View Full Version : Lots of cool stuff for C/C++ coders in next release :)

05-17-2003, 09:33 PM
Sample program available at:

1. Reads file's/directory's VFS attributes
2. Writes new attributes (new owner)
3. Resolves user id to user name
4. Resolves group id to group name
5. Opens userfile, locks it & modifies credits
6. Spits out mad ascii :p

05-22-2003, 08:02 PM
Hmm my comments to this:
1: for anyone who reads this, be aware of the win2k issue and use call by ordinal if needed.
2: lol I was already busy with a vfs reader dll and exe. It still has use for me for various reason.
3: this looks really usefull for all kinds of tools.. !!! The User->Ip can also be changed??
4: Speedlimit?? THat means you will implement that in the coming vesion?? Wow (more tools...)
Damn it gets fun programming for io..