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Old 03-02-2003, 01:40 PM   #91
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I read through this thread and i dont see anything about a little bug i found. Either i'm blind or it hasnt been up.
Anyway.. uploading an album with VA artist will confuse the links in /MP3/Sorted by Artist/.
It will reflect the last mp3 uploaded and take the artist name from there.
So if the last Mp3 was by Pink it will look like:
/MP3/Sorted by Artist/Pink/VA-Some-name-of-album.
Also it would be nice if the links deletes when the album deletes.
Dunno if its possible though.
Sorry if this has been up before.
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Old 03-02-2003, 07:35 PM   #92
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It's not a good thing to chmod the dir 555 after all files in SFV are uploaded, basicly because there might be something to be uploaded, which isn't in the SFV (such as covers and nfo's). Better to chmod the actuall files to read only.
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Old 03-02-2003, 08:08 PM   #93
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well ppl will just have to use priority list in flashfxp then, wont they? =))

edit: I guess I'm stuck in sitestat-thinking
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Old 03-03-2003, 01:27 PM   #94
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ok, back from the weekend..lots to catch up on.

First, I agree 100% seting a dir as read only is not a good idea. Also, right now even if I set the sfv to read only it would do no good, there is a bug in the latest io that hoses up file permissions. I have another alternative though

Second I just want to explain the crashes people are having when deleting files. I mentioned on IRC on Friday when I released .94 that it would break postdel compatiblity with races done with previous versions of ioZS. I probably should have made that more clear in my post on this forum. This is because I had to add a flag to the .ioFTPD.race file to keep track if the race was completed yet (this was needed to fix the zips announcing COMPLETE multiple times on those releases with Disk xx/01 when there really was more than 1 disk).

Giant: Have have upped a bunch of MP3s and not yet seen that problem with VA. It determines if the Artist is VA by the release folder name, if it starts with "VA-" then it gets filed under the linkdir\VA\releasename. I plan to write a program that will clean up the broken/missing linked folders. I would rather do that cleanup in a separate program rather than addding it into ioZS, as releases are not always deleted from ioFTPD (some people remove the dirs locally, so I'd still have to have a way outside of ioZS to clean those up). There is one thing I noticed wrong with linked dirs, it doesn't link multi-CD releases correctly, it just links the last CD of a multi-disk set. I'll fix this soon, and should have a cleanup prog. available shortly after I finish with the rescan function.

which brings me to...

zpr: site rescanall is not a function of ioZS, so it will not update the tags correctly. ioZS will have its own rescan function shortly that should correctly update the tags and reace info. .94 has it somewhat built in now. If you remove the .sfv file and resend it, it will recheck all files in the dir.

cdrips: see above, this adds the ability to do what you wanted with adding files locally and having it scan them all.

iSno: I think the only way that could happen is if someone added to a file that already existed. I've kinda seen something like this happen, but is very rare. I wish ioFTPD supported XDUPE or something to keep races from overwriting files already there (or already started).
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Old 03-03-2003, 01:57 PM   #95
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xdupe is not approved by internet task force (ITF)... It should be fairly easy to add xdupe as external site command (once I add cookie for connection id [unique number])
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Old 03-03-2003, 02:22 PM   #96
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Wheee, nice thanks!
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Old 03-03-2003, 06:25 PM   #97
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would it be possible to use a txt-file instead of the NFOCLEAN option? This would be more comfortable, imho, so you can add any type not only *.nfo...

Just a suggestion, perhaps you like it

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Old 03-04-2003, 10:59 PM   #98
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there should be a NOSFVPRESENT= tag or something u can set that makes it so u can set it blank so u dont have dumb tags being created all over when a sfv isn't even loaded in a spot.. because sometimes u can't filter all the allowed stuff even... because say u have /SPEEDTEST

and someone uploads 1MB and now u got a parent tag and a complete tag that dont even need to be there that just makes the site look messy.

Just make it check whats loaded in a .sfv... if nothign is loaded then why check a file and make tags for it.. it gets REALLY messy.....

also its very bugy still .. it counted files as good and they weren't even big enough to be complete and some were too big and considered good cuz there was a .bad and it didn't want to replace a .bad so it thinks the file is good so it announces and announces in the channel ove rand over when u fix the files. Definately make sure the script can write over the .bad's
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Old 03-05-2003, 09:56 AM   #99
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SlimCrazy: So let me get this right, you want to have a NOSFVPRESENT= option, where you define what? A directory? Why not just add that directory to EXCLUDEDIRS=?

I don't understand what your trying to do with .bad files. Are you UPPING .bad files? cuz if not, they get removed when the file is sent and checked as ok. There is NO overwriting of a .bad file at any point, Its created when the file does not pass the check, and removed when that file is upped and does pass the check. If they are too complicated for you, disable .bad file creation by setting BAD=0.

And files are checked only if they are not .nfo, .diz, .sfv, or listed in the ALLOWED_TYPES. Everything else will be checked.
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Old 03-05-2003, 04:24 PM   #100
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Well exclude dir worked for my lil problem i guess...

But as far as raceing checking.... situation:

U up a file and its bad.. so it gets renamed .bad

now.. u reup the same file.. and its bad... the script doesn't want to replace the .bad file.. so it considers the file good.. and now u run into problems...
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Old 03-05-2003, 06:01 PM   #101
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I just tried that and it overwrites the .bad file each time. Heres what I did: Created a fresh dir, upped an sfv. I edited the sfv file so the CRC of one of the files would not match (this will become my "bad" file). I upped a couple good files, then upped the file that I changed the CRC on in the sfv file. It marked it as .bad. so now I took an .nfo file and renamed it to match the file I just sent up (so I could see when it replaces the .bad file, the size would change). I then uppped that file, it marked it as .bad and replaced the original .bad file that was sitting in that dir, and it still thinks that file is missing from the race.

I can't recreate what your seeing..
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Old 03-06-2003, 06:09 PM   #102
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Exclamation v0.95 Released!

Here's the latest and greatest (see first post in this thread)...

From the Changelog:

03/06/2003 v0.95
* Now STATS output will be generated after .sfv release, even if there is only one racer.
* Added some checking to ioZS to prevent .sfv file from being processed after the release has already been completed.
* Fixxed .sfv files that list a file more than once, ioZS will now not count the file twice, and if CLEANSFV=1 (or SFV_COMMENT is set), it will remove the duplicate entry from the .sfv file.
* Fixxed .diz files that have format like [xx/xx] will now be assumed to be 1 disk.
* Added rescan capability. See the Readme.txt for instructions on how to add this to ioFTPD.
* Lots of miscellaneous code cleanup/optimizing...


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Old 03-06-2003, 06:13 PM   #103
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excellent!, thnks stardog.

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Old 03-06-2003, 07:49 PM   #104
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one question:

4. Optionally, you may add the site rescan command to ioFTPD by adding the
following line in the ioftpd.ini file under [Scripts]:

rescan = C:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Rescan

Then configure the permissions for this command by adding the following
line under the [Ftp-SITE-Permissions] section:

rescan = 1MV

so, how it interact with ioA, coz i already have in my ioftpd.ini:

rescan = ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe rescan
rescanall = ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe rescanall
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Old 03-06-2003, 10:42 PM   #105
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remove the ioA entries and add the ioZS entry, it´s better
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added, changed, downloaded, race, times

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