View Full Version : ioNiNJA
07-12-2009, 02:57 AM
im trying out the ioNiNJA script, searched the forum for solution, but am i the only 1 that have this problem?
look like wipe en requests dont work or not even added or?
can some1 help me out that might had same problem or know what is wrong
tnx in advance
07-12-2009, 03:46 AM
ioNiNJA has nothing to do with requests.
07-12-2009, 04:41 AM
or wipe. use nxtools
07-12-2009, 04:44 AM
ioNiNJA has nothing to do with requests.
hmm. so it maybe not comes up with io then. i thought it was standard.
i used ioA before, but not sure i can use that again for requests.
wipe also not works standard it seems.
any1 can help me a bit further?
guess it is a ioftpd.ini issue then.
07-12-2009, 05:42 AM
and u read my post??? nxTools has all that
07-12-2009, 07:02 AM
and u read my post??? nxTools has all that
ah sorry, i didnt see the nxtools post you did
i tried that and it works now
you know a way to activate it from irc too?
it works on site, but on irc on !reqadd or !request it gives me the following command:
Tcl error [reqadd]: invalid command name "::ngBot::NickDb::GetFtpUser"
07-12-2009, 10:30 AM
Load nickdb in eggdrop. its in ioninja dir
07-12-2009, 11:16 AM
Load nickdb in eggdrop. its in ioninja dir
i did that and it looked like it was going to work
when i did the command it said nick needed to invite first
i did invite and after that, i dont see anything when i do the !reqadd or !request command, not even a fault
only command that works is !requests wich shows the requests that made trough sitecommand(wich works like a charm now)
i have the feeling im close now, but no clue what im missing
thanks for the help so far, and i hope you can help me out a bit more
07-12-2009, 12:23 PM
should work unless soemthing else is amiss, have you set up teh ftp conenction?
07-12-2009, 12:30 PM
should work unless soemthing else is amiss, have you set up teh ftp conenction?
yeah all works ok
exepts the !req from irc
problem is it doesnt give a fault
07-12-2009, 03:28 PM
well you've made a mistake soemwhere. It works
07-14-2009, 12:18 PM
well you've made a mistake soemwhere. It works
it must be something on my side yeah, but i checked all over and over , but dont see whats wrong. i thought its was only !requests that not working, but !nuke doesnt do anything too, so maybe that does ring a bell.
hope anyway that some1 can point me into the right direction
i saw somewhere in a config as exempted the "user" sitebot
i dont have that user, but i guess that was only a sample for the config, or do i need that "user" ?
07-14-2009, 07:39 PM
################################################## #######
# FTP Connection and BNC check #
################################################## ########
#chan where the bot should respond to !site commands (PLUGIN)
#regexp seperate chans by |
#note that | can't be in channame
#set ftp_chan "#kalle|#ioNiNJA-Spam|#ioNiNJA-Staff"
set ftp_chan "#kalle"
# Ftp connection, used for nxtools and !site commands, !nuke and some other stuff
# Don't use the same user as you do for the bnc check
# Format: <scheme>://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>
# schemes:
# ftp - Regular unsecured session.
# ftps - Implicit SSL secured session.
# ftpssl - Explicit SSL secured session (AUTH SSL).
# ftptls - Explicit TLS secured session (AUTH TLS).
set ftp_info "ftpssl://!sitebot:botpassword@192.168.189:21"
This "user" must exist and make sure you excempt it in the ioftpd config file so it can stay on the site without having to login/out every min.
If this "user" dosen´t exist, then nuke/request won´t work
07-18-2009, 05:37 AM
i tried that, and i see on the windrop that it connects, so bot can login.
but still no luck :cry:
i will give it a last try else i give up and have to live with it that requests etc have to be done trough the ftp itself
07-21-2009, 08:06 AM
you are usinh nxtools wit nxtools tempfix?
08-01-2009, 10:36 AM
after a well earned vacation, i tried it again, and it worked the frist time now :D
no clue what i did wrong first time, but now it works like a charm.
anyway real thanks for the help guys.
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