View Full Version : iTCL Documentation

01-15-2003, 10:28 AM

1. New Internal commands (getting rid off !commands for itcl)
2. Multiple interpreters (pool)
3. 'puts' for stdout changed to 'iputs'

New commands:

resolve pwd <pwd>

Return: Path on success, "" on error


resolve uid <Uid>

Return: UserName on success, "" on error


resolve gid <Gid>

Return: GroupName on success, "" on error


resolve group <Group>

Return: Gid on success, -1 on error


resolve user <User>

Return: Uid on success, -1 on error


vfs read <directory/file>

Return: "Uid Gid Mode" on success and "" on error


vfs write <directory/file> <Uid> <Gid> <Mode>

Return: 0 on success and 1 on error


vfs delete <directory/file>

Return always 0


config read <array> <variable>

Return: Value on success and "" on error


config reload


config save


01-15-2003, 12:24 PM

iputs [-nonewline] [-noprefix] [-nobuffer] <String>

Return: Returns always ""


buffer get

Return: Returns current output buffer


buffer set <value>

Return: 0 on success and 1 on error


buffer flush <timeout>

Return: 0 on success


01-15-2003, 03:15 PM

resource +lock <lockname>

Return: Always "", errors are fatal


resource -unlock <lockname>

Return: Always "", errors are fatal


Locking allows multiple threads to access same resource (file/environmental variable) with thread safe means.

-- Example use --


resource +lock $filename
set data [gets $fchannel]
resource -unlock $filename


resource +lock $filename
puts $fchannel $data
resource -unlock $filename

01-15-2003, 06:38 PM

resource +share channel <shareName> <channelName>

Return: "" on success, error is fatal


resource -unshare channel <shareName>

Return: ChannelName on success, error is fatal


Use this with locks, to create persistent connections, like:

iputs -nobuffer "Locking and Sharing juliet"

resource +lock "juliet"

if { [catch { set juliet [resource -unshare channel "juliet www server"] }] != 0 }

iputs -nobuffer "Creating juliet"

set juliet [socket www.inet.fi 80]

} else {
iputs -nobuffer "Juliet read from share"

iputs -nobuffer "Sharing juliet: $juliet"

resource +share channel "juliet www server" $juliet

resource -unlock "juliet"

iputs -nobuffer "Juliet successfully processed"

*Note* After sharing channel, interpreter does not have control anymore - read/write/etc will return with fatal error.

09-23-2003, 07:12 PM
D1 please where i can find complete ITCL special commands list and documentation?

It's realy hard to find any info about :(
Please find some time to write a few lines.


09-24-2003, 06:30 AM
Great darkone!

And Paja the docs are in the ioftpd help dir. And in the forum. And for tcl goto www.scriptics.com and check the tcl manuals in there.

10-13-2003, 05:32 PM
Please d1 what are all commands of iTCL vfs?

I found:

vfs read <directory/file> <path>
vfs delete <directory/file> <path>
vfs write <directory/file> <path> <Uid> <Gid> <Mode>
vfs chattr <directory/file> <path> <1/??> <vlink>

But i don't know what are the other options if there are any.
Please let me know how to use it.
and plese is the some way how to unlock currently uploaded file or determine who is uploading this file and then kick him out?


01-18-2020, 04:45 PM
D1 please where i can find complete ITCL special commands list and documentation?

It's realy hard to find any info about :(
Please find some time to write a few lines.


please where i can find complete ITCL special commands list and documentation i search for it all google