View Full Version : [iTCL] some questions about listing online users

03-31-2004, 02:19 PM
1. Any way to get the name of the service for an online user? Like:CHAR szServiceName[_MAX_NAME + 1]; // Name of service for shmem scripts.

2. Same for DataIP (although it isn't filled in yet)

3. Is it possible that REALPATH/REALDATAPATH somehow still contain the \0 character in iTCL ?
When i do:
iputs "$realpath blabla"
iputs "$datapath blabla"
the blabla isn't outputted when the variables contain data.
Not really a problem, just using this solves the problem:
iputs "$realpath"
iputs -noprefix -nonewline " blabla"

03-31-2004, 08:58 PM
had the same problem as 3) but never investigated... didn'T really needed it anyway.