Hello Harm
earlier this week I was thinking of giving ioFTPD a go and installed it together with your free iobanana version.
after realizing that version 19 is outdated and has many bugs I put some time into fixing all of them (imdb, !who commands and other stuff) and added about 20 irc commands for trusted users to administrate the ioftpd via irc (adduser, addip, delip, approve remove etc).
Everything worked just fine, only one thing is not possible with ioftpd btw iobanana.
Custom made commands aren't able to change their output on irc because they fall under default $msg.
so my command !delapproved <release> give the default ioftpd result (TEST was removed from the approved list by ME) without colors and other stuff.
the events that get logged are hardcoded into your iobanana.exe (dirlog, APPROVED, WIPE etc) so implementing colors into a new custom made command isn't possible right?
for a test I changed DELDIR event to print my delapproved result the way I wanted it and it worked just fine. adding a new event doesn't work without changing your iobanana and ioftpd executable.
its a pitty because a command like !approve remove <release> should get announced on IRC with all its nice colors so lazy people see that it got removed (people who only look at colors :P).
it would be a good idea to implement !delapproved command with color return.
however when trying to do this I found out that it isn't possible without hardcoding it so I thought about giving my 2cents ...
the idea would be to make ioFTPD and iobanana be able to listen and log custom events
like a section in the ini that listens for say 5 custom events and dumps the output flags so I can crap them and change the output on irc.
right now I have written a tcl script that listens for my custom events and writes them to ioFTPD.log where iobanana filters the logfile and puts my colored results on IRC.
it workes fine but a complete solution for iobanana would be great for a future release.
if I talk shit put me into the right direction of modifing the output of my custom events

keep up the good work