10-17-2003, 10:51 PM
What's wrong with this code ?
It appears to work correctly, until you try to run multiple threads that does that... Then, it makes io (.14 and probably earlier) crash (probably when 2 threads do that at the exact same time).
I know it's this code that makes it crash cause if i comment the sendmessage, it doesn't crash anymore.
int iPos = 0, nPos = 0, Users = 0;
while (nPos != -1 && Users < 1000 ) {
// Initial setup for DC_GET_ONLINEDATA
lpMessage->dwIdentifier = DC_GET_ONLINEDATA;
LPDC_ONLINEDATA pOnlineData = (LPDC_ONLINEDATA)lpMessage->lpContext;
pOnlineData->iOffset = nPos;
pOnlineData->dwSharedMemorySize = sizeof(DC_MESSAGE) + sizeof(DC_ONLINEDATA) + (_MAX_PATH + 1) * 2;
// Send Message
dwReturn = SendMessage(hIoFTPD, WM_SHMEM, NULL, (LPARAM)hMemory);
if (!dwReturn) {
// Wait until processed (5 secs)
if (WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) break;
nPos = pOnlineData->iOffset;
if (iPos>=nPos || nPos == 1024)
iPos = nPos;
It appears to work correctly, until you try to run multiple threads that does that... Then, it makes io (.14 and probably earlier) crash (probably when 2 threads do that at the exact same time).
I know it's this code that makes it crash cause if i comment the sendmessage, it doesn't crash anymore.
int iPos = 0, nPos = 0, Users = 0;
while (nPos != -1 && Users < 1000 ) {
// Initial setup for DC_GET_ONLINEDATA
lpMessage->dwIdentifier = DC_GET_ONLINEDATA;
LPDC_ONLINEDATA pOnlineData = (LPDC_ONLINEDATA)lpMessage->lpContext;
pOnlineData->iOffset = nPos;
pOnlineData->dwSharedMemorySize = sizeof(DC_MESSAGE) + sizeof(DC_ONLINEDATA) + (_MAX_PATH + 1) * 2;
// Send Message
dwReturn = SendMessage(hIoFTPD, WM_SHMEM, NULL, (LPARAM)hMemory);
if (!dwReturn) {
// Wait until processed (5 secs)
if (WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) break;
nPos = pOnlineData->iOffset;
if (iPos>=nPos || nPos == 1024)
iPos = nPos;