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Harm's scripts ioBanana, Readd script, ioVote

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Old 07-31-2004, 11:55 AM   #1
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Default Custom irc commands

Hello Harm
earlier this week I was thinking of giving ioFTPD a go and installed it together with your free iobanana version.
after realizing that version 19 is outdated and has many bugs I put some time into fixing all of them (imdb, !who commands and other stuff) and added about 20 irc commands for trusted users to administrate the ioftpd via irc (adduser, addip, delip, approve remove etc).
Everything worked just fine, only one thing is not possible with ioftpd btw iobanana.
Custom made commands aren't able to change their output on irc because they fall under default $msg.
so my command !delapproved <release> give the default ioftpd result (TEST was removed from the approved list by ME) without colors and other stuff.
the events that get logged are hardcoded into your iobanana.exe (dirlog, APPROVED, WIPE etc) so implementing colors into a new custom made command isn't possible right?
for a test I changed DELDIR event to print my delapproved result the way I wanted it and it worked just fine. adding a new event doesn't work without changing your iobanana and ioftpd executable.
its a pitty because a command like !approve remove <release> should get announced on IRC with all its nice colors so lazy people see that it got removed (people who only look at colors :P).
it would be a good idea to implement !delapproved command with color return.
however when trying to do this I found out that it isn't possible without hardcoding it so I thought about giving my 2cents ...

the idea would be to make ioFTPD and iobanana be able to listen and log custom events
like a section in the ini that listens for say 5 custom events and dumps the output flags so I can crap them and change the output on irc.
right now I have written a tcl script that listens for my custom events and writes them to ioFTPD.log where iobanana filters the logfile and puts my colored results on IRC.
it workes fine but a complete solution for iobanana would be great for a future release.
if I talk shit put me into the right direction of modifing the output of my custom events
keep up the good work
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Old 07-31-2004, 12:49 PM   #2
Too much time...
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1. v19 is old and it's no longer supported (v20 is there now).. especially since most replies from the bot can now be changed.

2. You don't even try to explain what commands you've added (except a few names). Am I supposed to guess what you're trying to do and how you're trying to do it ?
Give examples of how it works (irc logs) or paste parts of the code you're using.

3. What are the output flags and such you're writing about ?

4. The default announce, set announce(DEFAULT) "...", is used for non-disabled message types that don't have their own templates. It has nothing to do with replies to irc !commands.

5. adding a new event doesn't work without changing your iobanana and ioftpd executable
Does that mean you're trying to hexedit ioFTPD.exe ? It's against its license agreement.

PS: Try to format your post a bit if you're going to write that much again please.
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Old 07-31-2004, 01:44 PM   #3
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I know version 19 is old, but currently the latest free version and I never buy something before trying it

I did not try to implement them I implemented them, but the thing I'm talking about is a general question so I only will talk about a few examples.

I will chose one implemented example you have in iobanana and one I have implemented:
!approve <release>
this command is implemented by you and executes:
SITE APPROVE ADD <release> on the ioFTPD
the command will execute and get catched as announcement "APPROVED" within your iobanana.exe which will log it to ioFTPD.log.
iobanana also craps %s %s from this command:
%s %s = cookie %username %release

now iobanana.tcl catches %s %s from the announcement APPROVED looks into ioB_Colors.skin and formats the output as it stands there.
I hope this is right so far?

What I now plan to do is adding my own announcement which should be formated in a way like your implemented commands are formated:
!delapproved <release>
this command will execute:

the way I described with the iobanana implemented commands doesn't fit now, because there is no ANNOUNCE event for SITE APPROVE REMOVE.
so I cannot format the output on irc with ioB_Colors.skin.
I will get the default return from ioFTPD without colors (set announce(DEFAULT) "%msg")

sorry I didn't mean flags I was talking about cookies

no thats not completely true as far as I understand your code:
you got ANNOUNCES which will be directly formated and you got special commands that will use the templates inside the text\ftp and \ioBanana-text
The ANNOUNCE Events are hardcoded in your iobanana executable where I can manipulate the cookies for output on IRC (see point 2).
See, with my custom implemented commands I want to use "ANNOUNCE" to be able to use the cookies in ioB_Colors.skin WITHOUT having to write a new template.
the same way as you did it for the !approve release command.

no I dont hex it. I said the way iobanana currently is designed WOULD require hexediting because the ANNOUNCE events are hardcoded.

My 2cents for this are:
Maybe give the users the ability to make their own Announce events because its more easy for them and they dont have to write templates for everything.

I hope this is more sorted this time and you understand what I'm talking about (if it isn't complete bullshit)

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Old 07-31-2004, 02:42 PM   #4
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In short: "You want something to be logged to ioFTPD.log when an approved release is removed from the list", am I right ?

Open ioFTPD.log and have a look there.
All events logged by ioBanana aren't formatted at all ; they are logged as-is. Ie.
mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss APPROVED: "<approved release>" "<username>"
That way you can customize announces the way you want.

Own announce events ? And how would ioBanana know what to log and when ?
That would be way too much complicated compared to how it's done now. It logs all informations in their minimal form and then ioBanana.tcl uses the announce templates to format the output using those informations (with cookies and variables). Thus, you don't have to hexedit anything but edit your *.skin file (if it's logged of course ).

The "announce" you get from the bot with your !delapproved command isn't an announce but the reply any user would get on SITE APPROVE REMOVE <release>.
Nothing forbids you to replace/skip/change that reply before sending it to the irc channel by the way. Feel free to contact me on irc (#ioBanana) and i'll explain you how to do that.

Just curious, how often do you approve and then disapprove a release ?
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Old 07-31-2004, 03:06 PM   #5
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Originally posted by Harm

Own announce events ? And how would ioBanana know what to log and when ?
That would be way too much complicated compared to how it's done now. It logs all informations in their minimal form and then ioBanana.tcl uses the announce templates to format the output using those informations (with cookies and variables). Thus, you don't have to hexedit anything but edit your *.skin file (if it's logged of course ).
thats exactly what I thought ioBanana currently only knows what to log because its hardcoded. having this manipulateable would require hudge recoding I guess
anyways the current way it is done is also very nice, just requires more files.

Just curious, how often do you approve and then disapprove a release ? [/B]
lol I dont have any releases to approve or deapprove. I'm only someone who needs to have it perfect: if there is an announce when adding an approved release there has to be an for removing an approved release :P

thanks for your reply
btw good script code, easy to understand and nicely editable!!
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custom, events, iobanana, ioftpd, irc

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