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Old 07-31-2004, 01:44 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 19

I know version 19 is old, but currently the latest free version and I never buy something before trying it

I did not try to implement them I implemented them, but the thing I'm talking about is a general question so I only will talk about a few examples.

I will chose one implemented example you have in iobanana and one I have implemented:
!approve <release>
this command is implemented by you and executes:
SITE APPROVE ADD <release> on the ioFTPD
the command will execute and get catched as announcement "APPROVED" within your iobanana.exe which will log it to ioFTPD.log.
iobanana also craps %s %s from this command:
%s %s = cookie %username %release

now iobanana.tcl catches %s %s from the announcement APPROVED looks into and formats the output as it stands there.
I hope this is right so far?

What I now plan to do is adding my own announcement which should be formated in a way like your implemented commands are formated:
!delapproved <release>
this command will execute:

the way I described with the iobanana implemented commands doesn't fit now, because there is no ANNOUNCE event for SITE APPROVE REMOVE.
so I cannot format the output on irc with
I will get the default return from ioFTPD without colors (set announce(DEFAULT) "%msg")

sorry I didn't mean flags I was talking about cookies

no thats not completely true as far as I understand your code:
you got ANNOUNCES which will be directly formated and you got special commands that will use the templates inside the text\ftp and \ioBanana-text
The ANNOUNCE Events are hardcoded in your iobanana executable where I can manipulate the cookies for output on IRC (see point 2).
See, with my custom implemented commands I want to use "ANNOUNCE" to be able to use the cookies in WITHOUT having to write a new template.
the same way as you did it for the !approve release command.

no I dont hex it. I said the way iobanana currently is designed WOULD require hexediting because the ANNOUNCE events are hardcoded.

My 2cents for this are:
Maybe give the users the ability to make their own Announce events because its more easy for them and they dont have to write templates for everything.

I hope this is more sorted this time and you understand what I'm talking about (if it isn't complete bullshit)

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