05-29-2003, 10:29 PM
Here's a suggestion for SHMEM_WHO structure (previous known as STATIC structure)
typedef struct _SHMEM_WHO
INT32 Uid; // -1 = Not logged in
DWORD dwFlags; // DEAD & HALT
TCHAR ServiceName[MAX_NAME]; // Name of service
TCHAR LastAction[64]; // User's last action
ULONG ulClientIp; // Client ip - host byte order
USHORT usClientPort; // Client port
TCHAR HostName[MAX_HOSTNAME]; // Hostname
TCHAR VirtualPath[_MAX_PWD + 1]; // Virtual path
LPTSTR RealPath; // Real path
time_t Login; // Login Time
DWORD dwIdleBegin; // Idle begin - GetTickCount()
BYTE Transfer; // (0 Inactive, 1 Upload, 2 Download, 3 List)
ULONG ulDataClientIp;
USHORT usDataClientPort;
sockaddr_in DataHost; // Client's data sockets (if any) internet address
TCHAR VirtualDataPath[_MAX_PWD + 1]; // File being transfered
LPTSTR RealDataPath; // Real data path
DWORD dwTransferBegin;
DWORD dwBytesTransfered; // Bytes transfered during interval
DWORD dwIntervalDuration; // Length of interval in Milliseconds
INT64 i64TotalBytesTransfered; // Total bytes transfered during transfer
Both real path's are in dynamic length... allocation will be similar to those used in datacopy examples for vfs context reading.
typedef struct _SHMEM_WHO
INT32 Uid; // -1 = Not logged in
DWORD dwFlags; // DEAD & HALT
TCHAR ServiceName[MAX_NAME]; // Name of service
TCHAR LastAction[64]; // User's last action
ULONG ulClientIp; // Client ip - host byte order
USHORT usClientPort; // Client port
TCHAR HostName[MAX_HOSTNAME]; // Hostname
TCHAR VirtualPath[_MAX_PWD + 1]; // Virtual path
LPTSTR RealPath; // Real path
time_t Login; // Login Time
DWORD dwIdleBegin; // Idle begin - GetTickCount()
BYTE Transfer; // (0 Inactive, 1 Upload, 2 Download, 3 List)
ULONG ulDataClientIp;
USHORT usDataClientPort;
sockaddr_in DataHost; // Client's data sockets (if any) internet address
TCHAR VirtualDataPath[_MAX_PWD + 1]; // File being transfered
LPTSTR RealDataPath; // Real data path
DWORD dwTransferBegin;
DWORD dwBytesTransfered; // Bytes transfered during interval
DWORD dwIntervalDuration; // Length of interval in Milliseconds
INT64 i64TotalBytesTransfered; // Total bytes transfered during transfer
Both real path's are in dynamic length... allocation will be similar to those used in datacopy examples for vfs context reading.