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Old 04-11-2005, 04:42 AM  
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Malmö, Sweden
Posts: 37
Default Weird graphic effect in WineX

Now, I know FlashFXP is for Windows, but since it works a little bit with WineX and similar emulators I figured I'd at least post the question to see if someone had any idea what I can do to fix this.

* FlashFXP v[3].[1.12], build [1075], [X]registered
* OS [X] Slackware 10.1 Linux through WineX 3.2-1
* Running behind NAT/router [X] No
* Running firewall [X] Yes, Name [GShield], Ver. [2.08]
* Running Antivirus [X] No
* Network [X] xDSL

additional info if related
* FTP server(s) name [Pure-FTPD - same results with any ftpd, though]
* timestamped, and side prefixed FTP log (please paste)
* Other info - This test is done with WineX 3.2-1 in Slackware 10.1 Linux!

[11:11:14] [R] Connected to mysite
[11:11:14] [R] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
[11:11:14] [R] 220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
[11:11:14] [R] 220-Local time is now 11:11. Server port: 21.
[11:11:14] [R] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[11:11:14] [R] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[11:11:14] [R] 220 You will be disconnected after 60 minutes of inactivity.
[11:11:14] [R] USER MyUser
[11:11:14] [R] 331 User MyUser OK. Password required
[11:11:14] [R] PASS (hidden)
[11:11:14] [R] 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
[11:11:14] [R] 230-User MyUser has group access to: www
[11:11:14] [R] 230-This server supports FXP transferis
[11:11:14] [R] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[11:11:14] [R] SYST
[11:11:14] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[11:11:14] [R] FEAT
[11:11:14] [R] 211-Extensions supported:
[11:11:14] [R] EPRT
[11:11:14] [R] IDLE
[11:11:14] [R] MDTM
[11:11:14] [R] SIZE
[11:11:14] [R] REST STREAM
[11:11:14] [R] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNI X.gid*;unique*;
[11:11:14] [R] MLSD
[11:11:14] [R] ESTP
[11:11:14] [R] PASV
[11:11:14] [R] EPSV
[11:11:14] [R] SPSV
[11:11:14] [R] 211 End.
[11:11:14] [R] CWD /nsweb/
[11:11:14] [R] 250 OK. Current directory is /nsweb
[11:11:14] [R] PWD
[11:11:14] [R] 257 "/nsweb" is your current location
[11:11:14] [R] TYPE A
[11:11:15] [R] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[11:11:15] [R] Requesting IP Lookup from
[11:11:15] [R] Returned:
[11:11:15] [R] PORT xx,xxx,xx,xxx,7,210
[11:11:15] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[11:11:15] [R] LIST -al
[11:11:15] [R] 150 Connecting to port 2003
[11:11:15] [R] 226-Options: -a -l
[11:11:15] [R] 226 30 matches total
[11:11:16] [R] List Complete: 1 KB in 1.11 seconds (1.7 KB/s)

Check attachment to see what it looks like, or use the following url.

As you can see the layout is wharped.
If I change the overall size of the window the "cloaked" area stays the same size, eventually hiding all information.

If I can give any other information that may be helpful, just ask.
Attached Images
File Type: gif ffxp.gif (30.4 KB, 212 views)
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