved back to TRiAL group

or when site was offline
site chgrp user TRiAL iND command is saved to iojTQerror.log
and script trys to update what is in error log every day
when site is online command is removed from error log
when offline command stays in error log

offline = site is disabled list

check if u have error log in /iojTQ
and send commands there manualy
and delete that log

03-31-2005, 08:48 AM
thank you very much.

You are right.

I have two site and one is died.

so, i have errors in iojTQerror.log. :):)

thanks again. (--)(__)

04-02-2005, 11:45 AM
Im having problem with transfer credit commend
when i msg the bot !transfer
i get no respons at all.

Im using this for glftpd + ioftpd

donno what can be proble, mabey some other are having same problem

04-02-2005, 12:41 PM
!transfer works only with blowfish enabled
u must set blowfish key in PM window to BOT

05-15-2005, 12:28 PM
i'm wondering if its possible to get !ftp commands and !transfer to work without blowfish... i'm currently using a script for my bot that enforces blowfish-encryption for everything so that scripts that doens't have proper support for blowfish understands the encryption and can reply with it too. so to get !ftp and !transfer working i have to disable it meaning other scripts wont understand its commands. also, i only get rubbish when i use +OK as header. the iojTQ-version i'm using is 7.0.

05-16-2005, 01:06 AM
no upgrades in plan

06-02-2005, 02:52 PM
Next time you plan to upgrade the bot, what about a !rank function and a !credits funtion (like cts). It will be very very useful! :)

06-02-2005, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by jeza
no upgrades in plan

Jeza, great script.

I think I found something interesting.

[23:48] (ko0ky) !transfer ko0ky test -51000 site-02 site-01
[23:48] (bot) Before
[23:48] (bot) <-Credits site-02 : 1000 MB
[23:48] (bot) ->Credits site-01 : 0 MB
[23:48] (bot) AFter
[23:48] (bot) ->Credits site-02 : 52000 MB
[23:48] (bot) <-Credits site-01 : -51000 MB

although site01 has a negative number, I was able to give myself unlimited amount of credits on site-02

06-03-2005, 12:56 AM

good idea to move credits :D

script checks if credits on site1 > credits site2
in this case yes
because 0 > -51000 :mad:

08-06-2005, 11:15 AM

jeza is iojshow needed for iojtq 7.0 when transfering credits between sites?

One more question, does it work with a sharedb, the transfer system... ?

10-05-2005, 03:00 PM
where do i get iojSTATS ?

10-05-2005, 03:21 PM
found it.. hehe

How do i get this in chan..
every night at 24,00 ? :)

[L] site showstats
[L] 200- | DAY STATS On site
[L] 200- | Logins..........: 66
[L] 200- | Logouts.........: 61
[L] 200- | New Dirs........: 20
[L] 200- | Deleted Dirs....: 5
[L] 200- | Pres............: 0
[L] 200- | Nukes...........: 0 0 MB
[L] 200- | Best Group......: iND 14110 MB
[L] 200- | Leech Kings.....: iND 8625 MB

im using iojTQ..

10-05-2005, 03:58 PM
set iojTQ(enable_day_site_stats) 1

10-05-2005, 04:37 PM
where do i set that ?

Dont see that option in iojTQ 7,0

10-05-2005, 04:45 PM
use 5.9b
7.0 doesnt have that

10-06-2005, 05:05 PM
hmm.. crap..
Any way to enable in 7,0..

cause i was thinking, 7,30 is update. so must have some other nice functions ??

or is 5,9 just as good ?

10-07-2005, 12:46 AM
there is no 7,30 version
there as only 7,0 where glftpd was added and some features removed
so 5.9b is good if u use only ioftpd sites

10-07-2005, 09:05 AM
oups.. ment 7,0..
Im using io only. but might need glftpd too..
So any way to fix it in 7,0 version ?

10-07-2005, 10:02 AM
oki i went back to 5,9b version..

But it says my site is disabled..
But i can log in fine with sitebot login..
Any ideas ?

10-07-2005, 11:03 AM

10-08-2005, 10:31 AM
heh.. would u tell ? :)
Other than that.. very nice script.. :D

But i´m trying your 5,9b version too.. :)

got one problem.
It seems to disable my site alot.
Even though site is still up..
Any ideas ?
only 1 out of 10 times i do !rank is it working..
Always disabled.. :(

And the excluded users and groups dont show as excluded on !passed.. :(

Only on !quotas are they gone..

10-09-2005, 06:09 AM
btw.. the !bnctest..

shouldn´t the bnc check if site is up ?

i get

-site/BNC- :: ip:port (.location ) SSL : yes - UP Response time: 35ms
which i´m guessing is the time for ncftpls.exe to work..
cause i tried when site was down.. still working.. :-/

10-09-2005, 08:05 AM
if its disabled check your idle settings on sites
bot send NOOP commands and maybe it gets kicked from the site

excluded users/groups are not checked at end of month or on !quotas, but their stats are showed on !passed as they would be on quota

Response time: 35ms <--- this looks to me like u dont have the correct path to ncftpls.exe

10-09-2005, 08:18 AM
seems i fixed the problem with site disabling alot..

i just changed..
set iojTQ(save_delay) 10 ;#delay betwen saving site stats 2000 = 2 seconds, 0=disable
set iojTQ(noop_delay) 1 ;#send NOOP command 1=every minute,2=every 2 minutes, 5=every 5 minutes, 10=every 10 minutes

now its always connected.. :)

and for the excluded users.
i just added %quota_exluded
so now its only the UP/DN thingy not working proper..
Always says UP..

11-10-2005, 01:21 PM
after we changed to wintertime my daystats seems ****ed..

everyday it reports still at 23:55
but stats are only from
00:00 - 01:00

how do i fix ? :)

12-14-2005, 03:10 PM
ah.. seems like it was io error.. im running gmt -1 and io is not..

under [scheduler]

Reset = 0 23 * * &Reset
(if ur running GMT -1 )

04-05-2006, 10:02 AM
jeza u still around ??

or is it impossible to get some support for this script..

04-05-2006, 10:12 AM
pm me

01-10-2007, 07:04 PM
Is it possible to make this script count all sites together in !rank? and output a list with any given number?

01-11-2007, 02:14 AM
not possible

01-17-2008, 07:15 AM
hi, thank your great script, i am use ioFTPD6.3.5, set quota in two sites,but always error.
Tcl error [iojTQ:ListQuotas]: syntax error in expression "6283 + ": prem
ature end of expression

whats this?how can i fix this?

set iojTQ(stats) "SPAM XVID ISO"
set iojTQ(stats_SPAM) "site1:1 site1:2"
set iojTQ(stats_XVID) "site1:3"
set iojTQ(stats_ISO) "site1:0 site2:0"

site1 :
XVID = 0 3 0 /XVID/*
0DAY = 0 2 0 /0DAY/*
MP3 = 0 1 0 /MP3/*
Default = 0 0 0 /*

Default = 0 0 0 /*

only show SPAM and XVID quota on channel, not give me ISO quota:
<@me> !passed me
<@botname> [SPAM QUOTA] me Has 14 DAY(s) To Upload 20000MB To Pass 20000MB QUOTA. ( 1428MB/day )
<@botname> [XVID QUOTA] me Has 14 DAY(s) To Upload 20000MB To Pass 20000MB QUOTA. ( 1428MB/day )