Old 09-07-2005, 10:29 AM   #1
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Default bugs build 1089

When opening the restore queue window and press delete all under autosave, it automaticly closes the window after also.. which is annoying since i have to open it again to check the queue files from the "display all" option.
been like this from build 1089 and even older builds.

also another thing i find very annoying is that sometimes the on transfer complete turn off computer doesnt work. This happens often when i delete/add files to the queue during the transfer and after i set the on transfer complete option to "turn off comp".
What happens is that flashfxp doesnt do anything and doesnt even close its own window, it reacts just as if i didnt set it. This happened many times. So im stuck with the computer being left on and switch it off by myself.

winxp pro sp2 all updates eng version
ffxp build 1089
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Old 09-07-2005, 12:14 PM   #2
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This behavior is by design. I'm not sure how other users would feel if we didn't close the dialog after delete. for some people this would require a second click which was previously necessary. Perhaps it could be done as an extended ini only setting. That might be a good solution for those who don't want it to close. unless more people want it to remain open of course.

I tried several times and I'm unable to reproduce this shutdown bug. It seems to work every time for me. Also the On Complete event is set immediate when you click the button. I don't see it being cleared or changed anywhere else.
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1089, build, flashfxp, transfer, window

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