View Full Version : Programming

  1. iTCL Documentation
  2. Script's !comands help
  3. Lots of cool stuff for C/C++ coders in next release :)
  4. *Notice*
  5. iTCL Change
  6. Corrections in message.h
  7. Correction in dark0ne's sitewho.cpp
  8. help needed.. little code snippet in cpp
  9. Changes to STATIC structure
  10. Static structure changes - suggestions
  11. Shared memory?
  12. Some new sources revealed
  13. fnmatch
  14. vfs resolving algo
  15. shared memory not working ?
  16. Re-creating symlink from scripts down't work
  17. TCL and MySQL
  18. Question about iTCL for darkone
  19. Modules...
  20. New window messages
  21. problem with c++
  22. How i can add into uinfo.msg all infos
  23. How i can debug my own *.itcl scripts?
  24. Two questions
  25. chmod via itcl
  26. parse file q
  27. How to catch STOR filename errors ?
  28. locking/unlocking files with c ?
  29. site commands via c++ ? how to ?
  30. Starting out
  31. b5 shmem questions
  32. Who example (beta5)
  33. WM_PHANDLE bug?
  34. changes in GROUPFILE
  35. Cookie modules
  36. Modules general
  37. ONLINEDATATA Usage example
  38. More on modules
  39. resolve UID & GID
  40. resource +lock -unlock <filename> ?
  41. pSio mysql Logger (Source)
  42. My shmem utils
  43. regular expressions
  44. does ioftpd pass file size onuploadcomplete ? for itcl ?
  45. UserId = -1 in ONLINEDATA
  46. WM_KILL on connection running script
  47. vfs chattr recap cos im going mad
  48. Module stuff
  49. how to change created time of file?
  50. Dc_create_user
  51. Bug in ioFTPD handling of DC_DELETE_USER
  52. sha1?
  53. TCL Scripting DZsBoT Modification
  54. move from private
  55. [c] Building va_list on heap
  56. what about data IP?
  57. homedir
  58. bad ONLINEDATA usage ?
  59. checking/queueing access to file in tcl ?
  60. [c] DataCopy functions for dummies
  61. thread safe mode
  62. iTCL morons.. read this
  63. DC_VFS Change!
  64. Who with io 4.9.4u
  65. iTCL
  66. [c] Sources for internal userfile module
  67. iTCL background routines possible?
  68. [c] ReadTextFile() Unicode <-> Ansi
  69. userfile module
  70. [Visual Basic] Memory Mapping sample
  71. learn scripting?
  72. Password in UserFile.h
  73. [TCL] FTP Connection with SSL/TLS
  74. Sending custom FTP responses.
  75. php doesn't terminate
  76. [itcl] mountfile open doesn't work for scheduled scripts
  77. path on OnUploadComplete
  78. Environment variable changes
  79. Few suggestions...
  80. need help learning to use ioftpd script methods
  81. [iTCL] could u make ascii2bin accept lists
  82. tcl - scripting
  83. shmem shutdown
  84. rmdir variable
  85. VFS Context size
  86. !detach doesn't flush buffer...
  87. Stop subsequent scripts from running
  88. Question about ONLINEDATA and -1 as CID/UID
  89. [iTCL] 'file size ..' returns 0 on POST STOR/RETR ?
  90. [Delphi] No dir listing after pre list event?
  91. How to prevent CWD?
  92. [iTCL] some questions about listing online users
  93. [TCL] dnslookup for irccheck script
  94. iTCL vfs read $something fails with no error
  95. [TCL] Script making io freeze.
  96. tcl bug or suggestion
  97. [TCL] Renaming a file on PRE STOR
  98. Get race winner
  99. winsock in a c++ script
  100. Creating worker thread
  101. I miss !vfs:del bad reasons why they are removed
  102. vfs stuff
  103. [TCL] OnUploadComplete event
  104. How to generate a FD_WRITE event
  105. [TCL] mp3 grp sorting.. problem~
  106. TCL problem...
  107. [C] Basic example
  108. bin2ascii problem
  109. Assembler crc32
  110. io directorylisting string problem
  111. need help for tcl programming
  112. Get Return Code C++ in TCL
  113. Throttling
  114. making a winsock listen loop in C
  115. bandwidth control
  116. Database accessibility
  117. symlink & C++
  118. Memory Usage Of A Program
  119. idea ... which I'm too dumb to make work.
  120. Thread pool
  121. [ITCL] - groupinfo
  122. iTCL Documentation
  123. DarkOne,Can you give me a hand
  124. [TCL]sha1
  125. TCL language
  126. [TCL] %[$flags] cookie no work
  127. Dc_markdirty?
  128. CountUp / CountDown Script ...
  129. strange behavior working with OnResume
  130. i want to make a ioShareDB ... where to start!
  131. [TCL] resolve realpath $path
  132. [CPP] datacopy.cpp
  133. I need a hand with some TCL proc...
  134. How to get Size of a dir in TCL ?
  135. Force tcl to rename dir?
  136. [iTCL] change default script timeout via function
  137. How to determine the bandwidth of a box
  138. I've gone mad
  139. [c++] example for rank/stats
  140. Windows Network Drive ...
  141. [REQ] Small Example On How Initialize And Using ioFTP Modules
  142. Need help with php function : io_user_save
  143. unable to open include file....(c++)
  144. .sh/.bat ftp script
  145. CustomSortProc Listview Delphi
  146. Anyone help me with TCL please?
  147. Progressbar with text
  148. Decompiler?
  149. Asynchronously use connect() API
  150. GetWindowText
  151. module.h not found
  152. FTP upload pls help me out
  153. Not sure my college is good for Programming
  154. ftp client with special characters
  155. Site to Site auto Sync
  156. Tcl error in file
  157. iPhone development
  158. PHP vs C