WarC's scripts ioA, Warchive, ZR-Tools |
03-01-2005, 06:40 AM
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Pre_Area_0 = "section|desc|physical path|virtual path|section creds should end up in"
# <area>|<description>|<physical path to where it should end up>|<vfs path to where it should end up>| <uid for owner>|<ufo>
Is it worng?
03-03-2005, 04:29 PM
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ioFTPD Scripter
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Seems a error in docs is found. I'll fix that for next version. Thanks for reporting it durulink.
Some hardware issues have been bugging me heree last 2-3 weeks so thats why no new version is released. Hopefully its somewhat stable now so I can get back to ioA things instead
03-05-2005, 10:23 AM
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ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 426
2.0.2 is out.
bugfixes for 2.0.0B version
03-06-2005, 09:07 AM
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Posts: 108
ioA.2.x X ioAutonuke
I go to tell one bug that, even so it is not of ioA, it was (re)created in the version 2.x
ioAutonuke (by Harm), when used the version 2.x of ioA, places the warnings of nuke correctly in the channel but, in the truth, it does not finish the process, or either, it does not apply nuke to release.
Returning to version 1.1.4 from ioA, all return to function perfectly.
The configuration is the same one (the latest) in both the cases.
ioA.1.1.4 (ioA.2.0.2)
03-06-2005, 09:33 AM
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Posts: 108
The version of ioA with not problems is 1.2.4
03-06-2005, 04:31 PM
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Request_Max = 10
Request_Max_User = 2
Request_Excluded_User_0 = "sitebot"
Iam wondering here if anyone else has noticed maybe that even though you set "Request_Max_User = 2" a user can still make more then 2 requests... his flag is 3 and he is using the site request command on site and not the command thrue eggy...
could it be that there is something wrong here
if anyone can confirm this, pls do
03-07-2005, 09:21 AM
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in the tests I do here it dont allow me to do more than 2 reqs with those settings. Anyone else got this problem?
I'll have a check with harm if he seen similar problem. do you have any debuglog of it? If so send me a pm here or on irc with it so I can have a look at it please. I did a fast check nuking with ioa as commandline and that worked for me but it might be a buggy somewhere
03-07-2005, 12:20 PM
Too much time...
Ultimate Scripter
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,430
I haven't noticed problems with ioA 2.0 and ioAUTONUKE. I have changed a few things since the last release of this script but not how it nukes.
I will do some more tests this week to be sure.
MidasKing: Could you send me your configuration for this script ? It might help to locate a bug if there's one.
03-07-2005, 04:17 PM
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Warc & Harm...
clarifying... Nuke, in ioA.2.0.2 happens correctly if used command line. The problem occour only when is commanded by ioAutonuke.
Below, the debuglog of the tests with the two versions:
Using ioA.2.0.2
site autonuke
# of arguments: 5
ioBanana Process Time: 0 ms
exit: 0
200-Checking 'E:/Ftp/Appz/testing.stuf.empty' for empty dirs.
200-Warning: 'E:/Ftp/Appz/testing.stuf.empty' is empty.<-- announced in channel
200-Checking 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuff.of.testing' for incomplete dirs.
200-Warning 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuff.of.testing' is incomplete.<-- announced in channel
200-Checking 'E:/Ftp/Appz/testing.stuf.empty' for empty dirs.
200-Nuking: 'E:/Ftp/Appz/testing.stuf.empty' is empty dirs.<-- NOT announced - NOT nuked
200-Checking 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuff.of.testing' for incomplete dirs.
200-Nuking: 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuff.of.testing' is incomplete.<-- NOT announced - NOT nuked
03-07-2005 16:40:25 MESSAGE - Running msg logon
03-07-2005 16:40:25 MESSAGE - Filename: c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\Messages\348
03-07-2005 16:40:25 MESSAGE - Logon Exiting
03-07-2005 16:40:25 LOGON - Time to run command: 32ms
03-07-2005 16:40:54 NUKE - ioA Version: 2.0.2
03-07-2005 16:40:54 NUKE - Time to run command: 47ms
03-07-2005 16:40:55 NUKE - ioA Version: 2.0.2
03-07-2005 16:40:55 NUKE - Time to run command: 47ms
03-07-2005 16:41:51 LOGON - ioA Version: 2.0.2
03-07-2005 16:41:51 MESSAGE - Running msg logon
03-07-2005 16:41:51 MESSAGE - Filename: c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\Messages\394
03-07-2005 16:41:51 MESSAGE - Logon Exiting
Using ioA.1.2.4
site autonuke
# of arguments: 5
ioBanana Process Time: 0 ms
exit: 0
200-Checking 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuf.test.empty' for empty dirs.
