04-16-2004, 09:35 AM
i started to do my own script wich parses nicknames on a channel and writes infos about them into a txt file (eggdrop part) and then itlc script for io checking this file if user has flag e.g. to permit or deny login. (ioitclpart)
my prob is that i have only getchanhost for ident@host and in tcl docu there is a dnslookup proc but without working example. finally i want a txt file with:
user ident dns ip
anyone a short idea how the dnslookup should look like? i tested several tcl scripts for dnslookup from but they didnt work and the dnslookup is there but always says smt about wrong # of argument etc.
thx in advance toki
code atm is about:
### This Script prevents user from login if they are not on an IRC channel! ###
set controlchan "#channelname"
set exemptusers "toki"
#set exemptgroups "admins"
set alloweduserfile "E:/User/ioFTPD/scripts/ioIRCCHECK/allowed.txt"
bind time - "* * * * *" createlist:time
proc createlist:time { min hour day month year } {
proc createlist { } {
global controlchan exemptusers alloweduserfile
set file [open $alloweduserfile w]
set userlist [chanlist $controlchan]
foreach username $userlist {
set chanhost [getchanhost $username $controlchan]
set splitchanhost [split $chanhost \@]
set ident [lindex $splitchanhost 0]
set host [lindex $splitchanhost 1]
set outline ""
set resip ""
# [dnslookup $host do_dnslookup $resip]
if { [matchattr [nick2hand $username $controlchan] |+F $controlchan] } {
set outline "[nick2hand $username $controlchan] $ident $host"
puts $file $outline
close $file
proc do_dnslookup { ip hostname status resip } {
global resip
set resip $ip
putlog "*** ioirccheck.tcl for ioFTPD by toki <> loaded!"
and tcl docu says:
dnslookup <ip-address/hostname> <proc> [[arg1] [arg2] ... [argN]]
Description: This issues an asynchronous dns lookup request. The
command will block if dns module is not loaded; otherwise it will
either return immediately or immediately call the specified proc
(e.g. if the lookup is already cached).
As soon as the request completes, the specified proc will be called
as follows:
<proc> <ipaddress> <hostname> <status> [[arg1] [arg2] ... [argN]]
status is 1 if the lookup was successful and 0 if it wasn't. All
additional parameters (called arg1, arg2 and argN above) get
appended to the proc's other parameters.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
i started to do my own script wich parses nicknames on a channel and writes infos about them into a txt file (eggdrop part) and then itlc script for io checking this file if user has flag e.g. to permit or deny login. (ioitclpart)
my prob is that i have only getchanhost for ident@host and in tcl docu there is a dnslookup proc but without working example. finally i want a txt file with:
user ident dns ip
anyone a short idea how the dnslookup should look like? i tested several tcl scripts for dnslookup from but they didnt work and the dnslookup is there but always says smt about wrong # of argument etc.
thx in advance toki
code atm is about:
### This Script prevents user from login if they are not on an IRC channel! ###
set controlchan "#channelname"
set exemptusers "toki"
#set exemptgroups "admins"
set alloweduserfile "E:/User/ioFTPD/scripts/ioIRCCHECK/allowed.txt"
bind time - "* * * * *" createlist:time
proc createlist:time { min hour day month year } {
proc createlist { } {
global controlchan exemptusers alloweduserfile
set file [open $alloweduserfile w]
set userlist [chanlist $controlchan]
foreach username $userlist {
set chanhost [getchanhost $username $controlchan]
set splitchanhost [split $chanhost \@]
set ident [lindex $splitchanhost 0]
set host [lindex $splitchanhost 1]
set outline ""
set resip ""
# [dnslookup $host do_dnslookup $resip]
if { [matchattr [nick2hand $username $controlchan] |+F $controlchan] } {
set outline "[nick2hand $username $controlchan] $ident $host"
puts $file $outline
close $file
proc do_dnslookup { ip hostname status resip } {
global resip
set resip $ip
putlog "*** ioirccheck.tcl for ioFTPD by toki <> loaded!"
and tcl docu says:
dnslookup <ip-address/hostname> <proc> [[arg1] [arg2] ... [argN]]
Description: This issues an asynchronous dns lookup request. The
command will block if dns module is not loaded; otherwise it will
either return immediately or immediately call the specified proc
(e.g. if the lookup is already cached).
As soon as the request completes, the specified proc will be called
as follows:
<proc> <ipaddress> <hostname> <status> [[arg1] [arg2] ... [argN]]
status is 1 if the lookup was successful and 0 if it wasn't. All
additional parameters (called arg1, arg2 and argN above) get
appended to the proc's other parameters.
Returns: nothing
Module: core