View Full Version : Tcl Error... Iojtq

08-06-2004, 05:59 PM
Hey great work on the script but as always with newbiees like me you´ll get questions like theese...

I seem to get this error every time I type !quotas test for example... now their is a stats dir in eggdrop/scripts/iojTQ/...

I dont think this is the tcl error you explained would be shown once and then the script would "work" within 5 min...

could it be that test was added to "iND" group which is on quota a few days into a month.... cause !passed test sez that test is exempted from quota until next month...

I just dont get what the problem is... pls help

Tcl error [pub:quotas]: couldn't open "scripts/iojTQ/stats/": permission denied

iojTQ 3.0 Eggdrop 1.6.16 ioFTPD 5-8-5r