200-Warning 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuf.test.empty' is empty.<-- announced in channel
200-Checking 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuff.test.incomp' for incomplete dirs.
200-Warning: 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuff.test.incomp' is incomplete.<-- announced in channel
200-Checking 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuf.test.empty' for empty dirs.
200-Nuking: 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuf.test.empty' is empty.<-- announced and nuked = correctly
200-Checking 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuff.test.incomp' for incomplete dirs.
200-Nuking: 'E:/Ftp/Appz/stuff.test.incomp' is incomplete.<-- announced and nuked = correcly
03-07-2005 17:38:00 ioA - 1.2.4
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - nuke: stuf.test.empty
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - multi: 3
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - reason: empty.for.more.than.15.minutes
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - oldpath: E:\Ftp\Appz\stuf.test.empty
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - newpath: E:\Ftp\Appz\[Nuked]-stuf.test.empty
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Check if directories are present
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Checked directories if present
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Resolve owner of directory to nuke
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Scanning files
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Emptynuke!!!!
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Change uid: 389, section 0 credits -102400
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Cleaning incompletetags
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Rename nuked dir
03-07-2005 17:38:00 KICK - Trying to kick from: E:\Ftp\Appz\stuf.test.empty
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Flushing cache in: E:\Ftp\Appz
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Messagefile: E:\Ftp\Appz\[Nuked]-stuf.test.empty\.ioFTPD.message
03-07-2005 17:38:00 NUKE - Nuketag: E:\Ftp\Appz\[Nuked]-stuf.test.empty\[Nuked]-[3x]-[by Nuker@SiteOp]-[empty.for.more.than.15.minutes]
03-07-2005 17:38:00 BENCHMARK - Time to run command: NUKE was 313ms
03-07-2005 17:38:09 ioA - 1.2.4
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - nuke: stuff.test.incomp
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - multi: 3
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - reason: incomplete.for.more.than.20.minutes
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - oldpath: E:\Ftp\Appz\stuff.test.incomp
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - newpath: E:\Ftp\Appz\[Nuked]-stuff.test.incomp
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Check if directories are present
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Checked directories if present
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Resolve owner of directory to nuke
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Scanning files
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Complete nuke
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Sum users
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Nukees found: 1
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Ratio of user: 3
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Create nukelog
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Putlog: ""/Appz/stuff.test.incomp" "Nuker" "SiteOp" "Alter_ego" "XingLing" "3" "0.29" "incomplete.for.more.than.20.minutes""
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Rename nuked directory
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - From: E:\Ftp\Appz\stuff.test.incomp to: E:\Ftp\Appz\[Nuked]-stuff.test.incomp
03-07-2005 17:38:09 KICK - Trying to kick from: E:\Ftp\Appz\stuff.test.incomp
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Flushing cache in: E:\Ftp\Appz\[Nuked]-stuff.test.incomp
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Messagefile: E:\Ftp\Appz\[Nuked]-stuff.test.incomp\.ioFTPD.message
03-07-2005 17:38:09 NUKE - Nuketag: E:\Ftp\Appz\[Nuked]-stuff.test.incomp\[Nuked]-[3x]-[by Nuker@SiteOp]-[incomplete.for.more.than.20.minutes]
03-07-2005 17:38:09 BENCHMARK - Time to run command: NUKE was 313ms
Thanks in advance...
