View Full Version : CountUp / CountDown Script ...

03-12-2005, 05:40 PM

Does anybody know how I can implement a TCL script or executable in ioftpd which allows me the increment a counter for a name (only one time for a user) and save this in a database.
The user should be able to specify this name by himeself, by a site command, e.g. like

site countup My.Name
site countdown My.name

In further processing this name should represent a directory. My script should deny the deletion of this directory if the counter is not 0.

How can I...
...access the resources and data of ioftpd?
...get my function called on each site command?
...hook directory deletion commands?
...access the user database?
...save in a database in ioftpd TCL?

I hope you could help.

Best Regards


03-13-2005, 08:30 AM
Your question is somwhat vague sadly enough.
1-Depending on what you want, you can write a script to simply do what you want. Just be exact in what you want.

2-Under [FTP_Custom_Commands] in ioFTPD.ini you can add custom site commands

3-You can catch a delete command by the [Pre_Commands] RMD = setting in ioFTPD.ini. The return value will determine if the delete is allowed or not.

4-either use the shared memory technology (see your source directory) or read the user info directly from the user files in the users directory (enc etc\UserIDTable)

5-That qustion is unclear.. Save what exactly? There are many places where ioftpd data is stored.