View Full Version : [TCL] mp3 grp sorting.. problem~

06-21-2004, 06:17 AM
ive taken the code of zipsort form b|\daas..
and changed for mp3 section so clear works fine he makes the symb links but the links dont work...~

# Mp3 Group Sorting #
#orginal by b|\d
#modified by rAWfOx
#modified by uni for mp3 grp sort..
#put in ioftpd.ini
#mkd = TCL ..\scripts\mp3grpsort.itcl
##set your Mp3 upload dir!(iVFS NOT WINDOWS PATH!)
set mp3up "/Mp3"
#set these full (WINDOWS!)paths! i use ../site as theyre only empty dirs so take no size out of install dir.
set mp3group "../site/__Sorted__/Mp3/Group"
##stop editing here
set vpath [string range $args 4 end]
set result [string last / $vpath end]
set releasex [string range $vpath [expr $result + 1] end]
set path [string map {\\ /} $path]
set result [string last - $releasex end]
set release [string range $releasex [expr $result + 1] end]
if {![string match -nocase "*$mp3up/*" "$path"]} {return}
if {[string match -nocase "*/cd?/*" "$vpath"] || [string match -nocase "*/cd??/*" "$vpath"]} {return}
if {![file exists "$mp3group/$release"]} {catch {file mkdir "$mp3group/$release"} error}
catch {file mkdir "$mp3group/$release/$releasex"} error
catch {vfs chattr "$mp3group/$release/$releasex" 1 "$vpath"} error

i hope someone can help me with that;)