03-07-2005, 04:21 PM
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ioFTPD Foundation User
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Posts: 108
Harm, my ioAutonuke config (in two cases-only changed time to nuke for testing)
set anuke(user) "Nuker"
set anuke(group) "SiteOp"
set anuke(mtab) "C:/ioFTPD/etc/admin.vfs"
set anuke(muser) "Nuker"
set anuke(ioA) "C:\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\ioA\\ioA.exe"
set anuke(ioB) "C:\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\ioBanana.exe"
set anuke(tag) "\[Nuked\]-"
###; exclude = dirs with those words won't be checked
###; maxtime = releases older than that (mins) won't be checked
set anuke(exclude) {"incomplete" "nfofix" "nfo.fix" "nfo.update" "dirfix" "dir.fix" "samplefix" "sample.fix" "repack" ".fix." "_fix_" "orted"}
set anuke(maxtime) 1650
###; enable or disable nuke/warn (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
set anuke(empty,nuke) 1; set anuke(missing,nuke) 1; set anuke(banned,nuke) 1; set anuke(allowed,nuke) 0;
set anuke(empty,warn) 1; set anuke(missing,warn) 1; set anuke(banned,warn) 1; set anuke(allowed,warn) 0
###; syntax: {"/section" statsection creditsection multiplier warnmins nukemins}
set anuke(empty,sections) {{"/Appz" 0 0 3 15 60} {"/XingLing" 2 2 3 15 60} {"/DiVX_#--M" 0 0 3 15 60} {"/Moviez_BR" 0 0 3 15 60} {"/Gamez" 1 1 3 15 60} {"/DiVX_N--Z" 0 0 3 15 60} {"/Mp3z" 1 1 3 15 60} {"/Moviez_Infantis" 0 0 3 15 60} {"/Moviez_XXX" 1 1 3 15 60} {"/Moviez_Shows" 1 1 3 15 60}}
set anuke(missing,sections) {{"/Appz" 0 0 3 1440 1620} {"/XingLing" 2 2 3 1440 1620} {"/DiVX_#--M" 0 0 3 1440 1620} {"/Moviez_BR" 0 0 3 1440 1620} {"/Gamez" 1 1 3 1440 1620} {"/DiVX_N--Z" 0 0 3 1440 1620} {"/Mp3z" 1 1 3 1440 1620} {"/Moviez_Infantis" 0 0 3 1440 1620} {"/Moviez_XXX" 1 1 3 1440 1620} {"/Moviez_Shows" 1 1 3 1440 1620}}
set anuke(banned,sections) {{"/Gamez" 1 1 3 15 60}}
set anuke(allowed,sections) {{"/mp3/????" 0 0 3 10 20}}
set anuke(dateformat) "%m%d"
###; multicd = subdirs for multicds releases (regexps are supported)
###; missing,files = file types needed in a dir when checking for incomplete releases (do not change unless you know what you're doing)
set anuke(multicd) {"*CD[0-9]" "*DISC[0-9]" "*DVD[0-9]"}
set anuke(missing,files) {".zip" ".rar" ".r00" ".r01" ".mp3" ".000" ".001"}
###; banned,$section = banned words in dirnames for $section
###; allowed,$section = allowed groups for $section
set anuke(banned,Gamez) {"TESTBAN" "BANTEST"}
set anuke(allowed,mp3) {"TESTALLOW" "ALLOWTEST"}
03-22-2005, 12:50 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 102
Is it bug REQWIPE?
I tested v2.0.2 and that not work.
but, v1.2.4 work fine.
and i used same conf with v2.0.2's.
03-24-2005, 12:33 PM
Senior Member
ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 426
yup a bug. now fixed.
Originally posted by durulink
Is it bug REQWIPE?
I tested v2.0.2 and that not work.
but, v1.2.4 work fine.
and i used same conf with v2.0.2's.
03-27-2005, 07:59 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3
I'm really new to iOFTPD and imstill figuring some things out.
One thing i cant figure out is this:
when i do "OnUploadComplete = EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe RESCANALL" it just pops up between every transfer.
I want todo rescanall when im done transferring ALL the files.
is this possible?
Thanks in advance,
p.s is it possible todo rescanall without showing up in the status window? you know, silently?
root: D:\FTP\ioFTPD
03-27-2005, 09:55 AM
Posse Member
Ultimate Scripter ioFTPD Administrator
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Posts: 1,956
ioA is not a zipscript. RESCANALL should be used manually.
There is no ioFTPD trigger to know when a release is complete; it doesn't know that.
03-27-2005, 10:00 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3
but what about iOSFV?
i auto checks when it is done....
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