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Old 04-11-2005, 04:42 AM   #1
FlashFXP Beta Tester
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Default Weird graphic effect in WineX

Now, I know FlashFXP is for Windows, but since it works a little bit with WineX and similar emulators I figured I'd at least post the question to see if someone had any idea what I can do to fix this.

* FlashFXP v[3].[1.12], build [1075], [X]registered
* OS [X] Slackware 10.1 Linux through WineX 3.2-1
* Running behind NAT/router [X] No
* Running firewall [X] Yes, Name [GShield], Ver. [2.08]
* Running Antivirus [X] No
* Network [X] xDSL

additional info if related
* FTP server(s) name [Pure-FTPD - same results with any ftpd, though]
* timestamped, and side prefixed FTP log (please paste)
* Other info - This test is done with WineX 3.2-1 in Slackware 10.1 Linux!

[11:11:14] [R] Connected to mysite
[11:11:14] [R] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
[11:11:14] [R] 220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
[11:11:14] [R] 220-Local time is now 11:11. Server port: 21.
[11:11:14] [R] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[11:11:14] [R] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[11:11:14] [R] 220 You will be disconnected after 60 minutes of inactivity.
[11:11:14] [R] USER MyUser
[11:11:14] [R] 331 User MyUser OK. Password required
[11:11:14] [R] PASS (hidden)
[11:11:14] [R] 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
[11:11:14] [R] 230-User MyUser has group access to: www
[11:11:14] [R] 230-This server supports FXP transferis
[11:11:14] [R] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[11:11:14] [R] SYST
[11:11:14] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[11:11:14] [R] FEAT
[11:11:14] [R] 211-Extensions supported:
[11:11:14] [R] EPRT
[11:11:14] [R] IDLE
[11:11:14] [R] MDTM
[11:11:14] [R] SIZE
[11:11:14] [R] REST STREAM
[11:11:14] [R] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNI X.gid*;unique*;
[11:11:14] [R] MLSD
[11:11:14] [R] ESTP
[11:11:14] [R] PASV
[11:11:14] [R] EPSV
[11:11:14] [R] SPSV
[11:11:14] [R] 211 End.
[11:11:14] [R] CWD /nsweb/
[11:11:14] [R] 250 OK. Current directory is /nsweb
[11:11:14] [R] PWD
[11:11:14] [R] 257 "/nsweb" is your current location
[11:11:14] [R] TYPE A
[11:11:15] [R] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[11:11:15] [R] Requesting IP Lookup from http://iplookup.flashfxp.com
[11:11:15] [R] Returned: xx.xxx.xx.xxx
[11:11:15] [R] PORT xx,xxx,xx,xxx,7,210
[11:11:15] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[11:11:15] [R] LIST -al
[11:11:15] [R] 150 Connecting to port 2003
[11:11:15] [R] 226-Options: -a -l
[11:11:15] [R] 226 30 matches total
[11:11:16] [R] List Complete: 1 KB in 1.11 seconds (1.7 KB/s)

Check attachment to see what it looks like, or use the following url.


As you can see the layout is wharped.
If I change the overall size of the window the "cloaked" area stays the same size, eventually hiding all information.

If I can give any other information that may be helpful, just ask.
Attached Images
File Type: gif ffxp.gif (30.4 KB, 219 views)
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Old 04-11-2005, 04:58 AM   #2
Super Duper
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is it just newest ffxp build or all of them?
if i'm not mistaken WineX 3.3.2-1 was released..have looked into it? maybe it improved compatability
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Old 04-11-2005, 08:46 AM   #3
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This started when FlashFXP turned into using "virtual list view", this was around version 3.0 to make the listing much faster. Since then all versions of winex/cedega/wine have huge problems with listing directories. The glitch you describe can get away if you turn to local view and back to remote view on both panels. I'd really like to see some improvements on the wine development to resolve this issue, but so far nothing happened AFAIK.
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Old 04-11-2005, 11:00 AM   #4
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I believe the solution to the problem is to toggle the view from local view back to remote, that should remove the two local view controls from view. Oddly enough these two controls are set to visible = false yet WineX still shows them as visible on startup.

I know this might sound like a pain everytime you start FlashFXP but I haven't found a way to make these two windows hidden properly under Wine.. It's some weird glitch in WineX.
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Old 04-11-2005, 11:08 AM   #5
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Originally posted by bigstar
I know this might sound like a pain everytime you start FlashFXP but I haven't found a way to make these two windows hidden properly under Wine.. It's some weird glitch in Wine.
I think you mean Winex/Cedega here, since this package will show this behaviour. The "normal" wine hasn't got this glitch, but isn't capable of listing a directory at all...
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Old 04-11-2005, 11:18 AM   #6
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Yeah I was specifically referring to WineX.
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Old 04-11-2005, 11:29 AM   #7
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Testing different versions gives varied results.

Some work a little bit, others fail miserably.
When I have time, I'll put my results here.
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Old 04-11-2005, 11:44 AM   #8
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Good good, if you find any version that supports a SSL listing please let me know . I'm unable to find any version combination of any software that allows this with FlashFXP v3 and above.
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