View Full Version : RIO release 1

02-13-2004, 05:56 AM
It has, in my experience, become harder and harder to find the good stuff among the growing amount of releases. This script lets users on your site recommend stuff they think is worth checking out.

How it Works
A user on your site downloads a smart tool and wants other people to know about it. All the user has to do is go to the parent dir of the release and do 'SITE RECOMMEND <dirname>'. Depending on your configuration a symlink is created looking something like '/RECOMMENDED/<user>/<section>/<release>', where <user> and <section> are optional and <release> is configurable. It is also possible to get bot announces using dZSBot.

Well, umm, I guess that's basically it. This script is available to all foundation licensees.

-- laShan

02-13-2004, 06:01 AM
I've tested it and it works very well. :) Thanks.

02-13-2004, 06:38 PM
Ok, I've updated RIO (or rather the installation instructions ;)) for ioBanana support. Since no changes were made to any of the scripts, you don't need to download the script again, only follow these instructions:

Search for 'set disable(NEWLEADER)'. After that line add:
set disable(RECOMMEND) 0

Next, search for 'set variables(NEWLEADER)' after that add:
set variables(RECOMMEND) "%pwd %release %username"

Next, you need to edit your skin file, and do this:

Do a search for 'set announce(NEWLEADER)', after that line add:
set announce(RECOMMEND) "-:[b]:[b] recommendation [b]:[b]:- [b]%release[b] (%pwd) was recommended by [b]%username[b]"

-- laShan

02-14-2004, 11:04 AM
Non-existing user and section dirs are now automatically created when needed. Upgrade to r3 is recommended for all users of the previous versions.

02-18-2004, 06:01 PM
found a bug...

if you recommend a folder with spaces in it like

Random Artist - random album (ep) (1999)

it won't create the correct folder in /Recommended

it will create just a folder with name "Random", but not the album name years.. etc..

and also the symlink it creates it's broken too... it points to nowhere

02-19-2004, 02:55 AM
Ok, thx :D Will take a look at that. I honestly didn't even think of trying the script with dirs that has spaces in them. Expect an updated script soon.

02-19-2004, 03:29 AM
Ok, an updated version of RIO is now available to all Foundation Licensees. The new version supports dirnames with spaces. There's no need to upgrade if you don't need this added functionallity.

To upgrade, replace all files, except init.itcl, with the new ones. Get the script here (http://www.ioftpd.com/scripts/script.php?id=11).

02-19-2004, 04:09 AM
thanks a lot.

very fast support :)

04-22-2004, 02:58 AM
RIO now supports the 'site wipe -r' switch.

05-26-2004, 07:59 AM
Very nice script, but i can't get it to work properly. :confused:

It creates a dir for the user and for the correct section, but then no link to the recommended release is created.

It looks like this in the log:

--------------------------------------------05-26-2004 14:56:28 "..\scripts\RIO\RIORecommend.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
bad option "-=somesection=--somrelease": must be -directory, -join, -nocomplain, -path, -tails, -types, or --
while executing
"glob -nocomplain -directory $RIOWDir $section-$release"
(procedure "RIO_Recommend" line 48)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\RIO\RIORecommend.itcl" line 78)

I feel totally clueless.. i hope somone can help?

06-03-2004, 09:45 AM
karmacoma, the problem is the dirname you're trying to recommend. Because it starts with - it's interpreted as an option, and that's why it fails. Try recommending a dir that starts with as letter or a number and it should work.

02-09-2005, 10:54 AM
hmm... here it doesnt work too... sinc i installed it the nuke command also fails... somethings wrong with my config? i use ioA, ioBanana & RiO

02-23-2005, 06:09 AM
I need some sort of information of how it fails in order to try to help you. If you could post some details on what goes wrong, that would help a lot.